Issues with Funko Collection App

2025.01.20 07:40 shyboi2003 Issues with Funko Collection App

Issues with Funko Collection App Is anyone else having major issues with the Funko Collection App?? I had my 192 funkos logged into the app, but now that I check on them I only have 130, 62 have been deleted out of no reason or notice.
I tried rescanning the funkos barcode to add it back but it seems the funko page for specific pops is deleted and cant be found.
Is anyone having this same issue?? Please let me know,
Also any recommendations on another collection logging App like this one?? Thanks
submitted by shyboi2003 to funkopop [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Cute-Dog-3053 [AMAZON US] LEGO Icons Boutique Hotel 10297 Modular Building Display Model Kit for Adults to Build, Set with 5 Detailed Rooms Including Guest Rooms and Gallery
submitted by Cute-Dog-3053 to LegoBargains [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 strawberrybubblemilk Just tested positive today. 3 weeks 6 days lol. A big surprise!!

Hello fellow bumpers :)
I’m 28, FTM, SHOCKED haha. I was on birth control but we were recently on vacation and I guess I was on island time and didn’t take it as directed.
My fiance and I are super excited, but the shock is definitely setting in. I’m only on my first day of missed period, but the tests were very clearly positive.
One of my best friends has been trying with her husband and has gone through a few losses, the most recent one a few days ago, so I am nervous about telling her about it (when it’s time.)
I know it’s super early but I am trying to be cautiously optimistic 🥹
My due date is September 29th. Is anyone else as late in the month as me?
submitted by strawberrybubblemilk to September2025Bumps [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 EmzWhite Could I have Cannabinoid Hyperemisis Syndrome??

People with CHS suffer from repeated bouts of vomiting. In between these episodes are times without any symptoms. Healthcare providers often divide these symptoms into 3 stages: the prodromal phase, the hyperemetic phase, and the recovery phase. Prodromal phase. During this phase, the main symptoms are often early morning nausea and belly (abdominal) pain. Some people also develop a fear of vomiting. Most people keep normal eating patterns during this time. Some people use more marijuana because they think it will help stop the nausea. This phase may last for months or years. Hyperemetic phase. Symptoms during this time may include: * Ongoing nausea * Repeated episodes of vomiting * Belly pain * Decreased food intake and weight loss * Symptoms of fluid loss (dehydration) During this phase, vomiting is often intense and overwhelming. Many people take a lot of hot showers during the day. They find that doing so eases their nausea. (That may be because of how the hot temperature affects a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This part of the brain effects both temperature regulation and vomiting.) People often first seek medical care during this phase. The hyperemetic phase may continue until the person completely stops using marijuana. Then the recovery phrase starts. Recovery phase. During this time, symptoms go away. Normal eating is possible again. This phase can last days or months. Symptoms often come back if the person tries marijuana again.
CHS is a diagnosis of exclusion, which basically means that you will have to exhaust every other avenue to ensure nothing else could be wrong, this takes time and alot of money. Time and money that most CHS sufferers just don’t have. The only real way of knowing if it is CHS is to quit, there are progressive stages of CHS, the first is prodromal this phase can last weeks, months or years depending on the individual, then it moves into its more hell on earth stage called the Hyperemisis phase, during this phase you will be praying to any god available for some degree of mercy.
If you are in the early phases of this syndrome there is still hope for you, but only if you stop now!! Everyone’s prodromal and Hyperemisis phases will differentiate symptoms between individuals, some will have only weight loss and loss of appetite as their only symptoms, then all of a sudden they are screaming while vomiting 30 times in a 4 hours period. No two individual cases of CHS symptoms are identical, so my advice would be not to compare symptoms with others and if one doesn’t match the other take it as hope that it may not be CHS.
The best decision you could possibly make for yourself and your future health is to stop all cannabis consumption for at least 90 days and see if symptoms improve or resolve after this time. Please keep in mind that THC stores up in your fat cells and releases back into your bloodstream at intervals in order to finally process it out of your body in the form of waste products (poo and wee 🤣) so the chances are you are going to feel worse before you start to feel better, you need to let your system clear itself from the build up of THC that is in your system, that can only happen in 90 days plus in fact the longer the better.
If your symptoms do resolve after this time you can be confident in the fact that it was CHS and you now know that you can never again partake in any marijuana products ever again, however if you are a risk taker, some people (very few) have been able to moderate their use but in my opinion if we were able to “moderate” our use then we wouldn’t be experiencing the wrath of CHS. Abstinence is really the only cure available right now.
Some people do question if they could be suffering CWS (cannabinoid Withdrawal syndrome) From everything I have read (and I am not a medical professional) CWS is a much rarer syndrome than CHS, so if you are having symptoms that match either of these syndromes occurring then quitting for at least 90 days to see if symptoms start to subside would be my first method of identifying whether you are suffering from CHS and believe me it certainly is suffering, however please be aware that your upon beginning your withdrawals, your symptoms will get worse before they get better. You can reach out for help and support from a medical professionals or addiction specialists for help, there are also subreddit communities such as CHSrecovery and CHSinfo that are both very helpful and informative subreddits to lean on when you are in need of advice and information.
submitted by EmzWhite to Chs_Repair [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Top_End4518 San Clemente Pier (1.15.25)

