2025.01.20 22:23 FarmerJackJokes THE CONSECRATION CEREMONY. Visual Bible A to Z
submitted by FarmerJackJokes to youtubepromotion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 The_Toilet-Clogger Is there a Lore Reason Elphaba is Racist? Is she Stupid?
submitted by The_Toilet-Clogger to wicked [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 reddit150302 「なんだその気持ち悪い賞」フジ社長との“食事会がご褒美”に批判、内部情報ダダ漏れで迫る“終焉”(週刊女性PRIME) - Yahoo!ニュース
submitted by reddit150302 to newsokuexp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 UnfortunateUncertain Skull emoji
submitted by UnfortunateUncertain to jschlattsubmissions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 jjhope2019 Magazine in Silent Hill 3 (Brookhaven Hospital)
Just as a follow up to another Redditor’s post enquiring if it was Maria on the cover of the magazine found in Brookhaven Hospital - I did some digging and found this magazine from February 2001 that I think was used as the original asset (and slightly modified for the game/or an international version of the publication was used). Thanks 👍🏻 submitted by jjhope2019 to silenthill [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 Weird-Beach-8683 pessoas neuroatípicas
boa tarde gente eu des de já quero pedir desculpa pelos erros de portugues meu nome e fernanda e tenho 15 anos apesar de não parecer eu vou passar pelo neuro e to perdida eu gostaria de ajuda para tentar entender eu não consigo ficar olhando nos olhos de uma pessoa e tambem sou desastrada não consigo me concentrar eu consigo ouvir isso se eu não estiver fazendo uma coisa que eu gosto muito a medica que fez o exame disse que eu preciso passa pelo neuro pode ser TDAH TDA AUTISMO eu tenhos minhas duvidas sobre o ultimo porem eu queria pedir para falar com quem tem TDAH AUTISMO para temtar entender o que eu tenho por mais que eu saiba que eu vou au neuro eu quero falar com vcs eu sinto que apesar de ser a internet eu queria falar com pessoas que tem o diagnóstico
submitted by Weird-Beach-8683 to conversas [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 MeeowMeowkitty Husband won’t control his diabetes and uses “diabetic anger” as an excuse for bad behavior.
I’m 51F married to 50M for 2.5 years. We dated seven years, some of them long distance, before getting married. I am and have been in therapy for 15+ years working on my childhood trauma and previous marriage.
I’m educated and articulate but I’m f*ing baffled by the nosedive our relationship is in.
He doesn’t like to go to the Dr or take medications or preventative measures to mitigate the issues caused by this neglect on his body. For example I have an amazing dental plan through my work and he happens to be missing most of his teeth. He’s covered by the insurance but doesn’t have the time for it. He does however log at least 5 hours of video games a day, so I see where his time goes…
Lately our arguments have taken a different turn. 2 weeks ago he stood up and squared up to me while yelling, “You will follow my lead!” In my face.
I grabbed my keys and left. About an hour later he texts me he’s sorry….but his blood sugar is also high and that’s the reason why he was that way.
He has never acted that way to me before and after I could calm down, I went home and said that he needed to start counseling or start packing.
It’s been 2 weeks and he hadn’t been able to set an appointment with the center that we did our couples counseling at. He says he’s e-mailing back and forth. I call BS.
So he goes off on me again 2 nights ago and I tell him he needs to start packing. 30 min later he’s like, yah my blood sugar is high again. F-this guy!!!
So he’s out of meds because he forgot to get an rx renewal. When he does have them, he “forgets” to take them. He only checks his blood sugar “like twice a week” because he knows it’s high and he “doesn’t have very many strips”. The strips are free if he fills the rx or buy the damn things. And he doesn’t want to change his diet because that wouldn’t be worth it.
