2025.01.20 13:50 Specialist-Exit-3285 like real lol
submitted by Specialist-Exit-3285 to TrollCoping [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 lovvvelyy Wb mega gallade 3 local 901851158521
Wb mega gallade 3 local 901851158521
submitted by lovvvelyy to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 BakedWizerd Why does it smell like fart
My roommate likes to make stew. That’s cool. It looks good; potatoes, carrots, beef, onions, he’s got one of those “pressure cookers” with a glass top and latches on the side and he lets it stew for like a day and a half or something before he slowly starts taking it with to work - so it’s like a week-long thing of him preparing it, putting it together, cooking it, and eating it.
But as soon as he gets it all together in the cooker, the whole house just smells like a fart. Not like super sulphuric, but like, a specific, musky type of fart where the food you ate goes through you so quickly that you can smell it in the fart? It literally just smells like a beef stew fart. All week. No matter where you are in the house, you can smell it. I don’t know if he thinks it’s a good smell, I haven’t brought it up, I just wallow in the fart smell for the weeks that he decides to make stew.
submitted by BakedWizerd to rant [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 diamondbeby222 Listen up pigs and subs
submitted by diamondbeby222 to findommes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 Professional-Pie-967 Is this phrasing correct?
Hi! I'm Italian and I like writing in English to practice, but I'm not super confident with it yet. I was wondering if "I don't want to play the game you got me into" sounds right. I know the phrasal verb is "get into something" so I'm not sure if it's okay to put "into" at the end of the sentence. Thanks in advance! <3
submitted by Professional-Pie-967 to EnglishGrammar [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 yourmostannoyingtwin Homemade Pansotti al Sugo di Noci. Lesser known dish from Genova, delicious ravioli stuffed with wild herbs and ricotta, served with a walnut pesto and fresh marjoram.
submitted by yourmostannoyingtwin to pasta [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 TheCrimsonChin28 Masters test advice
I have reached my hours required to take the masters exam, what is some advice for studying for the test? When I took my J-man exam there was a test kit I purchased with studying material, does t seem there is such a thing for masters.
submitted by TheCrimsonChin28 to electricians [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 rodrigomarcola I HOPE THE ONIONS RINGS WERE WORTH IT
submitted by rodrigomarcola to satisfyingbeatdown [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 Rich-Platform9344 Mercury battery replacement recommendation
Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you have tried this batteries and if so, do you recommend it? I have a Gossen Lunasix Pro meter and I bought germanium diodes to install and use qith modern batteries but the diodes I bought seem to be lost in the mail system and while looking for alternatives I found this. I know about the Wein Cells but these ones are on Amazon Spain and I would not have to pay shipping and customs wich is a plus. Let me know if you guys have recommendations and or experience with this particular cells :) thanks! submitted by Rich-Platform9344 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 NickelNitro A16 Users, are there any uniformity issues? Example with bad uniformity attached (Poco F6)
To check - Open incognito mode - be in a dark room and lower the brightness to around 5 percentage and capture the image.
submitted by NickelNitro to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 DragonLaid 27 [M4A] grizzly bear with golden retriever energy seeks someone to grow old with
Heya! I am awful at writing these but i will try my best!
I am from and currently living in the NE US, i am looking for a long term romantic connection. I am a bigger dude vertically and horizontally!
I am a huge heart on my sleeve guy who has a lot of love to give. I also have a ton of hobbies and interests!
Hiking Thrifting Collecting by Gaming Cooking Photography Videography Reading Board games Writing And many more!
I hope to hear from you soon and i am happy to move our convo to discord or something else once we chat a bit :)
{Safe space for all my alphabet gang friends(trans, genderqueer and NB friends are more than welcomed here)}
Pics included with your first message get my attention :p
submitted by DragonLaid to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 luvs_animals Wish on the monkey's paw
submitted by luvs_animals to webcomics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 Organic-Dream2329 The Casting Of Frank Stone.
