Having a little problem with my gpu

2025.01.21 01:20 zaptadub Having a little problem with my gpu

So my gpu (Rx 570 8gb) isnt displaying, everything is plugged in correctly, hdmi is in the gpu, its clicked into place, wires are all clicked in.
The only way i can get monitor displaying is if the hdmi is plugged into the motherboard and uses the integrated cpu.
The gpu gets warm but is it broke? Do i have to install the gpu drivers 1st
Im really stuck at this point.
submitted by zaptadub to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Nick1738619 ID Verification has taken 2+ months + IP banned?

Hello All,
I signed up for Prolific after finally getting an invite after being in the waitlist for some time. I was able to sign up and do the ID verification and then send it in and the screen said it would take up to 10 days. I check back after 10 days and the coffee mug with that same message is there.
After another week of waiting with the mug and message still there, I decided to email support as to why the ID verification is taking longer than 10 days and they proceed to tell me that my IP has been flagged
I went through the various steps (removing VPNs such as ICloud Private Replay, turning off WiFi and using cellular, resetting router, trying Mobile Hotspot, switching to Airplane mode and back multiple times, and restarting my phone a few times
Any one have any ideas as too additional steps I can take or am I just SOL for the time being? Thank you all!
submitted by Nick1738619 to ProlificAc [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Present_End_631 Anyone know where the "Who!" is sampled from on Tujamo and Plastic Funk - Who?

I've heard the same sample on Moody Boyz - King of the Funky Zulu, and other tunes from the 90-92 period. There has to be an original source. Anyone?
submitted by Present_End_631 to WhoSampled [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Mythicalforests8 Betting again.

Betting again. Last time I had a bet it was here: https://www.reddit.com/OverSimplified/s/jwoTetAOAE
I got it wrong. Off by 2 months.
I had to write a 10 paragraph essay since I failed, but this time I won’t.
This time if oversimplified doesn’t upload by July 8th, 2026, two years after I made my first bet, I’ll have to eat a piece of paper every 3 days he doesn’t upload.
submitted by Mythicalforests8 to OverSimplified [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 swamp_waffle Reading companion

Reading companion Lorelei was lying there the whole time I put my son to bed, purring away
submitted by swamp_waffle to tortico [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 JonasP89 Colorblind, need advice

I’m a first time grower. I have three plants in bloom of the same strain, Easybud. The leaves of 2 plants have changed color. The smaller stalks of those plants also turned purple/blueish (to me).
Since I’m colorblind I can’t see what color they are. Should I worry?
I added a few photos of the main buds. Do they look okay?
Any advice would be much appreciated!
submitted by JonasP89 to cannabiscultivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 noblegaunt BREAKING NEWS: Soft Team's Subreddit Remains Locked Down, but Keeps the Illiteracy.

BREAKING NEWS: Soft Team's Subreddit Remains Locked Down, but Keeps the Illiteracy. submitted by noblegaunt to AFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 ZookeepergameOdd2228 I want to kill myself more than anything in the world

I’m a 16 year old male and life fucking sucks. I’m not exactly sure why I’m even on here but whatever. I hate being alive. I’ve hated it since I was 8. I’ve never felt loved or cared for and I don’t feel like I deserve to be happy at this point. My whole life was spent making bad and selfish decisions and while I’ve done nothing but try to make up for the decisions I’ve made, the people I’ve hurt it never feels like enough. I still never feel like I should still be here. Such a large portion of my best friends are dead. Shot and killed all because I was selfish and didn’t think about how my actions affected those around me. I know my grandma would be sad that I’m gone but she’ll see me again soon. She’s not young by any means after all. All I ever think about is dying. The only thing I want or yearn for is release. I’m in constant mental anguish and every breath I take is torture. My girlfriend was the only thing that made me happy and she lost feelings for me and so I broke up with her. I have a problem with self harm and am usually bleeding from the wrists. I can’t do this anymore. I want to die more than anything in the world and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by ZookeepergameOdd2228 to helpme [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 SnooCupcakes7671 How serious is my distended Pulmonary Artery

26M, 190cm, 110KG, former smoker (quit entirely 10 months) smoked 5-10 p/day for 4 years.
Blood pressure usually around 130-135/75-83.
Currently on Prozac 40mg/day
Previously on (at time of echocardiogram) lexapro 20mg, ritalin shor release 10mg (0-2 x per day as required).
Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Depression, ADHD.
Around Christmas 2023 I presented to the ER department with high heart rate, light headedness and shortness of breath, mild discoloration of fingers. Recorded heart rate was in mid 100s bpm but was likely higher prior to arriving at ER. ECG and bloods were normal. D dimer and troponin 1 readings normal. I suppose this could have been a panic attack, as I had taken ritalin and energy drinks that day. Discharge states possible SVT.
Following this, I had a 24 hr halter monitor which provided normal results. I also had an echocardiogram which found my Pulmonary Artery was distended to 35mm.
My follow appointment with the cardiologist said that I had "nothing that is going to kill me", and i wasnt placed on any medications etc. Just recommended i stop smoking and get more exercise. I don't have a copy of the echocardiogram results. No Pulmonary hypertension was mentioned. Stated it may be related to "growing into it" or something along those lines. He also recommended I have another test in January this year.
However for all of last year I have had intermittent problems with mild chest pain, shortness of breath, muscle tightness, headaches, light headedness, and increased anxiety. Some lightheadedness and mild shortness of breath with mild exercise but this seems to be mainly exacerbated by heat over intensity. An additional halter following a particularly bad period of symptoms in June came back normal. At an appointment I scheduled with the cardiologist in July, he cancelled my echo appointment in January and said that I didnt need to see him again for several years. I informed him of my problems and he seemed uninterested. I assume this was because there wasnt anything I needed to worry about?? PCP beleives( and my cardiologist alluded to) the cause of these problems being anxiety related.
Should i get a second opinion and another echocardiogram to see if my Pulmonary Artery has gotten worse or is stable? Or just trust the process
(Sorry for the long winded post).
submitted by SnooCupcakes7671 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Fantastic_Skill_1748 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Fantastic_Skill_1748 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 No-Permission7641 Can i not move all currency from inventory like in PoE1?

