Imagery analyst Billy Kryzak shares egg UFO images sent to him: “These are from the RAW files and they show zero evidence of tampering. An example of pristine images.”

2025.01.21 04:01 caffeinedrinker Imagery analyst Billy Kryzak shares egg UFO images sent to him: “These are from the RAW files and they show zero evidence of tampering. An example of pristine images.”

Imagery analyst Billy Kryzak shares egg UFO images sent to him: “These are from the RAW files and they show zero evidence of tampering. An example of pristine images.” submitted by caffeinedrinker to nhi [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Achros_42 In France, we have a town known for its cut bridge, which would make a great video clip for "Cut The Bridge"

In France, we have a town known for its cut bridge, which would make a great video clip for submitted by Achros_42 to LinkinPark [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Fun-Jicama327 Advice on a Text

I broke things off today with someone I was in a very confusing relationship with. I’m not even sure that he cares. But I’m sort of…regretting some of what I said. I’m trying to stand up for myself, but I think I ended up being pretty harsh. It was sort of a “door slam” text. Not sort of, very much so.
Would someone mind reading the text, and telling me how bad it was, or if it’s ok?
submitted by Fun-Jicama327 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Double_Pea2792 My parents and I agreed on locking up food

CONTEXT: 15F, I have type 1 diabetes (it's the genetic type, for those who don't know)
So, basically, around a month ago, my parents thought it would be a good idea for my mother to prescribe me Wegovy. My diabetes doctor told her that it wouldn't be a good option for me due to the diabetic complications that may come about and simply the fact that I am a normal weight. However, I have gained more and more weight and I constantly think about food. Today, my parents brought up taking Wegovy again and I refused bc of what my diabetes doctor had said. However, when my parents and I had gotten into a discussion about my eating habits, among other things, a month ago, they did mention buying a lock for food. The conversation we had today reminded me of what they had said a month ago and it led me to making a proposal. I told them that I thought that Wegovy was the wrong move but that locking up food would probably be a better solution, and they agreed with me. Do you guys think that this is the right move?
Edit: My dad agreed to leaving 1 fruit snack out at night, for those who ask about the possibility of me having a low blood sugar. Also, we’ll ensure that I have low snacks for the day.
submitted by Double_Pea2792 to family [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 AustralianManSims-4 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by AustralianManSims-4 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Altruistic_Test_112 Creo que me rechazaron

Hola. Todo empezó como hace 4 meses. Tengo un grupo de amigos donde soy el único hombre. La verdad toda mi vida he estado más rodeado de mujeres que de hombres y creo que eso ha intervenido de alguna manera en mi personalidad.
El problema es que este año yo he cambiado mucho físicamente y se podría decir que he tenido un glow up. Más o menos a partir de agosto he notado que una de mis mejores amigas de toda la vida se me había comenzado a insinuar y la verdad es que yo le seguía la corriente. Según todo el grupo entre nosotros había mucha química y bla bla bla (lo típico). Fue desde ese tiempo que yo en mi error la dejé de mirar con ojos de amigos y comencé a sentir atracción sexual hacia ella, hasta que finalmente ocurrió lo inevitable, nos comimos tres veces en una fiesta, cabe aclarar que ambos estábamos borrachos, pero no voy a negar que quería. Luego de eso nos juntamos para celebrar el cumpleaños del novio de una del grupo, donde me volví a encontrar con ella y yo me sentí muy incómodo pero dentro de todo la pasé bien. Luego de eso no distanciamos con mi mj amiga, hablábamos casi todos los días y desde ya no.
Luego volvimos a coincidir en otra fiesta, yo estaba borracho y ella no, me intentaba acercar y ella se alejaba. Hasta que en un momento le pregunté si estaba enojada conmigo a lo que respondió “no, por qué lo estaría, si no haz hecho nada” luego de eso le intenté dar un beso en la mejilla, logre dárselo y después de eso inmediatamente me dijo que no tropezaba dos veces con la misma piedra, no se exactamente qué trataba de decir con eso, pero desde ahí lo dejé de intentar. Terminó la fiesta y ella se había ido al auto (a ella la iban a ir dejar y yo me iba a ir a dormir a casa del anfitrión) pero en lo que el anfitrión ordenaba el lugar de la fiesta nos quedamos los dos en el auto en compañía de dos amigas más. Yo estaba atrás y ella en el asiento del copiloto, en ese momento yo le confesé que me gustaba (lo que no es verdad en su totalidad) que ella sabía que me atraía y que lo hacía a propósito, a lo que ella no respondió nada y me dijo que me callara, que no era el momento.
Luego de ese día me sentí muy raro por lo que los tres días siguientes bebí alcohol y uno de esos me emborraché y le hablé. Le dije que yo sentía que ella se me insinuaba (lo que no trató de defender) solo me dijo que no sabía aceptar el rechazo y respondió con un tono sarcástica que si efectivamente estaba loca por mi.
Cabe aclarar que muchas veces me mandaba fotos que a mi parecer no le envías a un amigo y mensajes muy explícitos. En uno de ellos prácticamente me invitaba a su cama y me decía que llevara condones.
No se qué pensar al respecto, arruiné una amistad y me siento muy mal por eso. Pero también siento que jugó conmigo, le conté todo a una amiga del grupo que es muy cercana a mi también y me dijo que ella también creía que yo le atraía a ella pero que en realidad a ella le daba miedo ya que no quería tener nada serio. No sé
submitted by Altruistic_Test_112 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Slothguy13_ ...We are those who listen

