UIC身处West Loop,去Chinatown,Michigan Avenue,Lincoln Park都在半个小时以内。学校周围分布着多家超市,多国美食,酒吧咖啡厅,学妹抱怨来学校都长胖6斤肉。 另外UIC的学生每个学期学费里都包括了UPASS公交卡,无限次任坐公交车和地铁,有了它畅行无阻。 UIC附近在市中心的西边,west loop附近。West Loop这几年房价飞涨,区域发展非常快,开了很多好吃的餐馆和Bar,吸引了大批年轻的在芝加哥工作的人群居住,所以治安跟十年前比好了太多。 UIC 东西校区离得并不太远,那块区域也属于治安比较OK的地方。 北师港浸大(uic)按专业大类加专业的方式进行招生。设有工商管理学院、文化与创意学院、人文社科学院、理工科技学院和通识教育学院,在30多个本科专业(方向)招生,其中,统计学、计算机科学与技术、会计学都是北师港浸大(uic)不容错过的优势专业。 很多uic的同学也都很关心,到底要多少绩点才能申请到理想的海外院校。其实,不同的国家或地区,对绩点的要求是不同的,有时甚至存在比较大的差异。下面我们就选择uic同学去向比较多的几个国家或地区,来分别剖析一番。 一、英国 我是阴差阳错来到UIC的,6月9日申请12日拿到的offer,稀里糊涂也就来了。来的时候我是很抗拒学AIDM的(本科学的相关,不想再碰EECS),但转专业未果(我们这届第一学期开学的时候可以申请,通过概率不是特别大),只好乖乖留下来读。 和港中深一样,uic类似于香港浸会大学的珠海校区。 课程设置,师资,GPA制度,全英文教学,小班化教育,学位证这些和HK本部一模一样。 说白了就是少花几万块在内地读HK院校(学位证上不标珠海字样,和浸会本部没区别)。 UIC在美国当地比较“公平”的媒体眼中,一直以来都是among the most underrated colleges的,就是“打分打底了”、“实力绝对和排名不成正比”、“真实实力不比某些USNEWS前100的UC加州体系大学差”、“排名公司就是TM眼瞎的最好范例”。 2013-01-21 北师大珠海分校和UIC的区别 85 2017-12-16 “UIC”的好处和坏处分别是什么? 3 2019-12-05 我想出国留学一段时间,看到了“飞越东方”代理的UCLA Ex... 2010-03-18 关于北京师范大学珠海分校与UIC哪个好? 146 2014-04-14 uic师资水平相当于国内的什么学校?和985有的比吗? 如果你现在问我要是我当初成绩再高十分能去其他学校,或者我要是当初选择出国,我还会不会选择uic,我的答案是不会。 本来高考前按照平时的成绩和一定要去广东的前提条件,想去的是暨南大学,就在广州的市中心,方便吃喝玩乐。 我是西浦学生。UIC不了解。西浦和宁诺的英国爸爸都不太行,qs排名一直跌。利物浦大学快掉出前200名了。其中,宁诺被英国爸爸单方面承认为校区,后者迫于我国教育部淫威而与万里学院合作。除此之外,两个学校性质差不多,可以说一荣俱荣一损俱损(结果 ...
2025.01.21 03:30 CustomWritingsCoLTD UIC STAT 101 Class
Hi! I’m Jaime, I graduated with a masters in statistics, I’m based out of the Bay Area (CA)
Get your STAT 101 assignments, Pearson MyMathLab labs, tests & exams completed from as low as $20 per task!
My discord is CWCO#8243 Email: [email protected] | Reviews: Check pinned statisticsHomework post!
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 ProudRequiem New Rapunzel Goddess of Victory: Nikke 1/7 Scale Figure
submitted by ProudRequiem to NikkeMobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 No-Alps-2285 Not saving on Xbox (solved)
It happens last week i was not able to save or autosaving was not working. Solution, just continue, avoid get killed and at the end of the main mission or a main quest it will be fixed by itself, seems that moving to another main mission made the fix, its not because autosafe space was full or something related to the box, its just a bug .
submitted by No-Alps-2285 to stalker [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 fan_of_the_fandoms Multiple Listings
I’m very new to Depop, so sorry if this is a silly question. I did search but couldn’t find an answer.
Is it better to add multiple listings at once, or one or two each day?
submitted by fan_of_the_fandoms to Depop [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 oh_dadaOFC What's your favourite build?