Seriously? Am i just missing this or is this not in the game? There is so much stuff that I just can't understand why it is missing or changed from PoE1. It's like they decided to just change stuff for the sake of changing it. Lock boxes changed to be shit. Ritual changed to be shit. Expedition vendors changed to be shit. Delirium changed to be shit. I dont get it.
submitted by No-Permission7641 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 NoobNeedTips918 Defensive Ttar

Defensive Ttar What do you guys think about a defensive Ttar? Let me know your thoughts
submitted by NoobNeedTips918 to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 The_Hezno I have so many units to awaken, is it wise to just awaken them all and then go back and farm their SA's? I have tons of medals and reverse medals, been gone for 6 months and came back right on time

submitted by The_Hezno to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Burning_Berk1 I made an essay using matpats video

Specificly a fnaf video from january 1st 2022
submitted by Burning_Berk1 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Cupcake974 Slightly changing promotion dates on resume?

Been at my company for 4 years
1 year as SDR, 2 years 6 months as AM, 10 months as AE.
Could I subtract 2 months from my time as an AM and add it to my AE role?
So instead of 2 years 6 months AM / 10 months AE, I do 2 years 4 months AM / 12 months AE
I saw background checks mostly just view hire date and most recent title
submitted by Cupcake974 to techsales [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Substantial-Grand-45 Court TV’s Most Anticipated Trials of 2025 Which one do we want to see?

submitted by Substantial-Grand-45 to JumpsuitPablo [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Suh_Dude2 Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton submitted by Suh_Dude2 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 ok_I_ *warning long hyperfixations may have multiple month or year long radio silence periods

*warning long hyperfixations may have multiple month or year long radio silence periods submitted by ok_I_ to ADHDmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 ocolly Season-high attendance helps OSU thrive in 34-3 win over NC State in top-5 matchup

Season-high attendance helps OSU thrive in 34-3 win over NC State in top-5 matchup submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Freezing-cold_6 You guys remember the week we all thought ii was gonna end like this?

That was a good week. The fandom was in shambles 😂
submitted by Freezing-cold_6 to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 IRedSonI Noble TRD Style Spoiler 3M Tape is enough?

I just bought the Noble TRD spoiler for my BRZ. For people who have installed this using just the 3M tape in Los Angeles does it hold? Right now it’s in the 50s but I am worried about it not holding during the summer especially when it gets close to the 100s when I have a black car. Should I drill the holes out just rely on the 3M tape?
submitted by IRedSonI to GR86 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 lillyjb American Ocean. Deal with it.

American Ocean. Deal with it. submitted by lillyjb to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 pochitas Bedroom revamping assistance!

Hi everyone! It's my first time posting here, but I could really use some help figuring out how to best utizile my small bedroom space so that I can transform it into a cozier atmosphere.
For basic reference, my bedroom is 14ft long and 8ft wide with internally opening doors for both my small closet and main door. Right now I have a huge Ikea Kallax shelf taking up most of my bedroom, including a desk and a small dresser, but I have saved up enough to get myself some new furniture so my main priority is my bed at the moment since I'm fond of it!
To tell you about me, I'm a 25 year old artist who drabbles in a pleathora of art forms! From digital art, to textile work, traditional art forms such as painting, I love it all. Having a bigger desk is something I'd really like for all my craft work and my PC, and I also have a good bulk of art stuff and other miscellaneous small items I'd like to display as well.
I usually have my bed sideways against the back wall to the right of the window, only accessing two drawers, but I placed it in the center of the room in case anyone wanted to edit this pic!
Haha, a bit of a ramble but tdlr; I have some savings I'd like to pour into making my bedroom feel cozy yet practical, and I appreciate any assistance or advice you guys have to offer! Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time even if you don't comment!
submitted by pochitas to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 FriendLost9587 I guess it’s official now…cue more “I told you so’s”

submitted by FriendLost9587 to EUGENIACOONEY [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Jealous_Emu4842 Tiktok Live Studio “ Couldn’t log in, try again “

After initial installation, this is the prompt I get from the software. What is the fix for this?
submitted by Jealous_Emu4842 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]