San Clemente Pier (1.15.25) submitted by Top_End4518 to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 ronR_55 Is there a way to get price checked?

So for example I have a pretty decent crossbow (I think?), but when I try to search for one on the trading website with similar stats I found results varying from 1 - 40 exalts. I'm probably doing something wrong...
submitted by ronR_55 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Round_Lavishness_726 {xb1}

{xb1} H: Reflective and Rejuvenators W: leaders
submitted by Round_Lavishness_726 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 catdiction [l][o] Looking for clingy friends with abandonment issues

They say I am Clingy, I say you just like constant communication.
They say I am Abandonant, I say life can be tough and people change, and it is ok.
They say no one would want to be your friend, I say many people can feel relatable to me and may want to give me a chance to be their daily chat buddy, just have to post a lot I know haha.
submitted by catdiction to KindVoice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 69Joker96 Whats the best Aglaea team I can run?

Whats the best Aglaea team I can run? I heard that i can run Quad pro on Ghal, im guessing that could work instead of huohuo. Rmc will be busy on my Herta team sadly
submitted by 69Joker96 to AglaeaMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 JRPGFan_CE_org *Happy Noob Fl4k Noises*

*Happy Noob Fl4k Noises* submitted by JRPGFan_CE_org to borderlands3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Eatthehamsters69 Nicolai Tangen bekymret for mangfoldskutt i USA: – Feil vei

Nicolai Tangen bekymret for mangfoldskutt i USA: – Feil vei submitted by Eatthehamsters69 to norske [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 55-percent Best tool to learn Egyptian Arabic?

Hey there, I would really love to learn Egyptian Arabic to get at least to an A1 or even A2 level. Do you have any recommendations what would be the best way to do this? The Arabic lectures (online or not) in my country are only standard Arabic.
submitted by 55-percent to Egypt [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Tall-Kangaroo-5918 Working on a 151 binder

Working on a 151 binder I've spent this weekend working on a custom cover for the 151 binder from vaultx. I still have a ways to go, but I'm super happy with where we are now!
submitted by Tall-Kangaroo-5918 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Important-Sign-5122 Weird time jump

So I woke up today around 9:35 am ish, got changed, and then went back to lay down. I just happened to close my eyes for a moment before hearing my dad closing the door (of his room) so I got up to talk to him about some stuff. Our conversation barely lasted a minute. I come back, and it was 10:46 am on the clock. Yes, the clock is completely functional, even if it wasn't it would've stopped before reaching 10:46. For clarification I am not on any medications nor do I have any neurological disorders. We also have carbon monoxide detectors installed in every room. And before anyone asks no I did not doze off, I know when I doze off and how I wake up when I do. I can't lie I'm a little freaked out rn. This is the first time I've ever experienced something like this and I'm just so confused. Idk if this has been posted here before but I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain this. If anyone else had a similar experience feel free to let me know
submitted by Important-Sign-5122 to Glitch_in_the_Matrix [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 cekrem ripnote – the fastest and fuzziest way for a developer to take notes

submitted by cekrem to programming [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 ToneZei81 Movies and TV Shows News Week 3 2025 | A Working Man, In The Lost Lands e Reacher Season 3.

