Una docente senza stipendio da 3 mesi! A me risulta che, se nella banca x arriva un bonifico con beneficiario MARIA ROSSI, sulle coordinate IT xx xxx xxx xx di un conto il cui intestatario è MARIO BIANCHI, la banca x, giustamente, storna il bonifico perché non conosce il beneficiario. Lo stipendio di settembre è stato uguale a quello di agosto quindi presumo sia stato calcolato su 18 ore settimanali (come per il passato abnno scolastico). Devo chiedere in segreteria se hanno "comunicato" che la mia cattedra è di 19 ore? Lo stipendio mensile netto di un docente della secondaria in prima fascia (con sola detrazione lavoro dipendente) è di 1576,18. Questo stipendio viene erogato per le mensilità di gennaio, febbraio e dicembre (a quest'ultima si somma la tredicesima). io sono stato da settembre 2018 fino a febbraio 2019 senza essere stato pagato. cioè sono stato a natale e capodanno ed epifania senza riscuotere stipendio e tredicesima. preciso che avevo un contratto con scadenza ad agosto quindi per l'intero anno scolastico. avevo chiesto informazioni in segreteria "MIO DIO " sembra che cadeva il mondo o ... Ricapitolando, il tuo stipendio è quello giusto, stanti i tuoi anni di ruolo. Solo tu puoi sapere se hai preruolo e quanto; è però certo che, in presenza di qualche anno da far valere, la tua progressione stipendiale sarebbe stata più rapida e forse ora avresti uno stipendio più consistente. Informazione importante: Lo stipendio è uguale nel primo scatto ma già dal secondo vi è un adeguamento nella nuova figura contrattuale di circa 50 euro più o meno, senza contare le variazioni sullo stipendio tabellare nei successici gradi di anzianità. Re: stipendio supplenza 9 ore settimali Da alice8 Lun Gen 22, 2018 5:46 pm Prima esperienza nella scuola, ma sono iscritta all'ordine degli avvocati, forse il fatto che svolga anche la libera professione (per questo ho scelto lo spezzone di 9 ore), ha la sua incidenza. Giuseppe nel 2011 avevo 4 ore settimanali in un professionale e prendevo 375 nette!! è semplice poi il calcolo devi prendere lo stipendio lordo annuale che è pari 20973,22, dividerlo per 12 e trovi il lordo mensile che è pari a circa 1747, questo però è lo stipendio tabellare lordo se facessi 18 ore tu ne fai solo 4 quindi fai la proporzione 1747*4/18= 388 circa, a questo devi aggiungere ... Re: Calcolare lo stipendio part-time Da gugu Mer Ago 22, 2012 4:39 pm Irpef al 27% (in pratica le tasse che paghi, se fai meno ore guadagni meno ma hai anche un' irpef più bassa al 23%, ecco perchè chi fa meno ore non prende esattamente la metà o i 3/4 di chi fa orario intero; al contrario chi è di ruolo da molti anni ha un' irpef che arriva al 38%...più guadagni più paghi). Quindi, o ricordi male lo stipendio o avevi più di 5 ore. Quando le ore aumentano (e cresce lo stipendio), si entra nella fascia di reddito tassabile. Con 15 ore, il lordo è 942,40, ma ci sono le trattenute Irpef, più o meno consistenti a seconda della situazione individuale.
2025.01.22 07:59 Parmenio80 Vivere con stipendio comunale
Buongiorno a tutti,
Sono un ragazzo di 26 anni e nell'ultimo periodo sto prendendo sempre più in considerazione di partecipare ai concorsi, in particolar modo per enti locali. Come da titolo, vorrei chiedere, cortesemente, le vostre esperienze per quanto riguarda stipendi e vita privata: io aspiro in futuro ad avere una famiglia con figli e vorrei sapere se è possibile vivere seneramente con gli stipendi comunali. Io attualmente lavoro per un'azienda privata, non è che navighi nell'oro ma non mi lamento. Parlando con dei miei conoscenti riguardo al pubblico, mi sto un po' demoralizzando. Molto probabilmente è un argomento di cui è già stato scritto abbastanza ma non sono riuscito a trovare i post.
Grazie a tutti di cuore.
submitted by Parmenio80 to PA_Italia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 pitllord Заработок, деньги, работа.
Здравствуй, русаск.
Произошёл забавный случай из-за которого мне нужно за неделю достать 50 тысяч рублей. Недавно как на зло я уволился с работы, но даже её наличие бы мало помогло, т.к. сроки просто ничтожные.
