2025.01.20 10:20 Dothraki-Reaper-66 Karan won the show so his future is bright, Vivian's stardom in ITV is still #1 so his future is bright, Avinash's talent got approval from Salman and Aamir his future is bright, but what will happen to this Criminal now that Pelvis fans won't have to support him?
Watch everyone (besides the police) forget about this loser in a few months. He can't even do his older lafda bakchodi anymore because the Media is onto him now and will bury him. His future and career is hopeless. Karma working beautifully against this Gunda 😂. submitted by Dothraki-Reaper-66 to biggboss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 DisastrousPeaches Research Participants Needed - Views towards using AI for Mental Health Support in NZ
Kia ora!
I am a Master of Health Psychology student at the Victoria University of Wellington. For my thesis, I am doing research on the opportunities and challenges that AI tools may bring into mental healthcare. As part of my recruitment strategy I am using social media and NZ-based forums to reach young adults from all over NZ, which includes those from Blenheim.
If you are between 18-35 years old and live in New Zealand, I would love for you to fill out the survey below about your views on using Generative AI tools to support your mental wellbeing, and whether this is something you have tried doing (using things like ChatGPT, CoPilot, Claude, etc). For instance, this could be for seeking information, creating personalised wellbeing plans, entertainment, or getting personal advice. This is completely anonymous, and should take 5-10 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your time, you can go in the draw to win one of fifteen $50 Prezzee vouchers.
Survey Link: https://vuw.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ssrakwHXu8JG50
Please note that this research is NOT endorsing using AI tools as a replacement to in-person therapy or human connection. If you are struggling with your mental wellbeing please reach out to a professional or trusted person 🩵 I have also linked support resources in the information sheet.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise ngā mihi nui, and take care!
This research has been approved by the Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee (HE000158).
[Moderators, I have sent through documentation for proof of research ethical approval. Also please remove if not allowed 😅]
submitted by DisastrousPeaches to blenheim [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 touchkey_2009 >XD * The man from the shadows art *
submitted by touchkey_2009 to HorrorMinecraft [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 SolidBE Onderzoek Rekenkamer: Rijksoverheid is ondoordacht gaan werken in de cloud
De Algemene Rekenkamer heeft in een kritisch rapport “Donkere wolken pakken samen” vastgesteld dat de rijksoverheid onvoldoende doordacht omgaat met cloudcomputing. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat voor ongeveer twee derde van de cruciale clouddiensten geen gedegen risicoanalyse is uitgevoerd. Dit baart de Rekenkamer zorgen, aangezien gebrekkige cloudimplementatie ernstige maatschappelijke gevolgen kan hebben voor de dienstverlening aan burgers en bedrijven.
Hoewel cloudtechnologie de potentie heeft om overheidsdiensten efficiënter en beter te maken, en alle ministeries er inmiddels mee werken, roept de huidige situatie vragen op. Van de 1.588 onderzochte clouddiensten binnen de rijksoverheid is bij meer dan een kwart (26%) zelfs niet vastgelegd welk type cloud wordt gebruikt. Dit gebrek aan basale informatie is zorgwekkend en illustreert de onzorgvuldige aanpak.
Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat meer dan 50% van deze kritieke cloud-diensten wordt afgenomen bij drie grote Amerikaanse technologiebedrijven: Amazon, Microsoft en Google. Deze afhankelijkheid brengt verschillende risico’s met zich mee. Zo kunnen buitenlandse overheden mogelijk toegang eisen tot de opgeslagen gegevens. Ook bestaat het risico op verstoring van dienstverlening door bijvoorbeeld een faillissement of een cyberaanval op de dienstverlener.
Het onderzoek toont aan dat ministeries ernstig tekortschieten in hun voorbereiding op en evaluatie van cloudgebruik. Bij maar liefst 84 van de 126 belangrijkste cloud-diensten (67%) is vooraf geen gedegen risicoanalyse uitgevoerd. Dit gebrek aan risicobeoordeling kan ernstige gevolgen hebben, zoals onvoldoende gegevensbescherming of onverwachte onderbreking van dienstverlening. Bovendien beperkt deze situatie het vermogen van de staatssecretaris van Digitalisering om effectief te sturen op overheidsbreed cloud-gerelateerde risico’s.
