ferris wheel blessing

2025.01.22 10:51 piinkxy ferris wheel blessing

ferris wheel blessing i didnt even know getting 2 was possible 😱
submitted by piinkxy to MLPIOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 SweetnSaltyRabbit Dear Nick,

Every time I look at an image of you I get that jolt feeling now. It’s no longer that one off and I honestly don’t know how to cope anymore.
The stress of everything made me so unwell the other day it almost killed me. I’m still not okay. It’s not just about you but the stress of not finding doesn’t help.
I keep thinking a miracle will happen, something that’s honest and not a lie, something real, but nothing. As soon as I wake up, I remember it all and I feel sick with grief and cry.
No other man will ever be you. No one could be you unless it is you. I miss you and we have never met in anyway.
I’m so over crying. I’m ready to feel numb now. Let me feel nothing or let me find you.
submitted by SweetnSaltyRabbit to letters [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Pale_Print6363 day 2 of posting

submitted by Pale_Print6363 to Stoner [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 android_tests_pac Test gallery post from community for 22/1/2025 10:48:50

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Jepjacob Just made my first tutorial :D

Hi there! I’m starting my YouTube journey and I made my first tutorial about setting a project, what do you guys think?
I’m all ears for tips, tricks a video ideias! :D
submitted by Jepjacob to Maya [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Szunyog_a_sarokban Demeter Szilárd egyszerre száll bele az Indexen Majkába, Kornis Mihályba és Magyar Péterbe

Demeter, aki jelenleg a hat múzeumból álló Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Közgyűjteményi Központ vezetője, az Indexen tette közzé “Jegyzetek a magyar kultúra napjára 2025-ben” című publicisztikáját.
“…Majka pontosan tudta, hogy ha Orbán Viktor miniszterelnökre tesz utalást mint főgonoszra, és, hogy ha a klipbéli igazságbajnok Magyar Péterre fog hasonlítani, akkor azt a politikai szekértáborok Orbán Viktorként és Magyar Péterként fogják dekódolni” – írja Demeter.
Majd így folytatja:
Mivel elég egyértelmű az „üzi”, nehéz is lenne másként. Ezzel sincs semmi baj, Magyarország szabad ország, lehet agitpopot (sic!) is tolni, talán még meg is lehet belőle élni (lásd a stand-up-kultúra jelentős részét), de akkor bele kell állni, föl kell vállalni, nem illik „a független szórakoztatóművész” (vö. „független értelmiség”) komfortos köpenyébe visszabújni.
submitted by Szunyog_a_sarokban to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Best_Working_2573 A newcomer's questions

i recently started this awesome manga (loving it btw) and i have a few questions to ask, not story related or anything
how seriously do people take the stats? as in, if you are debating 2 characters, do the stats usually take a higher priority or the feats of these 2 characters? and are they represented well? if a character has 80 stats strength he'll do things that obviously represent his 80 strength?
does this manga have characters do long term planning? im a huge usogui/ROT fan and i've seen some really neat stuff come from these 2, so im curious. and who's your favorite character :)
submitted by Best_Working_2573 to Kingdom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 mokeazy_ CHOOSE YOUR FAVOURITE

CHOOSE YOUR FAVOURITE Vote for your favourite image
submitted by mokeazy_ to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Rf9956 Need to hit diamond before silksong releases, HELP

Bc of a bet i need to reach diamond before skong releases, what are the things i should focus on to reach diamond in 2s if i am gold 2 and how to practice them? I think my main problem is whiffing, mechanics and knowing when to be agressive (i have more of a defensive and patient playstyle). Also my defence especially in aerial needs improvement, do u know any training packs that are good for these? Any help will be appreciated!
submitted by Rf9956 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 No_Pool_1304 Førstegangstjeneste Terningmoen - Tips?