...We are those who listen submitted by Slothguy13_ to ThirdLifeSMP [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 SuchPerformance3948 Canada, anyone able to identify if this is real lead crystal or just normal glass? Thank you!

Picked this up at an antique/thrift store today! Just wanting to know if this is real lead crystal or just regular glass that is safe to use. Any and all advice is appreciated!
submitted by SuchPerformance3948 to Antiques [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 dizzy-dai treated like a little princess 🍼🥺🫶🏻

My cg even bought some charms to decorate my new pacis 🥺 so excited for the bows 🎀
Sfw agere tumblr
submitted by dizzy-dai to ageregression [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Hairy-Delivery-546 Valem's Original Moveset compared to his New Moveset.

Valem's Original Moveset compared to his New Moveset. submitted by Hairy-Delivery-546 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Apprehensive_Kale995 Watch my dogs cosplay! Guess the character

Watch my dogs cosplay! Guess the character submitted by Apprehensive_Kale995 to FullmetalAlchemist [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 NoTruth2009 Reddit automatically upvotes any post that I reply to.

As you can tell from the title I'm having issues with reddit automatically upvoting any reddit post I reply to. I'm on the Chromium version of reddit if that helps.
submitted by NoTruth2009 to help [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 KarenTheManagah Man, you guys weren’t lying about the discord. If you actually contribute but never have good coops, this is the way! Best ones I’ve ever been in. These people aren’t playing

Man, you guys weren’t lying about the discord. If you actually contribute but never have good coops, this is the way! Best ones I’ve ever been in. These people aren’t playing submitted by KarenTheManagah to EggsInc [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Any_Environment_5040 over watered ?

im a new grower so im not sure if it is or not but i’m scared i over watered my plant and i really dont want to mess this up.
the fan leaves are little droopy and very slightly curled up is there any way at all i can fix this and when can i tell if its to late
if i wait a couple days and not water will it sort its self out? also any other advice you wish you knew starting would be greatly appreciated, thank you
submitted by Any_Environment_5040 to Autoflowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 lcb_lcb Live lets hang out yall

Live lets hang out yall Hi peoples I’m Lilchickenbaby and I’m playing DBD on stream tonight and im looking forward to meeting yall along the way !
Pull up let’s chat ! I love meeting new people and having a fun-supportive-positive community to do it with !
submitted by lcb_lcb to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 bellewellaware What would be the easiest way to format a novella about memory loss?

