My self insert!! How did This Man pull them bro 😭

2025.01.21 08:40 ok_why_am_i_here My self insert!! How did This Man pull them bro 😭

My self insert!! How did This Man pull them bro 😭 submitted by ok_why_am_i_here to yumejoshi [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 AFairyLikesToes 2 days

Two days since I drank last. I got a severe reality check from my friends while still drunk and it fucked me up badly. They however did also take all my alcohol away from me, so it's not like I have much of a choice. But I suppose I'm still sober for two days now
submitted by AFairyLikesToes to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Little-Cobbler3501 What are some of your funniest experiences?

Yung tipong 5 years ago na nangyari pero tuwang-tuwa ka pa rin kapag naaalala mo?
submitted by Little-Cobbler3501 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Mountain-of-Snow Fury (2014) was criticized heavily for its historcal inaccruacies such as the inclusion of Star Wars Turbo Laser which did not exist back in WWII

Fury (2014) was criticized heavily for its historcal inaccruacies such as the inclusion of Star Wars Turbo Laser which did not exist back in WWII submitted by Mountain-of-Snow to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Fast_Feeling_4282 Humans are spaceorks
 I think in this we could see why

Humans are spaceorks
 I think in this we could see why When I saw this, my first thoughts was you guys.
submitted by Fast_Feeling_4282 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 NoodleCreature844 High Risk Abdominal Surgery on Female Cockatiel

High Risk Abdominal Surgery on Female Cockatiel Need some advice.
My female cockatiel Meep is to undergo a high risk surgery this Thursday. It was either that or euthanasia, so I opted to a least give her a chance.
She has a large mass on her lower abdomen, this first appeared in July and I took her to urgent vets. They said it was likely a hernia and she would be fine. Over the coming months the lump still persisted, however at this point it was still hardly noticeable and her behaviour was normal so I resolved to keep an eye on it.
This past Friday I noticed it had grown rapidly over the past couple days and was affecting her breathing. I booked her in to the vets immediately and they ran some tests. Turns out she is underweight, and this mass is suspected to be kind of infection/old egg yolk in her reproductive tract that’s spread. However with the inflammation it’s hard to tell.
Obviously I’m extremely upset.
Because the mass is so large it’s restricting her breathing, so she will need to be intubated during surgery. It is also in a risky area and I was told there would be a significant incision so blood loss is a major concern. The anaesthesia itself also carries a mortality rate. But it is my last chance to save her life, palliative care isn’t an option as I don’t want her to suffer more than she already has.
Has anyone gone through something similar? Either a significant surgery or some other major illness? I tried to find out online but nothing really came up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by NoodleCreature844 to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Gestobersenpai [OFFER] €14 with Income - €10 from Income & €4 from me(UK & EUROPE)

Income is an European investment company offering loans to invest in. On Income's marketplace, customers can invest in loans issued by loan originators worldwide. You can invest in small fractions of the listed loans and earn competitive yields.
There are various loan options such as short term loans which are less than 30 days. There's no risk with this offer.
1 Sign up to Income using my referral link.
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4 Income will pay the reward after 40 days.
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All loans come with a Buyback Obligation which means that once the loan you invested in is late more than 60 days, it will be bought back from you with full principal and interest.
submitted by Gestobersenpai to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 CobaltNebula Functional medicine doc in Fairfield, CT

Any recs appreciated. Have an appt but it’s a few weeks away and was a random search result, thanks.
submitted by CobaltNebula to FunctionalMedicine [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Specific_Simple_7140 Should Banana Propaganda Continue? - Banana Propaganda 117 [Day 322]

Should Banana Propaganda Continue? - Banana Propaganda 117 [Day 322] submitted by Specific_Simple_7140 to gamersupps [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 lostmojo Whole wheat sourdough recipe help

So here is the deal. Health and oldness have caught up to me. I love making breads, but I need to cut out the salts, so I stick to sourdough and yeast baking. I’m trying to get into sourdoughs again but I cannot seem to make a soft loaf of sourdough to save my life. The start seems to be fine, it does its thing, but when I go to rise the dough, it’s just flat. I get an extremely dense crumb and it’s just not great. I have been playing with the ratios, but any suggestions on what to do? Maybe some good recipes that have worked well?
submitted by lostmojo to Breadit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 MinuteAd1055 What? XD So they consider Malfurion's passive healing as "Druid of the Claw rejuv talent" ?

What? XD So they consider Malfurion's passive healing as
submitted by MinuteAd1055 to warcraftrumble [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Baldikov Affiliate marketing: what is it and how does it work?

If you have a blog, then you probably considered getting into affiliate marketing. The principle is easy: you become an affiliate partner with a company, promote their products or services on your blog, and receive a commission each time a purchase is made through your unique code.
And honestly, with affiliate marketing driving about 16% of global e-commerce sales, it’s a powerful tool in today’s digital economy.
Before you get into it, I recommend paying attention to a few important things.

