2025.01.20 22:21 NoCode8511 KokAutoParts
They legit, anyone ordered from them before? Looking to order a few things. Thanks
submitted by NoCode8511 to Tacomaworld [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 Manfredsinginson Planet is gurgling underfoot
I am currently doing some Exo Bio on ATHAIWYG QK-C C1-27 1 E, and I was standing on a spot of ground and heard a gurgling sound a bit like there was liquid. As I walked away it got quieter, as I walked back it got louder, and when I looked down it got the loudest. Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by Manfredsinginson to eliteexplorers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 liveitupdeals La importancia de celebrar tus logros
¡Hola comunidad de Maximizame! 🌟 Hoy quiero charlar sobre un tema que a menudo pasamos por alto: ¡La importancia de celebrar tus logros! 🎉
Primero que nada... ¿sabías que darte una palmadita en la espalda puede ser tan importante como alcanzar esa meta gigante? A veces nos enfocamos tanto en lo que sigue que nos olvidamos de disfrutar el “aquí y ahora”.
¿Por qué es tan importante celebrar? - Motivación recargada: Las pequeñas celebraciones actúan como combustible. Te recuerdan el progreso que has hecho y te llenan de energía para lo que viene. - Refuerzo positivo: ¿Quién no ama un buen refuerzo? Elogiarte por tus logros, grandes o pequeños, crea hábitos positivos. - Mantener el equilibrio emocional: Reconocer tus avances es clave para no perderte en la carrera del “nunca es suficiente”. Si sientes que tus emociones te controlan, a veces celebrar esos pequeños hitos puede hacer una gran diferencia.
¿Y si te dijera que hasta celebrar es una herramienta para manejar el estrés y la ansiedad? 🤯 Mantener una mentalidad positiva puede ayudar mucho, y si necesitas un empujoncito, hay recursos que ofrecen apoyo personalizado.
Entonces, ¿cómo puedes empezar a celebrarte más a menudo? Aquí van algunas ideas: 1. Lleva un diario de logros: Anota todo, desde ese café que preparaste perfectamente por la mañana hasta el proyecto que cerraste en el trabajo. 2. Date un gustito: No tiene que ser algo caro, puede ser tu snack favorito o un capítulo extra de tu serie predilecta. 3. Comparte con tu círculo cercano: A veces, contarle a un amigo o familiar lo que has conseguido hace que la celebración se sienta más real.
Y hablando de maneras de sentirnos mejor, si la salud mental es algo que estás listo para trabajar aún más, podrías explorar algunas opciones de terapia. Porque, al final, estar bien con uno mismo es el mejor logro de todos.
En conclusión, no olvides que los momentos de celebración, por más pequeños que sean, son los que dan color a nuestro día a día. Así que, ¡a seguir celebrando cada pequeño triunfo! 🌈
Cuál fue tu último logro que celebraste? 🤔
submitted by liveitupdeals to Maximizame [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 Yu_shitsune What do you think is needed for attack to became meta again, or at least at the same level as anomaly
submitted by Yu_shitsune to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 Longjumping-Log6193 Remember when Foreigner was the og Paul, and bragged about how he was better than Peter in the bedroom department with Felicia?
submitted by Longjumping-Log6193 to Spiderman [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 finessavage Can we stop putting diamond and gold on blueprints
Seriously no one wants to see a diamond mythic 13 or a gold legendary drh nobody wants to see it and I guarantee it won't hurt you to stop doing thank you
submitted by finessavage to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 awkwardllamas What do we think repair costs are?
2016 Jeep Patriot, little too much love with the concrete pillar in the parking garage. Hoping this repair is under $1000. 😭 submitted by awkwardllamas to AutoBodyRepair [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 SixWingedReptile Do people honestly not sound out 'Adrina' or 'Audrina' and notice that it sounds like 'adrenal'?
Seen these on a few tragedeigh lists and I always think...did nobody even once try saying those out loud??
submitted by SixWingedReptile to tragedeigh [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 MkLiam Is there any reason to have a hero that is high in Rougery?
I understand it fits with some roleplay for your main or for certain builds. But is there any reason to raise a child or hire a companion that is a rogue?
submitted by MkLiam to Bannerlord [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 RRP7991 Which Elegoo Mars model is the best for printing extremely smooth castable jewellery? And why?
Which Elegoo Mars model is the best for printing extremely smooth castable jewellery? And why?
If you have photo examples, that would be helpful too!
submitted by RRP7991 to ElegooMars [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 ChampionshipProof476 $60 Photos
If anyone wants a $60 photoshoot for senior photos, couple photos, or just a fun solo shoot let me know and i’ll send you more info!
submitted by ChampionshipProof476 to texaswomansuniversity [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 AmbientCitizen Some Port Olisar & Chill
submitted by AmbientCitizen to starcitizen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 fictonalcountryguy Hey doc, is it bad?