I just bought it.
submitted by Organic-Dream2329 to HorrorGaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 gardengirl517 Posting here for anyone that may need these resources. Stay warm & safe
submitted by gardengirl517 to lansing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 Rare_Temporary1615 Esami scientifici nelle università del centro/nord-europa
Buongiorno a tutti, Sono uno studente del primo anno di Magistrale con l'intenzione di fare l'erasmus l'anno prossimo in Francia o in Germania.
Vi scrivo per chiedervi un consiglio: mi piacerebbe sfruttare i crediti a libera scelta per fare degli esami che non vengono offerti nel mio corso di studio, ma che secondo me sarebbero interessanti, l'unico problema è che non vorrei che risultassero troppo difficili viste le mie capacità attuali, con il conseguente rischio di non portarli a termine e di dover restituire la borsa erasmus.
Vi chiedo quindi: in base alla vostra esperienza gli esami scientifico-matematici sono molto più difficili in questi due paesi? come vi siete trovati?
Ps le materie a cui sarei interessato sono: inferenza bayesiana, calcolo stocastico e teoria della probabilità con un approccio più approfondito sulla teoria della misura.
Ps2 potrei farli anche in Italia come esami a libera scelta da altri corsi.
Grazie mille!
submitted by Rare_Temporary1615 to Universitaly [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 straightforshady Self Diagnosis is a huge and prevalent problem
For a long time now I've been seeing a trend of people (usually teens-early 20s) who are determined to have either a mental or physical disorder. I have seen this everywhere and have talked to my therapist who has confirmed that many therapist are experiencing young people claiming they have complicated disorders that by nature are almost always unknown to the person suffering from it.
The huge ones I see are personality disorders, psychotic disorders, dissociative identity disorder, and autism. I have also seen people who claim that the desire for trauma in their life means that they have trauma that they have fully repressed, which is rare. Something that is so frustrating about this is that, although they claim to know all the facts of the disorder, they fundamentally misunderstand it. It's almost like they think it's an interesting quirk or a way to get sympathy/get out of doing things they don't want to do.
As someone who tends to tell my psychiatrist "nah, I don't wanna have that one, don't write it down", I would say I'm the opposite of the self DXers. I have enough mental and physical things to worry about. It is so invalidating and immature to claim to have a disorder to people who do have it diagnosed and then hear "well, I'm self diagnosed so I don't know"
Not to mention, there is no point in doing it. A Dx leads to finding a treatment plan, sending info to insurance, and helping that person navigate their unmanageable life with that disorder. If someone wants trauma, I would happily give some of mine to them so they can have the PTSD that they want so badly.
The awareness of mental illness has come to a point where therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists are facing anger from their clients when they inform them that they do not meet the criteria for the disorder they think they have. Not to mention, if they misdiagnose themselves and professionals are like "yes, you're right, all my education and experience is wrong" they will end up harming themselves by getting into a toxic internet community or receiving the wrong treatment or medication.
It is vital that the professional takes time to diagnose something because they want to avoid misdiagnosis as much as possible. They need to rule out so many things before they land on a correct diagnosis. It feels like a slap in the face to have a 14 year old swearing they have BPD when people that young cannot even be diagnosed with it.
Whenever I bring this up, I tend to get ripped to shreds for a variety of reasons. But even professionals and researchers have come out with articles articulating this exact problem. I just wish people would be more reasonable. Yeah, you can probably tell if you're depressed, have anxiety, have an ED, etc. This is not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about disorders that the patient will not realize they have because it is nearly impossible to have that much self awareness about certain disorders.
I went to college for psychology so perhaps that is why it irks me so much, but it's come to the point where I don't even know who to believe because people will just nonchalantly claim to have a serious disorder. DAE see this or feel this way?
Tl;Dr - Self DX has gotten out of control, even for professionals. If someone brings up that self Dx isn't good for people, they are the ones who get verbally stoned for voicing that.
submitted by straightforshady to PetPeeves [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 121
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 Balance- LiDAR market projected to reach US$5.35 billion by 2029, thanks to advanced autonomous driving and logistics demand
submitted by Balance- to SelfDrivingCars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 dihydrocannabinol 25M, Kuwait
Hello everyone, hoping that you all are doing well and staying safe.
