Phone only charges from powerbank not power outlet

2025.01.20 23:23 Knightly_Redditor Phone only charges from powerbank not power outlet

Hello guys so my phone (Galaxy A71 5G) Doesnt charge from the normal power outlet and only charges thru my powerbank or laptop. Its the exact same cable works on other devices normally and works on my own device when im charging through my powebank.
Here where it gets weird : i bought a new 60w cable that supported super fast charging and it worked on my phone (with super fast charging) for a couple days then one day when my phone died i tried to use my new cable to charge it and it didnt work. It brought me back to square one where i can only charge through my powerbank and normal fast charging not the super fast one. At this point i dont really care if its super fast or fast i just want my phone to charge through the power outlet normally cuz its a pain having to wait for my powerbank to be full so i can use my phone.
I've tried multiple things to fix this issue: restarted my phone 100 times , went to a store to clean my charging port , did a factory reset(was kinda forced since my phone was stuck in safe mode) , and prayed to god🙏
submitted by Knightly_Redditor to samsung [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Sufficient_Yam_5095 A Player character died and I need help

So it's a complete disaster everyones dead but one of the Players to be honest, but I only need help with one of my dead players. Said players character had a cursed sword which had a soul in it, in my world the gods are dead and there is no afterlife, so the original soul is gone, but since he attuned the sword the otehr soul could in my opinion take over his body.
Now here comes the part I need help with, I would love to give him a special dedication, like Zombie etc. for this to represent his body and soul not beeing in sync, a good condition or extra rule would also fit (we already talked and he likes the idea of playing as someone else with his original characters memories, but a totally different personality). There is a whole storyline going on and it would fit well into the story if his body remained but the spirit living in it is someone else.
What could I use as an archetype in your opinion? I already thought about the undead and living vessle once but they don't quite fit what we want for his character, at least on the first glance. So I come to you guys for help. Any suggestion is welcome,
submitted by Sufficient_Yam_5095 to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 markkuselinen Cessna 208 Caravan engine stalls

Hi simmers, recently I started playing MSFS24 and I completed around 25 career missions with Cessna 172, 400 and 208 Caravan. So far Caravan seems to be the hardest for me, possibly due to reverse thrust and how throttle is managed on it. During recent flights on Caravan I had my engine stalling and I wasn't able to start the engine again. I replicated it in a video below where after landing I get low oil pressure and low vacuum alerts. My guess is that the engine stalls because I switch to zero detent, and because it's below idle detent the engine stalls. However, I cannot even start the engine after that (shown at the end of video). Why? What am I doing wrong? Unfortunately video tutorials about caravan are not much different from other cessna aircrafts, hence I don't really understand what's happening.
submitted by markkuselinen to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 ImTheCuRsEd-OnE Beast vs Mui

Of course this has to be the first fight I choose 😤
submitted by ImTheCuRsEd-OnE to DragonBallSparking [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 GainsMega CRNA School Study Tips

I’m a first-year SRNA currently in the didactic portion of the program. My school conducts weekly quizzes, along with a midterm and final exam for advanced patho.
Should I create new Anki cards for each lecture in pathophysiology and review them daily, or organize a separate deck for each lecture and review those individually every day?
For health assessment, should I also use Anki? If so, what’s the most effective way to incorporate it into my study routine?
Right now I have my first patho deck of 67 cards and reviewed SRS 20 cards only but these are new cards. I’m day 3 of 20 cards per day
Should I be doing more cards since it’s a new deck?
submitted by GainsMega to Anki [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Ahi_22 How to remove car from permit portal?

Sister is trying to add car to her portal, but can't since the car was registered under my portal from last semester. I tried editing on my end, but can't even find a way to remove vehicle from my portal. Any suggestions?
submitted by Ahi_22 to csuf [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Covozi さらば追憶の町銭湯「サウナブーム」の一方で消えゆく銭湯

submitted by Covozi to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 epstienwhat International student trying to come back

I live overseas and trying to come back permanently but i need some money to start over my life again in india and here my salary is quite decent, So i can invest around 1 lakh a month. Can anyone suggest how i should invest it to get best returns over my investments. Thank you.
submitted by epstienwhat to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 kfperea Pregnancy and cancer

I'm a 28 yo female who was diagnosed w/ ovarian cancer 3x most recently in 2023 while pregnant with my first kiddo. Since, I've had testing and my cancer tumor came back estrogen and progesterone positive making cancer likely but not 100% if my body has large amounts of either. My doctor can't tell me how likely it is for a new cancer or recurrence to occur but has suggested to go on the side of caution when thinking about pregnancy again. If I do decide to try for another baby it would have to be with IVF. All that being said what would you do or think?? I'm open to all comments and judgement ( maybe it'll knock some sense into me) .
submitted by kfperea to cancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 iremainunvanquished1 Sibbi Black-Briar captured by the Silver Hand

Sibbi Black-Briar captured by the Silver Hand
So somehow Sibbi Black-Briar got himself captured by a vampire led silver hand. Seriously debating whether or not I should free this piece of shit.
submitted by iremainunvanquished1 to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 skilldrain69 They won’t hit branded… right?

