
2025.01.20 16:56 Adlog84 🐝

submitted by Adlog84 to SneakerFits [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 NurplePain Seeing Copilot AI added to Word has given me an existential crisis lol

Like obviously AI tools have been around for a few years, but it's always been out of sight out of mind. Now it's smack in my face and I can't escape it. Literally any time I type something the option to prompt/revise is one click away. I'm sure these tools will get to the point where it learns how you write yourself, and you can essentially write in your own style with AI. Anyone else having an existential crisis over this lol? Like where is humanity going, if art is going to be replaced by AI in the name of efficiency and algorithms. Because at the end of the day, people will use it if it's there.
Nothing new on this thought. It's just hitting close to home all of a sudden.
submitted by NurplePain to writers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Upset_Sky_8485 Made for about $12

Used my laser engraver to etch the screen screen, printed this weekend (xTool screenprint kit).
submitted by Upset_Sky_8485 to SCREENPRINTING [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 liquidthc I thought it was funny

I thought it was funny submitted by liquidthc to steelers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Jenahdidthaud This is why I left islam

Islam is:
1) Cruel to women.
2) Cruel to gay people.
3) Think 9 year old girls are ready for sexual intercourse (Aisha).
4) Think incest is okay (first cousin marriage).
5) Hadiths are beyond fucked up, full of women breastfeeding adult men, Umar stalking Sawda when she went to the toilet, drinking camel urine, scientific & medical inaccuracies, women being beaten so badly their skin turns green, & so much more.
6) Cruel to apostates (Zero free will for those born to Muslim parents & want to leave the religion)
7) Think mental illnesses (autism, epilepsy) are jinn possessions.
9) You need 4 male witnesses to prove a woman was raped. (Where the hell would you find 4 male witnesses? Do you have any clue how impractical that is?)
10) Is okay with slavery. Islam allowed bare-breasted slave women. Muslims would sell their slave women who bore them children.
11) Islamic marriage is hell for women. Husbands can hit their wives, marital rape is a non-existent in islam, your husband can take 3 more wives without your knowledge, can divorce you by uttering Talaaq 3 times, whereas you're trapped in the marriage (Khula) unless he agrees or an Islamic judge agrees to end your marriage, the power is not in your hands.
12) Calls women deficient in intelligence. (Female doctors & scientists).
And in religion. Due to menstruation (As if i fucking asked for painful menstruations every fucking month).
13) Cruel to dogs (you're not supposed to keep dogs as pets because saliva is impure). Think of homeless pups.
14) Bans adoption. Think of homeless kids.
15) No clear punishment for rape, for men abusing their wives, for parents abusing their kids.
16) Barbaric punishments (chop off hands for theft, stone people for adultery). This causes problems.
17) The Abaya & Hijab is awful to girls with autism & adhd (we have sensory issues)
18) Made me feel strange about menstruation
19) Sexualises women for normal, everyday things that no western girl ever experiences. (Sister, don't wear abaya- belts or backpacks, we can see the outline of your torso. Sister, don't jog in public, don't eat a banana/lollipop in public, have some shame!).
20) sexualises contact between 2 first cousins.
21) Testimony is half the testimony of a man.
22) Chains women inside their houses
23) Infantilises adult women. You need a sign off on your marriage, to accompany you when you leave the house for more than one night. Etc. I fucking hate Islam. I'm in charge of my life. Not my dad, brother, husband, son etc.
submitted by Jenahdidthaud to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 london_fog18 “Si si, y yo te pongo las yeezys”?

So i have this song in my head, it goes something like “si, si, y yo te pongo las yeezy’s ….” Or some similar grammatical variation.
Definitely not anuel, bad bunny, mora. Could be a collabs with them.
submitted by london_fog18 to Reggaeton [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 poooxooo 21st dy patil having 2 seating tickets. Coldplay.

