Here’s this week’s edition of Demex Delivers!

2025.01.22 13:01 snorlaxtubbs Here’s this week’s edition of Demex Delivers!

Here’s this week’s edition of Demex Delivers! submitted by snorlaxtubbs to demex [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 priyangshu7 Elvish yadav next host bigg boss ott #elvishyadav #elvisharmy #systummm #biggboss #biggbossott

submitted by priyangshu7 to Elvish_Yadav [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 TheAbsoluteMenace247 Uuuh, what...?

Uuuh, what...? Intel XTU
submitted by TheAbsoluteMenace247 to overclocking [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 JasonMCy1 To all the doctors, do our bodies change noticeably between 2 generations? Has there ever been a case when dealing with an older patient that made you see biological/anatomical differences or characteristics that you don't really see in younger patients?

submitted by JasonMCy1 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 Far-Firefighter-5842 Desabafo sobre a UNA

Eu comecei em 2021 minha graduação presencial na UNA de Contagem, tava tudo indo bem mas era muito caro e eu n tinha mt condição de ficar pagando, e nem de ir na faculdade presencial, então troquei dps de 1 ano lá pra EAD.
O ensino EAD era um lixo, mas nem vou entrar nessa questão por que fazia jus ao preço. O ponto também não é esse.
Eu entrei com 2 semestres de presencial mas a grade era diferente, então foram reaproveitadas algumas matérias mas não todas.
Eu fui cursando, foi passando o tempo, e chegou no final do ano passado que tinha 10 matérias ainda, então eu marquei pra fazer 5 (eram 2 automáticas e 3 que eu incluí), fiz e fui aprovado.
A UNA esse ano me informa que FODA-SE, eu vou continuar tendo que fazer essas matérias que fui aprovado por que teria "removido" elas, mesmo que isso seja mentira por parte deles.
Vou ter que fazer 2 semestres a mais por que sim, e um estágio obrigatório que não existia no presencial, e que no EAD tem pra fazer (e que me informaram que não tinha, depois que fiz a inscrição do EAD). Contexto: eu JÁ FIZ ESTÁGIO, trabalho na empresa do estágio como CLT faz 3 anos quase.
Sei que parece idiota, mas o tanto de vezes que tive problema com EAD/Presencial desse lixo de Universidade foi catastrófico. Não vale nem um real, o ensino é um lixo, os professores mal passam projetos (sistemas de informação), o plano curricular de ensino é outra merda, a organização inteira parece que se junta pra PREJUDICAR quem tá tentando real estudar e fazer algo.
Eu queria muito entender o conceito de "pagou passou" por que a única coisa que eu não to conseguindo fazer nessa merda É PASSAR DE VERDADE. Mas enfim.
Se puder ir pra PUC, vai pra PUC, todo mundo fala bem de lá. Se não tem condição de pagar a PUC, estuda pra UFMG, pro CEFET, pra UEMG, pra qualquer lugar, mas não estude na UNA.
Sim eu pretendo ir no procon pra falar das 3 matérias, mas depois de conversar com advogado ele me sugeriu a só falar disso por que incluir mais poderia até diminuir as chance do processo.
O que eu mais queria era ver essa universidade explodir.
submitted by Far-Firefighter-5842 to BeloHorizonte [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 Resident-Kitchen3867 Daisies

Daisies submitted by Resident-Kitchen3867 to flowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 AardvarkWestern3000 elon musk hand gesture video - Redditor Xs

elon musk hand gesture video - Redditor Xs submitted by AardvarkWestern3000 to BitViewVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 bedside_draws Can’t fault them!

Despite all the solid reviews I’ve seen, it took me quite a while to actually buy a set. Absolutely zero regrets! At that price point, I think Takomo may actually be unbeatable. I just hope they keep developing their tech and keep that price point relevant to the rest of the retail price market. Would without a doubt buy again once my 101’s need replacing.
submitted by bedside_draws to takomo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 CodeWithChris SwiftUI Tip!

SwiftUI Tip! Use Group to apply modifiers to multiple views without nesting stacks.
submitted by CodeWithChris to CodeWithChris [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 MLTDWN2 Vault of Art - BABYMETAL - Mirror Mirror (Musician reacts) | Freaking fantastic song!