Movies and TV Shows News Week 3 2025 | A Working Man, In The Lost Lands e Reacher Season 3. submitted by ToneZei81 to PromoteGamingVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Top-Morning9346 Trump’ın göreve başlaması

Öğrenciyim Trump göreve bugün itibariyle başladı piyasanın açılmasına 8 saat falan var. Banka hesabımda 14000 lira var 8 bini kiraya gidecek sizce herhangi bir amerikan hissesine yatırmak mantıklı mı borsa kapanmadan 1 2 saat önce satıp azcık kar etmeyi ümit ediyorum sizce böyle bir şey mümkün mü ?
submitted by Top-Morning9346 to Yatirim [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 PaulPizza22 What does my prescription say?

submitted by PaulPizza22 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Patient_Soup1478 Please read! Advice for sisters

This is for my sisters who have entered Islam (also applicable to divorced women and women over 25).
As a woman who entered Islam more than five years ago, Alhamdulillah, and after seeing these posts day after day, I just want to say:
Part of what has happened to you is partially your fault. I’m not talking about those sisters who were deceived during the process and later discovered the truth. I’m talking about those who ignored the red flags:

  1. You’ve just entered Islam, and you’re already receiving marriage proposals. Mashallah, but… WAIT.
1.1 Many people will offer you the worst of the worst—what they would never offer their own sisters. Why? Because they see you as “less.”
1.2 Many men are mediocre and think, “Ah, I don’t want to provide or fulfill my responsibilities, so I’ll marry a European or a Western woman because they’re used to paying or because it’s in their culture.” Would he accept this for his daughter? Ask yourself that.
1.3 I’m not saying he has to give you a mahr of 20k, but a gift, at least, right? Why do you value yourself so little?
1.4 You feel confused by his actions, and you don’t know why. Let me tell you: it’s because you don’t know the religion, and you’re easy to manipulate.
1.5 He constantly disrespects you and speaks badly about your family. Would he do that with someone from his own country? Ask yourself.
1.6 He’s obsessed with moving to your country. Does he want to be with you, or does he need you to get in? Avoid this! Don’t be with someone who needs you. Only marry someone from another country if he’s very, very, VERY religious.
All of this can be avoided when: 1. You know your religion. 2. You love and value yourself. 3. You seek advice during the marriage process.
Don’t be desperate. Marriage is wonderful—but only with the right person! Otherwise, it’s a nightmare. We see this here every day.
And yes, sisters… Good men do exist, and amazing men can marry you, even if you’re divorced or a revert to Islam. Anyone who says otherwise—well, I laugh in their face. They’re just coping and want you to settle for the lowest (which is them) because they see you as less. They are in jahiliyyah.
Pray Tahajjud every day, sincerely make duaa for a good and righteous husband, improve your deen and your looks (in a halal way), Allah is Ar-Rahman. Have tawakkul.
Read the book “Think Well of Allah” by Dr. Eyad Qunaibi.
Please, listen to me! I’m very, very saddened by these posts every day. It’s disheartening.
submitted by Patient_Soup1478 to MuslimNikah [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Ethanb1211 Edit

submitted by Ethanb1211 to Edits [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Neither_Line_7758 Was the beast a Krork? I've heard conflicting information on this

I've heard multiple people say that he was but then also multiple people saying that's a ridiculous idea. Now I'm getting called crazy for not knowing he was a krork so I'd love some explanation
submitted by Neither_Line_7758 to 40kLore [link] [comments]

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Kaza sonrası yardım için yola çıkan sürücü araç çarpması sonucu hayatını kaybetti submitted by Certain-Tune-4935 to TR_News [link] [comments]