Americans, what are you dreading about the most for the next four years?

2025.01.21 05:03 Auelogic Americans, what are you dreading about the most for the next four years?

submitted by Auelogic to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Mindless_Operation94 What the f*** are doctors doing now!?!

Can someone tell me what nondependent opioid abuse means. I am super confused as to why it’s on my medical records when I have never been on opioids nor tested positive for them. I have a feeling it has everything to do with a medication they put me on and nothing to do with an actual addiction (buprenorphine for pain). Help I’m so confused and don’t want to sound like an idiot when I go to the doctor next month and ask why it was listed on my record. They even put alcohol use disorder severe on remission. I told them I quit drinking 5 years ago and now I’m an alcoholic… who makes these decisions off such little information?! Because I chose to join a group of non drinkers I am a severe alcoholic in remission?! I am furious! This is my life and my medical records and I am currently going through a lot health wise. I’m 41 and have never had substance abuse issues. I quit drinking because I feel like shit daily anyways and alcohol made it worse not because I had a drinking problem.
submitted by Mindless_Operation94 to nursing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 ilikehistory10 So nice of Fanatics to let fans buy the same apparel that they’ll be shipping off to Africa

So nice of Fanatics to let fans buy the same apparel that they’ll be shipping off to Africa submitted by ilikehistory10 to cfbmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 TombRaider_2000 Is there an optimal thing to do to refill soul before a bossfight?

I want to refill my soul before fighting Grimm, but idk how to best do that. I’m just using kingsoul right now. But any ideas are appreciated.
submitted by TombRaider_2000 to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Somewherelse12 Congrats

Great win! As a Domer, Im glad it was a good game and I know the better team won. You all made that Michigan game your Northern Illinois game times 10... haha. Enjoy the win and hope to see you all again next year... Congratulations Buckeyes!!
submitted by Somewherelse12 to OhioStateFootball [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 KeyMirror8813 Thoughts on HYGG?

Anyone here own HYGG? I'm tempted to put it into an index due to its high fees.
I own IOZ and IVV, HYGG would be considered my risky allocation but due to the high fees is the best bet to put it in an index?
submitted by KeyMirror8813 to ausstocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 _MadTinkerer_ My HDZero goggles are no longer providing enough power to my Rapidfire module

submitted by _MadTinkerer_ to HDZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 House0fmouseworks I wonder if that new SpongeBob game will be on switch 2

I wonder if that new SpongeBob game will be on switch 2 They’re both coming this year and I feel like we’ll see the new SpongeBob game get released after switch 2 since we have little information on it as of now. If it doesn’t release on switch 2 though it doesn’t matter as it’ll be backwards compatible so if it’s on switch 1 it will be playable on switch 2
submitted by House0fmouseworks to spongebob [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Safe_Tradition208 i am so scared

if i have a high 80 average final sem 1 grade 12 am i cooked for mac life sci, queens health sci, and waterloo health sci?
submitted by Safe_Tradition208 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 nellibonelli Cloud Jersey vs Cozy Fleece

Interested in buying a set of one or the other. Mainly for leisure/travel wear that will also be cute enough to run around in. I’m trying to imagine the feel of these materials. I love the feel of spanx air essentials sand was hoping one of these may fit that? How thick is the cozy fleece? How thin is the cloud jersey? Any insight? Or alternatively one of the 35 pairs of leggings I already own 🤭😆?
submitted by nellibonelli to Fabletics [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 nowinseoul The Goblin And The Shaman Official Artbook

The Goblin And The Shaman Official Artbook
🔥Exclusive, never-before-seen comics from the standalone edition!
submitted by nowinseoul to webtoon_nowinseoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 FamousFinance7516 just me and my 20 ocelot kittys ( 22 counting the ones that cant be put on display)

just me and my 20 ocelot kittys ( 22 counting the ones that cant be put on display) submitted by FamousFinance7516 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Astronst Do you think people of UK would be happier if the weather was better/consistent?

Before the crowd of "I love this weather" chime in. I love UK weather too and wouldn't change it for the world.
However, recently i realised that it's grating on me. It's just grey. All I want to do is lay in bed, because the I'm over the cold and would just love a summer evening in the garden. Even the people around me are my happy with sun out and we do more things together.
We haven't properly had a summer for 2 1/2 years in my opinion. 2020 summer was elite and wish it was like that every year.
I feel like a consistent warmth and sun (like 18 - 24 degrees) between March - October would do.
I'm feeling like Australia is calling my name sometimes. It's like Britain with sun I'm made to believe.
submitted by Astronst to AskUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Abject-Yak-7298 Los invito a leer mi libro

