Brian meets Bill Cosby Smurf

2025.01.21 10:37 Tw1st3dZA Brian meets Bill Cosby Smurf

Brian meets Bill Cosby Smurf submitted by Tw1st3dZA to Terroriser [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Mysterious-Cup7026 Taylor swift concerts

Taylor swift concerts submitted by Mysterious-Cup7026 to Concerts [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 nanrenhou 嫩穴谁吃

submitted by nanrenhou to Cunicle [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 lycaonne Le nom de l'emploi

Le nom de l'emploi Je ne sais plus si il y a un Reddit dédié à ces noms rigolos qui vont avec l'emploi des personnes mais je me suis dit que je pouvais partager ça ici.
submitted by lycaonne to FranceDetendue [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Batyara Lost Judgment spoilers. Can you clarify something for me, please?

Why does Reiko Kusumoto blame herself for Sawa's death, even if Kuwana would have killed Kawai anyway? And cuz of this, every thing will lead to Sawa anyway. Without Reiko's help Kuwana would just kill Kawai like the others of his victims. And Yagami blame her too. There's like 0 point in it. The only people to blame for her death is Kuwana and Ehara, cuz if Ehara didn't show himself on the video and all, there would be probably no leads to Sawa, or at least not that obvious. Did I missread something? I just can't get it.
submitted by Batyara to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Derkon99 Defoliated early, what now? Day 21, see comment

Defoliated early, what now? Day 21, see comment submitted by Derkon99 to CocoGrows [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 No-Object-2413 Aaj sab log insurance Kara lo kya pata kal exam baad...

Aaj sab log insurance Kara lo kya pata kal exam baad... submitted by No-Object-2413 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Alternative_Juice546 [CA] What can I do if my car and keys got stolen and I think I know who stole it?

I have a 2023 charger and I bought it new and it's worth $42k. And I'm out of the country and I believe someone stole it because the app shows the mileage going up and the gas going down. For some reason I can't see the location (I used to a couple months ago). I think my ex stole it because only he knew where I kept my keys and he admitted to having them. I told him to give it to my roommates but he hasn't and he's lying saying the car is in my garage but I still see the mileage going up. I keep telling him to return my keys but he won't. I can't even file a report bc I'm out of the country and won't be back for another month or two. However my dad already booked his flight to come and sell the car next month and I'm too scared to tell him abt this. I already have a restraining order on this man since before all this happened and I told the DA but their process is so slow. What can insurance do abt this? What should I do? I was thinking about hiring a locksmith to make me a pair of keys but it's gonna cost a lot. Does insurance cover this or should I see if I can get court restitution.
submitted by Alternative_Juice546 to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 S4v1r1enCh0r4k Multiple Watchers Reportedly Set to Appear in Upcoming 'Avengers' Films, which makes sense taking into account the multiversal nature of films

Multiple Watchers Reportedly Set to Appear in Upcoming 'Avengers' Films, which makes sense taking into account the multiversal nature of films submitted by S4v1r1enCh0r4k to Avengers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Dr_scripts New to computers pls help

Im looking at these pcs on amazon at most i got rn to spend on a pc is like $350 rn i wanna know wich one of these are better or if anyone knows of a better option for me
submitted by Dr_scripts to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 AuthorityBrain Caption this ?

Caption this ? submitted by AuthorityBrain to IndianMeyMeys [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 garytheaeroplane Sous vêtements abordables et de qualité ?

Bonjour, J'ai besoin d'un coup de main de la communauté féminine. Je suis l'inverse d'une acheteuse compulsive, j'aime pas dépenser mes sous pour acheter des objets neufs et notamment avec les vêtements j'ai l'habitude de tout acheter de seconde main parce que plus écolo, plus abordable et plus marrant (trouver des pièces uniques, tout ça ..). Sauf que voilà, les sous vêtements font partie de cette catégorie d'habits où on ne peut PAS faire de concessions sur l'achat neuf, et les miens commencent à se faire vieux. Si vous avez des bons sites internet pour acheter des sous vêtements (pas forcément de la lingerie mais si c'est un peu joli c'est mieux), je suis preneuse. Mon idée c'est d'acheter 10 strings, 4 soutifs, 5 paires de chaussettes pour me refaire un stock un peu, et on en parle plus.
S'il y a un site, une astuce qui m'échappe pour acheter des sous vêtements jolis sans me ruiner je prends tout.
submitted by garytheaeroplane to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Delusional_Thomas710 Vaspeglass Ball rig

Vaspeglass Ball rig This is a Vaspeglass ball rig in cfl parallax color
submitted by Delusional_Thomas710 to DabRigs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Ok-Control-8702 High-Tight/Low-Tight?

