B4b 1 left $zaiii

歡迎來到喋血復仇(Back 4 Blood)哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 各位b4b的板友們安安,我是ak 前陣子被朋友拉來一起玩才開始爬補給線&卡片的文章 但是有鑑於網路上的資訊似乎不太完整,於是自己記錄了一篇,也順便幫助剛入坑的b4b新手們 有任… このページでは、「Back 4 Blood」という新しいゲームについての質問が議論されています。 嗨, 大家好 經過2個月左右的等待, 這款遊戲也終於迎來正式版 下面我就來分享關於我從Beta到正式版遊玩的心得感想, 我會針對幾個大方向去分享 並會盡量用客觀以及我遊玩到目前為止的心得來評論 先說我一周目玩的是新兵模式, 一切以新兵模式的角度出發, 看不慣還請見諒 想看懶人包請直接拉到最 ... b4b最好玩的我覺得還是在於bulid打出自己一套風格是最有趣的點,那個研究測試的過程,非常有趣 至於合作遊戲的通病我相信各個遊戲都會有,但你總最有更合適更萬用的玩法可以配合野團, 當然你有朋友那是最好的,你又能在build上節省更多額外的卡 2022 二月的更新包含了幾項新特點,其中最受觀注的是若你喜歡跟隨機清理者一起遊玩的話,能在遊戲結束後一起回到營地的 ... v8.4: 12月好像還有一次dlc年票3次更新就完了? 下次更新再不能用舊有的東西買卡牌的話... 我可能會刪除遊戲 (氣 v8.4.5: 哎~! 事隔2年,因為朋友...所以我又回來玩了,下次大更新就會上傳新牌組了~請期待~! 我也不知道可以說什麼廢話了,所以不廢話開場直接懶人包,話說希望可以有人留言交流分享心得之類 ... 硬要說這款B4B是L4D3的續作也不違過,太多致敬的彩蛋(之後會再po) 制式的角色語音跟相似遊玩方式,還有非常不陌生的安全門(安全室) 由於該款遊戲未來路線採季票方式,剛推出商店頁面與遊戲方向,就使許多玩家反彈聲極大,例如新地圖、劇情、甚至角色還有特殊突變怪物。 各位B4B的朋友大家好 我是人稱 {雷包界的楚竅,新手界的驕傲} 我是 <雷包VS新手> 最近版友們經常跟我詢問B4B到底何時要上市呢!!? 答案: 目前官方延期到2021年10月上市, 但是官方到底最終會不會改動就要依照實際情況囉, 但請別擔心,一但有最新消息肯定會有大量熱心玩家大量提供資訊的! 近日 ... 各位B4B的板友們安安,我是AK 前陣子被朋友拉來一起玩才開始爬補給線&卡片的文章 但是有鑑於網路上的資訊似乎不太完整,於是自己記錄了一篇,也順便幫助剛入坑的B4B新手們 有任何遺漏也煩請各位老手們不吝指教並且指教! 補給線前期我印象中好像要先解個兩條單線的,實際上幾條線已經忘記了 ...

2025.01.21 13:53 Beneficial-Crew-8005 B4b 1 left $zaiii

submitted by Beneficial-Crew-8005 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 ankhonmeintere And the sun says goodbye...

And the sun says goodbye... submitted by ankhonmeintere to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Wide_Ad_5142 How is selling on Mercari?

I was recently banned from Depop for a bogus reason with 510+ sales, I’m thinking of switching to Mercari. How is everyone’s experience selling there? I mainly specialize in 2000s/Y2K vintage clothing. #help
submitted by Wide_Ad_5142 to Mercari [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Efficient_Pay7179 Trent TDA ARC

With a character like Trent, the writer's only way to evolve the character was a derailment of a complete change. Trent in the first season, was a chill, who was likeable, and his relationship with Gwen was stable; however, his change was drastic.
Judging him his character Trent was a good supporting character having dynamics with numerous characters however as he was one of the main characters in the first and lacked any real flaws he can be perceived as bland (male Zoey) his arc in the second season in which Gwen breaks up with because of obsessive nature is sad but is needed to humanise trent and show depth.
Trent also needed his arc to advance the overarching plot throughout the scenes, particularly the Gwen Courtney and Duncan feud. It wouldn't make sense to involve Trent in the drama as that is fundamentally against his character with the arc it is more of a mental breakdown as opposed to a complete change of character. In the end, Trent served his purpose and his lack of depth caused the sharp derailment.
However, I will concede that the writers should have given Trent a proper redemption instead of fading him into the shadow possibly in RR as even in a limited role he still shows his likable and unique character traits.
submitted by Efficient_Pay7179 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Illustrious_Stand319 Bitcoin Bull market

Bitcoin Bull market Bitcoin dca fud bull market Trump ETF
Michael saylor
submitted by Illustrious_Stand319 to microstrategy_hodlers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Jeff03blue_Instinct Can’t buy V-Bucks or Crew Pass due to missing scroll bars!

