Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! I want to use this technique and change the SVG color, but so far I haven't been able to do so. I use this in the CSS, but my image is always black, no matter what. I had done a bit of Python long back. I am however moving over to Java now. I wanted to know if there were any differences between the Python "self" method and Java "this". In C, what is the difference between using ++i and i++, and which should be used in the incrementation block of a for loop? I was trying to download a GUI, but the terminal kept giving me this error: Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings ... If not, and you are trying to execute within the IDE. The problem might be similar. POTENTIALLY, you can have a conflict between your PROJECT properties and your global IDE properties, where the Runtime Environment points to a newer version of Java than the JDK used to compile. Could someone explain in the simplest terms, as if you are talking to an idiot (because you are), what this code is actually saying/doing for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) I ran into this block of code, and there is this one line I don't quit understand the meaning or what it is doing. This is the syntax for declaring extension methods, a new feature of C# 3.0. An extension method is part code, part compiler "magic", where the compiler with the help of intellisense in Visual Studio make it appear that your extension method is actually available as an instance method on the object in question. If I have a YouTube video URL, is there any way to use PHP and cURL to get the associated thumbnail from the YouTube API?
2025.01.20 20:50 poppintr Shall I call this off?
So I’ve been dating a guy for a couple of months who’s nice, but I’ve realised I may not be that attracted too, despite him being good looking. I’ve realised I feel awkward when I greet him and have to kiss him, and I find some of his mannerisms and behaviours a bit off. I feel nervous bringing this up so any advice is welcome, thanks
submitted by poppintr to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 RoyalMarine101 This is how you win a 4v5 BABY!!
Our Hecate was pretty much non existent for the first 5 min, then goofed around for another 5 min before DC'ing. Yet we kept going and got the 4v5 dub baby. Loving Smite 2! submitted by RoyalMarine101 to Smite [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 gayroma Mi-au raspuns la primarie pe sesizarea facuta, e de noaptea mintii si aici punctual tot va cer ajutorul in Timisoara Ce mi-au raspuns: " Stimate Domn Vă mulțumim pentru sesizare În ceea ce privește terenul din apropierea benzinăriei, vă informăm că acesta nu a fost inclus în campania de plantări, deoarece este afectat de o cantitate semnificativă de deșeuri de construcții, beton și alte resturi. Astfel, este necesară o etapă prealabilă de decopertare. Totuși, dorim să vă asigurăm că acest teren este inclus în planurile noastre de amenajare a unor noi spații verzi, iar în viitorul apropiat vom continua cu lucrările corespunzătoare. Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere și pentru implicare, iar noi rămânem dedicați în îmbunătățirea și protejarea mediului urban." Acuma, dupa cum vedeti ca arata zona, deseurile sunt de la parcagii si masinisti care normal ca si-au aruncat o lopata de orice numai ca sa poata parca mai usor. De asemenea, nu au dreptate 100% cei de la primarie fiindca desi o mare parte din spatiu e degradat dupa cum spun si ei (fiindca nu au rezolvat problema masinilor ce parcheaza acolo) totusi mai exista un teren mai mic care nu e degradat unde e inca iarba si fara deseuri din constructii (acolo unde am pus pe harta marcat). Terenul e intre str Zoltan Kodaly din Timisoara si benzinaria OMV. Ce va rog pe voi e sa insistati si voi sa se rezolve problema ca de ani in sir nu se rezolva. Sesizarile se fac aici: online Pana la urma nu e ok cum se parcheaza masinile pe spatiul verde unde nu au luat nici o masura autoritatile desi sesizari tot au fost. Primaria Au facut 2 parcari mai mici in zona care bineinteles repede s-au umplut. Si atunci daca nu pot face spatiul verde dupa cum au zis in alta sesizare ca fac (anul trecut au zis ca rezolva in septembrie octombrie) si se rezolva (constatand acum ca e prea deteriorat spatiul) asta inseamna ca e ok ca masinile sa continue sa parcheze acolo sa il deterioreze mai mult? Ce vreau e sa se intervina cu plantari de copaci incepand unde se poate (exista un teren exact langa benzinarie unde se poate) iar unde nu se poate sa transeze cumva problema. Oricum nu e ok sa parcheze pe pamant masinile. Pe trotuare nici nu mai zic, sunt parcate si acolo nu le-am mai pozat fiindca nici o sansa. Aia e deja incetatenit in zona, no chance. Si sa sa faca acum nu O SA pe viitor ceea ce e o linie moarta. Macar sa salvam acel spatiu verde. De asemenea chiar si pe spatiul cel mai degradat dupa cum se vede in poza in mijloc se poate planta nu necesita decopertari si ce mai zice primaria. In prima poza postata cea de sus e spatiul verde unde inca putine masini au intrat pe el si doar pe o latura a spatiului, acolo nu s-a aruncat moloz nicaieri pe acel spatiu. De fapt pe acel spatiu chiar exista un pom amarat plantat un tei (in alte vremuri acum mult timp). Oricum nu imi convine raspunsul primariei ca nu se poate fiindca e moloz si gata. vom vedea noi pe viitor ce facem. De ani in sir aceeasi vrajeala in acelasi loc si situatia e mai rea arata mai prost, masini sunt mai multe, gunoaie mai multe... Initial au parcat pe trotuare masinile, a mers si apoi au intrat pe spatiul verde. De 1 an doi au intrat si pe ultimul spatiu verde in care pana acum nu au intrat, cel in care nu s-a pus moloz. Restul tot au distrus. Eu singur nu am reusit nimic poate cu ajutorul vostru se va rezolva ceva. submitted by gayroma to fuckcarsRomania [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 Nacho040506 New functionality: sleep timer by day
Don’t know if the Scroll mega thread is for all products but would love to be able to set the sleep timer for different days without having to manually change profile. Would useful to set different sleep times for weekdays vs weekends for example. Loving it so far!
