2025.01.20 15:58 bitnewsbot Trump-Linked World Liberty Financial Acquires Four Ethereum Domain Names, Including trumpcoin.eth
submitted by bitnewsbot to bitnewsbot [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 rollingthestoned Made it to the mountain!
Little trip from B'more to WV to do a couple chores at the cabin just ahead of Sunday's storm and the arctic blast. Only a few miles of gravel roads off the county road, but the beast handled it well. '21 High Country w/Duramax 3.0L got 29mpg on a 300 mile trip. Drove great, much smoother ride compared to my '12 sierra that got totaled last month.
submitted by rollingthestoned to Silverado [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Cute_Yam_2578 How useful Is gonna be him in the continuing of the story??
submitted by Cute_Yam_2578 to TheBattleCatsReddit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 No-Baby-4745 Oficina G3 Banda LOTE COM 5 CDS + 2 DVDS + 1 BLURAY ORIGINAIS Usados Banda Gospel Evangelico CD DVD BLURAY - R$99,00
submitted by No-Baby-4745 to VendasBR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 bitnewsbot Trump-Linked World Liberty Financial Acquires Four Ethereum Domain Names, Including trumpcoin.eth
submitted by bitnewsbot to CryptoNews [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Perflippi 32m Denver looking for nudist buds!
Heya! I used to be in a nudist group quite some time ago and I'm looking for nude buds to hang out with. I usually like spending my time at Lake Steam Baths or (occasionally) at the Havana Sauna. I love going to open saunas, hot springs, and the like. Most of the nudism get togethers I've seen are for yoga or bowling and I personally don't like either of those (clothed or not).
Aside from the saunas or hot springs, I'm usually a home nudist. Gardening, playing video games, cooking, my parrot, and dungeons and dragons are some of my interests, either nude or not.
Are there any nudists in Denver that'd like to meet up and hang out sometime?
(P.S. This is my first time ever posting on reddit or even having an account. I'm not 100% sure I'm doing this right.)
submitted by Perflippi to NudistMeetup [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Mothmanpl Próby oszustwa, bądźcie ostrożni i ostrzeżcie bliskich
Piszę, chyba trochę żeby zrzucić stres, a trochę, żeby ostrzec innych. Jak wiadomo prób oszustw i ich rodzajów jest mnóstwo... Do napisania nakłoniło zdarzenie sprzed 20 minut.
Mężczyzna podający się za pracownika działu technicznego banku zadzwonił do mojej dziewczyny informując, że ta wykonała podejrzany przelew ( nie wykonała). Mówił, że ktoś próbował uzyskać autoryzację, że przelew wyszedł z urządzenia Iphone 12 w Gdyni. Podał nawet nazwisko rzekomego odbiorcy (Jakiś sędzia xD) Wszystko było mówione bardzo profesjonalnym językiem, w pewnym momencie nastąpiło nawet przełączenie do "innego działu" i była melodyjka na poczekanie xD
Ba, dostaliśmy nawet smsy od nadawcy Millenium, mówiące o tym, że " ograniczyli dostęp do konta ze względu na podejrzaną aktywność" a potem, że mamy "zweryfikować rozmówcę prosząc go o podanie szesciocyfrowego kodu", co ten zrobił.
Oczywiście dostęp ograniczony nie został, rozmówca jednak wypytywał ciągle czy przypadkiem dziewczyna nie robiła przelewu, czy nie podawała danych wrażliwych itp.
W końcu powiedział, że aby rozwiązać problem trzeba zainstalować program Splashtop, dzięki czemu oni będą mogli pomóc.
Po szybkim wyszukaniu okazało się, że to jakaś aplikacja do zdalnego dostępu do urządzenia.
W tym momencie dziewczyna powiedziała rozmówcy, żeby ten oddzwonił później, bo musi wracać do pracy. Szybko zadzwoniliśmy do jej banku i dopytalismy czy to faktycznie oni i czy coś jest nie tak.
Także, słowem ostrzeżenia. Pamiętajcie, że pracownik banku nigdy nie będzie pytać o hasło, ani też nie będzie prosić o pobranie dodatkowych aplikacji. Może spytać o imię, nazwisko, ewentualnie datę urodzenia i o to czy macie jakąś tam usługę od nich na koncie. Po drugie, w takiej sytuacji od razu się rozłączajcie i sami zadzwońcie do banku (tu cwaniak mówił, że dzwoniąc do banku połączymy się tylko z infolinią, a nie z działem technicznym i nam nie pomogą).
Uważajcie na siebie, bo skurwieli nie brakuje i ostrzeżcie bliskich o zagrożeniach w internetach, bo mogą się naciąć i stracić wszystko.
submitted by Mothmanpl to Polska [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 GadgetGuidePro Power Bank High-Speed Charging 10000mAh, Portable Charger Dual Current Mode Phone Battery Pack with USB C Input & Output, PowerBank Triple 3A for iPhone iPad Samsung Xiaomi Android Long Life Recharge - 87% off for £16.99 at Amazon UK
submitted by GadgetGuidePro to AmazonUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Axus91 You looking for a feature?
