Just relaxing for the rest of my night looking to make a new friend. Literally just one will be fine thanks 🥲I have been struggling lately to find someone to connect with. I’m basically just looking to talk to someone daily about random stuff through my day and throughout yours. It keeps my mind stimulated and distracted 😄 I am not looking for nsfw type of things, just friendship. Age 18+ and any gender welcome. I think I’m a very caring friend, I enjoy asking questions and genuinely getting to know people. I can talk about pretty much anything 😊💜 It would be nice to move to discord eventually but not until we have a good rhythm ya know? Cuz people fade out too quick here sometimes to be giving out the discord all the time. But make sure you reply with age and where ur from or I won’t reply. Thanks byeeee
submitted by Cold-Philosophy4048 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Great-Gas-6110 Portable Heaters for ice fishing

I’ve never used a heater while ice fishing but this year we have had an exceptionally cold winter. I have a single person shanty and have been looking to add a heater in there to stay warm. Has anybody ever used a battery powered heater for ice fishing? I’d like to see if they exist or are practical. I know most people use a Mr. heater, but I’m cheap and trying to see if battery is cheaper than propane.
submitted by Great-Gas-6110 to IceFishing [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Grand_Baker420 What is hydroponics?

I have a broad understanding of it but is it as simple as transplanting a plant into water or is there more to it?
submitted by Grand_Baker420 to Hydroponics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Available-Wolf Como saber si una mina te boludea?

Estoy hablando con una chica y esta por entrar a la policía, vive ocupada ya le tire dos encuentros y me dice que esta haciendo análisis y haciendo ejersicio. Que cuando se desocupe nos juntamos. Ya me tiene por los huevos vamos 2 semanas hablando. Así que este finde le pondré un ultimátum. Nos vemos el finde por que me voy de viaje le dije. Me esta boludiando o solo la espero? Que dicen?
submitted by Available-Wolf to BuenosAires [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 ayumieshiny yes, i am enjoying wuthering waves. how could you tell?

yes, i am enjoying wuthering waves. how could you tell? submitted by ayumieshiny to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Silent-Warning9028 Late night idea. What would happen if you put acetone in a chlorate cell?

Okay let's say that we have a platinum anode and titanium cathode. The usual chlorate cell.
Usually hypochloride forms first and turns into chlorate, but what would happen if you added acetone or something similar into the cell?
Would it get destroyed on one of the electrodes? Would it get too hot too fast?
If you added it slowly enough you shoud be fine and if kept cold i don't think you would loose that much to evaporation.
Seperating the chloroform should be no different from the usual method since no chlorate should form. Although you might need to add HCl depending on the ph.
I have no interest in organic chem. I just want to mix chlorate with some flammable stuff and set it on fire from far far away. Was just curious what might happen.
submitted by Silent-Warning9028 to ExplosionsAndFire [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 RefuseNational2534 Anyone else play Pell

Anyone else play Pell I feel like Pell is one of the only older chapters that can actually still do something against bum players who spam Rodger Garp and shanks. I feel like I’m David fighting Goliath when go against those characters. Will there ever be anything done to make those characters less powerful I’ve been playing for 4 Years and it’s just pissing me off so much , I spend so much xp and time getting a unique character powerful then just get spammed by a full team with a dude with 50 hyper and a level 85 Rodger .
submitted by RefuseNational2534 to OPBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 MrTheMills Multi National Queens <3

submitted by MrTheMills to popheadscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 ghostinfluencer1 Its peanut butter jelly time!

submitted by ghostinfluencer1 to BadArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Remote_Rule_2654 For those who appreciate the finer things.

submitted by Remote_Rule_2654 to BuzzProducts [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 remvs98 Risico-experts zien oorlog, desinformatie en extreem weer als grootste risico's

Risico-experts zien oorlog, desinformatie en extreem weer als grootste risico's submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 toymachinesh Rocksmith+ adds many songs from Silversun Pickups - The Riff Repeater

submitted by toymachinesh to rocksmith [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Known-Excitement1344 I need some help with into the dead 2 unleashed.

So guys, I'm stuck on chapter 3 stage 23.And I'm stuck on a objective where I love us to jump through 2 barricades.But I can only find one of the barricades.And I don't know where to find The Other 1 good 1 of you guys Help me with this.Thank you
submitted by Known-Excitement1344 to intothedead2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Gerita_CH Black humor

Black humor submitted by Gerita_CH to CountryHumans [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 trashleybanks You’re a pig!

You’re a pig! submitted by trashleybanks to marriedwithchildren [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 clarenceisacat How well do large roosters do when you amputate one of their central toes?