Level 3 block E having 2 tickets I want to sell it. 21st Dy patil
submitted by poooxooo to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 psipolnista mid morning snack - 18 months

berries, cheese, leftover pork and a few probiotic cookies
submitted by psipolnista to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 horny_latintwink am I cute or sexy

yes im a guy, yes I have a dick im just a little girlish looking
submitted by horny_latintwink to cuteguys [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 imgoingtoeatabagel Shortfin mako found inside the stomach of a longfin mako

Shortfin mako found inside the stomach of a longfin mako submitted by imgoingtoeatabagel to SharkLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Omnipotent-Bread My 2024 Sean & Sax Recollections

My 2024 Sean & Sax Recollections Suuuppperrrr long read. Not recommended. Go do something productive with your life.
2024 turned out to be a glorious twister ride of downs and further downs for the most clownish con artist couple I ever done laid my beady blue-grays upon. For a self-proclaimed power couple pushing and selling the ideas of business and relationship success, they sure do fucking suck at business and suck giant buckets of donkey balls at maintaining even a functional relationship. Forget a thriving one. These two couldn't even remain civil with each other for over a week. AND THEY SHARED THIS SHIT WITH THE WORLD ON THEIR HOKEY LITTLE PODCAST NONSTOP!! 🕺🏻🕺🏻
Anyone with an iota of common sense could read through the bullshit. But I suppose that there sure are a lot of dumb dummies out there because even so, with all of the indisputable evidence laid out before us, supplied by the two doltish blowhards themselves, the supportive comments kept pouring in. And I guess people even give them money for their generic advice (DO BIG SHIT) and typically tacky products (ME A LION RAWR!) Amazing study of human behavior. 🦁🤡
Now I could really get into it with everything that transpired before 2024 like the FTC fines for replacing the Made in China tags on his crappy merch with Made in USA tags. The countless complaints littering the internet of real estate fraud. It goes on and on but this award is for what I witnessed in 2024. Which is a bit of a shame because trust me, 2025 has started off with a real banger of white trash accusations, involving the ordering of his kids to throw her furniture out on the front lawn LOL!
I felt that I was fighting the good fight alone. I crave the cringe. And nowhere out there will you be served healthier heaping servings of it than on the Sean & Sax podcasts. Amongst a sea of YOU GO GIRLS and YOU TWO ARE SO GREAT TOGETHER YouTube comments, I alone braved the rebellion. I was blind as to how nobody else could see what I see. And then, I discovered a Reddit sub dedicated to dogging the dirtball duo. And for the first time in my entire life, I finally felt like I had arrived somewhere that I could call...home.
Some real clever and savage folks over there and a shared disdain for the Whalen hypocrisy mockery helped me know that I wasn't alone.
There is so much material from the past year. It's probably best if I just lay out a select few of my personal favorite highlights. This is trash entertainment at its highest peak. And I am about that life!
SAXONY JUSS WAN BE SNOW OWL HOOT HOOT!! And then before you knew it, she wanted to be a mermaid. So cute at that age, hurtling towards divorce #4 at a rapid pace.
Sean likes to cosplay military and police. He soooo dearly wants to be an actual tough guy. It's so cute. Like watching your little kid trying to play with the big ones and getting roughed up. Aw. And best of all, they pay attention to what we say on Reddit. It's the one place that pussy can't control the narrative. And it makes me erect. 🤠🤡
Once they reconciled they both decided to try their hand and becoming super shitty artists. Good news y'all. A handful of paint-by-numbers finger paintings, glittery steer heads and tacky flea market garage sale jackets later, and they finally delivered on something they set their minds to: Shitty art. Obediently, Sax marched out smug as fuck Sean's birthday cake. Social media celebrated the reconciled love. Those in the know knew the dog was getting beaten for forgetting a candle.
Uh oh trouble in paradise. Again. NYE was not spent together. Sean was sucking off real life police officers and Snow Owl was snow owling with her new BFF. The shock! Nobody saw this coming! Said nobody. ❄️🦉
Word salads get your word salads! Tossed fresh daily! Dressings come in Scarcity, Space and Cigar! 🥗🥗
Anybody else convinced that Sean actually roars when he cums? It simply must be true, right?? Go ahead, visualize it. I dare you. 🦁🍆💦
We reached a point where they "quote unquote" communicate with each other via one cryptic social media post after another. Nobody ever says a goddam thing. This is what happens when your life's apex was in high school. Utter foolishness.
While Sax was off getting deep dicked proper by potential husband #5 in the interim, poor Flip aka Seany-poo had to attend Burning Man all on his lonesome this year. He monetized his lonely moment by cosplaying as a gay cigar smoking Zorro in the desert. It raised zero dollars and 4.5 cocks at the swingers tent. 🤠🤡🤠🤡
After the initial break up, Saxony came clean on the much bragged about date night in the hospital. Now this was juicy. It was sold on their insincere podcast as this magical moment how Sean would NEVER miss a date night with his number one girl! Why, he just got back from saving the world and was damn sure, because it was Wednesday, to make time to be with his ailing wife. It screamed bullshit from the moment it was spouted. But I had no recourse. That's what they said, that's what the readers celebrated, and that was that. Or was it?
Because Mrs. Whalen spilled the beans the glorious beans after the initial split. She informed the world that he was pissed as hell to even leave the house. Stayed at home to play with his Nazi dog while her appendix was exploding. Accused her of being a drama queen. It was all just Sax being Sax. And then, it became apparent that things were actually serious. Damn. That's not the great example of husbandry I hear preached every day from this lying POS, is it now?
