Whose more manipulative?

2025.01.22 10:06 CatZNipx Whose more manipulative?

submitted by CatZNipx to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 v0ultrakillprolly Meet Perfect Purple, Green Mean and Reddish Reaper

Meet Perfect Purple, Green Mean and Reddish Reaper submitted by v0ultrakillprolly to ScaryOrange [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 daisyconfused_ Planescape & Sigil question

I’ve decided to start a campaign with my players in the outlands and Sigil. I’ve decided to do a little of my own creative setting and have started my players out by selecting their and alignment and based on race and class aligned them to a god. They will start out by dying in the material plane and being brought to the outlands doing work for their gods in hope of being returned to the moment of their death with gifts from their gods to survive their individual deaths.
My question I have though is about Sigil, I’ve done many reading of 2E and 5E and god cannot go to Sigil that is clear but can they communicate to their petitioners in Sigil through various means? What would these means be and what would the ramifications of this.. Will the lady of swords or her minions detect this and put the players in danger?
I can’t decide! Does anyone have an ‘offical’ answer so I can mull over the options?
submitted by daisyconfused_ to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 TheLegalPenguin What to do before Results Day?

We get our results on March 11th but those with ULaw (and I’m assuming most course providers) start SQE2 next week. How on Earth are we supposed to start learning that content not knowing if we have passed SQE1? So we can literally study SQE2 for the next 6 weeks only to then find out we can’t take SQE2 until October - assuming we pass July resits…
My intention here isn’t to scare anyone - I’m just freaking out at the thought of having to take SQE1 again.
submitted by TheLegalPenguin to SQE_Prep [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 GoddessCareriss relapse losers

submitted by GoddessCareriss to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Sprovveduto Preventivo sostituzione cinghia 208

Preventivo sostituzione cinghia 208 Vi sembra onesto? Sostituzione cinghia distribuzione (non affetta dal problema del puretech) e tagliando
submitted by Sprovveduto to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Between3and23 Poverenica: Opasne izjave na TV Pinku o nasilju nad ženama koje odgovornost prebacuju na žrtvu

Poverenica: Opasne izjave na TV Pinku o nasilju nad ženama koje odgovornost prebacuju na žrtvu Izjava advokatice Zore Dobričanin Nikodinović u emisiji “Magazin IN” na RTV PINK da ne podržava nasilje, ali da žene mogu da isprovociraju muškarca na fizičko nasilje, kao i reakcija voditeljke Sanje Marinković koja je izjavu pozdravila i dodala „Kada piše u javnosti da je neko fizičko nasrnuo – ja odmah kažem: Ovo je neka koja je to sigurno izazvala“, su zabrinjavajuće i opasne posebno kada i dalje imamo veliki broj žena ubijenih u porodičnom nasilju, ukazala je poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, Brankica Janković.
submitted by Between3and23 to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Triotroitori Forbes - Droneshield

Forbes - Droneshield submitted by Triotroitori to Aktien [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 i3lz HyperOS 2 themes

The themes i used to change control center color don't work anymore on hyperos 2, do you guys know any theme that works?
submitted by i3lz to PocoPhones [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Zekrom369 This fucking creature

This fucking creature Still playing the new story. That’s all I’ll say, bruh
submitted by Zekrom369 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Grievous_1982 "Dumb Cop & Dumb Cop...they're Dumb Cops."

From the 2 & a Half Star \"Classic\" Laserblast.
submitted by Grievous_1982 to MST3K [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 USDT_Buyers Usdt buyer in Delhi or Mumbai

I'm buying USDT in bulk. In exchange for cash or online transfer. F2F in Delhi or Mumbai.
submitted by USDT_Buyers to USDT_EXCHANGE [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 s4mth1ng Sabtang, Batanes

Sabtang, Batanes submitted by s4mth1ng to PhilippinesPics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 takeshikakasal 😝darare🤡

😝darare🤡 submitted by takeshikakasal to funnyIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Awkward-Matter101 Legit ba mga ganito?