I'm looking for a partner to share quality time with. Whether temporary or lifelong, I want a committed, exclusive relationship with someone in a bond that feels like completing the other person, bringing 2 pieces to form an incredible union.
About me: I'm a twelver Shia Muslim from Kuwait, lived in the US for almost a decade, and been working in the energy sector here in Kuwait for a few years and have my own car. Due to local laws I haven't moved yet as I'm unmarried, but I hope to move out as soon as me and my partner to be put pen to paper and make it legally official.
I'm pretty liberal and tolerant of other people of different backgrounds, beliefs, and practices, and in my own life I do indulge in Cannabis and Psychedelics (both for medicinal and recreational purposes), music, gaming, and professional wrestling, but besides that pretty normal otherwise
I don't drink or do other drugs, I only eat halal food, no tobacco/nicotine, no clubbing, I pray 5 times a day, fast Ramadan, goes to ziyara (haven't qualified for Hajj yet), observe Muharram and other events, and does pretty much every wajib that I have go do.
I'm 5 ft 9 in/175 cm, weighing 157 lbs/71 kg, average build, and fairly light skinned.
What I look for: someone who is like minded, a bit liberal, preferably a twelver Shia Muslim as well, and I welcome all backgrounds and ethnicities. I don't mind an age difference as well (min. 18). Height doesn't matter either, but I do prefer someone who is in good shape (apologies if that sounds shallow).
Deal breakers would be drinking, clubbing, using narcotics, infidelity, and obesity.
Please let me know if there is anything you would like to know about me. I'm an open book, I hope you all are as well🙏
P.S I know some of my habits or beliefs may offend or upset others, but please keep any unsolicited advice to yourselves. Serious inquiries or questions only please
submitted by dihydrocannabinol to ShiaMuslimMarriage [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 Impressive_Fun5289 Going on a trip for 18 days. Wish me luck guys!!!
submitted by Impressive_Fun5289 to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 BennTannenbaum How to use macOS Automator to put windows on specific displays?
I have an Automator automation(?) that I run every morning to open my apps, fetch the latest APOD and set it as my desktop background, etc. I have multiple displays and multiple virtual desktops on each display. I know how to assign an app to a desktop, but not to a display.
In a perfect world, I’d set not just the display but also the window’s location in that display. I’ve tried both Automator and AppleScript, but neither seem to do the trick. Help?
submitted by BennTannenbaum to MacOS [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 Onimichi_chimaek93 [LF - Books] secondhand textbooks for grade 11 MAD, second sem
Willing to buy po! Can pickup at Frassati also :)) submitted by Onimichi_chimaek93 to TomasinoMarket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:50 Substantial-Dot-3597 Jmd bock pervers über sie zu schreiben? Dm mich
submitted by Substantial-Dot-3597 to shakiravv [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 Se7e_pyc De programador a empreendedor: meu primeiro investimento
Resolvi me jogar no mundo do empreendedorismo, tenho 26 anos! Atualmente trabalho como programador em uma empresa, mas no último sábado (18/01), fiz meu primeiro grande investimento: comprei uma máquina de fazer semi poço artesanal.
Já tenho em mente como vou colocá-la para trabalhar por mim: vou pagar por poço furado e focar na logística, levar a máquina até a casa dos clientes e buscar novos clientes. Meu objetivo a longo prazo é reinvestir os lucros em uma máquina ainda melhor e quem sabe, me tornar uma referência nesse ramo na região.
É um passo arriscado, mas acredito no potencial. Alguém aqui já passou por algo parecido ou tem dicas para quem está começando no empreendedorismo?
submitted by Se7e_pyc to empreendedorismo [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:50 Ilikemoonjellys Today is my birthday so give me your female N pics
In return you can have this seal boi submitted by Ilikemoonjellys to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments] |