Har ett familiemedlem som er på vei inn i førstegangstjeneste på Terningmoen.
Jeg tenker å jeg sende ham en care-package, og lurer derfor på om det er noen som har kjennskap til hva som kan være nyttig å sende?
Når jeg var i militæret så savna jeg sportstape, energigele, salttabletter, gnagsårplaster, bedre hansker.
Noen forslag utover dette?
submitted by No_Pool_1304 to norge [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 AppropriatePanda2846 4 bhk Apartment for rent

Hello, there is a 4 bhk apartment for rent near 4 B district of Mukhiani. It's a 3 story private house and 3rd floor is for rent. Well renovated and furnished with 2 bathrooms. 650$/mo. dm if interested
submitted by AppropriatePanda2846 to tbilisi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 SgtBurned 18 [F4M] looking friends for chat

submitted by SgtBurned to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 beretto-357 Dock for Nintendo Switch

Where can i buy a dock for the nintendo switch in amman?
submitted by beretto-357 to jordan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Fatechanger1 Who did medieval Japan better?

Who did medieval Japan better? I bet it ain’t assassins creed
submitted by Fatechanger1 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 reddit_lss_2 Hide post test 22/1/2025 10:47:58

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 WolfOrWimp Butterflies?! This is a tiny (1 month of manpower recovery) setback on my empire but still... Credit to the mods for flavouring up such a weird event. There was also a cool time travelling Dwarves event that I forgot to screenshot, but it's things like these that make Anbennar awesome!

Butterflies?! This is a tiny (1 month of manpower recovery) setback on my empire but still... Credit to the mods for flavouring up such a weird event. There was also a cool time travelling Dwarves event that I forgot to screenshot, but it's things like these that make Anbennar awesome! submitted by WolfOrWimp to Anbennar [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 AdJazzlike3517 **Looking for a fresh new start?** New City launching January 31st. Hiring command staff, cops, EMS and server staff.

**Looking for a fresh new start?** New City launching January 31st. Hiring command staff, cops, EMS and server staff. Looking for a fresh new start? New City launching January 31st. Hiring command staff, cops, EMS and server staff. https://discord.gg/illusionsrp
submitted by AdJazzlike3517 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 RafriKinta96 Good champion pool for me?

Hi! I've been playing league since season 4, never actually trying to push for rank and playing a bit of everything (but specially support). After a year of playing very scarcely, I've made a comeback, and this time, I'd like to climb. Currently at Iron II (I've played like 12-16 games).
The thing is I tried to climb as ADC for the last month of s14. I felt the role had no impact on the game, and I've turned my sight towards jungle and midlane, which I've feel have more agency in the game. I've played mainly Kha'zix, a tiny bit of Nocturne (a couple tries), Warwick and Skarner (both at games where we needed a tank more than a space coakroach), and I'm really enjoying Diana on unranked games, so I'm thinking picking her up.
So now I got a question: being optimal to play with a slim champion pool of 2-3 champions, how could I build a good champion pool for myself? For example, if I want to stick with Kha (which I want), which could be a good selection of 1-2 more champs to complement him? I'd like to have a good coverage of counterplay, so I can pick a good champ for every enemy teamcomp, but I don't really know which are good jungle archetipes. Also: I'm willing to play almost anything, but Shaco legitimately intimidates me xD
Thanks in advance!
submitted by RafriKinta96 to Jungle_Mains [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 bluerats6259 Do I deserve to be hated forever? (TW: cocsa)