I can’t make him take care of himself and that is frustrating enough, but now I’m his emotional punching bag. Counseling can’t fix the basics he won’t do for himself. I’m really just floored that if he’s so sorry about how he has treated me, the excuse he’s giving—high blood sugar—isn’t even being worked on. I have a feeling that even if he did get it under control his mistreatment would continue. He has started packing.
submitted by MeeowMeowkitty to Marriage [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 barbred Requesting r/fpo - subreddit is banned for spam
submitted by barbred to redditrequest [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 missfaruk AIO for getting upset after reading this comment
This might be silly, but here I go. My boyfriend is a divorceé. He’s been divorced for about 2 years and we’ve been together for 1 year. He is kinda nerdy and loves video games and StarTrek, LOTR, GOT, etc. and that was something he shared with his ex. Their divorce was a mutual agreement as they were more like good friends. She is still in our lives because they have a kid together so they have to coparent. But she has made our life pretty difficult as she doesn’t like me (literally for no reason at all) Anywho, I found this comment on my boyfriend’s Reddit from 31 days ago…. I am not his wife and I don’t know what the hell is “Fallout” so I asked him and he said “it was only a comment to a guy asking about the video game, and he was trying to persuade him to buy it”. Still sounds weird to me 🤷♀️ submitted by missfaruk to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 Traditional_Rip_4297 Led Car Poster Supplier?
Does anyone know where people are getting the led car posters from? I've looked everywhere and the cheapest thing i could find was on Esty. Do people use Esty as a supplier? A example of a store selling them is linked below. Also i tried making a draft of one from Esty on auto ds and it just stays at 0% and never finishes.
submitted by Traditional_Rip_4297 to dropshipping [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Minecrafter0986 2,763
submitted by Minecrafter0986 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 dogezus Ring causes DPS decrease
I crafted this ring earlier and thought it would be a great upgrade. I tried equipping the item and it ended up decreasing my dps by a sizable amount, seems I'm better off without it. Checked my passive tree and couldn't find anything that would have caused this that I know of.
submitted by dogezus to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 MorteAmorosa Cinema Domingo a noite
submitted by MorteAmorosa to espacosliminares [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 BigPapp Finally upgraded to P1S after 6 years with my CR10s
Thanks to the community for helping me narrow down my printer search. Can’t wait to fire it up, any recommendations or tips I should know?
submitted by BigPapp to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Sure_Research9291 What are some trans dysphoria safe songs, not being a kids song or a teeny bop song ? By that, what are some songs without the sexual undertones and words referencing g3nitals?
submitted by Sure_Research9291 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 jpotion88 I had to double check to make sure this was real
Yes. He really did that. Maybe it’s an American car magnate thing.
submitted by jpotion88 to ClassConscious [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Kindly_Extent7052 Microsoft satya nadella didn't kiss turmp's ring. can we stop windows doomposting?
waste the doom energy on apple, tesla, google, meta, amazon.
submitted by Kindly_Extent7052 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Sanjeet990 Astroluma v1.0.2 Update: New Features & Enhancements!
Hey everyone!
I’m excited to announce the release of Astroluma v1.0.2! This update brings a host of new features, bug fixes, and improvements.
What is Astroluma: Astroluma is a feature-rich, productivity oriented, user-friendly dashboard designed to help you manage multiple aspects of your daily tasks and services. Built with flexibility in mind, it allows you to control various features like task management, device monitoring, app integration, and real-time weather updates, all from a single platform. With its responsive design and dynamic configuration options, Astroluma offers a unique blend of customization, usability, and productivity.
Here's a changelog of what's new:
Enhancements & Fixes: Error Reporting:
2025.01.20 22:23 Greykiller Knock sensor started set off, no rod knock that I noticed. Likely out of luck?
2016 2.0L Kia Soul, 124000km/77000miles.
In Canada, went through the oil burning tests around a year ago, was told engine would fail. Was also told that it would only be covered by Kia due to engine rod failure, not if the issue is related to the burning oil.
This morning I was driving for around 30 mins with the cruise control on and going up a hill when the engine stopped giving power and the check engine light started flashing. When it happened, I pulled over immediately. I did not hear any unusual sound coming from the engine.
The dealership has not had a chance to do a diagnostic yet, but my impression is that it probably won't be covered based on what I was told previously regarding how coverage is determined - I would expect a rod failure to be audible. I have had a dealership do all the maintenance on the vehicle since I purchased it and have done everything as scheduled.
Just want to see if anyone else has had a similar experience and how it went - And how they dealt with the dealership - The dealership of course has told me that "it could be something minor" but I'm assuming it's not.
