[17M] Langfristigen ETF-Sparplan aufsetzen: Macht diese ETF-Aufteilung Sinn? 350€ Sparrate. Was haltet ihr davon?

2025.01.22 05:15 Specialist-Dingo186 [17M] Langfristigen ETF-Sparplan aufsetzen: Macht diese ETF-Aufteilung Sinn? 350€ Sparrate. Was haltet ihr davon?

Hallo allerseits,
ich hatte gestern bereits einen Beitrag und habe viele zahlreiche, sehr hilfreiche Antworten bekommen. Dafür bedanke ich mich sehr. Für diejenigen die meinen gestrigen Beitrag nicht gesehen haben: ich bin 17 Jahre alt und werde bald 18. Ich möchte mit dem investieren in ETFs beginnen und möchte das nach meinem 18 Geburtstag zeitnah umsetzen. Ich weiß noch nicht genau ob das dann für die Rente oder für das Eigenheim verwendet wird, aber ich denke das wichtigste ist, überhaupt einmal anzufangen. Der Anlagehorizont ist also mindestens 20 Jahre, potenziell aber noch länger. Kurzfristige Schwankungen sind also kein Problem und werden mich nicht verunsichern. Ich werde mein Depot bei scalable Capital eröffnen.
Ich möchte mit einer Sparquote von 350€ im Monat beginnen. Diese kann ich mir leisten, da ich einen Minijob ausüben werde.
Ich habe mich mit allen Antworten auseinander gesetzt und habe nun eine simplere Aufteilung.
Ich bin noch keine 18 Jahre alt also habe ich noch viel Zeit. Ich möchte ein Depot mit ein wenig Würze und einem Gewissen Risiko haben. Wenn ich 40 Jahre alt wäre und eine Familie hätte wäre das anders aber ich habe ‘nichts zu verlieren’ und möchte diesen Vorteil nicht ungenutzt lassen. Natürlich muss ein ETF Sparplan ein Stück weit langweilig sein, aber ich denke ich versteht meinen Punkt.
Angedacht hatte ich nun folgende Aufteilung nach der Core and Satellite Strategie:
-15% (52,50) iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets (mit oder ohne IMI)
-15%(52,50) iShares S&P500

  1. Was haltet ihr davon? Ganz allgemein: Macht diese Strategie Sinn?
  2. Machen die 70% ETFs Sinn als Core? Welcher ist am besten geeignet bzw. eignet sich am besten mit den anderen beiden ETFs um Überlappungen zu vermeiden und gut zu diversifizieren.
  3. Sollte ich mich im Falle dass der EM ETF geeignet ist für den normalen oder den IMI entscheiden (auch in Anbetracht dessen welcher ETF der Satellite (70%) ist)
  4. Machen die beiden Satellites EM (IMI) und S&P500 Sinn oder würdet ihr sie durch andere ersetzen?
Ich freue mich über jeden hilfreichen Beitrag. Ich zerbreche mir seit Tagen den Kopf und wäre für ehrliche und gewissenhafte Tipps sehr dankbar. Die Antworten sind teils so unterschiedlich dass es für mich als Anfänger sehr schwer macht, einzuordnen was ich tun soll.
Vorab möchte ich mich schon mal für eure Unterstützung bedanken!
submitted by Specialist-Dingo186 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 ninja7374 Drago up for grabs

Drago up for grabs i’m so glad he’s leaving 😂 does anyone want him? he
submitted by ninja7374 to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 Interesting_Ask7433 Which is worth keeping?

Which is worth keeping? Got similar damage out of these but I’m not sure which would be the better one to use
submitted by Interesting_Ask7433 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 mirfaelltnixein543 Augenheilkunde: Wie seht ihr die aktuellen Entwicklungen?

Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte euch mal um eure Meinungen und Erfahrungen bitten zur aktuellen Entwicklung in der Augenheilkunde. Es scheint, dass immer mehr augenärztliche Praxen von Investoren aufgekauft werden und sich teilweise marktbeherrschende Strukturen bilden.
Ich stehe kurz vor meinem Einstieg in die Augenheilkunde nach dem Studium und habe eine erste Stelle angeboten bekommen. Allerdings hadere ich ein wenig, ob dieser Fachbereich langfristig die richtige Wahl für mich ist – vor allem angesichts dieser Entwicklungen.
Einige Dinge, die mir Sorgen bereiten:

  1. Hoher Patientendurchsatz und Zeitdruck Von Kolleg*innen höre ich immer wieder, dass der Patientendurchsatz extrem hoch ist (auch in den Kliniken, aber nochmal bemerkbarer in den Praxen). Termine sind oft extrem kurz getaktet, was die persönliche Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung erschwert. Gleichzeitig mache ich mir Gedanken, ob ich unter solchen Bedingungen die nötigen Fertigkeiten als Facharzt ausreichend gut erlernen kann, um meine Patientinnen später bestmöglich zu betreuen.
  2. Wirtschaftlicher Druck und fragwürdige Praktiken Natürlich verstehe ich, dass auch die Medizin wirtschaftlich funktionieren muss. Dennoch habe ich Berichte gehört, dass manche Praxen dazu drängen, Patient*innen unnötige IGeL-Leistungen oder Operationen anzubieten, was ich persönlich problematisch finde.
  3. Monopolbildung und Gehaltsdruck Ein weiterer Punkt ist die zunehmende Monopolstellung großer Ketten. Ich frage mich, ob dies langfristig zu Gehaltsdruck und eingeschränkten Wechselmöglichkeiten führen könnte, wenn viele Praxen von denselben Unternehmen kontrolliert werden.
Mich würde interessieren, wie ihr diese Entwicklungen wahrnehmt. Habt ihr ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht? Glaubt ihr, dass dieser Trend anhält? Und was denkt ihr, wie sich das auf die Qualität der Patientenversorgung und die Arbeitsbedingungen in dem Fachgebiet auswirkt? Vielen Dank euch schonmal!
submitted by mirfaelltnixein543 to medizin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 Left-Upstairs-943 Just wanted to share this gal I'm proud of:)

Just wanted to share this gal I'm proud of:) I normally am just a graphite and ink artist if I'm using traditional mediums (graphic designer so I'm usually glued to adobe lol), but I've been trying a mix of alcohol markers and prisma colors and really enjoying it!
submitted by Left-Upstairs-943 to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 Narkanin What Id Like To See Next Game

The Great Circle has really been an unexpectedly enjoyable experience, and I really hope they make another one. I don’t really have many criticisms, I felt everything was on point. My smallest criticism would be that fist fighting could be refined and made bit crispier. My main critique is that puzzles were simply far too easy, and they really should have upped the ante on at least the main story puzzles. It was often just a case of the challenge being in finding the last piece to fit in somewhere instead of the puzzle actually being challenging. It would be nice if they felt rewarding to solve. It would have been great to really have had to think for a while to get them to work. Though I understand they probably wanted the player to feel smart.
submitted by Narkanin to IndianaJonesGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 d4ddre [For Hire] Mecha Commissions (Gundam, Armored Core, original mecha)

[For Hire] Mecha Commissions (Gundam, Armored Core, original mecha) submitted by d4ddre to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 athenastesla anyone know why I have this weird white flakes/scale things in my ear?

anyone know why I have this weird white flakes/scale things in my ear? submitted by athenastesla to earwax [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 Happyman155 how i no deathed marcus on 2.5x hp enemies honor mode lol

submitted by Happyman155 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 Drenuous Math1061 and Math Advanced, what to focus on learning?