Yet, on a podcast shortly after, they both boast about what a wonderful opportunity that evening became for them to bond. They lie through their collective grifting mouths. And even the lie came off as gross. The parts they actually ADMITTED and BRAGGED about. And it went like this:
Sean got back from playing Captain Hero and he's super cranky and he said he wanted to punch the doctor. Sounds rational. But he still made it there for date night and guess what they did. Guess what they did you guys.
THEY WATCHED SCARFACE!! She just said she was howling in pain and I'm sure watching Tony Montana scream YOU FUCK YOU FUCK a million times while some dude is getting massacred by a chainsaw in the shower was just what she needed on this fine evening. Amazing! 🏥❄️🦉🪦
Hey, the king eats first. What can I say?
POP QUIZ! Which one of these things did NOT happen? Sean released an energy drink named Liberal Tears after Trump was elected. Sean released a Topps baseball card of himself. Sean referred to himself as Captain Mystical Magical on a podcast. It was a trick question. That buffoon did all three. Moving on!
Oh wait there was a fourth option - Sean filmed his pregnant daughter puking up southwest eggrolls in an Applebee's parking lot. And posted it online to prove that he is the World's Greatest Dad. Gotcha again. That shit happened too. (Seriously) LOLOLOL!!!!! 👩🤮🎥🤣
Vibrator at Dinner podcast. We are informed that, why, just this morning they found themselves mired in yet another nasty altercation. And this one was pretty juicy, finding Sax out in the front yard in her robe and socks yelling a ton of F-bombs back at Sean. They think this is just normal husband/wife bickering. They simply can't see what is plainly visible! This is a white trash hey-everyone-look-at-us-please spectacle that I can't get enough of. And the fact that they have the audacity to force feed anyone relationship advice while even admitting this behavior is astonishing and I love it. Superb viewing! So tell me, is anyone shocked that kids were ordered to throw a bed on the front lawn the other day? These two been trailer park glorious for ages and this is just the shit they admit to in the name of capitalism!!! Holy cow!
GOAT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER was my favorite scandal of 2024. Just above Dave Grohl pulling an Arnold Schwrarznegger. Saxony gets house goats. Sean has to pretend this is cool with him for a bit. They break up again and Saxony has to leave the house. Saxony has no plan for goats now and they have to go become a nice bowl of curry somewhere. Saxony gets backlash. Poor Saxony's father, shaking in his boots at the premise of paying for YET ANOTHER GODDAM WEDDING, has the goats pushed on him now. LOL classic Snow Owl! HOOOT HOOOOTTT!!! 🐐🐐🤷‍♀️
"People share pictures of their food and their new shoes and that's cool, but I share pictures of my 6 pack or Lamborghini and now I'm BRAGGING and not HUMBLE?"
"Now burn every fucking boat." 🔥🚤🤠🤡
"She's got an amazing body. I'm fucking jacked cool whatever."
"YOU GOTTA OWN YOUR OWN SHIT! IT IS YOUR FUCKIN DUTY! JUST OWN YOUR SHIT!" -(That was Sean actually talking about doodoo.)
"It's what men do. We kill shit. We eat it. we reproduce. It's what we fucking do."
People always ask me, Sean, what does lions not sheep mean?
"Video games are his literally life passion."
"All over the literal world."
Ten months ago was a turning point. 'Lessons From Our Hardest Year' was what they titled their ultimate tombstone podcast. Finally, they decided to put their white trash drama on full display in front of the cameras. And it was marvelous as fizzzuckkk!! Here were my thoughts at that blessed moment in time:
The last ever Sean Ampersand Sax podcast proved to be a heads and shoulders standout. My god I don't know if I've ever been happier in my life! This meltdown on full display was certainly one for the ages. This weekend, I was beyond blessed when I learned that Saxony was filing for divorce from her blowhard husband. My god.
How you gonna spend the last four years screaming and spitting at everyone within earshot about getting your house in order and family values and you're fat and I'm ripped and lambos cigars and multi multimillion dollar businesses with endless uber aggressive relationship hacks yelled at his audience through roid rage fueled fits and then....have a complete public meltdown where you sit there for over an hour and denigrate your wife in a manner that a good lawyer could probably get recognized as domestic abuse? This was one of the more brutal dressings down you'll witness. The little snow owl tried her best to nervous laugh her way through it all, as to lessen the unavoidable beating that would be coming her way after the cameras stopped recording. But her mannerisms and body language told you all that you needed to know. Well, I've known it for years now but they somehow duped the world into eating the shit that they be selling. It was all so spectacular and probably the best drama I've seen in ages.
So since this was posted online, which, I can't believe they posted this incriminating evidence online, she has indeed filed for divorce. Ooh this gonna get juicy. Mr. Whalen with his stupid fucking beard is in full panic mode. Kinda hard to sell relationship counseling from a crook with no throats to raw dog, ain't it now? He's rambling incoherently about peacocking or something and pathetically asks her why she would even be in a marriage that she's just going to give up on. He just referred to himself as Captain Mystical Magical. This is getting really hard to watch ouch. At some point she said "I live with you." and in the most dismissive of tones he goes "You're welcome." Oh man I should've popped some corn for this one! Now he just said this, "The cavemen were fuckin' shredded."
