Hey everyone! I recently created a video about the upcoming Spider-Man TV show and would love to hear your thoughts on it.

2025.01.21 07:23 CesarTheGoatTv Hey everyone! I recently created a video about the upcoming Spider-Man TV show and would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Hey everyone! I recently created a video about the upcoming Spider-Man TV show and would love to hear your thoughts on it. submitted by CesarTheGoatTv to IntoTheSpiderverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Cool-emu-8797 The Hindsight Thread - GW 23

Post your hindsight revelations about GW 23 BEFORE the matches happen - you knew it all along afterall! (this is not a post about GW 22!) . . . .
GW 22 Highlights
"Managers rush to get Amad in just for him to blank this GW"
"Of course now Isak blanks."
"Foden at the double"
"Of course, Bruno hauls on my bench."
"I knew putting Salah as captain would've been a mistake"
"Wow, salah is truly washed in the second half of the season"
FPL Nostradamus award for Hindsight of the GW: u/6by6Hindsight
"Obviously Kdb had to haul now that I sold my only differential."
submitted by Cool-emu-8797 to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Such-Many-9802 Zodiac master appearing veli soon... How is your luck this year?

Zodiac master appearing veli soon... How is your luck this year? I am born in year of horse, they say this year got ups and downs...Career not so zai for mi
submitted by Such-Many-9802 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Educational-Cap5347 EVENT DU 11 JANVIER 2025 NONGLARD 74330

EVENT DU 11 JANVIER 2025 NONGLARD 74330 submitted by Educational-Cap5347 to SCOUNTRY [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 According-Minute-152 Referral to get 4k bonus points

Please use below referral to get 4k bonus points
submitted by According-Minute-152 to amexindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 stopbanningm1tskis POV: Sending love letters to your crush...

POV: Sending love letters to your crush... submitted by stopbanningm1tskis to weirdspotifyplaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Ambreen26 Walkie-talkie word NYT Crossword Clue

Walkie-talkie word NYT Crossword Clue - If you need help with the NYT Crossword for 1/21/25, we’ve compiled all the clues below so you can easily find the answers you need. Simply search for the clue you’re working on, and select it to get the answer. This format allows you to get help with specific clues without revealing others you’re still solving!
Get your answers spoiler-free here
submitted by Ambreen26 to QMGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 sadvibezz Hi looking for offers / blue scooter

Hi looking for offers / blue scooter Not neon!! Just the normal blue scooter. If anyone would like to offer I'm happy to see
submitted by sadvibezz to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Creative_Contact1539 Coldplay 26th and 25th

If anyone is going alone on these days and needs company, message me. I’m going solo as well and don’t wanna feel alone seeing all the couples and friend groups.
submitted by Creative_Contact1539 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 foolwizeman These are my poems

Tell me a secret of the past, a unknown from the people that didn't last. While decades fell & everything lapsed, the understanding of the world was given last. We weren't able to keep alive something so precious the Devine contrived. The existence of all gave away the ability to dissolve anything of worth & how we were involved. The simple truth becomes complex when we won't speak words upon our chests & allow the beings to suggest the circumstances that created our death. With our destiny of the inability to live we have created a existence of giving, something we can't give. Life so precious its consumed all good, little did we know its all it took. Before the fire that burned all of humanity, it was the holy spirit that consumed all insanity gave the way to the soul without calamity now peace raigns because of the love & sanity. Time moves but the truth stands still. Let history repeat itself while your willing to kill for the dirt that distills the rocks of the past that expose everything the elite surpass as bills that empower the beings of wrath. Let hell show its face like the sun that gives us grace. As the heat reminds us of the pain of the stagnant place that only allows light in such disgrace. We will become whole once again when all pieces fall beyond the rim of such an existence that allows dimensions now we can fall to a peaceful ascension
submitted by foolwizeman to Poems [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Yoimabnq_ rocket on the run

rocket on the run submitted by Yoimabnq_ to PhightingRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 starl1ghts1ckness Cheshire Cat, tips?

Hey! I will be posting this to a few subs, sorry if it gets seen twice. Anyway, I want to cosplay as the Cheshire Cat from the Tim Burton movies but I'm struggling to come up with ideas. I found one by the user HalcyBella and I adored it, however the pants are pretty much impossible to find and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions in general or dupe ideas. The pants in question:
submitted by starl1ghts1ckness to CosplayTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Capital_Road_5623 Johan libert

What is the Johan libert big 5 personality??
submitted by Capital_Road_5623 to MonsterAnime [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Peacelily420 Endo/O.C./Fibroids

I’ve been having a drastic change in my cycle within the past 4 years, but increasingly so as of the last 3 months.
I would get nothing more than minor bloating and heavy bleeding when I was a teenager. It would almost always come as a surprise. Now, it’s absolutely debilitating the first 2 out of 7ish days and almost only just clots.
I know something isn’t right. And I know I can’t pick and choose what tests I want like a menu, but I want to know what I should advocate for as a start.
Any insight on what could be making my cycle change to only clots that seem to have a hard time passing, and what I should advocate to a doctor for would be really appreciated, as we aren’t taken seriously so I want to come in head strong.
Thank you🙏
submitted by Peacelily420 to Periods [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Busy-Bobcat-1641 Need advice on what kind of doctor to see for my issues!