title. I have the cambridge, MIF and senior maths textbooks for ext 1 jusr confused what to start with, thanks.
the main topics it covers are
- Calculus (differential and integral calculus of one variable)
- Linear Algebra ( vectors and vector algebra, matrices, determinants eigenvalues and eigenvectors as tools to solve systems of linear equations and other applications)
- Complex Numbers (idk what this is - not even mentioned in ext 1 textbook - is this a ext 2 topic?)
submitted by Drenuous to usyd [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 samotsar Cognizant is hiring a Service Line Specialist - Intelligent Automation

🏢 Company: Cognizant 📍 Location: Doha, Qatar 💸 Salary Guide: $80,000 USD - $120,000 USD Tax-Free! 👉 Apply & More Details: https://zerotaxjobs.com/companies/cognizant/jobs/service-line-specialist-intelligent-automation-n8ofse06
📈 Trending Job Searches: Software Engineer Jobs in Dubai Expatriate Jobs in Saudi Arabia IT Jobs in Dubai Jobs in Abu Dhabi
submitted by samotsar to ZeroTaxJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 Affectionate-Art9305 2022 Ridgeline MPG

Hello. Recently traded in my challenger for a used 2022 Ridgeline rtl e about 2 weeks ago. So far I love everything about it but I was wondering what is the normal mpg I should be expecting from it. It will not go above 13.3 mpg and ranges from 12.8-13.3 mpg. I’m not driving it with a heavy foot. I would try to be gentle on the gas as much as I can to see if it’ll make a difference but it doesn’t. Econ mode doesn’t really seem to make a difference either. I haven’t been hauling or towing anything since I got it, the bed has been empty. I’m not sure if 13mpg is normal or if it should be higher normally, or is the computer messed up? I filled it up 2 weeks ago and have about a quarter left. Thank you!
submitted by Affectionate-Art9305 to hondaridgeline [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 Doritoday778 Does anyone know how to be that one human in humanornot?

Please it would be cool for people to guess if I'm human or not
submitted by Doritoday778 to Humanornot [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 shockdartbique help me make sense of this?

help me make sense of this? hi, i did a basic blood draw allergy test and it flagged shrimp. i did some research, and apparently all of my levels that were tested are way below what would be considered an allergy. if that's the case, why was shrimp flagged? I've only had shrimp twice in my life, I don't even like it, i dont recall a reaction, really, but the problem is that i want to learn to like crabs, lobsters, and i so desperately wanna try a seafood boil if i ever travel to Louisiana. I also love imitation crab meat... but if I'm allergic to shrimp, then my paranoid ass is gonna avoid anything that is even in the vague vicinity of it, which eliminates a lot of foods i like/want to try.
i have an allergy to salmon and a possible pineapple intolerance. also blood oranges, but I haven't gotten a proper test because of how expensive they are, it's just that salmon makes me itch and pineapple hurts my mouth beyond its acidic properties. i know i should do further testing, but it's super expensive here.
either way i have 0 clue what any of that means. help would be appreciated. never have gone into anaphylaxis and i plan on keeping it that way considering I can't afford an epi pen. i really miss panda Express chow Mein.
submitted by shockdartbique to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 FREDDYMASTIR PS4 Seagate Drive not being detected

Welp. Accidentally unplugged my 2 TB Seagate external drive from my PS4 while it was on and now it's not being read in either of the 2 USB ports. I have over half of that storage in downloaded games/saved game data and I can't figure out a direct way to get it fixed online (At least not in a way that's simple enough for me to understand). I ran a "Bad Sector Scan" with EaseUS Partition Master and all of the sectors were good. I'm not sure what else to do and I don't want to reformat the drive because it's going to remove all of that data. I plugged another drive into both of the USB ports to my PS4 and everything read fine, so it's more than likely something with the drive itself. Does anyone have any possible solutions and know of a way they can help me out with this?
submitted by FREDDYMASTIR to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 MightyBiggs Western Digital Drive Issues Persist Even After Replacement—Freezes PC When Plugged In. What Else Can I Try?