Sorry in advance if this seems overdramatic, but branded seems to be having great success lately - no shot that Konami nerfs them, right?
I’m sure that fiendsmith in the near future will put em on the back-burner again in terms of what Konami thinks is OP
I’ve pretty much only played branded for the last year and was hoping that someone could assuage my fears lol. I know it’s all speculation, but just curious what you all think.
submitted by skilldrain69 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Shy_-_ Chciałby ktoś w coś pograć razem? :3

Chciałby ktoś w coś pograć razem? :3 submitted by Shy_-_ to fembojs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Best-Upstairs-848 What hybrids would you recommend for ca. 100$?

I'm looking for a V-shaped set. I'd like the bass to be a solid foundation for the sound, and the treble to really brighten music. My first iems were the Fiio FH1 which I loved then, so maybe there's something similar to them?
submitted by Best-Upstairs-848 to iems [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 laneyy11 I finally am what I am..

I finally am what I am.. submitted by laneyy11 to TheFrontBottoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Zestyclose_Zombie287 #1 Reselling Server 🌎

submitted by Zestyclose_Zombie287 to Resell [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Athxna0 ETAM-Architectural Engineering (Structural track if that matters)

How competitive is ETAM for Architectural engineering? Is it auto admit or you’re cooked or more flexibility?
submitted by Athxna0 to TAMUAdmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Broomhower Bring back No Land Beyond, Bring back Shadestep, Bring back Twilight Garrison, and bring back Sunsinger.

Since Bunjee is raiding the content vault to keep their game alive, here are four things Bongo could do to help their current circumstance. Oingo Boingo if you're reading this I'll take my payment in gold bullion or uncut diamonds. You're welcome.
submitted by Broomhower to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 SL13PNIR Cardano 101 Course (Funded by Catalyst)

Cardano 101 Course (Funded by Catalyst) submitted by SL13PNIR to cardano [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Stef509 i need help to evolve porygon, anyone down to help?

submitted by Stef509 to PokemonScarletTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 LewelUA [Discussion] Tarkov should be screwed more

The game getting more worse each new wipe, BSG still have closed eyes on most of the problems, this is ridiculous that they worry about flea rather than other aspects of the game.
My opinion, that things should get even worse, so majority of players leave from the game. Old players often involve new ones, because it is a lot better to play with friends. But if they leave, they will cut a big piece of income for BSG. Money is the only thing that these dumb@$$€$ care about
When there was drama about the unheard edition they were shit scared, even though they said it didn't somehow affected them. I think we have to do something so they start moving again
submitted by LewelUA to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Aggravating-Sun-5110 What sound is is playing?

So I have heard the sound throughout the seasons and was wanting to know if anyone knew the name or something , it's the sound playing in season 2 when Elijah tells Elena about the moonstone being fake. Also the same sound in season 3 episode 9 when Tyler tells Caroline to not turn her back on him 🌸
submitted by Aggravating-Sun-5110 to TheVampireDiaries [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 PineappleHotSauce My dad said he's feeling suicidal, what should I do ?

As the title says, what should I do ? Especially without overstepping.
Contact his GP ? And advice is helpful.
Thank you
submitted by PineappleHotSauce to AskUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 Ok_Sail9115 My world is crashing down and need to vent.

Long story short my car broke down so missed work, drained my account to get it fixed, my landlord gave me till the 20th to pay rent but I don't get paid till the 31st, reached out to "friends" asked for help or even just to share a GoFundMe link and got completely ignored. And my only living family is my mom who stole my identity and ruined my credit. Went to every site imaginable and have pretty mush ignored everywhere, went to charities, churches, state and fov assistance and been told I don't qualify. So now me and my kid will be homeless over $200.
On top of that I live in the US so health care is bullshit. I have chest infection starting and need $75 co pay to buy $4 medicine and I just don't have that.... Gonna die of pneumonia at 37 lol
submitted by Ok_Sail9115 to loneliness [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 No-Flow9783 Do fam fictions exist in Marvel?

Im talking about if people/civilians in the Marvel universe have shipped heroes with each other?
submitted by No-Flow9783 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:23 ewchewjean "A Wizard Did It"

It's okay every once in a while to justify inconsistent or unnatural worldbuilding in fantasy by saying a wizard did it, but it's much more interesting, in my opinion, to take the feedback that your world is unnatural as a writing prompt, and figure out exactly what it is the wizards did to get from reality to whatever fantastical thing you put in your world
For example, in my world, there is an order of dragon-hunting lizardfolk knights, the Azhdarch order, that rides hatzegopteryx and quetzalcoatlus mounts into battle.
Now, azhdarchids would probably not be mountable in real life— their bodies might not have been able to carry a rider on their back— which is precisely why the initiation ritual for the order involves diving underwater and searching the forests on isolated islands to collect the ingredients for a unique, powerful strength elixir and then, as one final test, stealing an azhdarchid egg out of the nesting grounds alone and immersing the egg in a trough of the finished potions until the hatchling inside has absorbed all of the potion. The resulting hatchling has an unnatural amount of strength and resilience as it grows, eventually gaining the ability to carry a rider and even occasionally dive-bombing dragons or other flying creatures without significant injury to itself.
What did wizards do in your world to justify something unrealistic?
submitted by ewchewjean to worldbuilding [link] [comments]