2025.01.20 20:51 Nervous-Cod-5379 recorded a mix from the andes mountains. hope you enjoy
submitted by Nervous-Cod-5379 to OrganicHouse [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 Top_Let4483 RTX 4070 to 4080 or 5080
I currently have the GeForce RTX 4070. With the new 5000 series coming out I’m just trying to gather some opinions on if it would be worth upgrading.
I have a Microcenter near me and my current trade value is $249. My plan was to upgrade to the 5080 or 5070 ti but I’m a little hesitant.
Is upgrading right now really worth it?
I know this depends on performance and what I typically game one.
I have a ASUS OLED 1440p 480hz monitor.
Mainly play FPS/Single player games and I do want to be able to play these games at a high performance level.
I appreciate thoughts and opinions!
submitted by Top_Let4483 to nvidia [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 TJ-white1712 I was at a trinket shop in Havre de Grace Maryland and I saw these two guitars can someone please tell me what kind they are and are they both worth $140 separate or 280 together
submitted by TJ-white1712 to guitars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 iseeyou765 New and confused
Hello all, I'm new to carp fishing. I have fished twice so far at a fishery. I have borrowed a reel both times but I would like to buy my own (if needed). I did buy a reel from decathlon as it was on sale and looked like a decent reel but one of the lads I fished with said it was not suitable for where we fish. I have caught a 15lb carp and as low as 4.5lb carp and a few in between. I'll post a pic of the reel I bought and maybe someone can say if it's suitable or not. If it's not suitable could you suggest a reel sub £100 if possible. I can't imagine landing a carp heavier than 20lbs where we fish if that helps. Any info is much appreciated.
submitted by iseeyou765 to CarpFishing [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 Ok-Room-7243 Auto zone refuses to give me replacement battery after battery has left me stranded for the 8th time in a year
Got a better with a two year replacement warranty. First time was 1 month in, went to get a new one. Nope, according to autozone it’s perfectly fine. They charged it back up and sent me on my way. Next time, hour away from my house in the boonies and it won’t start and I’m in the middle of nowhere. Cost me $100 for a jump, went to autozone. Nope, yet again my battery is 100% good no issues. And has left my stuck in parking lots and jobsites multiple time after that but nope, according to Autozone, it’s a good battery. What can I do? They just absolutely will not stick to their 2 year warranty even though it’s leaving me stranded. Alternator is good.
submitted by Ok-Room-7243 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 TheRealAchillesHeel مين عايز شقه ب٤ مليون في التجمع؟
دي لققققققطة كلموني دايركت
submitted by TheRealAchillesHeel to Egypt [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 Equivalent_Bag_8766 Dm for kiara
submitted by Equivalent_Bag_8766 to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 luckydante419 Trophies on Stream
Can you earn trophies while streaming?
submitted by luckydante419 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 nolanday64 Anytime dining on Constellation ?
We're familiar with anytime dining on RCCL ships. We're booked on our first Celebrity ship coming up in about 6 weeks, but when I look at our reservation for dining options, all it shows is that we're currently set for 8:30pm, and the option for Anytime is greyed-out, so I can't select that.
Any reason this option would be unavailable ? Is it just too soon to pick that, or is it not "pick-able" from the website ?
submitted by nolanday64 to celebritycruises [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 BeachSad8936 LOL!
How did this get approved? SOS must’ve been on crack!! submitted by BeachSad8936 to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 KitchenAd3097 (Gb) All the Things You Are - Jazz Etude
submitted by KitchenAd3097 to LearnJazzguitar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 ZakzoukDRMR9969 Does anybody has Blu-rays or DVDs of Imouto Sae Ireba Ii?
or atleast, Recorded Episodes of the Blu-ray or DVD edition of Imouto Sae Ireba Ii?