How well do large roosters do when you amputate one of their central toes? I have a Brahama rooster named Herman who is a very good boy**. Herman is generally between 7.5 - 8.5 pounds, so a larger chicken.
In November, Herman developed an infection in one of his toes. It swelled to about three times its normal size, was red and was hot to the touch. We brought him to our vet who prescribed oral antibiotics and an ointment. We kept Herman in the house for five weeks and gave him twice daily epsom salt baths while following our vet's instructions. He saw our vet regularly during this period. With his approval, we put Herman back outside in early December.
We were concerned about Herman's toe and brought him back to the vet in mid-December. The vet said the toe was fine. A month later, however, we noticed a lot of swelling and redness in the same toe. We brought Herman to the vet today and have been advised that the toe should be amputated. Our vet's concern is that the infection is in the bone and that additional antibiotics won't help.
We don't know what to do. Besides the cost ($600), we're very concerned about Herman's quality of life. He's a big rooster and it's a central toe. The vet thinks the other toes might cover the absence just fine; however, it's possible that Herman's other foot might overcompensate and cause additional problems.
Has anyone ever been in this situation before? What did you do?
** Herman lets me know when he needs to go to the bathroom from 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM so he doesn't soil his living quarters.
submitted by clarenceisacat to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 AnyBass390 Alarm clock

Alarm clock This came up as a suggestion on IG. I loved he told her to shut up. 😂 But, then she tells him to go get her breakfast and comes off as a bitch.
submitted by AnyBass390 to chloeholladaysnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Significant-Item-223 Doom post - Evropa/Svět

Od včerejška přemýšlím nad tím, že se svět od přelomu dvacátých let naprosto změnil, jako by všechno rácio ustoupilo lidskému šílenství a to přebralo moc nad světem. Rozepří ve společnosti jsem si v česku začal všímat na přelomu minulé dekády, s imigrační krizí se radikalizovalo spoustu lidí a ve spoustě z nich jsem si všiml jak jen překypují žlučí, zlobou a hloupostí. Ve finále to ale stále byly jen úsměvné figurky typu Konvičkovců, co pořádaly maškarní “teroristické akce” na náměstích.
Nevšiml jsem si že by však společnost byla nějak výrazněji rozdělena. Přišel covid a s ním první drápky hybridní války. Lidé se radikalizovali, spoustu z nich nebylo schopno pochopit že v těžkých časech je potřeba táhnout za jeden provaz. Solidárnost roušek se stala symbolem otroctví, místo empatie. “Nebudeme ovce,” křičeli a mávali vlajkou antivaxxeři. Konspirační teorie a antisystém se s facebookovými “skupinkami” rozšířil i v té nejzapadlejší dědině.
Brexit. Rusko útočí na Ukrajinu. Fico znovu vítězí ve volbách. AfD. Neustále se zvětšujíci vliv Číny. Orbán. Trump. Musk. Tento rok u nás do sněmovny opět zamíří Babiš.
Mám pocit že bezpečnostní záruky NATA a Evropské Unie jsou v troskách. Že se celá evropa rozpadá a my nemáme žádného silného vůdce který by nás touto těžkou situací provedl a nemyslím to jen na úrovni česka. Kdo vlastně dneska zastává evropské, skutečně demokratické hodnoty? Polsko? Mám dojem, že jsme jako společnost naprosto selhali. Amerika vystoupí z NATO. Evropská Unie přestane podporovat Ukrajinu. Rusko se nezastaví a navíc má díky evropské podpoře jen umocněnou chuť po krvi. Nečeká nás skutečně nic hezkého a rád bych se mýlil, ale nic ze současných vývojů mě neujišťuje v tom že by se snad budoucnost mohla vyvíjet pozitivně.
submitted by Significant-Item-223 to czech [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 xenothrox Arrival after sunset at EDDN - VistaJet | Embraer Lineage 1000 | D-ANNI

Arrival after sunset at EDDN - VistaJet | Embraer Lineage 1000 | D-ANNI submitted by xenothrox to Planespotting [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Occelcon155 Hawk or falcon?

Hawk or falcon? Bonus points (that I can't award) if you can settle the bet and name the species? Thanks! Located north of Toronto, Ontario.
submitted by Occelcon155 to whatsthisbird [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 No-Bed-5251 Cloudy Day

Cloudy Day submitted by No-Bed-5251 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Sisyphus_on_a_Perc Beard only grows on one side of my face. Some call me half beard. :/ ( 20 year old ) what should I do? Super patchy

Beard only grows on one side of my face. Some call me half beard. :/ ( 20 year old ) what should I do? Super patchy submitted by Sisyphus_on_a_Perc to BeardAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 gomnessa i'm already sooo over this

i'm already sooo over this submitted by gomnessa to cast_fetish [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 Jurazik Me if I was a The Simpsons character:

Me if I was a The Simpsons character: submitted by Jurazik to Damnthatsinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:10 No-Steak9153 É possível o condomínio descobrir que fiz uma tomada 220V na rede 127V?

Estou me mudando de uma cidade em que a rede é 220V para outra que é 127V.
A questão é que minha geladeira e máquina de lavar são 220V e não quero perder tempo e dinheiro vendendo para comprar outras, então pretendo chamar um eletricista e fazer as duas tomadas 220V na rede bifásica do prédio.
A questão é: já li no regimento interno do condomínio que é proibido fazer tomadas 220V sob pena de multa.
A questão é: seria possível descobrirem que fiz as tais tomadas 220V? Como descobririam isso? A não ser que eu falasse a respeito?
Pensando em meter o foda-se mesmo, corro riscos ou estou sendo leigo?
submitted by No-Steak9153 to Gambiarra [link] [comments]