OK are we being punked? This is so cartoonishly cringey right now that I feel like I'm being punked and they will be back on set talking about Sean Ampersand Sax 3.0 next week. Argh please yes! Well my jaw was in a permanent state of hitting the floor. And THEN!!!...... he started to talk about the memes. Hold on this shit going nuclear.
Sean fucking HATEESSSSSSSSSS memes. And especially romantic memes that shit makes his head explode. He demanded that she stop looking at these stupid fucking memes and fucking stop sending them to his phone because he's fucking had it! Ohhhh only about twenty times. Oof. Lookit I'm no Saxony fan. I feel like she's as big a crook as he is well OK not AS big but she is complicit in his shady dealings for sure. Not a big fan of the snow owl bimbo. But I'm telling you the truth when I say that even I just wanted to offer her a warm embrace. It was that raw out there and I don't know how she kept it together.
This one gonna get real messy and I'm just over here all tingly with anticipation. What a glorious day for me and for my Guilty Pleasures. Hallelujah I'm ALL IN! 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
From another podcast titled 'How Hearing No Became Unbelievably Sexy' (Which, we all know Sean doesn't accept no as an answer for sex. He admitted that): Scarcity. Always with the scarcity which is kind of like the lettuce of a word salad. Sean wants to fuck in the mornings. I get that. Oh and he wants to come over on fucking Wednesday! I'M SEAN WHALEN! YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME?! In describing the situation whenever they find themselves in the middle of a disagreement, Sean said "When we are bickering and I begin to feel a little upset..." No just kidding what he actually said, seriously, was "WHEN I UNLEASH MY FUCKING FURY!!" Yikes! RUN BITCH RUN!! They tied things up nicely at the end when the artist formerly known as Snow Owl aka I WANNA BE A MERMAID NOW told Sean that she always knew that he was a great man. In response, with pulsating temple veins about to blow, Sean quips back "And I saw through your bullshit." Aw. Then they laughed at their haters and reaffirmed that no matter what we all say or think, this is the most solid relationship you ever will see. Awesome! 🤠🤡🤣
From another podcast titled 'Men In The Women's Room': So right off the bat Sean simply HAS to make reference to the wood chips on Sax's leg. "You wanna tell them about that babe?" this boastful dope asks her? They both giggle, give a little tee hee nudge nudge wink wink say no more followed by something about grown folks doing grown folks things we'll leave it at that. OH GEE WHIZ DID YOU FUCK HER SEAN?? IS THAT WHAT YOU DID DID YOU FUCK YOUR WIFE SEAN?? WOW YOU'RE EVEN COOLER THAN YOU LEAD US TO BELIEVE!! Barf. Great start though I'm intrigued.
Sean's temple veins take a vicious throttling in this one. Not much ruins this guy's day more than the very thought of chicks with dicks being in the same restroom as his woman or children. Like you know that hilariously famous scene on 'The Chappelle Show' where that Klan member's head literally explodes when he learns that their Grand Wizard or whatever is black?? That's what I thought could happen once he really got caught up in his feelers! And if these two idiots say END OF STORY! PERIOD! or the equally near-sighted version of PERIOD! END OF STORY!! I'm gonna lose it and I'm gonna...oh what's that? They just said it again? Well rats.
From another podcast titled 'What Does Saxony Smell Like?' Saxony wants to know if any other ladies out there have ever looked at their "pussy" before. She's been bringing up her meal ticket quite a bit lately. She's going to miss that thing once she becomes a mermaid! ❄️🦉🧜‍♀️
Sean's best offering today was 'When I quote unquote air out my shit." I can't help but wonder who said those words that he had to quote unquote it. Is this the new "Literally" flung about all willy nilly to act as space filler to disguise one's lack of intelligence? Nahhhh, people would see right through it and ostracize such dirtbags. I'm sure of it. And another thing, Sean, please stop airing out your shit. It's gross.
OK so now it starts to get good. Once again he's forcing her to state out loud that she fully supports his stupid hobbies like racing and bow hunting. So many goddam times he coaxes it out of her twitty little head. She tells us that women ask her all the time "How do you put up with this crazy mutherfucker?" Sure they do, Sax. Sure they do. She says it's important to listen. He yuks it up "Yeah YOU have to listen." followed by some obnoxious snickering. But she knows he's just doing it for antics because that's what she just said. Hilarious!
OK so now it starts to get REALLY good! She mentions that she is obsessed with making jewelry. "I was literally gonnna say that!" Sean interrupts. "I could give two fucks. I literally could care less about feathers. She talks about feathers so fucking much and the whole time I'm literally thinking about racing cars. But fellas, I'm still listening. That's what's important!" 👍
Now seems like a perfect time to remind everyone that THESE TWO JERK OFFS SELL DUMMIES RELATIONSHIP ADVICE! GEE WILLIKERS THEY SURE SOUND LIKE A PERFECT COUPLE TO ME! Oh jeez he just forced her again to say he's a great husband. She begs for him to let her finish a thought. She also just said "All over the literal world" so maybe he's onto something not allowing this ditz to speak out loud.
So she's rambling on about space or something that is important to her and Sean interrupts her thought to show her his phone and say hi to someone on FaceTime. Can you even fucking imagine if he was deep in one of his anger fit rants about trans people in the women's room or whatever whatever and she did that to him?? My God the hellfire that would befall her. 😡 🤯
It's just starting to really get good. Keep on trucking you two beautiful idiots. I simply cannot wait to see what's next!
submitted by Omnipotent-Bread to LionsNotSheepFrauds [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 souvenir_stone Natural Sri Lankan Sapphire - 2.15