Стало интересно, были ли у кого-то похожие ситуации (Тоже там достать какую-то сумму невъебенную в маленькие сроки), да и в целом узнать как будучи студентом с достаточно маленьким количеством свободного времени спокойно зарабатывать деньги.. Пробовал совмещать свою прошлую работу с шарагой, но получалось мягко говоря не очень..
submitted by pitllord to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 willardgeneharris Effective Immediately: All Twitter (X) Links Are Banned In This Sub
submitted by willardgeneharris to Astraios [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 WelpDitto LIAN LIs Lunar New Year Giveaway {WW} (2/6/2025)
submitted by WelpDitto to giveaways [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 Narrow-Strike869 Efficacy and safety of gut microbiome-targeted treatment in patients with depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
submitted by Narrow-Strike869 to microbiomenews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 IntroductionDizzy128 25 M
submitted by IntroductionDizzy128 to amiugly [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 Decent-Minute-5478 The cruel alpha kings rebirth luna
submitted by Decent-Minute-5478 to Novelnews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 Rohkha The Bam situation is weird
How come he played only 22 min? I get he didn't look good... but since when does Spo sit Bam this much? I get he wanted to get Ware tons of playtime (which is great), but it felt weird. I have to admit I'm surprised Bam only missed one game from that fall he had last week or so. No idea if that plays into his performance, but I do feel like his defense regressed noticeably since then. Is he still going through pain?
The other thing with Bam is, and again, I'm no Bam stan, he got a lot of criticism from me this season, but you have to admit, Bam's been in a weird place this season. His role and "mission" was changed quite a bit multiple times without a good offseason for him to get working on that. He's know gotten more of a green light to shoot the three, His role on offense was supposed to change. Now there's also the fact that he got his wish granted: he gets to play at the 4.
There's a lot of change for a player who already doesn't have any consistence offensively, nor a go to move with fair success on offense. On top of that, his defensive position is now also different. On paper he has more help and can detach himself a bit more from the paint and focus on his strengths, but I still think that's a switch that requires some adjusting to. Having to run back, keep constantly in mind that you have to get back to the paint because there's no one else, those are all microdecisions that having to consciously think about it and change can slow you down.
I'm not expecting this Ware/Bam duo to work out day one. It looked good vs the Spurs, but it will still need some time in the oven I think. I hope the ASW break will help. Add to that that the team might look different and gets rid of drama, could be positive.
I'm not expecting it to magically get better, but I'm not surprised overall by Bam's regression lately with all the changes that ended up happening for him this season and his assignments changes on the court. Tyler had to go through something similar last year and also didn't look great. He might not have regressed as badly as Bam proportionately, but still.
submitted by Rohkha to heat [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 mdreece Quick HDRI Controls v2.7.0 (Cycles & Octane)
Download/Documentation: https://github.com/mdreece/Quick-HDRI-Controls/tree/main v2.7.0 Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7YdZQ2oxQA
The Quick HDRI Controls addon for Blender is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly adjust the rotation and selection of HDRIs (High Dynamic Range Images) in their Cycles or Octane-based scenes. Key features of the addon include:
2025.01.22 07:59 buildlbry LBRY’s $150k Fundraiser is launching in 7 hours.
Stay close. I’ll post the URL here.
submitted by buildlbry to lbry [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 aloo-ka-paratha He’s trying so hard to be her…smh 🙄
submitted by aloo-ka-paratha to popheadscirclejerk [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 TokiStark How to cook rice and beans?
Everyone says this is the best budget meal, but how to I cook it? What herbs/spices do I add? Do I cook the rice and beans separately and then just mix them together? We never had it growing up so I have no clue and every recipe that comes up on google has a million ingredients
submitted by TokiStark to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 coffeewithmilk- cheap vulgar content.. She needs to be reported
I honestly cannot believe that she has 76k followers and the first video has literally 700 k likes.. this is not even dark humour straight up vulgarity.. submitted by coffeewithmilk- to InstaCelebsGossip [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 SunnyInToronto123 Airdrop did not fully replace shortcut resulting an Action still not updated. What to do?
How to update shortcut on another iPhone using Airdrop? (Reason for airdrop is iCloud sync didn’t work for this among many shortcuts after weeks; I am using 1GB broadband). Shortcut seems to show as replaced after receiving share but one of its Action didn’t get updated.
submitted by SunnyInToronto123 to shortcuts [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 ayooogg On the topic of weight loss
I’m 23F and all my life my weight fluctuated. I’m talking in the 2nd grade I was bone skinny and in the 3rd I had a triple chin. I know I was a kid, but still. My parents would berate me — “you’re too skinny! Get another plate” Then, “you’re fat, you need to go on a diet.” When they were the ones feeding me junk to begin with. The cycle repeated until middle school — but I got sick of it. I hated being made fun of. I started running in the 7th grade. And I ate less than 1000 calories each day. I dropped 25 pounds over the summer. But that couldn’t hold up, so I’d have my off and on periods all throughout high school.
