Game lags after playing some songs

2025.01.20 23:20 Remarkable_Deer_6814 Game lags after playing some songs

When I enter the game it works normally and without any crashes, but after playing 4 or 5 songs the game starts to lag a lot and the only way I found to solve it was to close and open the game, is there any other way to solve this problem?
submitted by Remarkable_Deer_6814 to CloneHero [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 jimmysmallpox Anyone else tried this

Anyone else tried this submitted by jimmysmallpox to caitrin [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 cute_pum What does it mean when there's notification at Whistle pass?

Also question #2... Am I notified when people add me as friend. Or are the friends like NPC.
submitted by cute_pum to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Chicken_Sandwich_Man Which movie handled its huge roster of monsters better?

Which movie handled its huge roster of monsters better? submitted by Chicken_Sandwich_Man to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Ryice Vim colorscheme different than expected

Vim colorscheme different than expected Why do the colors in my terminal look different than what I see online? Im trying to use PaperColor and this is what I see
How come it doesn't match the colors here?
Ive tried a few other color schemes as well and none of them match the colors i see on my terminal. my vimrc file: Im using WSL with suse15sp6 and both MobaxTerm and windows terminal show the same for me
submitted by Ryice to vim [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Malice-Observer089 Rare Jojo, stain & bricksquad footage flyty773 say hello

Rare Jojo, stain & bricksquad footage flyty773 say hello submitted by Malice-Observer089 to Chiraqology [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 sunny-days-bs229 AITA

In my (f) house we both work. I do the majority of the cooking. He will clean up after dinner apx 40% of the time. He makes dinner aprx 10% of the time. Makes his own breakfast and lunch most of the time as we are in different schedules. When he cooks, he will often move things around in the kitchen to where he thinks is a better place. I like my kitchen tidy and organized. At least once a day I will go to get something and have to hunt for it as he’s moved it. Frustrating. I remind him constantly that I’m not out in his garage moving tools around. He thinks it’s funny. Now here is where I maybe TA. We have a dishwasher. How I load it drives him crazy. Things come clean, but he just happens to be OCD about it. Sometimes when I’m cooking and can’t find something cause he thinks it should be in a better place, I get pissy. If I have plastic containers that need to go in the dishwasher, I’ll just open the door and chuck them in. After dinner when he’s loading the dinner plates into the dishwasher I get a little satisfaction to hear him groan when he opens it up and sees plastic containers just sitting there, wrong side up and in the bottom insisted of the top. In case anyone is wondering we’ve been together almost 40yrs. Have had a dishwasher for about 30yrs. So what say you Reddit AITA.
submitted by sunny-days-bs229 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Legatooooo Pet Games 2 are still rigged in favor of the bots as they can just split on the different choices

Pet Games 2 are still rigged in favor of the bots as they can just split on the different choices submitted by Legatooooo to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 josi3e What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by josi3e to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 illinoisteacher123 Genie Wall Mount Opener Slow

Have a Genie wall mount, no issues during its service life. Started operating VERY slow today, this morning it opened just fine but now it's moving at a glacier pace. It will open and close, just incredibly slowly. Any ideas? Thanks.
submitted by illinoisteacher123 to GarageDoorService [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 easilygreat An Aful Family Portrait (and ranking)

submitted by easilygreat to inearfidelity [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 gonefishcaking Champagne sales sink because people don’t want to celebrate

submitted by gonefishcaking to ReadItPodcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Healthy-Tune9042 Knov nen

Why is Knov's nen considered an emitter? Shouldn't it be a conjurer?
submitted by Healthy-Tune9042 to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 AllTheChippies How do school canteens / cafeterias work?

I live in Australia and we have what seems to be a unique system for school canteens where either the parent association or an external business run a food shop on the school grounds where kids can buy any food they want.
There are no free lunches provided, and if you don’t want to buy food then you just bring some from home. Maybe half the kids in a school would buy food on any given day.
How does food at school work in Singapore?
submitted by AllTheChippies to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Waste-Feature821 Relationship search for antinatalist female INFJ or Infp or INtj

Hello I hope you are well
I am looking for an antinatalist female INFJ or Infp or INtj for a relationship that ends in marriage. I am a male INFJ at the age of 28
submitted by Waste-Feature821 to infp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Warm_Sugar8888 She Should’ve Been President

She Should’ve Been President submitted by Warm_Sugar8888 to TexasDemocrat [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 BlaineNicolai02 Wanted my own design on my case

Wanted my own design on my case submitted by BlaineNicolai02 to trippyart [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Suitable_Rip_304 Replacing the variegated Faucaria and albuca that was in here before the rabbits got to it

Replacing the variegated Faucaria and albuca that was in here before the rabbits got to it submitted by Suitable_Rip_304 to habitatstyle [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Kooky_Essay12 Hookup

Im 19m looking for 18-45F for Hookup in leixlip, fuck down the canal right now, Dm me lady's xx
submitted by Kooky_Essay12 to Leixlip [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 bruhsalami Crashing / Stuck on "Starting a new game" - GTA 4 Complete Edition

I've tried googling about this, no solution yet. Anyone have any experience with this / know how to solve it?
Running Fusionfix.
submitted by bruhsalami to GTAIV [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 jkrtjkrt YEP

YEP submitted by jkrtjkrt to Destiny [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 misophobiuhh Hysteric Hagi Jean LC pls

submitted by misophobiuhh to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 Radiant-Survey-2215 Does the number of chicken coops have any effect or does it not matter?

Does the number of chicken coops have any effect or does it not matter? submitted by Radiant-Survey-2215 to EggsInc [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 dellaportamaria Dr. Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Full Speech

Dr. Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Full Speech Happy Mlk day
submitted by dellaportamaria to malcolmx [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:20 dancingfruit1 IBS?

39F 160cm 248lbs (7lbs lost since the beginning of January 2025 due to restrictive eating)
For years I've had stomach issues after eating something particularly rich. I'll have stomach cramps, maybe a hot flush and light headedness and then have 3-4 bowel movements in a short space of time, each getting looser. The strange thing is that one day a certain meal will affect me but it may not affect me the next time. I've always just assumed it's IBS.
Last year I had a short-lived vomiting bug and then went on holiday where I didn't eat well. I had a lot of these IBS style symptoms which then started up again when I got back and lasted a couple of weeks. That had never happened before and so I assumed it was maybe post-infectious. I had my stool checked for blood and calprotectin (both clear). My blood tests showed raised CRP and ESR but everything else was fine.
When I had my repeat tests my CRP and ESR were elevated but had gone down.
Fast forward to Christmas 2024. I hadn't eaten well and had indulged a lot. On Boxing Day we went out for a meal and ate a lot that day. That night I had to use the bathroom 4 times with loose stools and diarrhoea but since then I've had those symptoms frequently, no matter what I eat. If I stick to what I consider to be my safe foods (oatmeal, apple, banana, chicken and rice) I have a chance of being ok but even then that isn't guaranteed as I stuck to safe foods last Monday and today and still had symptoms.
It's like my body just decides it doesn't like what is inside it and works to fully empty it.
It also seems to be getting worse as last Thursday and today both BMs ended in very watery diarrhoea (usually it's very loose and can be watery but not this much). In between Thursday and today I stuck to safe foods and didn't have symptoms for 3 days.
I have a GP appointment this week. Should I be asking for a SIBO test? A colonoscopy? My health anxiety is playing up and making me worry about pancreatic cancer too.
submitted by dancingfruit1 to AskDocs [link] [comments]