Hola a tod@s,
Soy Andrea, una autora anónima de México que un día decidió escribir sobre algo que vivió muy de cerca: la depresión. Este libro nació en 2020 como una forma de terapia, en un momento en el que sentía que ya no podía más.
Lo guardé durante cuatro años porque no me sentía lista para mostrarlo. Pero el 2024 me trajo una serie de eventos que me llevaron a desear dormirme y ya no despertar. Asustada hable con mi psicóloga y después de ańos de que ella lo hubiera sugerido, acepte iniciar tratamiento psiquiátrico. Después de mucho trabajo con mi psicóloga y mi psiquiatra, me sentí por fin preparada para sacarlo al mundo.
Este libro no es un manual ni una receta mágica; es mi historia. Es una ventana a lo que nadie ve cuando alguien está luchando con depresión. Habla de los pensamientos que te llenan la cabeza, de las noches que parecen eternas y de lo que significa aceptar que necesitas ayuda.
Mi idea al publicarlo es que, si estás pasando por algo parecido, sepas que no estás sol@. Y si conoces a alguien que lo necesite, este libro también puede ser para esa persona.
Si algo de esto conecta contigo, me ayudaría mucho que lo compartas para que llegue a más gente. Entre tod@s podemos dejar de sentirnos tan solos en esto.
El libro se llama "Se Me Olvidó Vivir Unos Años" titulo que refleja un sentimiento de haber olvidado vivir por sobrevivir, y lo pueden encontrar en Amazon en todos los formatos.
Gracias por leer. 🖤
P.D. Si tienes preguntas o simplemente quieres platicar, aquí estoy.
submitted by Abject-Yak-7298 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 matsoj15 Komentarze pod filmami ze studniówek na Facebooku. Co jest z ludźmi?

Czy ktoś mi powie co jest nietak z Grażynkami Sprężynkami, Renatami Rurami i Aperolowymi Anetkami, które przypier*alają się do wszystkiego pod tymi filmami? "Sukienka nie jest odpowiednia", "Olaboga widać centymetr kwadratowy uda." "Trampki do tańczenia?" "Bardzo sztywny ten polonez".
To raczej z ich strony kolorowanie swoich lat młodzieńczych, wylewanie kompleksów?
submitted by matsoj15 to Polska [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Gaand_Visarjan716 Should I Switch My Salary Account from HDFC to IDFC?

I have had an HDFC salary account for the past three years, but there haven’t been any upgrade offers or benefits that I could avail.
On the other hand, IDFC provides benefits that I occasionally use, such as lounge access, Times Prime membership, Swiggy membership, and YouTube Premium.
Which one would you personally suggest?
submitted by Gaand_Visarjan716 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Dull_Welder9073 SGV salary during probationary period

Hi! Non CPA and newly hired sa SGV, it is not mentioned in the contract yubg salary during probationary period, does it mean same napo ng basic salary kapag regular? Thank you!
submitted by Dull_Welder9073 to AccountingPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 rutgers88 Wtf EA?? Offline dynasty of 10+ seasons deleted

Booted up my Xbox Series S today, loaded up my usual dynasty and, much to my surprise, my dynasty in the mid 2030s was completely wiped, no clue why.
The file is still there, but it loads to week 2 of 2024. And for some reason, rather than showing the team I’m playing with, Rutgers, the load screen shows Air Force until I actually load the dynasty.
I imagine it’s somehow connected to this patch message I received upon booting up my Xbox. If I am somehow in error here, please let me know, or if anyone has seen this and can help, I’m all ears. Thank you!
submitted by rutgers88 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 TheOriginalPudding Smaller enclosure for 10” Skar sub

I have a box that is a smaller box for a 10” sub because of space issues in the vehicle it is in. The current sealed enclosure (square box) is 0.75 cu ft. Manufacture recommends a 0.85 - 1.0 cu ft (sealed). Again, this is stuff I have on hand, just want to get what I can out of this setup before starting from scratch. My thoughts are run it with poly in the box and see how that works?
submitted by TheOriginalPudding to CarAV [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 OutdoorAcorn Possible to have UI buttons to skip back/ahead some seconds?

As the title says, is it possible to have UI buttons (or double tap side of screen) to skip back/ahead a configurable amount of seconds instead of the rewinding/fast-forwarding buttons?
I'm using Kodi on an Android tablet without a remote so can't do what the usual suggestion seems to be of mapping a button on a controller for this.
submitted by OutdoorAcorn to kodi [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 Brilliant-Active-791 Anong ginagawa nyo sa office/workplace kapag wala na kayong magawang work related?

Memorize na world flags and capitals. Bawal mag cp ng lantaran. Bawal matulog hahaha Uwi na kaya?
submitted by Brilliant-Active-791 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 MediumDish4035 Tribute to David Lynch from SNL

Tribute to David Lynch from SNL submitted by MediumDish4035 to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 The_Owl_Bard "Within an inch of her life"

submitted by The_Owl_Bard to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 SnooSprouts5303 A Tier List I created Of characters ranked based on pure power and destructive feats. As such this is not a who would win. Speed and Skill come in secondary to overall power and is mostly used as a tiebreaker.

A Tier List I created Of characters ranked based on pure power and destructive feats. As such this is not a who would win. Speed and Skill come in secondary to overall power and is mostly used as a tiebreaker. submitted by SnooSprouts5303 to RWBYcritics [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 05:03 ASummationOfChaos Nobody got this

Nobody got this submitted by ASummationOfChaos to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]