[Local] - 'Are we really a country of law and order?': Pardon of Western Pa. Jan. 6 rioters draws divided reactions | Pgh Post-Gazette

2025.01.22 00:30 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Local] - 'Are we really a country of law and order?': Pardon of Western Pa. Jan. 6 rioters draws divided reactions | Pgh Post-Gazette

[Local] - 'Are we really a country of law and order?': Pardon of Western Pa. Jan. 6 rioters draws divided reactions | Pgh Post-Gazette submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 pea_on_earth Nikon d3200 vs ??? (newbie)

Hi all!
After the holidays I had some money on Amazon gift cards and thought it would be good to buy my first DLSR. After some research I landed on the d3200 for its price (refurbished) and functionality.
When I received the camera (from a 3rd party seller), the back LCD screen was badly cracked and the 'up' button on the D-pad did not work (extremely frustrating). Other than that the camera works fine. Luckily, I was refunded and I got to keep the camera.
I took it in to get looked at and the repairman noted that to find replacement parts would be troublesome, and that the cost of repairing the camera would come close to the cost of the camera itself.
That being said, I'm looking for advice - is it worth it to try and get my current camera repaired, or should I look into another camera? I was thinking that the 3400 would be good and can find one for a similar price. What do you suggest? Any other camera recommendations? I'm hoping to take some landscapes, shoot a little video, and otherwise explore basic photography.
Thanks for reading! <3
submitted by pea_on_earth to Nikon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Jellybeanbuttons Legal ramifications of NSW Health decision-making

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if there was potential for a class action lawsuit or something of a similar nature to hold the NSW government accountable for the dangerous work conditions and poor service that patients will now recieve. As I'm sure we all understand, their negligence will likely cause people to die. It might not be applicable but thought I'd ask.
submitted by Jellybeanbuttons to ausjdocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 mars92 First gunpla kit built and painted! (Nu Gundam painting model)

First gunpla kit built and painted! (Nu Gundam painting model) submitted by mars92 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Equivalent_Stretch27 ☕️ + 🍩 = 🥰

☕️ + 🍩 = 🥰 Coffee is always better with donuts. Why do I feel the need to crochet a dozen donuts now?!
submitted by Equivalent_Stretch27 to TheWooblesCollective [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 silence7 Newsom has 11-word response — with a four-letter word — to Trump’s climate moves

Newsom has 11-word response — with a four-letter word — to Trump’s climate moves submitted by silence7 to climate [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Emergency_Law_1857 That Time Athena had her own live action show and.... Apparently she could stop the time?

submitted by Emergency_Law_1857 to kof [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Consistent-Spread Why does Gavin Adcock talk sideways

Is he doing it intentionally? He always looks like his center of gravity is just off or something
submitted by Consistent-Spread to CountryMusicStuff [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89102 1 customer affected ORT: 2025-01-21 15:29:55.000-07:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 CaptainAppropriate Is it legal for a US Police Officer to kill an animal to put it out of its misery, if it's critically injured?

There is a show I'm watching where an dog is struck by a car and is critically injured. It happens in a suburban neighborhood, and the dog is suffering and cannot be moved without significant pain. It's clear it won't survive much longer.
Is it legal for a US Police Officer to discharge their firearm with the intent to kill the dog to put it out of its misery?
In the show, animal control is not available, or won't arrive in time.
Show is - The show is On Call, season 1, episode 6.
submitted by CaptainAppropriate to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 saifulmunna98 Things to do After Arriving in UK | Arriving in the UK যে কাজ অবশ্যই করত...

Things to do After Arriving in UK | Arriving in the UK যে কাজ অবশ্যই করত... submitted by saifulmunna98 to englishliteratureNote [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 PurpVan 2 weeks in Peru. Is there something you would do differently?

