Russia to confiscate assets of 'unfriendly' countries

2025.01.22 10:05 worldnewsbot Russia to confiscate assets of 'unfriendly' countries

Russia to confiscate assets of 'unfriendly' countries submitted by worldnewsbot to theworldnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 mactan400 Joe leaving peacefully

submitted by mactan400 to WhatBidenHasDone [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 MussleGeeYem Would You Want Boston To Implement Parking Enforcement Cameras?

I know Doordash/ubereats gets hated on this sub a lot, but in your opinion, would you want parking enforcement cameras just like seen here in Singapore?
Unfortunately, Massachusetts banned red light and speeding cameras, but do you think this could curb double parking and encourage the use of non-car transport?
submitted by MussleGeeYem to boston [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 BasilOctopus The Sloppy Boys Blowout: Best LA Thing

submitted by BasilOctopus to Earwolf [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 ShamelingPod What is your preference - Vinyl, Cassette, Compact Disc, Mp3 or Streaming?

submitted by ShamelingPod to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 r37n1w I just bought these two large beautiful (a litlle bit scary and Harry Potter looking) mahogany sisters mirrors from the late 1800s for only $28 (200 dkk) Copenhagen, Denmark

submitted by r37n1w to mildyinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 iyhafobaq Blurry picture of a cat

submitted by iyhafobaq to blurrypicturesofcats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 OptimusPlusle [US-MA] [H] High Rarity Edison/HAT (Ulti DAD, Caius, Parallel Fluff Tokens, DT Chains/Pleiades, etc.), Lubellion, Paypal [W] List, Paypal

Bystial Lubellion Tin NM - $24
French Caius TU03 LP - $475 Each
Dark Armed Dragon TU06 LP - $370
DT Brionac NM - $165
Drill Warrior UTR LP - $30
Battle Fader UTR NM - $43
Battle Fader UTR LP - $37
Battle Fader UTR HP - $25
Gladiator Beast Retiari MP - $32
Gladiator Beast Samnite TU01 LP - $60
Vayu Ultimate LP - $70
Vayu Ultimate MP - $65
Dark Grepher PTDN Super - $20 Each
Dupe Frog Super - $13 Each
Teva MP - $8
Superancient Deepsea King Coel PTDN Ultra Unlim - $20 Playset
Battle Fader Ultra 1st NM - $13
Battle Fader Ultra 1st LP - $11 Each
Faultroll Super 1 NM, 1 LP - $22 Both
Parallel Fluff Tokens - $80
Exodia LART NM - $17 Each
Dimensional Alchemist GLD3 LP - $7
Reckless Greed Super 1st LP - $6 Each
Raiza Super 1st MP - $4
Royal Oppression DB2 LP - $9 Each
Royal Oppression LOD 1st NM - $13
Royal Oppression LOD LP - $8 Each
Norleras FOTB 1st NM - $6 Each
Koa’ki Meiru Drago Ultra 1st - 2x NM, 1x LP - $10 Each
Evilswarm Exciton Knight Secret 1st NM - $26
Lavalval Chain Secret 1st NM - $13
Diagusto Emeral Secret 1st - $11
Diamond Dire Wolf LP - $7
Infernity Archfiend WC09 1x LP 2x MP - $19 Playset
Infernity Barrier NM - $22
Artifact Sanctum PRIO 1st LP - $7
Pleiades Secret 1st LP - $4
Ptolemy M7 Secret 1st NM - $14
Lavalval Chain DT NM, LP - $51 Each
Traptrix Myrmeleo Super - $6 Each
High Wants:
Authentic Pokemon Emerald, Mana Moon Tearlament Deck Box, EU Ulti 1st Treeborn Frog x2
Med Wants:
TU Caius, Ulti 1st DDV, Ulti 1st Goyo, 2011 Regional Monarch Mat
Low Wants:
Galarian Gallery Suicune V, Garchomp V
submitted by OptimusPlusle to YGOMarketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 PretzelPugilist Exclusive Casio Models for specific regions?