Legit ba mga ganito? submitted by Awkward-Matter101 to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 SmilyG With his favorites plush toy dino but now its totally ripped 🤣

With his favorites plush toy dino but now its totally ripped 🤣 submitted by SmilyG to DOG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Necessary_Ad_1373 Hi guys how do i make my mac gaming channel better?

Hi guys how do i make my mac gaming channel better? submitted by Necessary_Ad_1373 to macgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 pyroboynroses Do I need to buy a mk2 to complement koala ?

Hi everyone !
I'm a pretty consistent user of koala on android and I really love the app. But it lacks the hardware feeling even though it's very convinient to manage projects, samples on the go.
I'm considering buying a mk2 (I've seen a really good offer for a used one).
But I wonder if I'll use it as often as Koala. The app is always with me. I can mess around easily in my bed or in my car when waiting for an appointment. I'm not sure I'll have the mojo to bring the mk2 everywhere like this.
Do you have experience with that kind of concern, especially from users of Koala before changing to the sp404 ?
Thank you a lot for your feedbacks !
submitted by pyroboynroses to SP404 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Master333l hat irgendeine Transfrau aus Berlin Lust zum Mittagessen?

submitted by Master333l to berlintrans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Rough_Football_362 Is $500 a fair quote for replacing 3 cracked tiles and securing loose roof tiles?

Hi everyone,
I recently got a quote for a small roofing job and wanted to check if the price seems reasonable.
The work includes: • Replacing 3 cracked tiles. • Securing loose tiles with clips (1 or 2 to the valley).
The quoted price is $500.
I’m based in Sydney, and I know costs can vary depending on the area. Does this sound like a fair price, or should I shop around more?
Appreciate any advice or experiences you can share!
submitted by Rough_Football_362 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Practical_Ranger_175 Universal Jeweler's orb

Universal Jeweler's orb submitted by Practical_Ranger_175 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 SSILCOO Gangster🎥

Gangster🎥 God Fellas🎬
submitted by SSILCOO to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Dramatic_Moment1380 I feel like I’m subconsciously trying to stress myself out for no reason. How do I stop this?

I just had a full breakdown about buying my fish a bigger tank… which is something that is at least months down the road because they are still babies, literally nothing I should be stressing about right now. By the time they’re ready for a bigger tank I will have saved up plenty of money and it’s not even that much of a maintenance change. I literally went into this whole state of mind saying I have to surrender my fish because they will need a bigger tank. This is just one example of many things I feel like I’m self sabotaging myself with lately. Obviously I’m not going to surrender my fish.
submitted by Dramatic_Moment1380 to selfcare [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 PhDgurl-89 Colleagues reported me for minor infractions, confidentiality violation

I found out that my colleagues compiled a list with screenshots of small things like that I took a 45min lunch (not 25min) and I saved documents to my desktop not a shared folder, added relevant volunteer experience to a proposal when they don’t think it counts as professional work - lots of small things. These were behaviors that I either did once and then someone told me and I changed (like desktop save) or just did once, nothing that caused harm, but the massive list has made my boss ask why people don’t like me basically. I am in my probation period and this was submitted right before my review. I knew they didn’t like me, but I didn’t think it was ruthless. They tried to find actual violations but the best they seemed to find was that I listed client names and project titles on my bio in a speaker engagement when I summarized my job experience liken l “helped Bank of X with their Development Strategy” - and apparently this is a break in confidentiality. There were no other details, but I see now that this isn’t allowed and I just didn’t realize. Had talks with manager and partner, then manager, now HR is reviewing.
What’s going to happen to me?
Note: obviously I should find a less toxic work environment but I don’t have that luxury in this moment as I support my partner and complicated visa issues
submitted by PhDgurl-89 to Big4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:06 Aggravating-Cap-6686 "HELP"Trilogy Save Editor, is there any way to change the mastery and specialist requirments to 24/25 so I only have to use them once for them to pop? And any way to trigger ally achievments easy on the editor?

Unlocking the achievment through steam doesn't seem to be the same in game either I just want to save myself some time than to do EVERY skill 25 times
Same with ally ones.
submitted by Aggravating-Cap-6686 to masseffect [link] [comments]