Can’t buy V-Bucks or Crew Pass due to missing scroll bars! submitted by Jeff03blue_Instinct to FortNiteMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 jakeshady540 I promise it gets better — little hellion turned into a loving, empathetic pack member at 17 weeks

This week, our 17 week old puppy really showed some amazing growth. I wanted to share it here in case other puppy parents have the same worries I did.
We have two sweet old lady dogs (12 and 14) and he would NOT leave them alone. Barking, trying to play, messing with them, stealing their toys, nipping, you name it and he did it. I was worried he would never be able to get along with them.
On Thursday, our oldest gal experienced some type of neurological emergency, and while we are hopeful she'll recover, she is extremely fragile right now. Can't walk more than a step or two, can't find the food bowl on her own, can't use the bathroom without a supportive sling. I was so worried our puppy would be unbearable to her in this time. But I couldn't have been more wrong.
Since her event, he has become more gentle than I've ever seen in my life. He never leaves her side. He lays with her gently, cuddles up to her carefully, lets her eat and drink peacefully, and seems to understand that she is having trouble. I'm amazed at his empathy and the self-control and self-awareness he's showing.
Just sharing this to say-- it does get better, I pinky swear. And hopefully when our old gal is better, they can keep this sweet and loving relationship.
submitted by jakeshady540 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 caro3014 13일 대기질

요즘 공기가 많이 안 좋아서 마스크를 안 쓰고 나갈 수 없어요. 작년 이맘 때에도 그랬는지 기억하려고 해도 기억이 안 나네요. 공기가 안 좋아질 때가 아마 매년 조금 다른 것 같아요. 집에 가습기와 제습기가 있지만 공기 청정기는 없어요. 경제적으로 조금 여유가 생기면 아마 하나를 사야 할 것 같아요.
submitted by caro3014 to WriteStreakKorean [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 LundqvistNYR Issue with vertical block wash out on OLED55C8P (Not burn in)

Hey guys, hoping someone might have some suggestions. A few months ago I noticed that on the left side of my panel, this is a block about 5 inches wide that runs vertically and is washed out. Here are 2 examples. You can see it most clearly when there is green on the screen.
I have updated the TV, unplugged it and ran the pixel refresh a few times. The issue happens on all hdmi ports across multiple devices, as well as when testing with no devices at all so it seems to definitely be a panel issue.
I dont game on it much and there are never really anything on the screen that would cause this burn in like issue. Wondering if there is anything else I can try before calling this thing toast. Thanks!!
submitted by LundqvistNYR to LGOLED [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Kyarna Full brisket on the Woodfire

Full brisket on the Woodfire Finally managed to get a full brisket done on the Woodfire XL.
Cooked in about 9 hours @ 115c and rested for about 5 hours in the oven.
Came out so nice and tender and juicy. Vacuum sealed up leftovers for other meals.
submitted by Kyarna to ninjawoodfire [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 internet_thanos Lil shoot

Lil shoot submitted by internet_thanos to CPM2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Sudden_Income_385 Rocket nation

Rocket nation submitted by Sudden_Income_385 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Foreign_Two_9012 Componimento in arrivo

Componimento in arrivo Solo pianoforte.
submitted by Foreign_Two_9012 to TankChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 DoutorJP Vale a pena trocar a primeira pra tentar lista de espera na segunda?

submitted by DoutorJP to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Realistic-Extent-825 How long till the prow of titanic begins to fall apart from the weight of the 3 massive anchors on the port starboard and tip of the bow

i imagine at some point the famous prow will will be forever destroyed from the center anchor falling though the deck taking possibly the crane and the railings with it
submitted by Realistic-Extent-825 to titanic [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Maleficent-Reach3223 Da boiiiii

Da boiiiii submitted by Maleficent-Reach3223 to buildabear [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Kin41pyro OSA and Genioplasty