Mine's a BUCLM Borged-up-chrome-lovin-motherfucker Focussed on Tech weapons, Gorilla arms and survivability submitted by oh_dadaOFC to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 g_rayn234 Issue with character control Tales of Graces f remaster (ps5)
As the title says I’m having a few issues with the character control. For some reason, it’s playing as if it’s in multiplayer mode. I’m not able to run freely with my characters and they only seem to move when I dash or attack. I’ve switched all my characters to auto and they seem to act on their own I’ve also used semi auto and the same issues persist. Is there any fix to this?
submitted by g_rayn234 to tales [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 watches_india Tell me Tuesdays - The All Questions Welcome Thread
Is there anything you always wanted to know about watches but were afraid to ask? Maybe you thought it was too basic, or too complicated. Or too funny. Or too sad. Or whatever. This is the space for you to ask all your questions and clarify any doubts. I hereby declare this space a judgement-free zone. Let the questions commence. https://preview.redd.it/bvwribsk88od1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d952cb756ebce09dab6579849a88e4f6060f7e5 submitted by watches_india to Watches_India [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 gentlestbeast Grand finale!
Takfa Durin Khudrir...
We will restore the Khazad-dum for his arrival. Here are some photos of how we do it!
Thanks to the devs and the community for all the joy they brought to our little group.
Until next time friends!
submitted by gentlestbeast to LotRReturnToMoria [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 Mairon3791 People of Reddit, what was the biggest "uno reverse card" response or moment you've pulled?
submitted by Mairon3791 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 DRCLAYMORE74 Switched to pc recently and need some friends.
I don't really use Reddit so dm on Discord (drclaymore74) I play tf2 and tModloader mostly ps when I say I don't use Reddit this is my first time posting anything
submitted by DRCLAYMORE74 to Steam [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 Advanced_Bell_5530 It's very awkward to sit on his lap with someone she loves! By: @neno_same
submitted by Advanced_Bell_5530 to FireflyMains [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 AutoModerator नमस्कार r/navimumbai // Weekly General Discussion // January 21, 2025
Welcome to the navimumbai Weekly General Discussion thread. Use this thread for discussing topics that do not deserve a separate thread.
Ask for a board game cafe recco, timings for a park, or just talk about how's life going on for you in Navi Mumbai.
submitted by AutoModerator to navimumbai [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 Dazzling-Solid-5867 A small collection of b&w photos from the coast
submitted by Dazzling-Solid-5867 to fujifilm [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 wewdwtnizrub Just Fashion Now Discount Code January 2025
Find the Just Fashion Now Discount Code January 2025
Want to save money at Just Fashion Now in January 2025? Score the best promo codes, coupons, and more deals to get what you want for less!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 ChunkyMilkSubstance [Cora] ✅
submitted by ChunkyMilkSubstance to baseball [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 InterestingPea007 URGENT SUB-LEASE
Hi Everyone,
I’m looking for a girl to sublease my 4x4 room at GrandMarc Apartments. Here are the details:
Location: Prime spot near campus with excellent amenities.
Room Type: Private bedroom and bathroom in a 4x4 layout.
Rent: 1129 (Includes trash valet, and ALL utilities)
Amenities: Fully furnished, in-unit laundry, pool, gym, study lounges, and more!
This is a great opportunity for anyone looking for a convenient and comfortable living space. If you’re interested or know someone who might be, please reach out to: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by InterestingPea007 to ucr [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 GiantChef1 Pork Tacos
Pork shoulder seared and braised. Then chopped and simmered in tomato sauce with lots of garlic paste. Then served with chipotle tortillas, Guac and red onions. submitted by GiantChef1 to tacos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 ctesla01 Bad English - Dancing Off the Edge of the World
submitted by ctesla01 to TheTikiHut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 WoodpeckerPutrid9628 Robin Williams x BULLY
submitted by WoodpeckerPutrid9628 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 mnemonikerific Kobel 🤦♂️
submitted by mnemonikerific to FUTMobile [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 MunckinFry I baby toy bunny at the thrift store. I need help name her. Please and thank u
submitted by MunckinFry to plushies [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 r-IndiaTech r/IndiaTech Purchase Help Megathread | January 21, 2025 at 10:00 AM
For all Gadget Purchase assistance, please use this Thread. Any questions about buying phones, laptops, earphones, or watches should only be posted here. Individual posts for purchase help will no longer be allowed.
submitted by r-IndiaTech to IndiaTech [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 No_Mine_7225 NSFW Art comms! Anything for 10-15$USD!!
submitted by No_Mine_7225 to artcommission [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 03:30 Any-Ball-1267 Pathetic. You all need to get on our level
submitted by Any-Ball-1267 to AFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 03:30 AutoModerator Incognito Brand Skateboard Sneakers
submitted by AutoModerator to Shoes2023 [link] [comments]