Game instantly crashes on OnePlus 13.

2025.01.20 16:56 Voiidq Game instantly crashes on OnePlus 13.

Game instantly crashes on OnePlus 13. The app works just fine upon FIRST launch even after reinstall, but once I close the app and try launching it again, it crashes instantly.
No other game/app does this.
I remember having similar issue long time ago and it was related to Google's WebView.
I've already tried the following:
- phone restart / guest profile with default settings
- deleting app cache
- uninstalling WebView updates
This is the only game I really play on mobile so it's kind of a bummer... Any ideas?
submitted by Voiidq to infinitode [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Affectionate_Try_838 May be terminated tomorrow, a few questions

I believe I am going to be terminated tomorrow for poor performance (without getting too much into it, I was placed on a PIP and was told Friday they are not seeing the improvements they want). I have never had this happen in my entire career and actually left my previous job because this was my dream job when I graduated college and took the opportunity when it was presented...5 months later..we are here.
I am wondering, if my boss terminates me tomorrow, can I file for unemployment? Or what options do I have? What happens to my PTO? If I am eligible for unemployment, how do I apply for it?
Sorry, I am super stressed out and never had this happen before.
submitted by Affectionate_Try_838 to FloridaUnemployment [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 EldritchAlpaca73 New year, new build

Have a few different yet similar builds in mind so need help choosing. These are all unmodded, anniversary edition on the Switch.
Warlock: Breton specializing in alteration and illusion. Also a werewolf viewing it as more shape shifting magic than lycanthropy. Will heavily use the necromancer creations for the bone forge, staff of worms and new robes.
Priestess of Hircine: A more witchy type devoted to Hircine and based on the reachfolk's 5 aspects of Hircine. Arlabag, uses the spear of bitter mercy, so she'll be traveling with Gogh. Storihbeg the manbeast, so of course she'll be a werewolf. Uricanbeg the stag, so she'll travel via the reindeer mount. Gulibeg, the trickster and fox. So having Sweetroll tag along, using a dagger for the quick bite, and illusion for tricking enemies into meeting their own demise. And lastly Hrokkibeg the bear. So stormcloak officer gear and pride of hirstaag summon.
Cursed Alchemist: Simple lowly alchemist traveling the world with his dog, documenting new plants. Somehow angered Hircine and is forced to be a werewolf with no control over it. Requires joining the companions asap and starting but not finishing hircine's quest. Just robes/clothes, a low level dagger and potions/poisons. Dabbles in alteration because he knows it's a harsh land and needs to survive somehow. Invests in the companions quest chain and eventually learns to appreciate and control his curse.
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submitted by EldritchAlpaca73 to SkyrimBuilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Mother-Huckleberry99 Anyone have experience putting a tiny home in the backyard?

First time homeowner. We’ve been here a year and our home sits on 3 acres of land (including a wooded area). Wondering if anyone has experience with putting a tiny home in their backyard. We could either do it in our existing yard, which would be fine and still allow us enough space to have a good size backyard, or we could clear some of the trees (assuming we can get clearance to do so from the city) and build it there. Our home is on well, sewer and electric, but no clue what our current well and sewer systems can handle. Would love to hear any experiences.
submitted by Mother-Huckleberry99 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Kito_Lenoxix WHEN OIL RUNS RED COVER ARTS

WHEN OIL RUNS RED COVER ARTS submitted by Kito_Lenoxix to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 SignalDefinition3380 [Discussion]Whats your rarest, most recent/current and favourite platinum you have obtained

