1. psi和bar的换算关系是1psi等于0.0689475728bar。 2. psi是一个计量单位,其中"p"代表磅力(pound),"s"代表平方(square),"i"代表英寸(inch)。在美国,psi常用作压强的单位,表示磅力作用在每平方英寸上。 3. 将所有单位转换为公制单位后,可以得出1bar约等于14.5psi。 去Bar喝酒和断片。 在美国: Pub - 英伦风主题,啤酒威士忌,但是不跳舞。 Bar - 就是为酒而生的产业。通常有乐队现场演奏,偶尔会收取额外的入场费。 Club - 喝喝喝跳跳跳。进门收入场费,酒水另算,妹子也另算。 下面是几种不同Bar的叫法。 win10电脑自带的在右上角显示帧率、cpu和gpu使用率的功能怎么取消?win+g,打开游戏录制。 Mpa与Bar的关系?Mpa和Bar都是压强的单位,工程上习惯把压强单位说成压力单位。单位换算:1MPa=1000000Pa1 GPa=1000MPa=1000 000kPa=1000 000 000Pa1MPa=145PSI1Torr=1/760 atm Torr (0℃标准重力下,1mmHg柱的 bar、Mpa、PA都是压强单位,物体所受的压力与受力面积之比叫做压强。 扩展资料 压强用来比较压力产生的效果,压强越大, 压力的作用效果 越明显。 1毫巴(mbar)=0.001巴(bar)=100帕(Pa) 是压强的单位,早先气象学中常用毫巴,现在改用等值的国际单位百帕。 1帕是1帕斯卡的简称,就是一平方米受到一牛顿的压力。 巴(bar)是压强的单位,早先气象学中常用毫巴,后改用等值的国际单位百帕。 扩展资料 一般在国内的各种标准压力表以及通用的压力表现实装置均有MPA和PSI两种标识。 在单位里,前面的m是毫,mm是毫米,mg是毫克,那mbar就是毫巴。bar(巴)=mbar=Pa(帕斯卡)mbar毫巴=Pa(百帕)。 这些都是压力单位,bar就是巴,mbar就是毫巴,Pa是帕,MPa是兆帕。 他们的换算关系是这样的:1bar=100kPa所以:1MPa=10bar1mbar=0.01MPa。 压强单位KPa,MPa,bar,psi,Kg的换算. 日常中应用的英制单位是psi。psi的意思是“pound per square inch”即1磅的力作用在1平方英寸的面积上。bar和MPa之间:1psi=0.0689bar;1MPa=10bar。 国外很多单位使用psi和bar比较多,并不使用MPa。例如K系数的单位:GPM/psi^½ (LPM/bar^½) 1Mpa等于多少bar1Mpa等于10bar。解:兆帕(MPa)、千帕(KPa)、帕(Pa)和巴(bar)都是压强的度量单位。因为1兆帕=1000千帕,1千帕=1000帕,1巴=100000帕。所以1兆帕=1x1000千帕=1000千帕,1000千帕=1000x1000帕=1000000帕
2025.01.20 23:04 jrto2 Sports bar with games
Any locations with things like darts, air hockey, and other games?
submitted by jrto2 to Tucson [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 YABPXYZ .
submitted by YABPXYZ to KaijusLatam [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 23:04 Imaginary-Wafer-4778 trades?
submitted by Imaginary-Wafer-4778 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 23:04 Hot-Appointment-3126 How do I make Suno mess up intentionally?
Ok, so im writing a song where I want it to trail off with twisted confused rambling lyrical fragments at the end and when AI breaks this is easy to get so im wondering if anyone knows a way of intentionally making Suno go nuts with like minimal effort.
submitted by Hot-Appointment-3126 to SunoAI [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 ilyaselm05 settings for language learning
hi guys, i'm kinda new to anki, i use it to learn french, i'm just wondering if for language learning i need to change some settings, or maybe not, and if you got some decks for learning french, B1 or B2, thank you.
submitted by ilyaselm05 to Anki [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 Xopex19 Traveling alone
I am going to Ethiopia in a few months. As a Hispanic from the United States, how dangerous and difficult is it to travel alone to go see the historical sites? I am trying to learn some phrases and customs, I am aware of the importance of respecting culture and customs.
submitted by Xopex19 to Ethiopia [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 JJunkFat Want to exchange my iphone 12 for a high Samsung S series
Will give the rest of the required cash.
submitted by JJunkFat to UAETeenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 NinjEverett6 Fit check
submitted by NinjEverett6 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 SamosaCheese221 Should I switch majors or tough it out?