As an aside - I'm not happy per-se but I'm not... unhappy that this finally happened. I feel like I've just been waiting for it. Unfortunately, it happened while I was on a road trip and it is being taken to a dealership I don't normally go to, and now I likely need to fly back home, so that's a pain.
submitted by Greykiller to KiaSoulClub [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Calm_Steak_25 This might sound batshit crazy
I hope this belongs here and this may going to sound crazy or whatever but I really need some help with this.
I for real think I brainwashed/indoctrinated myself 3 years ago and it's continuing on and on and I need to get rid of it. I've never been religious, grew up in an atheist household and atheist environment, I've always been interested in spirituality but never BELIEVED really in anything (I've been into New Age beliefs, to Buddhist and Hindu practices, wicca etc etc.) But I've had bad experiences in that, ended up in a cult almost 2 times so completely distanced myself. Then 2 to 3 years ago a thought came up 'why did I always reject Abrahamic religion' I MUST say that I saw some things on my algorithm that might have been made me think something like that.. So I hyper focused dig downed in it (yay adhd) and made it my life study, went to a church, luckily noticed it was cult-like and never went again.
I still was interested in reading the Bible and watching Jesus stuff but then I'm always coming back to the same conclusion: 'I don't believe in this'. Ok don't roast me, I know it's RIDICULOUS but now when I'm feeling more positive and close to my family and don't swear for example (I used to swear like a sailor) I'm having thoughts like: 'Is God working through me?'
This feels like indoctrination and I did it kind of to myself, I think.. but anytime I delete everything Jesus related, I keep getting curious and just search for stuff again, it's very tiring. Like I said I have ADHD so my mind can go to everything and anything and also with interests but this interest feels unhealthy for me because it doesn't fit me at all..
How can I deal with this?
submitted by Calm_Steak_25 to ReligiousTrauma [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 iphoneguy321 Seeking haute couture (luxury) clothing repair. Prefer a location between Pacific Heights and Nob Hill
I have some high end clothing which needs to be repaired, and am looking for a tailor that specializes specifically in haute couture pieces. Does anyone have experience with a local tailor in the Pac Heights/ Nob Hill area?
submitted by iphoneguy321 to AskSF [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 HorsemanFromThere_ Caso do Turista de Jericoacoara
Há algumas semanas eu postei num comentário aqui que esse caso estava mal contado. Que proporcionalmente muito mais pessoas tiram fotos com símbolos do que casos como esse acontecem.
Pois bem, hoje o G1 apurou que o turista usava uma camiseta de Yin-Yang (outro símbolo associado ao mesmo grupo) e que ele tentou comprar droga na boca da rival.
Segundo a matéria: “Com essa nova descoberta, a hipótese de que o crime foi motivado por conta dos gestos com as mãos feitos por Henrique em fotos começou a perder força.”
E aí, qual a opinião de vocês?
submitted by HorsemanFromThere_ to Fortaleza [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 kurroomii i watched horror movies w/ pimi teenagers at a sleepover
i was invited to a sleepover by a friend who goes to a neighboring congregation. im in the spanish and theyre in the english. most of these girls are around 17-19, and they have roles in their hall. we baked pizza and cookies. fyi one of them who we'll call D is more chill about "wordly" things so she was the one who asked if we could watch horror movies. to my surprise, no one seemed to disagree? they deadass picked terrifier 3 AND midsommer. i genuinely didn't expect that at all ngl 😭
submitted by kurroomii to exjw [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Bad_Doto_Playa [Leveling with the Gods] Does anyone else get a bit annoyed when manwha do "that" type of dialogue?
submitted by Bad_Doto_Playa to manhwa [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 neifklejgkdknf Charlotte Hale = Candace Owens
In both looks and demeanor Hale always drove me crazy because she reminded me of someone and I couldn’t quite but my finger on it and I realized it’s Candace 💀 I feel like they even have the same manner of speaking. What are yall’s thoughts? (No one freak out pls I’m not saying Tessa is like Candace- Hale is) submitted by neifklejgkdknf to westworld [link] [comments] |