submitted by ZakzoukDRMR9969 to Imouto_sae_Ireba_Ii [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 Mobile-Sport-2568 Wife saw this mark on our three year olds tooth and is freaking out
Is this concerning for a cavity? Surprised because we brush her teeth daily. Thank you! submitted by Mobile-Sport-2568 to askdentists [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 All-Year-Long Looking for advice prior to starting Zepbound
I will be starting Zepbound in one week and I’ve been scouring Reddit for all the great tips these communities have to offer. I appreciate reading about the experience of others and the valuable insights offered. I am hopeful for so many things as I start this new journey, but mostly the notion of not thinking every moment of every day about food, the negative aspects of my weight, and how much I’ve gained over the past several years. I feel that these thoughts consume me even though I have been exercising regularly and eating fairly healthily for quite some time now, only to see a drop of no more than five pounds despite trying hard to improve my habits and move the scale. I have a several questions in mind at the moment. 1) Due to the potential muscle loss on Zepbound, I would like to try and have 30 grams of lean protein with each meal. Does that seem reasonable given the decrease in appetite that occurs? 2) Second, I cook dinner for my family most nights and, in addition to having general dinner fatigue, I am curious how being on this medicine will impact this part of my life. My family is interested in eating healthy dinners but perhaps not to the extent I will be doing so. Any advice on how to balance ongoing meal preparations for the family while adhering to what I need to do for my own weight loss journey? I have thought about making lean proteins and veggies for everyone, plus (for example) rice, potatoes, or pasta depending on the night for those who want that with their meal. 3) I plan to continue my normal workout routine which consists of walking at least a mile a day, five days a week. Weights three days a week and core work two days a week. I am hoping to be able to continue/enhance this exercise regimen once I start on Zepbound. Does that seem reasonable? 4) What about drinking coffee? Does that worsen the digestive issues that occur for people? Is tea a better option? Thanks in advance for any insights you may have to my questions!
submitted by All-Year-Long to zepbound_support [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 Few-Stranger5692 Anyone Have Watchdog Greatsword? (Ps5)
I have 9 in arcane so I don’t really have the means to farm.
I’m running a strength build and wanna test it out since it scales S in strength
Hmu if you down to trade
submitted by Few-Stranger5692 to EldenRingHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 Interesting-Flan-404 What are your favorite shots from your favorite filmmaker
Guys, we all have favorite directors whose works impress us more and whose films are etched in our memory. So, as the title suggests, I wanted to know about some favorite shots that made you a fan of that filmmaker. Guys, we all have favorite directors whose works impress us more and whose films are etched in our memory. So, as the title suggests, I wanted to know about some favorite shots that made you a fan of that filmmaker. submitted by Interesting-Flan-404 to Letterboxd [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 the1918 [Motorsport.com] “Sainz-Albon Partnership Brings Leadership to Williams, Not Politics - Vowles”
Great article with new quotes from JV about the strengths of the exciting new driver lineup submitted by the1918 to WilliamsF1 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 DeanOMiite Pricing a property that includes an ADU
I have a seller considering putting an ADU on their property to increase value for the sale. Unfortunately, ADU’s are not common in my area so I have no comps. Those of you who work with ADU’s more than I do, do you have a ballpark as to how much of a percentage an ADU will increase a property’s value? Not looking for definite answers and all the little one-offs, just somewhere for me to start the conversation with my seller. Thanks.
For those who don’t know: ADU = accessory dwelling unit.
submitted by DeanOMiite to realtors [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 microc-le-chat-botte America
Tout allait bien pour Jules et Jim. Leur nouveau métier dans le cinéma leur apportait beaucoup de satisfaction. Un jour, une occasion inespérée se présenta : aller tourner un ou deux films en Amérique. Sans trop réfléchir, ils décidèrent de partir à Hollywood, ravis de réaliser un voyage dont ils avaient toujours rêvé.
À leur arrivée, ils furent très bien accueillis. Comme de grands enfants, ils s’émerveillèrent devant ce nouvel univers. Il faut dire que vivre à Los Angeles est agréable grâce à son climat ensoleillé toute l’année et ses magnifiques plages comme Malibu ou Venice Beach. La ville est un mélange culturel, offrant une incroyable diversité gastronomique et artistique. Los Angeles attire de nombreux talents et son ambiance détendue et ses quartiers variés ne pouvaient que plaire à nos deux compères.
La langue, d’abord un obstacle, fut vite surmontée. Les journées de travail, longues et éprouvantes, étaient heureusement entrecoupées de périodes de repos. Ces moments libres leur permettaient de faire la fête.
Ils commencèrent à vivre surtout la nuit, multipliant les nouvelles rencontres, abusant de l’alcool, entourés de filles. Cependant, leur consommation d’alcool laissa rapidement place à la drogue. La cocaïne devint indispensable pour eux.
Leur nouvelle vie, marquée par les excès, les éloignait chaque jour un peu plus de la réalité. L’argent commença à manquer, surtout pour Jules. Ce dernier accepta alors des boulots douteux, voire illégaux, comme la réception et le transport de drogue.
De son côté, Jim peinait à maintenir son professionnalisme. Les critiques des professionnels du cinéma américain à son égard se faisaient de plus en plus sévères. Malgré tout, le film fut terminé, mais dans la douleur.