Aardig om te zien hoe dit in verhouding staat met het feit dat De Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland (SIDN), de organisatie die de .nl-domeinnamen beheert, het domeinregistratiesysteem deels naar de cloud van Amazon mag verhuizen. SIDN kondigde vorig jaar januari aan dat het de complete ict-omgeving, inclusief het domeinregistratieplatform, gaat verhuizen naar Amazon. Het kabinet heeft net bepaald dat dit mag. Wordt vervolgt neem ik aan …
Lees meer en download het onderzoek via https://www.rekenkamer.nl/publicaties/rapporten/2025/01/15/het-rijk-in-de-cloud
submitted by SolidBE to CyberSecurity_NL [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 mistressoftheweave Aerith fanart , bit experimental by me
Wanted to try a more painterly approach. submitted by mistressoftheweave to krita [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 Next_Lab1008 LC please! 🙏
Not the best pics, I know, but any chance this shirt is legit? submitted by Next_Lab1008 to BalenciagaLC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 PlaneParamedic3027 done w/ first response after this cycle
The indent lines are insane and bumming me out everyday. they look like faint lines, and i spend 10 minutes analyzing them with a flashlight just to be disappointed. The 'check early and often' strips are just so low quality. Can anyone name some good early detection pregnancy tests that dont have outrageous indent lines and shadows?
submitted by PlaneParamedic3027 to lineporn [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 evolvebyskd Narcissistic Parents love is conditional
If you’ve ever felt that your parents loved you more when you were younger but grew distant or critical as you got older, it might be a sign that they were narcissists. Narcissistic parents thrive on control and compliance, and as a child, you were likely easier to mold, manipulate, and dominate. What seemed like love was often conditional approval, given when you aligned with their expectations or met their needs. As you grew older, developed independence, and started asserting your own identity, their “love” diminished because it was never truly about you—it was about the control they had over you. Narcissistic parents don’t love in the traditional sense; they love the reflection of themselves they see in their children and the ability to maintain dominance. This realization can be painful, but it’s also the first step toward breaking free and reclaiming your sense of self. submitted by evolvebyskd to evolvewithsarah [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 generaltwig [OC] The Legend of Ladyhawk - Kids adventure & picture book for MÖRK BORG [KS]
https://preview.redd.it/ghivszodk4ee1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=573836d92cce17a5d1f21f2fd0d5ce58b1845822 We are live! Join us on this magical journey with The Legend of Ladyhawk. A fantasy picture book & adventure to inspire the next generation of roleplayers. Support our Kickstarter now! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dungeonpop/the-legend-of-ladyhawk #fantasy #ttrpg #kidsbooks #morkborg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #pathfinderrpg #dadlife #gaming #publishing submitted by generaltwig to MorkBorg [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 Imaginary_Cook8996 Rayne is tweaking on her ig
submitted by Imaginary_Cook8996 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 coloradocowgirl3754 Dolce Vita Women's Linny H2o Fashion Boot NEW IN BOX SIZE 9.5M GENUINE LEATHER
submitted by coloradocowgirl3754 to EBAYPOSTS [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 BeingInternational48 Chile's Villarrica volcano erupts during the storm
submitted by BeingInternational48 to Volcanoes [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 BenJensen48 Having minor mediterranean ancestry as a Vietnamese. Is this accurate?? (comparison of GedMatch and 23andme results)
So I consider myself to be full Vietnamese even if my recent 23andme results shows some southern Chinese admixture but can anyone tell me if what GedMatch is indicating is accurate? Btw, I'm not closed off to the idea since I know that south-central Vietnam, where my Vietnamese ancestry comes from, was formerly occupied by Chams, who had some west eurasian ancestry from the Indians.