I have retrogenia, and I’ve recently been diagnosed with mild obstructive sleep apnea. I know for certain this is the cause of my OSA. I am an average and healthy twenty two year old woman. Since fourteen I’ve always planned on having genioplasty, specifically an implant, a neck lift, and possiblt a lower lip filler to correct my absolutely fucked side profile. However, the plan has changed to having sliding genioplasty in hopes of opening up my airways and correcting the OSA. I had a surgeon picked out, but he is ungodly busy, and I haven’t been able to get a consolation for quite some time. Traveling expenses would be a hefty addition too.
I’m looking for a qualified and respectable surgeon in the upper Midwest or in the east. The surgeon I initially picked has two stations in NJ/NY, but something closer to Michigan would be nice.
[TL:DR] I have OSA and want sliding genioplasty. Please help me find a good surgeon who qualifies with that procedure.
submitted by Kin41pyro to cosmeticsurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Rhyss007 I Have a Job Opening for the Position of Content Writer and Video Editor

Both Content and Videos are directly relevant to the American Pop Culture niche. If you have always been fascinated by everything Hollywood, then this may be a great fit for you.
I'll pay Rs 5000 for each video. The video's length will average around 10 to 12 minutes. If the length is a bit too small, I will pay Rs 2500. The turnaround time is a maximum of 48 hours. Only apply if you are either experienced or have a genuine passion for pop culture and want to make videos on it.
For each article, I will pay in the range of Rs 500 to Rs 1000. The length will be around 700 to 1500 words. You have to submit 2 articles each day.
Please DM for any other questions.
submitted by Rhyss007 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 OsomaBeenLaggin Weird german salute by Hillary and harris.

Weird german salute by Hillary and harris. Im not sure why no one is talking about them doing german nazi salutes.
submitted by OsomaBeenLaggin to characterarcs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Far_Ad8432 Will This Be A Good Build ?

I am building my first gaming PC, I live close to a Microcenter so I picked the parts to my PC based on what they have. I will also be waiting until the next gen release to get a GPU, but if you have any suggestions for a GPU include that as well please. The price using Microcenter for the build listed without a GPU is $700.
PCPartPicker Part List: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4Xps8Q
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 4.5 GHz 8-Core Processor ($302.75 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Gigabyte B650 GAMING X AX V2 ATX AM5 Motherboard ($194.00 @ Amazon) Memory: G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory ($96.99 @ Newegg) Storage: Samsung 990 EVO Plus 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 5.0 X2 NVME Solid State Drive ($84.99 @ Abt) Case: Lian Li Lancool II Mesh C RGB ATX Mid Tower Case ($199.95 @ Amazon) Power Supply: Corsair CX750M (2021) 750 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply ($89.99 @ Best Buy) Total: $968.67
submitted by Far_Ad8432 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 crooked_kangaroo Gambit loving the snow. (SW Louisiana)

Gambit loving the snow. (SW Louisiana) submitted by crooked_kangaroo to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 Sea-Lab4212 rate me <3 16F

rate me <3 16F my friends are all s
submitted by Sea-Lab4212 to RateMeTeenager [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 KrisCooks83 Trades?

Trades? I will trade for equal stars to fill out my set 6. Thanks in advance.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/5-tnVFY83Y4
IGN: KrisCooks Please give your IGN when setting up exchanges.
submitted by KrisCooks83 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 nahhhright Increasing mirtazapine from 15mg to 30mg…did you find it less sedating?

Hi, I know this is highly subjective and can vary by individual, but I was wondering what your experiences are increasing remeron from 15 to 30mg? In particular, do you find it more activating while still helping with sleep? The lore of this med has always been that it’s more activating the higher you go in dose, but frustratingly real life reports from people on message boards don’t;t always agree with this. There’s even a couple of studies out there with results that question. In my estimation from doing some reading, I’d say most would agree 45mg is more activating than 15mg, but the difference with 15 and 30mg is less clear.
I’ve been on 15mg for years and recently am going through a down period. My psych wants to increase to 30mg and see how it goes. Best case scenario is it helps with my depression and anxiety, while giving me a little more energy, but yet still helping with sleep. Worst case of course would be that it worsens or does nothing for mood or negatively affects my sleep. It’s always been a little rough getting up in the morning on 15mg and I often feel this low level grogginess throughout the day. It would be nice if 30mg improved that while still being beneficial in regards to mood and sleep. Any thoughts and experiences are appreciated!
submitted by nahhhright to Mirtazapine_Remeron [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 13:53 sw4k4ts Mix veg tadka idli [homemade]

Mix veg tadka idli [homemade] submitted by sw4k4ts to indiafood [link] [comments]