If there is any artist who's looking for feature feel free to hit me up! I can do any genre. Here is my soundcloud for the reference:
(this is not a promotion ad or something)
submitted by Axus91 to undergroundhiphop [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Bradleyneo100 Might be controversial but this would of been better with no feature.
Before anyone comes at me i love the song dont get me wrong but it would have been so much better solo in my opinion submitted by Bradleyneo100 to trippieredd [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 bitnewsbot Trump-Linked World Liberty Financial Acquires Four Ethereum Domain Names, Including trumpcoin.eth
submitted by bitnewsbot to altcoin_news [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 DeputyLunchbox Looking to buy Plan: Ultracite Tesla Coils (XBOX)
Gamertag: Deputy Lunchbox
submitted by DeputyLunchbox to fo76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Sidryc What is the best Polearm to spam Light attacks in 2025?
Due to @NovaUmbral's new video about Orthos Prime and its history, it made me remember how much fun just spamming Shimmering Blight W Key Light attacks back then when we had none of these fancy incarnons and nemesis weapons.
So, What do you think is the best Polearm to just unga bunga caveman brain in 2025?
submitted by Sidryc to Warframe [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Significant_Leg_7211 Gabapentin
How do you get on with this? It's making me feel quite tired.
submitted by Significant_Leg_7211 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Far-Sheepherder-7048 Learning drums as a way of reconnecting with my body and breaking through dissociation
I was recently diagnosed with ASD and I have come to realize how dissociated I’ve been for the past 20 odd years, never really existing in my body. I play other instruments but I have always loved drums and I’ve decided to finally commit to learning them not only because they are awesome but because I know it will help me reconnect with my body.
Coordination, keeping time, hitting something really hard, exercising all of those things can be invaluable for people who struggle in the ways that I do and I just wanted to share this perspective and talk about how excited I am about this instrument.
I can’t wait until I feel confident enough in my abilities to jam with others too. It’s such a cool way to connect. Stoked! 🤠
submitted by Far-Sheepherder-7048 to drums [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 AceMcStace Great Highlight to showcase the strides Scoots game has made this year that I wanted to share
The game is slowing down for him and it’s been really fun to watch. submitted by AceMcStace to ripcity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 AdApprehensive1515 Nothing makes sense any more
submitted by AdApprehensive1515 to catholicpanda [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Bucky_Charmz The main reason IDW shredder was the only shredder able to turn over a new leaf: [theory]
In turtles forever, 03 shredder explained something about “a constant” in the multiverse. A constant is something that has to take place in every universe. For example, shredder always hating the tmnt is a constant in the multiverse, and the tmnt loving their father is a constant. If you watched into the spiderverse, it’s kinda like a canon event. If there’s one constant I’ve come to realize in the multiverse, is that shredder never managed to receive and give genuine love from and to anyone. It’s either he’s manipulating them, or their manipulating him. However, there’s only one universe where kitsune existed at the time, and she became shredders girl ride or die. And that’s IDW. It sounds corny, but I think that’s all he needed all along. You might say that splinter’s sacrifice also took part in that and yeah it did, but I think kitsune kept shredder on that edge. I can’t really put why But that also was an act of love. It’s really complicated and it’s hard to put to wording. submitted by Bucky_Charmz to TMNT [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 Repulsive-Mango-6927 ITS OVERRR
cancel bully cancel yeezy were so cooked submitted by Repulsive-Mango-6927 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 kambabyxx during vacation! had the best time of my life 🤍
submitted by kambabyxx to nonnudecollection [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 Dull-Witness-8559 What’s happened to my cooler ?
Why is one side dark and the other nice and bright ? submitted by Dull-Witness-8559 to coolermaster [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 FixQuirky2368 Is it rare to find Vampires Blood during SAS?
submitted by FixQuirky2368 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 15:58 TEREKASN Texans Quarterback, CJ Stroud, uses BIOFLEX Near Infrared Wrap to provide rapid pain relief
Noticed one of the announcers mention this during the Texans/ Chiefs game Saturday - CJ Stroud was seen using a BIOFLEX near IR wrap to help with an injury that he sustained in the first quarter and was back for the next possession.
submitted by TEREKASN to redlighttherapy [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 No-Problem7662 Act five mercenary
For my mercenary act five frenzy, Barb should I use rune word plague and rune word crescent moon , or last wish. For my dragon paladin.? thank you for your input in advance
submitted by No-Problem7662 to diablo2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 15:58 elprroprron50 spon
submitted by elprroprron50 to thebindingofisaac [link] [comments] |