Exclusive Casio Models for specific regions? (Pictures are only for showcase)
Are there any Casio watches that are exclusive to regions? Like Asia, Europe, North America, South America etc? Or even a specific country?
submitted by PretzelPugilist to casio [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 jldinatl 1994 playlist

^_1994 94 songs.
Lots of great music released in 1994, imo. Ruby Vroom from Soul Coughing just barely edges out Mars Audiac Quintet from Stereolab for best album. Fifth best album was essentially a tie between G. Love & Special Sauce, Portishead, and Korn so I included all three. Beastie Boys continue banging out winners and get top spot for best track with Sabotage. Stereolab gets 3 of the top 5 tracks.
Top 7 albums

  1. Ruby Vroom | Soul Coughing
  2. Mars Audiac Quintet | Stereolab
  3. Ill Communication | Beastie Boys
  4. Teenager of the Year | Frank Black
  5. G. Love And Special Sauce | G. Love & Special Sauce
  6. Dummy | Portishead
  7. Korn | Korn
Top 12 tracks
  1. Sabotage | Beastie Boys
  2. Cold Beverage | G. Love & Special Sauce
  3. Transona Five | Stereolab
  4. Ping Pong | Stereolab
  5. Transporte Sans Bouger | Stereolab
  6. Screenwriters Blues | Soul Coughing
  7. Glory Box | Portishead
  8. Casiotone Nation | Soul Coughing
  9. Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago | Soul Coughing
  10. Lazy | Low
  11. (Nice Dream) | Radiohead
  12. Take Ecstasy With Me | The Magnetic Fields
About yearly playlists
The yearly playlists were originally built as an aid in determining my favourite albums released from every year since the beginning of the popularock’n’roll music era. Currently I have every year from 1960-2024 but plan to go back and do the 50’s, then the 40’s eventually. An important limitation is the songs need to be available on Spotify. The lists consist of songs that appear on an album released the same year as the name of the list, for the most part but I do make some exceptions. Compilations albums, Soundtracks, etc. do not count. This means that there may be songs that were not released on a studio album that are not included, though I do make some exceptions for truly exceptional songs. Also, for the most part, I do not include covers or songs released by artists who do/did not write their own music. Again, I do make a few exceptions for covers if the cover version is much better or very different from the original, and for songs performed by artists who did not participate in the creation of said song, which is the primary reason there are only a handful of songs listed from some artists/performers whose music I nonetheless do enjoy, but who did not write most of the music they performed. Some examples are James Brown, Aretha Franklin, and Elvis Presley. This is an ongoing project, and the lists are still being updated, sorted, etc. Suggestions are always welcome. The default state of the lists is for them to appear, under custom sort, wherein, the songs are ranked from high to low, mostly in terms of how much I enjoy listening to them, but other considerations are significance, uniqueness, innovation, influence, value, etc.
submitted by jldinatl to spotify [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 Secure_Abroad_2602 Deoxys raid add 330120138466

Deoxys raid add 330120138466 submitted by Secure_Abroad_2602 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 ArtemiyIgorevich How much THEORETICAL healing each strategist is able to do within 1 MINUTE

How much THEORETICAL healing each strategist is able to do within 1 MINUTE Decided to waste my time and calculate how much healing each support can do using the data from the Rivals web-site.
First of all, all the calculation were made assuming eash strategist have unlimited ammo (because official site doen't include reload time, and I'm to lazy to measure it myself)
So don't take this list super seriosly, as it makes ridiculous assumptions for calculation.
Ultimates are not included
Strategist Healing amount Notes
Adam Warlock 3 855 Using his E ability + Soul Bonding 6 teammates each time
Dagger 28 950 Using LMB to heal 5 teammates + using RMB to heal 6 teammates
Invisible Woman 66 000 Using LMB to "double-hit" 5 teammates + using RMB for 6 teammates
Jeff 45 000 Using LMB to heal 5 teammates, bubbles aren't included
Loki 69 000 (nice) Using LMB with 3 clones to heal 5 teammates + using Shift ability for 6 teammates
Luna 17 550 Using Shift ability to multiheal 5 teammates, while on cooldown - just healing using LMB (her E ability not included)
Mantis 7 650 Unrealistically, healing 5 teammates non-stop for the whole minute, only apply new orb when previous expired (self-heal not included)
Rocket Raccoon 228 000 Most unrealitic scenario, all teammates must follow orbs non-stop for it to heal all 6 teammates for the whole duration.
Peni Parker 1 500 Just for fun, if she stays in her web for the whole minute
That's all, folks, here is out of season spooky jeff
submitted by ArtemiyIgorevich to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 rheadelayed What should I upgrade/What is my next bottleneck?