Plutôt que de rentrer en France, Jules et Jim décidèrent de rester, sous prétexte qu’un deuxième film pourrait se présenter. En réalité, ils ne voulaient pas quitter cette vie dont ils étaient devenus dépendants.
Rapidement, ils rejoignirent une bande de voyous, dont l’activité principale consistait à extorquer de l’argent à des commerçants par intimidation. Avec le temps, leurs nombreuses rencontres nocturnes et leurs besoins financiers croissants les plongèrent de plus en plus profondément dans le milieu du banditisme.
Malgré tout, ils affirmaient être heureux. Cela leur rappelait l’époque de leurs grandes bêtises.
Un jour, lors de l’attaque d’une banque, ils furent arrêtés avec le reste de la bande. Ne pouvant payer leur caution, ils restèrent en prison jusqu’à leur procès.
Condamnés à dix-huit mois de détention, ils purgèrent leur peine.
Jules et Jim se retrouvèrent dans une prison surpeuplée où les cellules destinées à deux détenus en accueillaient parfois quatre ou cinq. La promiscuité extrême rendait le quotidien insupportable, avec des disputes fréquentes pour le moindre espace ou bien personnel. L’hygiène était déplorable, les toilettes se trouvant à l’intérieur des cellules sans séparation, créant une odeur permanente d’insalubrité. Les douches, rares et partagées, étaient des lieux de tension et de violence, forçant les deux hommes à rester constamment sur leurs gardes.
La violence omniprésente était une source constante de peur : les rivalités entre gangs, très influents dans les prisons californiennes, menaçaient leur sécurité à tout moment. Chaque jour, ils risquaient de devenir des cibles pour des raisons qu’ils ne comprenaient pas toujours. Les repas insuffisants et de mauvaise qualité, souvent froids et insalubres, ne permettaient pas de maintenir leur santé. Les soins médicaux étaient presque inexistants, les détenus devant attendre des semaines pour des consultations rudimentaires.
Les conditions climatiques aggravaient leur calvaire : l’été, les températures étouffantes transformaient les cellules en fours, tandis que l’hiver, l’absence de chauffage les exposait au froid mordant. Le stress psychologique était constant, amplifié par l’absence de nouvelles de leurs proches à cause de restrictions sur les communications et le coût élevé des appels. Les gardiens, souvent indifférents voire hostiles, fermaient les yeux sur les injustices ou participaient eux-mêmes aux abus.
Enfermés dans un univers brutal où la loi du plus fort domine, chaque jour était une lutte pour leur dignité et leur survie.
À leur sortie, grâce à l’argent que Jim avait perçu pour ses derniers films, ils regagnèrent immédiatement la France contents de quitter cet enfer.
submitted by microc-le-chat-botte to Jules_et_jim [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 Leather_Note1600 One of my problem with Orihime from bleach
Orihime is often bashed by some fans as annoying and useless character (i partly agree). But i have problem with her backstory or how her backstory impacted on her character. See, her soft nature and exclusion of offence power (and other characteristics) often explained by fact that she was a victim of domestic abuse. This is true technically (her and her brother stuff), but i don't see how it has changed her and influenced. In Rukia case, her love for Kaen made her full of guilt which through all life to end of SS arc. And even after this, she has been struggled during fight with nine espada because he looks like Kaen. I see where rukia started her arc and ended. But i don't see it with Orihime, her difficult past never used in context of character development. I have seen many characters who overcome their difficult past (kaiser from Blue Lock, both protagonists of Your Throne, blonde girl, Psyche, even resembles Orihime) through satisfying arc, but Bread girl hasn't on screen. Which was wasted potential for me. (English isn't my first language, sorry)
submitted by Leather_Note1600 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 SirDisso Plano Model Railroad Show was Grand!!
submitted by SirDisso to modeltrains [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 garrett325 Need Glyphopoly will trade any other 1 star
IGN: garrettmath Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/BvmLFw submitted by garrett325 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 more_para We are Very fucked
submitted by more_para to Undertale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:51 Enough_Advantage7063 Survey rewards
So has anyone actually got the survey dice?
submitted by Enough_Advantage7063 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:51 expired-cheese SmartFind callout
Have boards had issues with the SmartFind callout system the last few days? I got many calls (probably the most I got in one night all year) and was only able to accept one because the system was glitching out so bad. I’m assuming this has to do with the cyber incident?
submitted by expired-cheese to OntarioTeachers [link] [comments]