Hello everyone, I’m planning to undergo circumcision with a surgeon in the future. I already know what I want: in any case, I plan to choose the "Tight" style because I want the skin to be completely immobile. However, the question now is where the scar will be located afterward. I can’t decide between high or low.
I want to have low sensitivity, but at the same time, I’m worried it might be too low, as I can’t imagine or, more importantly, "feel" the final result. In terms of aesthetics, I like both high and low equally. Could you please help me with an advice? Also, do people who have had high-tight or low-tight circumcision experience differences in sensitivity? (after all, with low-tight, more of the inner layer of skin is removed)
submitted by Ok-Control-8702 to circumcision [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 infinite_labyrinth Salary for b2b salesperson in a reputed company

Hi, what is the average salary for salespeople in Dubai?
My husband is interviewing for a reputed company with around 150+ employees for b2b sales role. After asking for his previous salary (6.5k) they mentioned that their budget is 8k with commission.
I feel like he is being lowballed. Can anybody share what they earn doing outdoor sales?
submitted by infinite_labyrinth to DubaiJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 gayni66acum [PC/Flash] [Late 00s - early 2010s] Weird drawing game from Nick Junior

When my yougest kid was little, she really enjoyed playing flash games on Nick Junior's website. One game I remember her playing (but don't remember the name of) was some strange interactive drawing tool, mixed in with sketches.
The whole gist of the game is that you would draw something in a very primitive paint tool. Once you were done painting, two adult men would start talking about it. They'd paste your drawing into video templates and the guys would make sketches out of your drawings.
One note of detail to add is that the people would compliment you as you were drawing. One line I remember in particular is, "That belongs in a museum."
My kids never watched Nick Junior, so I can't tell you if this was based on a certain show or not and I can't remember any information about the name, other than something to do with an "sch" phoneme. Like when you're mocking someone, "chicken, schmicken." Something like that.
submitted by gayni66acum to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 g1f2d3s4a5 Can the presidential pardom be declined?

Say that Liz Cheney, General Milley or Anthony Fauci insist that they did nothing wrong and therefore decline the pardon.
(1) Does that have any legal effect?
(2) Should it have legal effect and they get charged / convicted would they then be able to accept the pardon?
submitted by g1f2d3s4a5 to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Alba-Ruthenian What can I hang in the space between the roof and glass door? (Besides a clock, or a sky light)

What can I hang in the space between the roof and glass door? (Besides a clock, or a sky light) submitted by Alba-Ruthenian to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Due_Sugar_5096 Anyone who can act as Sis in roleplay

submitted by Due_Sugar_5096 to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Winter-Till-2067 Day 3

Feel like I just need to stay away from twitter and ill be good but I always end up reinstalling it but WE HAVE TO STAY STRONG 💪💪
submitted by Winter-Till-2067 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 thepinkesttito Need advice on location for this tattoo

Need advice on location for this tattoo I got this piece commissioned and I actually got an inkbox tattoo version just so I can test out the location in which I want to have it in permanently. For now I want to have it as a spine tattoo, but I'm partial for an arm or leg placement.
submitted by thepinkesttito to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Agile-Habit912 I will have so much fun at birthday parties

I will have so much fun at birthday parties submitted by Agile-Habit912 to GadgetVerse [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 imaginelizard Alanna Kennedy departs from Manchester City

submitted by imaginelizard to FAWSL [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Oleh_Litvaikov That's true tho

That's true tho submitted by Oleh_Litvaikov to FoundItHOG [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:37 Difficult-Story-5175 How any of you never seen opposite gender nude?

submitted by Difficult-Story-5175 to AskReddit [link] [comments]