Context, he's a leader from a fictional country I made up if your interested check it out on my profile if you want to. submitted by fictonalcountryguy to Tripes_Et_Poudrenoire [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 Hot_Sprinkles_848 How to be a good employee?
I am always excited to start a new job or get started on something but the excitement dies quickly. And i no longer wanna do it anymore, I dont slack off, or dont do my work on time. But I JUST FEEL LAZY and all i can think of is going home.
Another thing i struggle with is feedback, now im sure its bcz of my low self esteem but feedback makes me anxious. How can i improve this?
submitted by Hot_Sprinkles_848 to jobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 MobileOk2507 41m(EST) Looking for people to play stuff with and chat
Hey just looking for people to play games with. I consider myself pretty chill/laid back in pvp games. Only play non competitive/quickplay stuff. Just looking to make a new friend or two to play games and socialize. Not looking to join any big discords or anything like that.
Heres some games I play. Not limited to these only but will say not looking to play marvel rivals
DBD, PoE2, Overwatch, League, Valorant, FFXIV, WoW. Will be playing MH Wilds next month when it launches.
Im around after 8pm EST usually to play, If youre interested send me your discord and lets chat!
submitted by MobileOk2507 to GamerPals [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 ParsleyTraditional48 Does spamming 1 sub work
Title. Filthy white belt. I have long and flexible legs so I base a big big part of my game around the triangle choke. From guard, mount, side control and even back control (very rare). Even unintentionally slept 1-2 guys with it, better and more experienced than me as well.
I get way higher ranked, heavier and more experienced grapplers with it.
I also use it when I'm on top. I understand how it can happen and how I can bait someone to go for it, in order to use that as a guard pass. Which is actually one of my fave passes, bait the triangle and pass to the side.
Question is, as I want to progress towards blue, is this the wrong way to go about things? I am not limiting myself or ignoring other subs. But sometimes I almost have to force myself not to go for the triangle so I can actually work my other subs. How viable is this method as you progress from white to blue?
submitted by ParsleyTraditional48 to MMA_Academy [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 OldSecurity2232 Real Life Funny Mums and Dads
I’m sitting in a cafe while two people in their 60s on a first date have the most out of pocket conversation I’ve ever had. Some great quotes so far:
“That’s what they call a rave?” “They call it a mosh pit! “Not for me.” “Oh me neither, why would you want that?”
“When you mix the races you get the best of both! They make very attractive people!”
I was going to record more but while writing this, the conversation has gotten so openly racist it’s not funny anymore 😭
submitted by OldSecurity2232 to auntydonna [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 conchaprincess Crocheter Learning How to Knit
I’m a crocheter learning how to knit. What needles are the best to use? (wood, metal, or plastic. Also are there any other essentials I need to buy that I probably don’t currently have?
submitted by conchaprincess to YarnAddicts [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 Relative_Ad6184 Looking for duos/quads
Tired of getting Molly whopped as a solo when I’m getting thrown into quad lobbies User: Sukhmihoff
submitted by Relative_Ad6184 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 SessionMotor8515 Ocd thoughts vs normal thoughts
submitted by SessionMotor8515 to OCDmemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 sugar_coded_ Travel Recommendations
Looking for suggestions for the cities of Vienna, Hallstatt, and Salzburg during June-Aug.
Also appreciate any nature-related things, hike recommendations, etc. thank you!
submitted by sugar_coded_ to Austria [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 CoolGuy68900 Guys look at what I found
A meth tist submitted by CoolGuy68900 to Minerals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 seophora "Ninguem consegue provar porque incesto é errado."
Vou repetir aqui o que eu expliquei nos comentários: É praticamente impossível existir consentimento entre membros de uma família, pois se trata de um desequilibrio de poder. É impossível dizer que a pessoa mais nova não foi manipulada e aliciada pelo parente mais velho, é principalmente por isso que incesto é errado. Entendam. submitted by seophora to OpiniaoBurra [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:21 Peeepsicle Should I even bother applying for a passport right now as a transgender person?
I am a transgender man and already have a passport with my old information on it. I have medically transitioned and have legally changed my name and gender information, and my drivers license reflects that. I want to apply for a new passport, but I am worried it will be rejected based on Trump’s new proposed policies regarding gender identity. Since I have legal documentation of my identity, can the government refuse to issue me an updated passport? I don’t want to pay for an application if I’m not gonna get my money back if it gets rejected
submitted by Peeepsicle to Passports [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:21 mooman555 Will they accept him?
submitted by mooman555 to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments] |