As the title suggests - as a reader, how would you best prefer to read a novel/novella where a large plot point is memory loss? I'm currently working on a story about a long lived MC, that lives over a thousand years. As part of this, they completely forget their human life, and often forget many things between when they lost their mortality and the hundreds of years up to current time. Obviously I could time skip the parts they forget to make things easy on the reader, but the story is told in first person and I want there to some sense of loss - as they completely forget a solid 30+ years of their mortal life (a lover, their family, etc - it adds a lot of depth to their later character when they lose other memories relating to loss in similar ways); and I feel like skipping over that entirely would leave out a lot of their character.
Would it be best to start at a later point in their life (skip over their human life) and make references back to it when they encounter things that triggers memory of those past people/places? Or would you prefer to have them slowly forget things that you've read before, perhaps the memories start to get tainted, and they try to write things down but the memory is wrong the second time - they miss details, or they realize they can't remember it at all? Which would be more impactful to you as a reader? I've also been toying with the idea of writing this in the format of a first person journal and physical striking out the parts of it that they can't remember, perhaps with a bit of flavor text of them saying that there should be something here, but they don't know what.
I think I am leaning towards the second idea (having them slowly forget things/try to remembemisremembeetc) but I'm not sure if that would be more interesting to read since it would sometimes involve retelling parts of the story
submitted by bellewellaware to writing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Dangerous-Variety-35 Ghosties died, neos not reproducing, nerite dying?

Ghosties died, neos not reproducing, nerite dying? Ghosties died, neos not reproducing
Hey y’all,
Coming here to see if anyone can help me troubleshoot because I don’t know what’s going on with my tank. It’s a planted tank (1 inch organic soil, no ferts capped by 1 inch a gravel/river rock mix my LFS sold me before they went out of business) that has been up and running for about three months, water parameters have been stable for those three months.
I started off with five ghost shrimp, and they seemed to thrive, so I got six blue dream neos. Three of them were berried, but I never saw any babies. So I got a few more neos and eventually I added some Daisy Blue’s Rice fish and a mystery snail to the tank as well.
Flash forward six weeks, the mystery snail died and I was pretty upset about it but the bladderamshorns snails are reproducing like crazy and several of the neos were berried again so I figured something must’ve been wrong with the mystery. But starting the day after Christmas my ghost shrimp started dying with the final one dying yesterday. I also think I’m only down to three or four neos, one of which is a baby. What am I doing wrong?
Tested today, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10 ppm, pH 8, KH 8 drops, GH 8 drops - this has been consistent since before Thanksgiving.
*I posted this over in shrimp tank and the consensus was muscle necrosis, but now my nerite seems to be dying. I put him in my 55 gallon to see if that helps. I tested again today (with API Master Kit) and parameters are the same still. Should I just break it down at the point and start over?
submitted by Dangerous-Variety-35 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Aronolo__ Vocês falam de onde?

Só pra saber: vocês falam de onde? Me: Rio de Janeiro
submitted by Aronolo__ to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Intrepid_Phone_7175 We met, married in 4 months, and have almost raged for 6 years

We met, married in 4 months, and have almost raged for 6 years My husband and I met in a very unusual way that caused us to be drawn to eachother immediately. We struggle.
Literally found out his dad and my grandpa grew up together 65 years ago and my husband isn’t even from the area I am. His dad moved away from this area 60 years ago!!!!
Anyways. What is so intense even about now that we cannot see eye to fffffffing eye.
Btw I’m red he is blueeeee
submitted by Intrepid_Phone_7175 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Level-Yard-302 Looking for Mr Aphrodite(7). Will trade for Tycoonopolis (7) and Clay-m To Fame(7)

Looking for Mr Aphrodite(7). Will trade for Tycoonopolis (7) and Clay-m To Fame(7) submitted by Level-Yard-302 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 A_MASSIVE_PERVERT [McMurphy] If Andy Reid was coaching Ohio State, he would have Will Howard run 86 yards backwards for a safety

[McMurphy] If Andy Reid was coaching Ohio State, he would have Will Howard run 86 yards backwards for a safety submitted by A_MASSIVE_PERVERT to CFB [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 AdventurousMatch73 How do you take care of inner thigh and wrist chafing?

submitted by AdventurousMatch73 to cycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 Arianne-G-Voyance Horoscope Annuel des 12 signes du zodiaque 2025 astrologiqueLa nouvelle année 2025 peut-elle apporter bonheur et prospérité dans votre vie ?Découvrez-le en ligne .....

submitted by Arianne-G-Voyance to voyance_en_occitanie [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 FreakyDurian As I walked through the halls, the walls seemed to get taller

I looked in horror as I saw my feet getting sucked
submitted by FreakyDurian to badtwosentencehorrors [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:01 bot_olini Decretos de TRUMP hunden a México y ponen a SHEINBAUM contra las cuerdas

Decretos de TRUMP hunden a México y ponen a SHEINBAUM contra las cuerdas submitted by bot_olini to mexico_politics [link] [comments]