2025.01.22 09:56 pokerface_idk Jeta large vendlindjes
Per te gjith juve (edhe veten pe perfshi ketu) qe vendoset me e lshu vendlindjen per jete ma t’mire ne Evrope e ma gjere, a e kishit marre kete vendim prape nese kishi pase mundesi me e kthy Kohen mbrapa?
submitted by pokerface_idk to kosovo [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 kartelbf Need help with this denim tears hoodie legit check!
submitted by kartelbf to LegitCheck [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 Ezzedo Did komi found her 99th friend yet?
I new to the story but I expect her to finally reach her goal, so did she get another friend or not yet?
submitted by Ezzedo to Komi_san [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 doctorcas_ Would you say this is normal shedding or too much?
Context: I just woke up and passed a fairly fine-toothed brush through my hair 2 times. Considering yesterday i didnt had shower, is this too much or a normal shedding?
submitted by doctorcas_ to Hairloss [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 WlattBoyz My First Ever TOTY Icon, Should I Sell Him?
I’m wondering if I should sell him now or after TOTY is over because the market usually recovers then submitted by WlattBoyz to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:56 zon871 Downloading all the assets?
Do any of you have to download all the assets again?
submitted by zon871 to DiabloImmortal [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 BiscottiOk7276 Swapped out Briv Then this happened
First off it appeared Briv was still in the rooster, but I put in Azaka. I counted on a gold find increase but not this... https://youtu.be/OLtJC02NqGs?si=NneNZlqnpuvtckEn
submitted by BiscottiOk7276 to idlechampions [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 Ezzedo Did komi found her 99th friend yet?
I new to the story but I expect her to finally reach her goal, so did she get another friend or not yet?
submitted by Ezzedo to Komi_san [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 ashtray414 Lf offers offering this guy
submitted by ashtray414 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:56 Select_Manager3523 Write up , tested on 26/12 Nbme score 54 to 72
Hello guys ,
I did not plan to do a write up but this group has been very helpful and I have some things that are not previously mentioned so I think I should do one .
Firstly , my preparation was pretty standard , i did BNB videos annotated them on a digital FA (i wish i switched to digital FA earlier GAME CHANGER!) , did u world along with it . i completed 82 percent u world till sept and my exam was on 20th September , my mistake was underestimating NBME and overestimating myself and did my nbme 13 days before the exam and scored a 54% , completely shattered my confidence and i extended my triad till December as i clearly was not ready . next 40 days i did not study i could not pick myself to study , FA and u world just gave me alot of anxiety and panic . I think around 10th November i started studying again . by 20th nov i decided i have to give the exam by the end of december . i was re reading FA and doing U world that was left . i gave an NBME on 1st dec - 59% not the best but had improved from the last nbme so i was Okay , I kept revising doing U world here and there not much , watching dirty medicine videos and Hy ques series on YT , gave another nbme on 9th dec - 65% then revised some more topics next nbme 14th dec - 67 % . I revised more topics and i think by 18th dec i started reading some Mehelman pdfs - arrows , cardio , CNS . my seniors told me to not give nbme in the last week of exam which i did not listen to and gave my last one on 22nd dec and scored a 72 % i was happy with it i just wanted to reach 70 . also in the last week i gave nbme 28 casually (block wise ) scored about 68 and free 120 also given casually scored about 69.
Exam day - I was extremely anxious in the last week of the exam and i could not eat properly with alot of nausea , surprisingly on the exam day i was ok because i knew i have given my all . The center and the process of the exam is pretty smooth i took a black coffee and protein bars with me and i could not even get through one bar entirely during those 8 hours . Somehow 8 hours do not seem that long in the exam . But the exam was very long , the stems were longer then any stems i have ever seen , people say they are similar to free 120 , i felt they are longer and not at all as straightforward as the nbme , questions are tricky and i felt the exam is going very badly , but i read someone write that he/she had a 75 and failed because they panicked so i just took one question at a time and focused on getting through my block which was a task i was able to complete most blocks with 1-2 min remaining so could not get back to flagged questions which were 15 to 20 per block . I think the third block i could not read the last question and answered just by reading the last 2 lines .
tips - 1. work on time management . try setting a target to finish an NBME block in 1 hr 10 min
2025.01.22 09:56 WoodenRepublic1841 Graduating highschool with a 3.0
I’ve done college classes in my previous semester and I’m graduating in a few months, im moving to a different city by mid year,and plan on attending community college, I don’t find school hard or struggle with any particular courses, I guess I just didn’t prioritize it when I was younger. By the time all my credits are accomplished, will UCB look at my highschool grades aswell? I plan on staying on top of my grades all of CC, will my high school grades still affect me?
submitted by WoodenRepublic1841 to berkeley [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 Peik41 Beginner with maps
Hello, I need a basemap (of Europe If it's important) with only topography and rivers and preferably in black and white. All the basemaps I can find are either with current borders and cities etc. or only topography without rivers. Can I find such a map anywhere or ist there an instruction somewhere how to create one?
submitted by Peik41 to QGIS [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 Sixmenonguard In 1995, Iron Butterfly present new song "Silent Screaming" that unfortunately appeared only in live concert, And also technically last new song by this group. Still wondered why they choose to rely on backcatalogue instead of making new albums while they can do ?
submitted by Sixmenonguard to ToddintheShadow [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:56 this-isntreal Before Sunrise
Olympus EM10.1 submitted by this-isntreal to photographs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:56 AbjectInstruction566 Looking for friends
Looking for people to grind cammos and calling cards with on black ops 6 zombies as im bored of doing it alone :(
submitted by AbjectInstruction566 to CODZombies [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 RevolutionaryBag6067 Where do I go now
I know exactly the types of themes and ideas I want to explore for a short story I’m working on, the overarching arc I want to take the character on and the deeper questions I want it to ask the reader as a whole, but I’ve no idea where to start. I’ve no idea what the story will be or what the plot will involve, just the underlying tones and themes I want it to be a metaphor for.
