Its possessive is often you-all's rather than your. You-uns (from you + ones) is a South Midland form most often found in uneducated speech; it is being replaced by you-all. Youse (you + the plural -s ending of nouns), probably of Irish-American origin, is most common in the North, especially in urban centers like Boston, New York, and Chicago. In point of usage, Ngrams shows a slight preference for What about you: COCA shows 770 instances of how about you, the vast majority of which are in the proper context (a few are in the form of how about you do so-and-so), and 1002 of what about you, all of which that I saw were in this context. BNC has 78 versus 202, an even more marked ... You can't score if you don't shoot. 1965 Glenn Warner, "Soccer Shot," in Soccer Anthology , edited by Alva C. Moore and Melvin R. Schmid ({Gainesville FL}: for the editors) 57: "Don't overdo passing when shooting territory is reached (bang away—you can't score if you don't shoot)"; the article i said to be reprinted from the Newsletter of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America ... you、your 和 yours 的区别主要体现在以下几个方面: 词性:you 是人称代词,your 是形容词,yours 是所有格代词。 用法:you 可以用作主语、宾语或宾语补语,your 用来修饰名词,表示该名词属于你或你所代表的一群人,yours 表示某物属于你或你所代表的一群人。 You'd be hard pressed to find a style guide that doesn't admonish you to drop “and/or” and choose either “and” or “or.” In writing either and or or is usually adequate. If a greater distinction is needed, another phrasing is available : X or Y, or both. References: And/or . ELU: The difference between "and" and "and/or" When you go to a doctor and complain of an illness, this means that you tell the doctor that you have the illness and possibly that you describe it. The object of "of" must be a problem of some kind: you could complain of a headache, an unreliable web server, an unfaithful spouse, mistreatment by police, etc. If you say "continuous support," you're thanking them for something that they have already done, but with no "incentive" to keep doing it. "Continued," in a very unconventional way, implies an assumption (albeit wishful) that the supporter will continue to support __ in the future. You shouldn't just go on talking in the first person, though. I think it only makes sense to state that you are saying something. "On behalf of my wife and myself, I'm going now." — doesn't make sense. As a matter of style, it might be better to simply use the first person plural. "My wife and I cordially invite you to a ditch digging ceremony." But you needn't speak like that if you live in the States or they may mistake you for a Brit. My apologies. Let me clarify what I was meaning in the sentence above. It is really a matter of dialect. It is not nearly as common in the States to hear "you needn't" as it would be in England (and therefore one may mistake you for a 'Brit'). Still, if you know that they celebrate Christmas or if they have mentioned Christmas previously as the reason they will be un-contactable for a while, then go with Christmas. If you know they celebrate another holiday (solstice and Chanukkah were both celebrated recently) then do mention the holiday they celebrated.
2025.01.20 20:59 Sensitive-Bear-1914 So perfect. What you think?
submitted by Sensitive-Bear-1914 to perfectlookinggirls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Electrical_Week6492 Asbestos Tile Encasement
Good afternoon!
I'm looking for a contractor / flooring specialist to help with utility room which has those 9x9 tiles which, based on the age of the house, likely contain asbestos. Some are starting to come up (whole) and I'm wanting to move my home office into that room. While we have the room cleared out prepping for the office move, I figured it was best to see about getting a professional to come in and seal everything up. I've seen online where they can do a sealant and then sort of self-leveling product on top. Does anyone know of a company or handyman who does that kind of work?
Thanks for any help!
submitted by Electrical_Week6492 to Tallahassee [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 Dramatic-Suspect-954 Invisalign протези?
Има ли нешто такво - или слично на тоа - кај нас?
Знаете со цени како оди?
submitted by Dramatic-Suspect-954 to mkd [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 Lucas-O-HowlingDark DecidedStarted playing this game yesterday when I heard the USians got banned lol, what are the beginner tips?
submitted by Lucas-O-HowlingDark to MarvelSnap [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Evening_Joke4525 How did you boomerang?