For context, I’m (18m) in my freshman year of college majoring in actuarial science
I am taking a class called financial mathematics, which is basically the first stepping stone into my major, and this class is kicking my ASS. I can grasp the concepts and I understand what’s being put in front of me so far, but when it comes to applying the ideas I just can’t. When I try to do homework problems I can’t even begin to solve them. Even when I look at my notes the applications just don’t make sense. So, I’m wondering if switching paths is the right thing to do.
submitted by SamosaCheese221 to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 dabonem8756 Class is cancelled ?
https://www.kennesaw.edu/campus-services/inclement-weather.php does this mean class is cancelled ?
submitted by dabonem8756 to KSU [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 Outrageous_Net3803 advice about my relationship
I, 28F have been with my partner, let's call him Trevor, 26M. For what feels like a long time but we have been dating since April of 2024, started talking to each other in May of 2023. We were talking from May to probably August 2023 before our schedules didn't align and never got to meet up, we both didn't reach out and even got to the point of unfriending each other on our socials. I didn't hear from him until end of November 2023. We hooked up long story short. We both fell fast but after 2.5 weeks of seeing each other. He ghosted me. Poof. Gone by mid December. We both were single for the longest time before finding each other. So, of course, it did hurt when he left. I should have known he wasn't going to come back by the way he dropped me off at my home after spending the weekend with him. It was awkward when he was saying good bye. I asked him to come in and he rejected me. I knew in my heart right then he was going to leave.
A few weeks of being sad, I got myself into a few flings to try forget about Trevor. I hated those flings eventually. I stopped trying to make it work with men. I was hitting that spot of finally feeling single and free. Not hooked up on a man for once. Trevor had me blocked on everything. I accepted the fate of our relationship. He didn't block my cell number though.
March 2024 comes around, I was in my single era of finding myself on who I was without having a man on the back of my mind even while under the influence. No one to drunk call or message anymore. I was 8 weeks sober at that point. I came back from weekend away of visiting family. Trevor texted me "I am in town." I remember looking at my phone screen and screaming "YOU'RE BACK?! I thought you were done done, used me like the other men did. I wonder what he is trying to do." I humoured him. I replied "yeah, ok? what am I supposed to do about it?" he replied asking to come over to hook up. I thought might as well since I hadn't hooked up with anyone in two months. Since that last fling who stalked me and egged my house for breaking it off. I did what I wanted at that point. I let him come over. We hooked up. He left town the next day. Trevor started to text me as much as he could on his line of work. 12 hour days and 3 weeks on. We did the get to know each other thing again like the first time before he ghosted me. I didn't try catch feelings that time around. I did find myself giggling at his texts again. Which was a bad sign. We texted until he assumed we were bf/gf. I thought when he got back out of his camp work that we were just going to continue hooking up and being friends without the label. FWB. I was wrong. He was telling everyone we were dating by the time we even got to discuss it ourselves.
The whole break from December to March, I cried over Trevor. He left because he got into bad things and didn't want me involved in his personal problems. A mutual friend of ours told me what he said about me. He called me clingy and annoying. Another mutual said that he was involved with another girl. He said and did both things. He claimed I was on his mind the whole time. I think he only came back because he couldn't find anyone else. I got sober, I stopped drunk calling and texting Trevor half way through January. I believe he came back because I was pulling away.
We officially dating by April. We got engaged by July. Our relationship has been built on rocky road. He does accuse me of cheating. Made me block a lot of my male friends, even if that we are related. He has insecurities and a mouth on him. He would go through my phone, I changed my passcode like 6 times since last April more than I ever had in my life. He rarely helps with chores, bills and I have to drive him everywhere. He only has his learners permit. He would get me to sleep with him about 4 times a day. Before one day he took it too far and I started to pull away because I wasn't even in the mood most of the time and it started to make me uninterested in it for the longest time. I have a few mental illnesses because of what I went through in my lifetime. I didn't know how to put up boundaries with Trevor. I thought he would have been like me. Give me, what I give you and we will be ok.
I let him come in and mark his territory. I lost my first husband a few years before. I didn't think I was able to fall in love again. So, that's why I let him come in my life like that. Now, it's been awhile like 9 months now. I am reconsidering my life with Trevor. How much he does help me with my mental illnesses. It doesn't outweigh what I feel. I dread going home to him sometimes. I don't have a life anymore like I did last March before him coming back into my life. I did communicate about what bugs me above. I feel like he'll keep up with chores and help me with bills when he notices about me just keeping to myself. That I am trying to still be there for him but not like how he wants. He got better holding his tongue, but I still see or hear a tone that is accusing me. I flip because I wouldn't even be doing anything. A minor insult to me I get mad. All these games. I am tired of it. Especially, I would have a good day and I get home. He kills it with a comment to make me mad. He does take care of me most of the time. Like cooking or doing things for me when I ask. I am tired of it feeling like I do everything for him but breathe for him and him having a bad attitude. My first husband didn't act like this. It's hard to not compare them. I am a communicative person. I need clarification. I need support. He ticks maybe 60% of what I want in a lifetime partner. I believe he can change. But how do I get him to seek therapy? he needs it. How do I get him to change without me having to do it for him? do I ask for a break? what do I do? I am tired of venting to my two friends about the same issues I have been feeling since July. I started even not listening to him when he talks sometimes, so my feelings won't get hurt if he said something to set me off. I want him to be a better partner for the both of us. I shouldn't have to tell him on how many apologies he has won't make it better. It's making me lose feelings after each heartbreak he gives me. After each "I am sorry. I will be better." then I see a slight change for a couple days before its back to the attitude that makes me want to crawl out of my skin. He has a personality similar to mine but I didn't think I would care about it that much until I kept track of his patterns.