submitted by Nacho040506 to GLANCE_LED [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 DarkWaschb4r Finite Chrisis
Is infinte chrisis just for solo players? Everytime i play with others my Rank doesnt move. Even if it says it will rise. I really dont get it. Thanks
submitted by DarkWaschb4r to SuicideSquadGaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 Plastic_Repair_7794 Exchange Loss on repatriation of funds send for Investment in stocks in other country
Example :
I send $10000 usd to India for stocks investment which made 10% gains in Indian rupees but the INR depreciated say 20% against USD over the time and the total value of portfolio if sold will be only $9000 , in-spite of stocks gain but eventually having currency fluctuating loss.
My question is by any section am I able to show this loss of $1000 in my US tax returns . Which is fact the loss.
FYI. I have been regularly reporting the tax gains if any on my previous 1040s out of the trading gains over previous years . This is the first time I want to pull the money back to USA.
submitted by Plastic_Repair_7794 to IRS [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 Sleepy-Elliee [homemade] chicken and noodles
submitted by Sleepy-Elliee to food [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 water_farts_ This was SO CLOSE to being straight out of an ICP song...
submitted by water_farts_ to juggalo [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 branmkerby NPC annoyance
I recently got this game on steam and I love it so much. My only issue with the game is how often people come up to interrupt me while I’m in the middle of what I’m doing. It seems like someone is coming up to me literally every 5 seconds every single day. Is there anyway to fix this?
submitted by branmkerby to WorldNeverland [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 Fireprofcargo #ReachingStars PhotoChallenge
submitted by Fireprofcargo to forza [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 MajorPaulPhoenix Valeriya Tarasova (CN: Chimera) - Corpo Executor
submitted by MajorPaulPhoenix to Starfield [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 Physical-Wrangler-97 need karma will return favor
submitted by Physical-Wrangler-97 to Karmafarmsub [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 SniperBby00 Can y’all name some ?
I only know blue marvel n white tiger submitted by SniperBby00 to marvelcomics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 PickleRick173972 How to go about studying abroad in the first place
Hey everyone im m20 and have been wanting to study abroad for a while but haven’t really known where to start. Are there websites or colleges for specific information? Do I need to try and find a website for the specific country or what do I even do? I’m a photography major also if that helps.
submitted by PickleRick173972 to studyAbroad [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 DancingPageTurner What’s a small, simple habit that completely changed your life for the better?
submitted by DancingPageTurner to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 Ok_Nature6459 Trump is the antichrist.
Musk is the false prophet. That is all. submitted by Ok_Nature6459 to skeptic [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 TenderPaw64 SkyeHopps beach cuteness. (Credit: Blueberrycarrots)
submitted by TenderPaw64 to zootopia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 Overall-Pen-5267 How difficult it is to adapt a ttrpg for a game
hi people! As said in the title, I'm a DM and I also really like developing games (specifically RPGs) so I'd like to know if it's worth trying to adapt or not.
I'm just one person and I don't have a goal of launching it, I see it more as something in a portfolio to show to others.
But I would like to know your opinion on this
submitted by Overall-Pen-5267 to gamedev [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 sincerely_anxious Can we stop talking about Adnan?
I know I’m adding another one but hear me out. The more people post about this garbage worm, the more likely 90 day is going to bring the fugly couple back. I really don’t want to see his receding hairline anymore.
submitted by sincerely_anxious to 90dayfianceuncensored [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | 🏆 r/Pro_Gamers 🏆 | Only a VETERAN Can Iluminate Azucena in rank | MailBoth5696
submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 Head_Case_88 World's Finest
submitted by Head_Case_88 to superman [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 Dear_Diver_4482 The most overrated card in the game
Honestly if you are thinking about using this card, i recommend using Carmen pickett instead, he’s fucking terrible i have no clue why he’s so expensive genhinely the worst keeper ive used in the last couple fifas submitted by Dear_Diver_4482 to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 wwwilson191199 May I ask if two important underwater resources respawn?
As stated in the title, I’ve collected my fill of Murkweed and Growth. But making sushi is my calling and there’s just not enough Murkweed.
submitted by wwwilson191199 to AbioticFactor [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 20:50 AstralShovelOfGaynes AMD confirms Radeon RX 9070 series launching in March
submitted by AstralShovelOfGaynes to hardware [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 20:50 Garret_86 Girlfriend’s bother gave me his old collection.
Can’t wait to play through all of these , super generous of him. submitted by Garret_86 to Gamecube [link] [comments] |