The one thing l've noticed on my journey is that every single time l've been in a period of being obsessed with food, I was miserable.
Periods where all I wanted to do was eat. Eating my stress away, eating when I'm bored. Downloading all the fast food apps and getting those McDonald deals and stacking my points for the next time I’m at the drive-thru. Doing what felt like nothing but waiting until the next meal, waiting till I can feel just a bit of happiness within those 10 minutes of eating.
But also periods where all I did was count calories. Measure each tablespoon of cereal I eat. Being over my calorie limit by a little, then compensating by eating way less the next day. Thinking I'm going to gain 5 pounds if I binge, stressing if I miss a gym day. Skipping out on going to restaurants or getting boba with friends if it didn't fit my calorie budget.
When I counted calories, I felt such a hold on my life, such a restriction, and what sucked was that I always never felt skinny enough! Even when I looked good I didn't appreciate it.
Of course when I would over eat, my energy levels were crap and I felt like crap about myself. How did I get there? How did I lose something I worked soooo, so hard for?
Then, I went to college. All I did was study and party. My social life, my academic life was booming — I was busy all day. Some days l'd have 3 plates at the dining hall. Some days I wouldn't have time to go to the dining hall, so l'd just have whatever little snack I had in my dorm to keep my stomach from starving. And I wondered why. While everyone else was going through freshman 15, I was losing weight. Why? Cause I didn't think really think about food.
And I was the happiest l've ever been.
It's been 5 years since I was a freshman in college, and I still keep that thought.
Look at your skinny friends, your skinny cousin, skinny sister. These people seem to eat whatever they want and not gain a single pound. Sure we’re all built different and they were probably blessed with a fast metabolism, but if not, a large part is probably cause they don’t care too much about food.
My sister eats tons of candy. Two burgers and animal fries whenever we go to in-n-out. She’s picky, when she likes the food in front of her, she’ll eat a ton of it. If it’s nothing she likes, she’ll just skip out on it.
Humans eat to live. We shouldn’t live to eat. Don’t restrict yourself from eating what you want, but don’t go out of your way just to get something you’re craving.
The thing with not thinking so much about food is that.. you’re free.
Of course, surrounding yourself with healthier foods makes a huge difference as well. If they’re a quick meal to make, even better. Having hobbies, a fulfilling life to spend time on, so that you’re not spending too much time thinking of food is a must too. Also, staying active and getting good sleep is a plus, they’re also a huge part in what keeps us mentally well, having energy for the daily tasks.
That’s my rant. I’m not a health professional, it’s only something I noticed and experienced. Everyone is different so don’t take my advice as factual, it’s just something that’s worked for me. Hope this helped you in some way, have a blessed day :)
submitted by ayooogg to lifehacks [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 SneakingApple Good platformers
What are good non metroidvania platformers that isnt annoying or hard to 100%?
submitted by SneakingApple to steamachievements [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 ArtofTravl Looking Glass Rock. Pisgah Natl Forest North Carolina
submitted by ArtofTravl to LandscapePhotography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 dunderlo Official info from Apple regarding ByteDance apps
submitted by dunderlo to TikTok [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 New_Highlight6358 Baba-giri mei bhi badhiya scope h aajkal!
submitted by New_Highlight6358 to gurgaon [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 SA_Swiss Daaglikse Wortel #1087 - Woensdag, 22 Januarie 2025
submitted by SA_Swiss to wortelspel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 Ready_Bee8556 18M looking for a girlfriend
Hey, I'm 18M from Europe. I am looking for someone preferably close to Europe but anyone is welcome of course :)
Some of my hobbies: F1 Gym Reading Gaming Hiking
I have a couple more hobbies but I'm not going to type them all out so it'll be a surprise I guess haha
Anyway if you're interested, feel free to send me a message!
submitted by Ready_Bee8556 to find_a_date [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 07:59 PJay910 The Hair Is Giving Me Anxiety!
submitted by PJay910 to inmatehopper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 Arientum My experience with Meta verified so far
submitted by Arientum to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 briyotch Anyone want a snow ball?
submitted by briyotch to houston [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 07:59 Background-Bath8438 Rex TLC
What rex (and any apex) needs for a TLC is mechanics to force a true engagement rather than allowing dinosaurs to attack once every 30 seconds to grief and stall.