hi guys. i have been to so many doctors over the past couple years and none of them have seemed to be able to pinpoint what's wrong with me. the only doctor i visited who appeared to be in the right field for what's going on with me was a thyroid specialist who informed me my thyroid is leaking hormones it shouldn't, but that fails to address hardly any of my symptoms. i'm going to list all the oddest and most significant health issues i experience and if anyone recognizes a pattern and can point me to the right area of medicine i need to have a consultation with you could possibly seriously improve my life and i will forever be beyond grateful for you!!
very weak immune system: sick for months at a time, bed ridden, intense symptoms, uncommon for meds or antibiotics to be of any assistance, all simultaneous and consistent
regular joint pain: ex non dominant wrist goes out almost once a month with such unbearable pain it's almost impossible to move it and then goes away as if nothing ever happened
prescribed birth control and yet excruciating periods
inner ears go through more pain than experienced in any other part of my body after being exposed to cold air for even short periods of time and water: cannot wash my hair regularly due to intense pain my ears are left with regardless of using earplugs or leaving a towel in my hair. the only solution i've found is to blow dry heat directly into my ears
prone to hallucinations: frequently see figures of large men in my proximity that aren't really there, one time i saw a cat in my window that didn't exist, and on one occasion had a full conversation lasting multiple minutes with my father whom i thought was right around the corner just to find out he was never there
extreme difficulty waking up and unusual sleep patterns in general: sleep for 17+ hours almost every night regardless of what time i go to bed and still never feel rested and remain always tired and fatigued
history of fainting and vomiting without reason and more than half my waking hours are spent in stomach pains and nausea for no apparent reason either
frequent migraines so intense i loose vision and vomit
not fun poops: i have a great diet and drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables and still almost never don't have severe constipation where i unfortunately spend hours on the toilet trying usually in vain to get some poops out
lingering depression, anxiety, and paranoia: tried many medications and lifestyle altercations but remain in constant misery, exhaustion, lack of motivation or hope, etc. also went to a profession and had many tests done and their ultimate conclusion was that my iq is too high for my own good and so i just have little faith in life and therefore depressed but im not convinced. keep in mind i have a good life generally speaking, plenty of friends, eat healthy, drink water, go outside, love animals and take great care of pets, do not suffer from any addictions, do not drink, so it shouldn't make sense to feel such impending doom. i suspect i have an underlying medication condition factoring in on my mental state.
experience nosebleeds and cough up blood often
suffer from irregular severe eczema outbreaks usually on my face, wrists, stomach, back of knees, and inside of elbows.
very little body odor but difficulty maintaining a healthy vaginal ph: despite good washes, healthy diet, probiotics, and vitamins she never smells good unfortunately (could just be birth control related though)
can gain and lose weight in very short amounts of time by very minor dietary changes
surprisingly have pretty significant cardio endurance even without regular exercise but immediate heavy breathing and exhaustion after going up stairs or any other type of incline and sitting or standing up almost always makes me dizzy
submitted by Busy-Bobcat-1641 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Royal-Notice-5023 Trades? Sets 1-6

Trades? Sets 1-6 submitted by Royal-Notice-5023 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 ev_anon Collabs/Features?

Collabs/Features? Come tap in wit me I can do a lot of different flows and can fit on any song get at me
submitted by ev_anon to Bandlabcollabs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 justknightt Day 6 12.5mg bad tension headache does this go away?

I’m not use to ever getting headaches my head feels like it’s on fire and burning with tension and pressure of being pushed down should i stop the meds ? Or what
submitted by justknightt to zoloft [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 vincenzost Crypto Analyst Predicts XRP Will Break Out of Bull Flag and Target $4.40

Crypto Analyst Predicts XRP Will Break Out of Bull Flag and Target $4.40 submitted by vincenzost to CryptoBreakingDotCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 mewhen1222 Disney XD / Nicktoons short I watched like 8 years ago.

I remember watching a short on youtube made by either of the two mentioned companies about some cat person who was basically feeling withdrawl over pancakes or something like that. It's been a long while and I was recently thinking about it. Can anyone help?
submitted by mewhen1222 to OnTheTipOfMyTounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Extreme_Garden_5005 2a and i can’t sleep

ughhh my sleep schedule is so fucked
submitted by Extreme_Garden_5005 to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Kiyomi_Klee Got around to doodling Classic Blaze and Silver

Got around to doodling Classic Blaze and Silver submitted by Kiyomi_Klee to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Prior-Case58 Russia's shadow fleet includes tankers bought abroad and ships formerly owned by the Russian shipping company Sovcomflot. Dubai-based Avebury Shipmanagement LLC-FZ owns at least 24 vessels from the sanctions list. The company has no website and lists only a street address in Dubai, with no details

Russia's shadow fleet includes tankers bought abroad and ships formerly owned by the Russian shipping company Sovcomflot. Dubai-based Avebury Shipmanagement LLC-FZ owns at least 24 vessels from the sanctions list. The company has no website and lists only a street address in Dubai, with no details submitted by Prior-Case58 to LoveForUkraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 Zestyclose-Quarter87 $40 to buy medication amid insurance change please

The state recently determined I make “too much money” for state insurance but I haven’t been able to afford my premiums to start my plan. I take Effexor and if I miss more than one dose I feel terribly sick (like actual withdrawal symptoms—dizziness, nausea, fatigue, body pain, etc) I take my last dose tomorrow and can include a picture of receipt after purchase to prove I actually bought medication amid insurance
submitted by Zestyclose-Quarter87 to Assistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:23 nyan-the-nwah Who did this 😭

Who did this 😭 submitted by nyan-the-nwah to neopets [link] [comments]