Natural Sri Lankan Sapphire - 2.15 submitted by souvenir_stone to RockhoundExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Low-Yesterday10791 Advice Please 🫶

I’ve been on the implant since May 2023 and my scheduled date for removal is May 2026 but I’m just starting to feel tired of the side effects.
Tbh I’m not the best at logging my periods but I have noticed that since being on my periods are a lot longer and more extreme. I’ve always had quite heavy periods and often had to use a tampon and pad at the same time but I’ve been bleeding through a lot quicker and more often recently. When I first had it put in I bled constantly from may-September and since then my periods have been more irregular and last a month or so (with some months skipped).
I waited over a year in hopes it would settle itself but it hasn’t. I called my local GP at the end of last year to discuss getting it removed but I was told that they had no availability for me and I should call again in a few months when ‘they may have built a clinic’. This was obviously extremely frustrating and I’m now unsure of what to do. So I’m asking what I should request when I next contact my GP.
Is it best to call again and ask for it to be removed? Is there any other options which can reduce the bleeding? Should I just wait until 2026?
Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Low-Yesterday10791 to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 ConstantBed1321 Whats the one trait you hate the most on yourself? How did you realize that you habe this bad trait?

submitted by ConstantBed1321 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 cryingreallyloud balance and earned $$ differ?

just confirming that the balance you have available is after depop takes out fees obv, but the earned $ on your profile appears to be before the fees were taken out correct? for example i just started and haven’t gotten paid out for my first sales yet. my balance is ~$170 but my earned amt on profile is $190. hope this makes sense, just making sure im not bugging abt why they’re different
submitted by cryingreallyloud to Depop [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 randomuser3362 QC on this 187 Kelly?