Here's my itenary so far:
D1: Explore Lima. Leave to huacachina in the night
D2: Sand dunes/ATV on sand dunes. Chill at hostel
D3: Go to paracas and the islands. Take the night bus to arequipa
D4: explore arequipa
D5: colca canyon
D6: flight to cusco in the morning, chill at cusco (acclimatize)
D7,D8,D9: activities in cusco and neighboring places (all one day trips maybe)
D10: spend day in cusco, take the train to aguas calientes in the evening. stay in aguas calientes for the night.
D11: machu picchu and back to cusco in the evening.
D12: leave back to lima or spend the day in cusco depending on the vibes
D13: if still in cusco, leave to lima. else explore lima
D14: flight back
Is there something that you would change? Or does this look good?
submitted by PurpVan to TravelNoPics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 blue_trackerbot diablo4 Marcooose_ in Season of Witchcraft Seasonal Questline Progression Issues

Reddit | diablo4 » Season of Witchcraft Seasonal Questline Progression Issues

So you can’t play the seasonal quest to obtain the power if you don’t own the VoH?
Nope, non-Vessel of Hatred owners can start the Seasonal questline no problem. This is issue only affects players that own Vessel of Hatred and haven't beaten the Vessel of Hatred campaign
2025-01-21 17:22:28
submitted by blue_trackerbot to blue_tracker [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Aromatic-Mammoth-422 Thoughts on these boards?

Thoughts on these boards? Looking to buy a snowboard. 5’1 ~140lb. Beginneintermediate snowboarder looking to advance. I live on the east coast. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Aromatic-Mammoth-422 to snowboarding [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 ToadRoyalty How Is This Comfortable??!

How Is This Comfortable??! submitted by ToadRoyalty to MonitorLizards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Prize_Strawberry2800 At Scotiabank Arena again

Finally able to see Banchero playing again, hopefully it's a good game like the last time in Toronto!
submitted by Prize_Strawberry2800 to OrlandoMagic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 No_Yesterday_6373 Le tengo miedo a mi futuro

Soy un estudiante de arquitectura, estoy próximo a graduarme de dicha carrera, pero tengo un temor inmenso de no poder conseguir trabajo y ser un desempleado más.
En la actualidad el medio posee mucha demanda con personas muy buenas y habilidosas, pero no me siento al nivel de todos ellos, muchos menos al nivel de mis compañeros de carrera.
Se que mis padres me apoyan en cualquier situación, pero lo que más deseo es poder ayudarles económicamente en el hogar para liberarlos de una carga y así también yo poder independizarme en un futuro.
Todavía no puedo saber que sucederá en el momento que me gradué, pero este tema me llena de estrés levando mi cortisol y no me deja dormir.
submitted by No_Yesterday_6373 to Arquitectura [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Salt-Language9320 Is anyone doing 1200 calorie budget? How hard is it for y’all to stick to?

5’7 male current weight: 160 target weight: 145 I don’t get to really exercise at the current moment.
submitted by Salt-Language9320 to LoseitApp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 ondoworker 543 Rumah di Kemayoran Kebakaran, 1.797 Jiwa Kehilangan Tempat Tinggal

543 Rumah di Kemayoran Kebakaran, 1.797 Jiwa Kehilangan Tempat Tinggal submitted by ondoworker to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Empty-Chest-4872 I Will Not Bow won round 4!

Round 5: DBD
View Poll
submitted by Empty-Chest-4872 to BreakingBenjamin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Thegermandoge I'm new to drawing so I want feedback

I'm new to drawing so I want feedback submitted by Thegermandoge to ArtCrit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Responsible-Bid9576 Dejavú! Dropout replaced MK with BP. Now Gucci seems to have replaced MK.

submitted by Responsible-Bid9576 to mommakFACTS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Fine_Broccoli_8302 What external pedals do people use with their Spark 40/2/mini/go/live/edge amp?

I'll start:
I use a Donner Triple Looper and a Joyo Wah II
Wah-->spark-->looper-->fender champion 40
I have a spark 40
Gave up on control-x.
Using a summing cable between then spark headphone and the looper
submitted by Fine_Broccoli_8302 to PositiveGridSpark [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 Realistic-Slide-2789 Snowed in Houston

Snowed in Houston submitted by Realistic-Slide-2789 to Mustang [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 00:30 abjinternational Lazio table £11.5m offer for out-of-favour Chelsea midfielder Cesare Casadei - as Renato Veiga and Ben Chilwell attract interest

submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]