I love the guy. I wouldn't have accepted his ring, if I didn't love him. what do I do then? I need advice before one day I will take it too far and give up on this relationship. I am not afraid of being alone. I am afraid of not getting accepted of all good and bad parts of me without trying to change me.
submitted by Outrageous_Net3803 to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 Magic_Tronson What a joke
Missing on Ben Johnson because he didn't want to work with baalke. Year after year. I fucking hate that I was born in Jax. All the talking heads talking about it won't make an impact. Look at that. It did. How many fucking times does shad have to do this wrong? He needs to sell the fucking team.
submitted by Magic_Tronson to Jaguars [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 Independent-Road8418 What's something more people should know they can forage for?
submitted by Independent-Road8418 to foraging [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 legendarymel Socks I made for husband for Christmas
I finished the second sock about a week after Christmas. I massively underestimated the amount of time he spends near me when I’m able to knit. submitted by legendarymel to Sockknitting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 23:04 VitoKan My title deed has wrong apartment number
I purchased a flat two years ago, and the title deed and plan were put onto land registry’s website a few months ago.
I found the apartment is not correct. The apartment number I own is 1304, but it shows 195, which is the plot number of the flat I purchased. I then contacted my solicitor, but she told me as long as the title plan was correct, it should be fine to sell the property. But I asked her to amend the address with land registry’s website; however she didn’t contact me back for a few weeks before I submitted a complaint to her law firm. Then she got angry and said she wouldn’t help me anymore.
Two questions I hope I can get answers to:
2025.01.20 23:04 ODT-Timepieces Rolex Explorer ref. 114270✨
submitted by ODT-Timepieces to Watches [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 23:04 thrownitallout WE’RE BACKKKKKK
From Sasha’s IG story submitted by thrownitallout to jennandsasha [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 23:04 frankie0822 Soooo nauseous
I haven’t experienced any side effects since starting zep (just took my 4th and last 2.5 mg dose. I indulged in a sweet treat or two yesterday, still within my calorie deficit, and I have been nauseous and queazy feeling all day since I woke up this morning. Is it a result of the sweets? Or is it just random side effects?
submitted by frankie0822 to Zepbound [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 CrimsonCatling I love Robors
WIP of my designs for the machines. It's been like a month so I probably won't end up finishing it .. But it looks okay as is. I generally just give them more expressive and humanoid faces/bodies with slightly less visible machinery because I'm bad at that
Watercolor and Ink.
submitted by CrimsonCatling to Ultrakill [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 NicholasLit No Waymo available over an hour in Austin, families stranded downtown
submitted by NicholasLit to WaymoOne [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 Dizzy_Trash_33 AirPods Pro 2 Reconnecting Question
I am using my AirPods Pro 2 as hearing aids. Every time I unlock my phone, I get a banner notification that my AirPods connected to my phone. Which is cool and useful, except it resets the custom tuners in the hearing aid settings (like tone brightness) every time I unlock the phone. Is this by design? Or am I missing a setting somewhere that avoids this issue?
submitted by Dizzy_Trash_33 to airpods [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 BiocharToday Optimizing Biochar Yield: Achieving 37.87% Efficiency with Palm Kernel Shell Pyrolysis
submitted by BiocharToday to BiocharToday [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 23:04 Sharp-Gas-7223 Plex refuses to import with correct addedAt=
I am trying to import my old library and no matter what i try, plex keeps adding the same episodes and shows with a wrong date far far in the future.
Workarounds from the webs and reddit said i should just remove and again add those episodes or the whole library but it always adds the same episode with the same wrong addedAt values. no matter what i do.
is there a way to overcome this?
submitted by Sharp-Gas-7223 to PleX [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 ConsiderationFast990 Looking to buy iClicker
If anyone has one they’re trying to sell dm please
submitted by ConsiderationFast990 to UIUC [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 23:04 AnonymousZakuGrunt Squire Sonic P pickguard replacements
Does anyone know where i could find a cheap replacement pickguard for a Squire Sonic P that doesn't have the notch at the neck? I'm gonna try to paint it so color doesn't matter. submitted by AnonymousZakuGrunt to BassGuitar [link] [comments] |