My rarest is UFC 5 which isnt really too hard but the online can be hard as your opponents may or may not be good at the game but the offline trophies are easy enough.
My most recent are bully and minecraft story mode season 2 as i did them pretty much back to back but i thought id speak on bully more as mcsms2 has no missables, only play the game.
Bully was really fun and thankfully has no online trophies as it was made in 2006, it was a bit grindy in some parts but i got it in the end, had aload of fun wish i could go back.
My first platinum was in july 2023 and it was on my favourite game of all time, Until Dawn. This game is amazing to me idk what to really say on it as they would be spoilers but if you have not played.i highly recommend as it should be cheap enough and is quite easy but you might need a guide as the collectibles are a little difficult. The remake was released in october 2024 and is very fun and has new features, but its just easier to get the og, i have the remake and only need 1 trophy for the plat but it is buggy so i need to get back into it.Both versions are amazing to me and i do not regret spending 70 euro on the day it released even though now i am a broke 16 year old but still worth it.This was probably my favourite platinum if not maybe Spiderman 2 as i played that game blind unlike until dawn because as i child i watched jacksepticeye play it alot.
Spiderman 2 was great as i loved miles and peters chemistry and ive always love spiderman as a child. It was an easy enough plat and there are no difficulty trophies just misc, story and combat.
Sorry this was so long, i just kinda waffled but id like to hear what everyone else has to say.
submitted by SignalDefinition3380 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Neverstopthinking09 Anyone got CII membership with a DMP?

I am currently a student member but I'm in talks about setting up a DMP to manage debt and get it cleared within 3-4 years.
I know IVA/CCJ is a no no but can I safely enter a DMP? I've emailed the legal team because customer services was unsure but I'm hoping to see if anyone else has experience with this.
My income massively dropped after having two kids (I'm Mum) and now I'm working full time I'm wanting to get it all cleared. I also had unmanaged ADHD which i am now medicated for so I'm finding managing money much easier.
I do not have any CCJs or an IVA though.
submitted by Neverstopthinking09 to cii [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 warcodes UPDATE: Healing costs have been reduced

I've reduced the healing costs for all monsters. This includes lowering both the cost increase per heal and the maximum cost at each level. As a result of these reductions, not only will healing costs be lower, but healing times with the Everlife Potion and Healing Chamber will also be shorter.
Please note that this change is not retroactive. If your monster’s current healing cost is above the new maximum, you'll need to heal them at the existing cost before it resets to the new limit. For example, if your level 5 monster currently costs 60 tokens to heal, you must first heal them at 60 tokens. Afterward, the cost will be reduced to the new max of 50 tokens.
Here are the implemented changes:

Updated Base and Max Healing Costs Per Level: When a monster levels up, if their healing cost is above the base, it will reset to the base value. Healing costs will then increase by 1 token per defeat until they reach the new max.
I've also seen the feedback on the Everlife Potion. I'm planning to adjust it so that it gradually reduces the healing cost over time—similar to the Healing Chamber. This means you'll have the option to heal your monsters before the timer ends, at a reduced cost, instead of waiting for a full heal.
However, this change will require an app update to ensure the displayed healing cost matches the actual reduction. As a result, it may take a few weeks before this feature becomes available. This also will be retroactive on all monsters where the potion has already been added when it is released.
submitted by warcodes to warcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Fun-Weakness2724 Snow from yesterday

Snow from yesterday submitted by Fun-Weakness2724 to Brooklyn [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Wide-Nectarine1830 Any nsfw telugu communities!

submitted by Wide-Nectarine1830 to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 TurnipThe_Beet What are your favorite/most trusted online seed and plant brands?

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submitted by TurnipThe_Beet to vegetablegardening [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Suspicious-Pay-9209 is it still possible to get a Facebook account that has to 2 step on

i was locked out of my account i dont have my phone number anymore and i dont have a email link to it im not log in on another device and i try need another it just take me back to the 2 step
submitted by Suspicious-Pay-9209 to facebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Western_Lunch_9571 Ranger teams and MVU not patrolling

I’m sure this has probably been answered at some point but I haven’t been able to find an answer on it.
Has anyone else been having issues with their ranger teams and MVU just not doing status checks or treating posts they are assigned to? It is never a problem initially but after I get to a certain point they just stop doing it and the vehicles will just stay in one spot and never move on to the next task. I haven’t tried taking all of the tasks off their list and re-assigning them and splitting tasks up between each of the teams but nothing seems to be helping.
All of the posts are reachable by the vehicles with multiple gates in and out of each area. I’ve also tried assigning multiple teams to each post to no avail.
submitted by Western_Lunch_9571 to jurassicworldevo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 nasserg19 Who Wins?