What’s my next step?
submitted by RevolutionaryBag6067 to writing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 Expert-Bit1287 Wireless Apple CarPlay 2022
Hi all,
I have seen some wireless apple CarPlay adapters online, have anyone tried them and know if the work? If so, could you recommend some? I have a T6 2022 XC60.
submitted by Expert-Bit1287 to VolvoXC60 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 SpareEmbarrassed9908 Kits4less test c
Anyone have good results ordering this?
submitted by SpareEmbarrassed9908 to SteroidGuide [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 stars4lunch Does anyone have any idea what bag this is, or where to get one similar?
I'm absolutely devastated. I was ghosted by a Depop seller when I asked for more photos before I paid and this was literally my dream bag, I can't get over it! Even if the og can't be ID'd any directions to a bag similar would be greatly appreciated. submitted by stars4lunch to handbags [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:56 1990sforever "Out For Fun" Happy Meal set (1993)
submitted by 1990sforever to 90sdesign [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:56 theflyingfistofjudah C’était quoi ce bâtiment à l’origine ? Qui y habitait ?
submitted by theflyingfistofjudah to Strasbourg [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:56 VortexGX Anyone here play terraria?
Modded terraria too like Calamity I was interested in kind of making a group to play with usually on weekends n stuff
submitted by VortexGX to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 Ok-Country-6559 Czy warto rzucić studia? Jaki zawód wybrać potem?
Hej, jestem na pierwszym semestrze studiów biotechnologicznych, jak i po technikum analitycznym gdzie mieliśmy wstęp do biotechnologii. Bardzo wtedy w szkole mi się to spodobało i chciałam zostać takim naukowcem w specjalizacji genetyki. Ale teraz gdy jestem na studiach, gdy widzę jak to będzie wyglądać nawet jako naukowiec na uczelni czy innej instytucji badawczej... Nie widzę w tym nic co mi się tak podobało, nie widzę w tym żadnego własnego myślenia czy kreatywnego podejścia do problemu. Jestem osobą, która bardzo szybko się nudzi i nienawidzi postępować według jednego i tego samego schematu bez przerwy. Nawet gdy pracowałam przez wakacje jako goniec i jednym z zadań było pakowanie listów to musiałam co jakieś 30 minut zmienić schemat działania by się nie zanudzić tam.
I tu jest mój problem, rodzice bardzo by chcieli abym skoczyła studia (te lub inne) i ciągle powtarzają, że wykształcenie to najlepsze co mi mogą w życiu dać. Zgadzam się z tym, ale zarazem wiem, że studia nie gwarantują dobrego zatrudnienia i stabilnej dobrej pracy.
Jestem człowiekiem kreatywnym, moje hobby to szydełkowanie, rysowanie, malowanie, haftowanie, pisanie opowiadań (marzę o napisaniu kiedyś swojej książki ale nigdy nie mam na to czasu przez ciągłą naukę). Za dziecka dużo rzeźbiłam w drewnie i pomagałam rodzicom w ich pracy (również kreatywnej). Chciała bym mieć pracę w której mogę się spełnić artystycznie, ale boje się, że nie będę mogła z tego utrzymać siebie i swojej przyszłej rodziny. Zarazem znając mnie boje się, że nie poznam nikogo (jestem introwertykiem i domatorem, kolejny powód dlaczego nienawidzę studiów w dużym mieście zdala od domu i zaufanych przyjaciół).
Stąd moje pytanie. Czy rzucić studia? I czy teraz przed sesją (mam marne szanse by zdać z matematyki za pierwszym podejściem, za to większość przedmiotów już mam zdanych, została mi matematyka i fizyka) czy może po niej by mieć w razie czego do czego wrócić? Wiem, że nie będę chciała pracować w tym zawodzie, za to zastanawiałam się nad cukiernią. Moim kolejnym marzeniem. Jestem również uwiązana do miejsca gdzie mieszkam przez umowę krótkoterminową wynajmu pokoju (nie przyznali mi akademika bo mieszkam o jeden kilometr za blisko według ich kryteriów).
PS. Za wszelkie błędy językowe przepraszam, pisałam to na szybko i w emocjach.
submitted by Ok-Country-6559 to Nauka_Uczelnia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 PurpleHazels Strateography exercises?
Hello people, I'm an archeology student (1st year), in about 3 weeks I'll have an exam about archeology's metholodology, which is an exam about a bunch of stuff that was taught to us like strateography and so forth, and since I've met some difficulties on understanding Harris's matrix I wanted to see if anyone had any website I could use to improve by practicing. Thanks in advance
submitted by PurpleHazels to Archeology [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:56 The_Forgotten_King test
submitted by The_Forgotten_King to cqs [link] [comments]