Why did I get downvoted?? Please tell me what I’ve said/done wrong.
A month ago I posted on realeventocd asking if an event in my past was cocsa. Someone replied saying that what I did was manipulative, selfish, for my own self gain, I didn’t consider my brother’s feelings and my obvious guilt is certainly warranted. I don’t know if they are right or if I just worded my post terribly which made it seem as if I was defending myself. I shouldn’t have written it but I can’t apologise because they deleted their account. I’m not asking for anyone to tell me if what I did was cocsa or not, I really hope it isn’t but I just need to know If I deserve to be hated forever or die. I know I shouldn’t be posting on Reddit about this but I don’t know where else to go.
When I was either 9 or 10 and my brother was 4 or 5 we were playing truth or dare and I dared him to let me kiss him. He said no and I don’t know how many times I said it but I asked please. I decided then that the right thing to do would be to stop asking so I walked away back inside the house. He then said yes. I didn’t want to kiss him (and I don’t think I even wanted to in the first place) but I didn’t know how to say no at that point so I did it. It was a quick peck nothing like a French kiss, I didn’t touch him or anything more and it never happened ever again. I didn’t threaten him or tell him not to tell anyone. I found it gross so I wasn’t ever attracted to him and I haven’t been to any other relative or child. I should have left straight after he said no, I know this. I didn’t think It was wrong at the time though. I think this is because he seemed completely happy. Also because I had been sa’d by a classmate when I was 6 or 7. I’d never intentionally hurt him or anyone else though.
Immediately afterwards he told our mum. She says she was looking for signs that he was uncomfortable or upset and she couldn’t see anything. He appeared completely fine to her, just a bit confused because I never speak much to him or anyone else. He has always spoken to our parents about everything. I know I should have waited until he was older but I have asked him about it (well my mum has because I’ve been too anxious to), and he says he remembers it and it doesn’t upset him now and then. I just really hope he isn’t lying or that this ends up changing when he’s older. I can’t remember what happened to me even though I was at an older age.
I didn’t kiss him because I believed he’d agree to anything I say, not for any sexual reasons, it wasn’t curiosity because I’d been kissed before and it wasn’t to rebel or hurt him. I don’t fully know if I did use him for my own self gain, like the user said, but I doubt it. I don’t know why it was him and not someone else. I know it’s terrible.
I also remember that later that day, my mum came and spoke to me to tell me that he had told her I kissed him. I remember feeling angry and anxious. I felt angry because I was scared of being a bad sister and whenever she mentioned him to me I’d always think I’d done something wrong even if I thought I hadn’t, multiple times. I think deep down I knew it was wrong but I didn’t understand why. I did find it really embarrassing though and I wasn’t afraid of getting in trouble I don’t think. I’m not defending myself.
Does anyone think what that person wrote, saying that my guilt is certainly warranted, is right? I think I can accept that it could have been cocsa but I want to know If I deserve to be hated forever for this. If I have said something wrong or I sound at all manipulative or defensive, please tell me.
Why did I get downvoted?? Please tell me what I’ve said/done wrong. PLEASE
submitted by bluerats6259 to helpme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Kitchen-Singer0 Почему люди верят в изображения ИИ?

Почему люди верят в изображения ИИ? submitted by Kitchen-Singer0 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Exciting-Orange-9787 Recently transplanted coast redwood

submitted by Exciting-Orange-9787 to arborists [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 HoneyStreamm of a broccoli

of a broccoli submitted by HoneyStreamm to AbsoluteUnits [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Crafty_Tax_3442 Looking for a team for the championship. My sps id: ryf9ff

Looking for a team for the championship. My sps id: ryf9ff submitted by Crafty_Tax_3442 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 qualia-assurance Downlinking satellite data from space to the cloud | European Space Agency

Downlinking satellite data from space to the cloud | European Space Agency submitted by qualia-assurance to europe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 NoSwordfish6096 Leaving consulting after 5 years

Hey folks,
Received an offer to exit consulting for a much better wlb and higher pay in industry.
I need to tell my boss I am leaving, tricky thing is that I was promoted to manager some months ago after the previous manager resigned.
I am the person in the team with the most knowledge and experience and I am managing an operation of 20 consultants in the team. I plan to transfer all my knowledge to my right-hand but several people left already in the team for a much higher salary during the last months, so I am concerned about the bad image that this could bring to the client.
How would you approach the conversation without burning bridges?
Thank you
submitted by NoSwordfish6096 to consulting [link] [comments]