QC on this 187 Kelly? Any standout flaws? Looks pretty good to me honestly but figured I’d see what everyone else thinks!
submitted by randomuser3362 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 djcjf Sanyo VM-DT10 8mm Camcorder eating tape and blinking cassette on view finder after inserting a fresh 8mm tape, what's wrong with it?

Trying to understand why my Sanyo VM-DT10 8mm camcorder is failing to operate.
Picked up the near full kit at good will for 30 bucks, it's sat in my temperature controlled room for a few months before I decided to test it.
I grew up around these types of cameras in the early 2000's but wasn't quite old enough to play with them, even tho I had a love for film making.
I'm into electronics repair and software/network engineering now and plan to put those skills towards an art form, but I still love film and would like to get back into it. I thought thus consumer camcorder would be a fun unit to add to my kit, as I love the tape video aesthetic.
I'm at most familiar with basic recovery methods of 8mm film (working cam Corder hooked to a av out to composite usb capture card, feeding upstream to obs) main goal is to preserve the original quality and artifacts due time/technology.
When it comes to actually recording with one, I might as well be a noob. As far as I can tell the tape is halting, and is still in the machine when the cassette is ejected. The camera's view finder requests a tape, once inserted it makes some noises before blinking cassette again.
The lens is locked in macro mode and the units led flash doesn't come on when the button is pressed.
The I can see the viewfinder is projecting the captured image behind the white fog with text.
And when clicking recording or trying to seek the tape nothing happens.
It's worth noting the 1000mah 6v battery is reporting 6.76vdc and only lasting 10 minutes, initial charge and discharge I found it over heating. I wouldn't be surprised if the ni-cd battery is no longer holding it's compacity.
Would my best option be to Crack it open and replace the cells safely? (I have the knowledge to do so)
Mostly concerned tho about getting the camera to record, I could always build a custom supply for it.
submitted by djcjf to camcorders [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 tokitaffy 3 year anniversary

3 year anniversary i’ve officially loved randy for 3 years :)
submitted by tokitaffy to southpark [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 VariousBroccoli9359 Need some advice with my roommate and their pigeon

My roommate has a pigeon he loves and is bonded with. The pigeon has a coop and a run which my roommate feeds him daily and cleans coop every so often. The problem is in the non winter months he hangs out with the pigeon way more often outside. In the winter not so much (we have mild winters here but it's still pretty cold and rainy). Sometimes the pigeon is brought inside with a diaper to hang out in the house but I worry it's lonely the other 85% of the time out there. I thought about another pigeon for company but he's said he doesn't want another in the past.
Is this something worth bringing up to my roommate as serious? I know it's recommended to spend 5hrs a day with a lone pigeon pet but at what point is it neglect? I can't find any actual evidence or anything online, just blogs saying it's not good for them. I know he loves this bird, I just don't want to make a big deal out of it if it's not one, or if it's none of my business. Thanks!
submitted by VariousBroccoli9359 to pigeon [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 yourmomsface12345 Did you come out to your family and did you find a creative way to do it. I built this on the kitchen table next to my mom while she was doing something for her work and just waited for her to ask what I was making.

submitted by yourmomsface12345 to asexuality [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 moggatron I cried about this this morning

submitted by moggatron to moggatron [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 kiltedlowlander Nice example of "oak rays" in some seasoned wood

submitted by kiltedlowlander to firewood [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 lizzypoops123 Ship?

Ship? Hundreds of people on tik tok are saying that this spacecraft was spotted off the coast of Florida. Did anybody on here see this? What do we think this is? If it's real I feel like they will be back in the sky tonight. People said that it in was coming in and out of focus apparently.
submitted by lizzypoops123 to UAP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 westerosi_codger Why is this edition of Unfinished Tales so difficult to track down?

Why is this edition of Unfinished Tales so difficult to track down? submitted by westerosi_codger to tolkienbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Bullied_Femboy_Lover Where my bikissers at? >:3

Where my bikissers at? >:3 submitted by Bullied_Femboy_Lover to boykisser [link] [comments]