For those of you who are a boomerang, how did you get back in? I was only there for about a year. About six months in, the consulting business was taking a nose dive in volume and I was displaced. For some reason, my performance coach doesn’t reply to correspondence even though I thought we had a good relationship and I got really good performance reviews. What are some of the ways that you were able to boomerang?
submitted by Evening_Joke4525 to deloitte [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 Own-One-180 Keep getting a amdxx64 error anytime I try to play a game
Basically the title. I have a AMD 7700XT. It’s drivers were just updated, it’s recognized in diagnostic and I can see its load, temp, Hz. First my games crashed, then my entire system crashed twice. Really nervous because school is about to start up and I can’t afford this computer to bug out on me.
submitted by Own-One-180 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 reillysband He’s after scoring again
submitted by reillysband to coybig [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 trappingavin Selling for a friend! Pricing below!
Teal wave - $5 (Posh - $15) Blue wave Re-Release - $10 Purple wave - $15 Chonks - $13 All prices plus ship. Please comment or message for Venmo info! submitted by trappingavin to CatsVsPickles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 dudemanbroskie Cutoff Moen shower valve?/water main seemingly has no effect
Newbie to plumbing here. My shower recently became very difficult to turn off (valve turns fully but no effect most of the time). I hear it’s likely a bad cartridge, so I’m attempting to replace that. I started by trying to cut off water outside at the main. I turned pictured valve A the full 90° and ran both upstairs and downstairs faucets cold at full blast for ~10 mins without any noticeable decrease in pressure. So I decided to fallback on turning it off behind the flange as it appears a lot of showers of this design support. After removing my flange I don’t see such screw valves as I’ve seen online. I even tried peeling back some drywall. I saw the valve model number is 1016P, included is a picture of it. Am I missing something on how to turn it off at the valve itself, or does it just not support this? If not, why could the water main not have any effect? It’s clearly on my property and positioned a couple feet closer to the house from the meter. Do I need to dig valve B out from the mud? I figured since both valves are on the same exact pipe they’d have the same effect unless there’s a third pipe buried somewhere below for whatever reason. Many thanks in advance. submitted by dudemanbroskie to askaplumber [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Annual_Historian_593 Financial ruin makes Goddess horny
submitted by Annual_Historian_593 to findommes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Ancient-Bath5368 Selbsterhalterstipendium/ Österreich
Hallo zusammen! ich hoffe jemand kann mir hier weiterhelfen. Ich bin 20 Jahre alt und möchte nächstes Jahr studieren gehen. ich arbeite derzeit Vollzeit (bereits seit 5 Jahren) und würde meinen Job kündigen um das Studium Vollzeit zu bewältigen. Ich habe gehört es gibt ein Selbstbehalterstipendium, jedoch bin ich mir unsicher ob ich diese Voraussetzungen um dieses Stipendium zu erhalten erfülle. laut Website muss man sich über vier Jahre selbst erhalten haben. was bedeutet das genau? Ich habe bis jetzt immer zu Hause gewohnt und offiziell keine Miete bezahlt, jedoch habe ich andere Ausgaben wie Autoversicherungen, Versicherungen, Lebensmittel etc. bezahlt. kennt sich hier jemand aus ob das dann abgelehnt wird oder ob man hier durchkommt? für mein Studium würde ich in eine andere Stadt ziehen und auch eine Wohnung mieten, jedoch erst ein paar Monate vor Studienbeginn.
Alle anderen Voraussetzungen würde ich erfüllen.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!!
submitted by Ancient-Bath5368 to Austria [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 ILike2PunchTree Is the Knight Room on Cook/Doug open ?
submitted by ILike2PunchTree to rutgers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 jaxbchchrisjr Misprint Swamp I pulled
I know it's worth like 5 cents, but still, think it's cool
submitted by jaxbchchrisjr to mtg [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 Gamerperson23 Tips for fighting orochi
Orochi is the bane of my existence whenever he’s on the other team because I can never get the opportunity to go on the offensive because he either does a light that hits me out of my attack or dodges and then attacks before I can block so I’m put into a situation where I can only play defensive or can only hit the orochi when he’s dealing with a teammate
Heros I play are warden (14), lawbringer (rep 1 level 6), gladiator (16), centurion (16) and black prior (13)
submitted by Gamerperson23 to forhonor [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 Tiny_Astronomer2901 Which one?
submitted by Tiny_Astronomer2901 to Fablehaven [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Active_Swordfish_660 local echo / speedscreen / SLR - does this still exist?
Looking at 300ms latency for a project and wondering if SLR still exists and if so how it would be enabled in CVAD.
submitted by Active_Swordfish_660 to Citrix [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 larxl99 Where do i get this evolution material for the Aurosa outfit?