For PC Gaming
Intel I5-12400 (12CPUs - 2.5ghz)
65gb RAM
Nvidia GeForce RTX3060
submitted by rheadelayed to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 Ciaranmufc99 Oil

Is there any brand of oil better than another? The prices just seem so expensive. And would anything over 10% thc be really strong for someone not used to it
submitted by Ciaranmufc99 to ukmedicalcannabis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 mhsox6543 Biden Betrayed Poland on AI—Trump Must Set It Right - Visegrad24

submitted by mhsox6543 to trump [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 Over_Psychology55 Имате ли проблем со концентрација?

Доколку го имате тој проблем тогаш како се справувате?
submitted by Over_Psychology55 to mkd [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 novacantusername Goodbye coinbase, you worthless sack of shit, hello!

submitted by novacantusername to cro [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 AutoModerator Daily Team Advice Thread - Wed, January 22, 2025

Remember to sort this thread by NEW to find the latest comments!!
If you're making an Add or a Drop, list the following:

If you are asking for Trade Advice, list the following:
If you are asking about Starting or Sitting a player, list the following:
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If you are asking about Rating your team or General Team Advice, include the following:
Useful links
If asking for advice, try to help someone else out. If everyone who posts a comment also responds to one, it's likely that everyone will get a reply! Be helpful and civil!
submitted by AutoModerator to fantasyhockey [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 Legitimate-Finish104 Ich habe mich gerade getrennt und brauche Unterstützung (w35)

Ich weiß, ich habe schon ein paar Posts verfasst und ihr habt einen großen Anteil daran, dass ich in den letzten Monaten zum Denken gekommen bin und geschafft habe, zu erkennen, wie toxisch meine Beziehung war (gaslighting, Manipulation, verletzender Sakasmus...). Ich bin euch sehr dankbar dafür! Ohne dieses Augen öffnen säße ich wohlmöglich jetzt noch mit einem Baby hier (ich habe mich gegen das Eltern werden mit ihm entschieden) und stände vor einem noch größeren Scherbenhaufen und hätte ein unschuldiges Wesen mit in die Misere gezogen... ich will es mir gar nicht ausmalen.
Ich habe es nun geschafft, eben auszusprechen, dass ich das nicht mehr kann. Nachdem er mir die letzten Tage mit aller Macht zeigen wollte, wie er sich ändern kann und mir jeden Wunsch von den Lippen abgelesen hat... ich habe mich fast wieder einlullen lassen. Aber nur fast.
Ich fühle mich ganz merkwürdig, still und komplett erledigt...
Ich habe Angst, vor dem, was kommt. Ich habe Angst, ob ich aus unserem Mietvertrag heraus komme (wir sind beide Hauptmieter) und ob wir unser Hab und Gut aufgeteilt bekommen... ich male mir gerade schreckliches aus.
Vielleicht habt ihr noch ein paar aufmunternde Worte für mich und vielleicht ist das Leben nach einer so toxischen Beziehung gar nicht schlecht... ich hoffe es und setze alles auf diese Karte.
submitted by Legitimate-Finish104 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 United-Block5918 Small dump!

Small dump! Photos from my first time wearing femboy stuff out in public :)
submitted by United-Block5918 to StraightFemboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 AutoModerator General Discussion January 22, 2025

Tell us how you're doing and what's on your mind.
submitted by AutoModerator to supremeclothing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 Axeman-Dan-1977 VS Olio FIAT Ferrari 288 GTO

VS Olio FIAT Ferrari 288 GTO VS Olio FIAT livery I made for the Ferrari 288 GTO, loosely based on a Ferrari 308 GTB rally car from 1980.
submitted by Axeman-Dan-1977 to granturismo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 AutoModerator Daily Freetalk - January 22, 2025

Talk about whatever you like.
submitted by AutoModerator to FreeFolkNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 worldnewsbot Ukraine will never recognise occupied territories as part of Russia – Zelenskyy

Ukraine will never recognise occupied territories as part of Russia – Zelenskyy submitted by worldnewsbot to theworldnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:05 Mephistofillies COTD: His liege reinvigorated by Elon's homage (4, 4)

submitted by Mephistofillies to crosswords [link] [comments]