submitted by BenJensen48 to 23andme [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 tonkerg balls
submitted by tonkerg to tonkerg [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 SnooDoggos5331 my trading journey is taking so long
Im 24 and i have been trading for the past 2 years and only now i have finally tweaked my strategy to the point where i have a decent win rate but my problem is i have to be really patient which i do but ever day i dont get a trade i start getting thoughts like “damn that’s another day no money being made” and it feels like a complete waste of my day and the process feels so long. I look at others getting so much payouts wether it’s from crypto or memecoins or god knows where and it makes me feel FOMO and also 2025 is what made me really rush because i dont want to waste this year but damn its taking so long i feel like this patience is not paying off.
submitted by SnooDoggos5331 to Daytrading [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 ostrichhors Milleni
Have not heard this sub mention it. Is this a good brand? (This is the bag I was looking at) How does it compare to radley london? submitted by ostrichhors to handbags [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 SpicyDiscoChicken Dyeing top with sequins and unknown thread
I absolutely love this top I thrifted but the white thread on it is a little loud for me and I’d like to dye it black. I don’t know the composition of the thread, and the little sequins throughout make me nervous to use heat. Garment itself is 94% cotton and 6% spandex. Suggestions?
submitted by SpicyDiscoChicken to dyeing [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 I_S_S_U_S_E_S_79 I’m thinking of getting these puigs I’m size 7.5uk in Campus 00s as there quite wide should I order an 8 in these
submitted by I_S_S_U_S_E_S_79 to adidas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 Ugly_Brunoratdog Female Akihiko Sanada (sprite edit)
submitted by Ugly_Brunoratdog to OkBuddyPersona [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 BlitzOrion Oxfam: UK extracted $64.82 trillion from India during colonial era, $33.8 trillion benefited top 10%
submitted by BlitzOrion to anime_titties [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 veronica_1713 I asked my friends to make an outfits for me 💅🏻✨
I really liked all of them.. what do think?! submitted by veronica_1713 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:20 kingslayer0105 Rekhta gujarati event @bhavnagar
submitted by kingslayer0105 to gujarat [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 Aconyminomicon Alerts not working on TV, this is getting crazy
Maybe it was a scheduled maintenance but no alerts are working with Trading View. There site must be getting blasted if not scheduled. And why what a suspicious time to happen too.
submitted by Aconyminomicon to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 Mifix1025 Gier und Hunger
Schaut euch mal dieses leckere Stück Kuchen an.
Ich bin so gierig auf sowas, dass ich den in 1 Minute verschlungen hätte. Von Genuss keine Spur.
Um mich zufrieden zu fühlen, müsste ich fünf davon fressen.
Ich wünsche mir, davom einen genießen zu können. Über 10 Minuten. Biss für Bisd.
Ich kaufe mir sowas auch nicht, Das Preis- Leistungsverhältnis stimmt da bei mir nicht.
Ich bin traurig darüber. Wie geht es euch? Traurig oder normal?
submitted by Mifix1025 to abnehmen [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:20 CertifiedNoob5455 🚀 [Open Source] Deno + Electron + Vue Starter Template - Because Why Choose Just One Modern Framework?
Hey fellow devs! 👋
I've been working on a starter template that combines three awesome technologies: Deno, Electron, and Vue. Why? Because I like to live dangerously (and also because it's actually pretty cool).
**What's in the box:**
- 🦕 Deno for TypeScript runtime
- ⚡ Electron for desktop apps
- 💚 Vue for the frontend magic
- 🛠️ Pre-configured build setup
- 🪄 Hot reload support
**Why I made this:**
I noticed there weren't many good templates combining these three technologies, and setting this up from scratch can be a real headache. So I thought, why not save others from the same pain?
**Perfect for:**
- Desktop app developers who love TypeScript
- Vue enthusiasts who want to go desktop
- Anyone curious about using Deno outside the web
**GitHub Repo:** https://github.com/n0obscertified/deno-electron-vue-starter
Feel free to check it out, star if you find it useful, and contributions are always welcome! Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for improvements.
P.S. Yes, I know this is a bit of an unusual stack, but sometimes the best projects come from unexpected combinations! 😄
Feel free to modify this template to better match your voice and add any specific features or details about your implementation!
submitted by CertifiedNoob5455 to opensource [link] [comments]