Hello! I still don't understand where u get this evolution material for the Aurosa outfit (the one with the dress in it on the left). Does that mean i just need the outfit a second time? Can someone help maybe? :) submitted by larxl99 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Spiritual-Respect715 Assistance for redemption
Good evening, let me explain to you: I have a very attractive mortgage loan, at a rate of 2.10%. At the same time, I took out several loans to develop a car rental business, which is still in its early stages. However, my cash flow is very fair due to the large sums to be repaid for these loans. What can I do? Several banks tell me that I exceed my debt ratio. Do you have any tips or solutions to offer me? THANKS
submitted by Spiritual-Respect715 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 scutumlucem A maconha vicia? Sim ou não?
A cannabis pode, sim, causar dependência, embora isso varie entre os indivíduos. Estudos indicam que cerca de 9% dos usuários desenvolvem dependência, número que sobe para 17% entre os que começam a consumir na adolescência e para 25% entre os usuários diários. A dependência é caracterizada por sintomas como dificuldade em controlar o uso, tolerância aumentada, síndrome de abstinência (irritabilidade, ansiedade, insônia), e uso contínuo mesmo diante de prejuízos sociais, psicológicos ou físicos. O aumento da potência do THC nas variedades modernas e o uso frequente contribuem para o risco, mostrando que a cannabis não é inofensiva para todos. submitted by scutumlucem to QuittingWeedBR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Bungeeboy20044 Who win?
submitted by Bungeeboy20044 to NarutoPowerscaling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 PoundOk3695 F22 passing tissue via vag
Hi:) I'm f22, and having issues with passing tissue through my vagina canal and no idea what's wrong, I also just got over a bad kidney infection but still having the feeling of cystitis on and off, the passing tissue started around a week and a half ago
however it doesn't just come out on its own, I have to physically push so when I strained to go to the toilet due to cystitis burning or going number 2 the tissue will come out or sometimes just the pressure from peeing is enough to push it out but very rarely is it coming out on its own, almost as if it's stuck? I also had my period about 2 weeks ago, I use the contraceptive patch so it was during the week break and it was late but negative pregnancy tests, and even then my pads were dry and same thing nothing was coming out until those times where i push, have no idea whats going on and doctors keep ignoring me and won't examine me internally (im scared to feel around myself, i did before i started passing this tissue and it felt so swollen and off?, my partner felt a few days go internally himself and he said it feels different and bumpy?)
please please help i have no idea what this is and I'm getting ignored by professionals and I don't know if this is urgent or not but it's growing increasingly concerning, i do have gyno issues so i do pass tissue from ruptured cysts or decidual casts but this is nothing like them and even in pics parts of it may look like discharge but in all pics, 90%-100% of it is all tissue in different colours - can attach a pic if it helps this is my first time using reddit and it's saying that I can't but if it helps
submitted by PoundOk3695 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 xyzlity Murakami Cherries / Cerise
Found these scrolling through RedNote, don't know how accurate it is but praying the denim + cherries are real 🍒 submitted by xyzlity to Louisvuitton [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Fit_Selection4867 vaga sobrando nas cotas vão pra onde?
o curso que quero na faculdade que quero basicamente nao teve ninguém inscrito em nenhum tipo de cota, apenas na ampla. essas vagas depois vão pra quem? O numero de vagas da ampla cresce ?
submitted by Fit_Selection4867 to enem [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:59 throwawaymyexistenc3 The west is warning that russian disinformation operations are expanding, as sanctioned Moscow-based disinformation company "Social Design Agency" prepares to flood internet with DoppelGänger websites and fake articles.
submitted by throwawaymyexistenc3 to UkrainianConflict [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:59 Old_Psychology_7922 DIGI envia faturas falsas.
Recebi uma fatura da Digi para pagar 1.80€, mas reparei que o número de contrato que está na fatura não corresponde ao número de contrato.
Liguei para o apoio e disseram-me para não ligar que o que interessa é o número da fatura porque o número de contrato que está na fatura é um número interno.
Mas será isto legal? Não é obrigatório estar lá o número do nosso contrato e não um número interno que só eles sabem do que é.
Isto não é uma fatura falsa? Vou pagar uma fatura que tem um número de contrato que não corresponde ao meu contrato.
Isto é legal? alguém sabe dizer?
submitted by Old_Psychology_7922 to digipt [link] [comments]