Who Wins? Current Robin vs Mei
submitted by nasserg19 to OnePieceScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Interesting-Ring9312 I need good insights. 3rd month, minimal results.

I started this journey last a October (260 lbs) and started with 0.25 and then worked my way up the next dosage every 1 month. I finished my 1 month of 1mg and only found I lost 6 pounds. I was supposed to keep at it at 1mg but I accidentally did 2mg on Ozempia on my supposed 5th week of 1mg (had to switch to a different brand because stocks of Ozempic have been low in my country). The pen was such a challenge to navigate.
I had the worst weekend ever. I was nauseated all weekend. Had to miss out on so many events. My diarrhea was horrible, food sickens me, and my gas is causing me to lose sleep.
I do want to switch back to Ozempic and try 1.5 weekly. The 2mg really rocked my world in the worst ways.
What are your best practices now that you're on Ozempic? Food choices, supplements, routine?
I'm starting to feel hopeless and the pen is so expensive from where I live. 😭
submitted by Interesting-Ring9312 to OzempicForWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Sad-Description-3919 Mis vecinos viven de mi, que harían en mi situación?

Hola, básicamente mis vecinos usurparon la casa de al lado, es decir no alquilan ni muchos menos son dueños de la casa. La cuestión es que como no hay papeles de por medio, no tienen acceso ni al gas, ni al agua etc. y básicamente roban de mi casa, lo que pasa es que vinieron de metrogas a contárnoslo porque estaba largando gas, se ve que metieron mano y se mandaron cagada, tuvimos que pagar una banda por estos pelotudos. Y ahora vinieron de aysa porque supuestamente nosotros llamamos ¿? Para que pongan agua a esa casa. Sinceramente si pudiera los mataría porque me tienen las bolas re podridas, pero tienen banda de gente atrás los típicos “matones” y mis papás no pueden decirles nada por ese motivo. En fin, que harían en mi situación?
submitted by Sad-Description-3919 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Still-Winter-7769 Welcome to America Incorporated. We hereby now own all of you.

Welcome to America Incorporated. We hereby now own all of you. submitted by Still-Winter-7769 to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 downtherabbbithole Today 1 /20/25

Reflection for Today
By being a kind, considerate and generous people-pleaser, I was looking for acceptance. I put the responsibility on the other person to make me feel good about myself, instead of on my own shoulders where it belonged. I am not saying I should never do anything for another, but I need to continually be aware of my motives. Does what I am doing violate my values? Do I have strings attached? Am I expecting something back? Am I doing it only because I want someone to like me?
Meditation for Today
Let me be more aware of my motives for doing what I choose to do. I no longer want to lose myself for I am all I really have.
Today I will remember
If I continue to exist for others, I will not gain; instead, I will lose the most precious gift God has given me - myself.
submitted by downtherabbbithole to emotionsanonymous [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 tattoooedaimee how old are you now?

how old are you now? submitted by tattoooedaimee to funnymeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 apck Can someone remove the pole/pier/object in the river in the bottom of the photo?

submitted by apck to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 -CoachMcGuirk- Fireworks question

I’m not sure how they are collected. When I finish a match it will show that I collect x-number of firecrackers, but how do those translate into fireworks ?
submitted by -CoachMcGuirk- to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 BT_the-nerd Antioch after closure

Antioch after closure PC 1:,_MO_(Antioch_Center,_2726_NE_Vivion_Rd)
PC 2:,_MO_(2726_NE_Vivion_Rd)
submitted by BT_the-nerd to chuckecheese [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 HamburgerToy 👑Thailand Exclusive LABUBU-GOOD LUCK TO YOU

👑Thailand Exclusive LABUBU-GOOD LUCK TO YOU submitted by HamburgerToy to labubu [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Yolimox Epic battle in Plunderstorm World of Warcraft 60fps

Epic battle in Plunderstorm World of Warcraft 60fps submitted by Yolimox to gameplayvideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:56 Radiant-Quiet-79 New to Reddit and TikTok

Anyone have any ideas how to build a nice following on these social media platforms?
submitted by Radiant-Quiet-79 to countrymusicians [link] [comments]