I bought my Western Digital drive almost two years ago, and since then, it has stopped working properly. At first, it created a new folder that couldn’t be deleted, then started disconnecting and reconnecting after restarting the PC. Now, a few weeks later, it has stopped working completely. Freezes PC when this particular drive is plugged in.
I contacted WD and got a replacement drive, but it has the same issues—disconnecting and becoming unresponsive.
PC Specs: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X, ASUS CROSSHAIR VI HERO, EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 Gaming iCX, Memory: 16 GB, BIOS ver. 8801
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

On a different PC I seem to be able to test it without it disconnecting.
My BIOS has been updated to the latest version, SATA is set to AHCI, and my chipset drivers were updated recently as well.
Despite all this, nothing has worked. Getting another replacement costs 1/3 of the HDD’s price in shipping to WD since they only cover one-way shipping. Weird its working on my gaming rig instead of my storage server.
What else can I do?
submitted by MightyBiggs to homelab [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 erer1243 Currently, it's January 22, 2025 at 12:15AM

Currently, it's January 22, 2025 at 12:15AM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:15 timelordhonour Sue's friend, Ruth

Is Sue's friend Ruth (the one from her wrestlerette team) in a cult of something? She mentioned that she had at least fourteen brothers.
submitted by timelordhonour to themiddle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:14 Doritoday778 Does anyone know how to be that one human in humanornot?

Please it would be cool for people to guess if I'm human or not
submitted by Doritoday778 to Humanornot [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:14 Smooth-Listen-8036 Smaüg the Tiny is a bit boujee ✨️💅

Smaüg the Tiny is a bit boujee ✨️💅 Nap time! 💤
submitted by Smooth-Listen-8036 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:14 No-Pumpkin7768 Miniso Land In SHANGHAI - The Top Toy Neverland !

submitted by No-Pumpkin7768 to YouTubeShorts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:14 Natural_Ad7128 Advice for a rookie

I’m sure you all have had this post 1000 times. Just starting, I’ve been running the test drives, AI, and practice sessions and decided tonight was the night to join my first race. I’m racing in the MX5 series, I qualified 4th which I shouldn’t have because I’m trying to just get out of rookies first turn all 4 wrecked and I was caught up in it so I had to retire. Would your advice be to just drive safe at the back of the pack until I’m out of rookies and then get serious about IR? Is there any leagues/groups/series that allow rookies in to learn? Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by Natural_Ad7128 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:14 Faneliacosplay Shugo Chara! Collaboration Event

Shugo Chara! Collaboration Event Big news for USA fans!! Courtesy of Tsun Scoops official Instagram: “Hop, step and jump to tsun scoops for our official Shugo Chara! collaboration event! We've been guarding this secret, and now we're eggcited to hatch some brand new exclusive flavors and merch! We'll have four flavors at launch and three more will be introduced throughout the collab. Limited quantities of collaboration merchandise will be available in-store and online as well! Our store will be fully decorated with standees and graphics to celebrate everything Shugo Chara! Hope to see everyone here soon for some spicy and cool treats! Let us know your favorite Shugo Chara character in the comments!” The merchandise is available for preorder here!
submitted by Faneliacosplay to shugochara [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:14 Ambasabi I thought it would never be me

I thought it would never be me I’m ecstatic about this. I have limited time to run out and eradicate every slos near me, so I was doubting I’d be able to get enough plates to get my slos LBG to 10. Only 3 to go (counting the event plate)
submitted by Ambasabi to MHNowGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:14 FatDalek BRICs is pleased to welcome Spain... according to Chump. Fun times ahead as Trump's cognitive decline continues as he corrects a reporter for not knowing about BRICs.

BRICs is pleased to welcome Spain... according to Chump. Fun times ahead as Trump's cognitive decline continues as he corrects a reporter for not knowing about BRICs. submitted by FatDalek to Sino [link] [comments]