  1. You need to have consistent traffic. Brands prefer blogs with measurable traffic, as it reflects audience engagement and potential reach.
  2. Also, metrics like email subscribers, comments, social shares, and return visits demonstrate an active audience.
  3. Think about the content you can create that will be optimized for affiliate marketing, such as reviews, how-to guides, or listicles with product recommendations.
  4. Create a clear affiliate disclosure page or statement on your blog.
  5. Your audience should be relevant to the brand’s target market. For instance, if your blog is about fitness, affiliating with a health supplement company might be a good fit.
  6. Understand how you’ll be compensated (e.g., commission per sale, flat fees, or other incentives).
  7. Check whether the brand uses reliable tracking systems to ensure you receive proper credit for sales or leads you generate.
  8. Evaluate the support provided by the brand. Some affiliate programs offer dedicated managers or training, while others may provide minimal assistance.
Recently, I asked marketing specialists, bloggers, and people involved with affiliate marketing to name their top affiliate programs that are also beginner-friendly. The results are:
  1. Amazon Associates (26%): Massive product range with a 24-hour cookie duration.
  2. ShareASale (16%): Easy to use and a wide selection of merchants.
  3. CJ Affiliate (14%): Great tools but may have stricter entry requirements.
  4. Shopify (12%): Perfect for promoting e-commerce solutions.
  5. ClickBank (12%): Digital products and simple payment options.
If you want to know more about the study, I highly recommend you check my blog, where I explain it in more details.
To wrap up, affiliate marketing can be a rewarding way to monetize your blog, but success depends on careful planning and alignment with your audience’s needs. Whether you’re writing product reviews or creating in-depth guides, the key is to provide value and remain transparent.
submitted by Baldikov to InBoundBlogging [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 kuina_jya VALORANT VCT Masters Bangkok

Nag 2nd wave of selling kanina ‘di nanaman ulit naka secure nang tix for the grand finals T.T
May nakakaalam ba dito kung may magwawatch party kaya dun sa Bangkok for the GF?
submitted by kuina_jya to PHGamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 i_only_eat_pasta Why do all my conjugation spells attack me?

Recently after casting my conjugation spells attack me instead of the enemy. This even occurs when I use sanguine rose. Anyone know why this might happen? Is it a glitch or just powerful enemies?
submitted by i_only_eat_pasta to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 wordless_reader 28 - Let our thoughts collide and build a bond that‘s right. Together.

I know it’s hard for you To see your worth, it’s true. The mind is cognitive dissonant, Thoughts flicker, distant, resonant.
Silent skies feel indifferent, Thoughts collide, inconsistent. Dreams drift, reminiscent, Fragile moments, all to distant.
I know it’s hard for you To feel the whole, But it’s there. It’s you. You’re everything.
Breathe. Pause. Let it hurt. Even ruins know their worth.
submitted by wordless_reader to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 steel-souffle Until what time do you think you could stay uncorrupted with absolute power in your hands?

submitted by steel-souffle to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 RecognitionOne7597 So I was playing World of Warships Blitz and I noticed this in the background

So I was playing World of Warships Blitz and I noticed this in the background So this is the Hamburg port menu background (never mind my British Royal Navy battleship sitting there in a German harbor 😅). There is what appears to be an ocean liner moored there behind my battleship. Any ideas what this ship could realistically be, given the time period (WWII)? My thoughts first ran to SS Bismarck, but I'm not so sure about that.
submitted by RecognitionOne7597 to Oceanlinerporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Unfair_Entrance6183 The most mass apiling freshie, with orange, Neroli, lemon ? 🍋🍋🍋for summer

The most mass apiling freshie, with orange, Neroli, lemon ? 🍋🍋🍋for summer submitted by Unfair_Entrance6183 to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 nandumohan Coldplay 21

Ex W/ seat for stand? L1 P block
submitted by nandumohan to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Nohan07 Nouvelle grÚve des cheminots : au départ de Toulouse, le trafic SNCF perturbé en ex Midi-Pyrénées

Nouvelle grÚve des cheminots : au départ de Toulouse, le trafic SNCF perturbé en ex Midi-Pyrénées submitted by Nohan07 to Tarn [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Nohan07 "On va les couper pour les jeter par terre" : le gel détruit une partie de la récole d'artichauts, les producteurs redoutent le pire

submitted by Nohan07 to Tarn [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Important-Cycle-2319 They call me ivy queen for a reason

Watch the video
submitted by Important-Cycle-2319 to JiatendoNetwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Nohan07 "Des plats frais, cuisinés du jour" : une association antigaspi récupÚre le surplus dans les restaurants pour régaler les personnes en précarité alimentaire

submitted by Nohan07 to Tarn [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Nohan07 Grippe en hausse et Covid en baisse : heureusement "on évite la double peine" selon une épidémiologiste mais les hÎpitaux sont saturés

Grippe en hausse et Covid en baisse : heureusement submitted by Nohan07 to Tarn [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 lautreamonts_wifey I did my own smiley a month ago, yesterday i was at a concdrt and on my way home IT DROPPED OUT OF MY MOUTH

submitted by lautreamonts_wifey to SelfPiercing [link] [comments]