Vault of Art - BABYMETAL - Mirror Mirror (Musician reacts) | Freaking fantastic song! submitted by MLTDWN2 to BABYMETALReactVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 jasonpoland My Dad is Dracula (and a Late Night Talk Show Host)

My Dad is Dracula (and a Late Night Talk Show Host) submitted by jasonpoland to myDadisDracula [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 MLBTicketeer Mike Piazza, 1998 Los Angeles Dodgers

Mike Piazza, 1998 Los Angeles Dodgers submitted by MLBTicketeer to baseballunis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 captain_sparrow1401 Which coffee brand is best in India??

Had been using BLUE TOKAI dark roast turkish blend since a while but it kinda acidic... What other brand should I try..?
submitted by captain_sparrow1401 to IndiaCoffee [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 veriheal Green Dragon Dispensary Announces Closures in Colorado and Florida

Green Dragon Dispensary Announces Closures in Colorado and Florida submitted by veriheal to veriheal [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 iqb4lprtm Who wins this free for all

Who wins this free for all MUI Goku vs Eternal Sailor Moon vs God Cloth Pegasus Seiya
submitted by iqb4lprtm to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 BescotBanter Ready for the Run-In: Walsall's Flexi-Ticket Scheme Returns

Ready for the Run-In: Walsall's Flexi-Ticket Scheme Returns
submitted by BescotBanter to WalsallFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 VigilantePI Dataverse Restore switches off all of the Modern Flows

Anyone experienced this while resetting a test environment to put the testing instances at a LastKnownGood state?
Switching them on one by one is very time consuming
submitted by VigilantePI to Dynamics365 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 Less_Credit9040 Curled leaves

Anyone know why these leaves are curled up ? Been like this a few days now, temp n humidity is ok, lights are on about 400/500 par, pure coco grow so fed with 5.8 ph water and 1/4 nutes..
submitted by Less_Credit9040 to cannabiscultivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 TheoryDesperate6343 UK Customs

UK Customs this is for anyone wondering about buying the 320 set and being charged customs on top of the taxes & duties at checkout! also remember to use OHUHU15 for 15% off your order, therefore you arent paying that much extra!
submitted by TheoryDesperate6343 to Ohuhu [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 SimWorldSports NBA Allstar - B_Ron Sounds Off About Hekvin Sampson | SimWorld Sports

NBA Allstar - B_Ron Sounds Off About Hekvin Sampson | SimWorld Sports submitted by SimWorldSports to SimWorldSports [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 jasonpoland My Dad is Dracula (and a Late Night Talk Show Host)

My Dad is Dracula (and a Late Night Talk Show Host) submitted by jasonpoland to WholesomeComics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 Leading_Scale_7035 Wala yata nag proofread

Wala yata nag proofread I'm just not sure it they really "sanitize" their push carts. May sariling buhay ung mga push carts nila. Either maingay or ung gulong sira.
submitted by Leading_Scale_7035 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 jasonpoland My Dad is Dracula (and a Late Night Talk Show Host)

My Dad is Dracula (and a Late Night Talk Show Host) submitted by jasonpoland to webcomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 annonymous7547 My husband saids I am an idiot and oblivious to social cues. Is he right?

Hi all. Sorry for the long post, but I am curious what you think about this. My husband saids I am an idiot and so oblivious to social cues. I feel so stupid and embarrassed that i made a fool of myself at my kid’s school. Is he right?
My kids’ daycare asked me if I could make another lunar new year tree this year to display at the school, since I made (a small) one as a personal appreciation gift for one of my kid’s teacher last year. They wanted one to display as part of the Lunar New Year celebration this year. I said sure, i’ll make one. The one i made last year was a small 2.5 feet tall, so this time I made a more beautiful and realistic 6ft tree with LED flowers and decorated with more blossoms and trinkets. When I decorated this tree, I was under the impression that the daycare only wanted to use the tree for a few weeks and then I would bring it back home. I had no intentions of making it to sell. I just wanted to share our culture with the school a bit.
Well, i brought the tree and the staffs loved it. As I was running out the door, one of the directors complimented on the tree and said “i’ll credit it to the account for your time making such a beautiful tree! We’ll cherish for years to come!” It caught me by surprised and I was humble that they wanted to pay me, but i didn’t really think much about it, and just thanked them. Later, there was a credit to our daycare account. I told my husband this and said “idk if this means they want to keep the tree at that price or just crediting us as an appreciation for my time making it and then take it home later. But if they want to buy it, i can sell it. It’s going to be more than the credited amount.” Husband respond “i wouldn’t offer to sell it bc not really appropriate. The school asked you to donate the tree like how you gifted the teacher.” I have no problem gifting it if it was the same tree, but it’s not.
After work, I came back to pick up the kids and received a thank you note from the office that said “….thank you so much for the lunar new year tree. We will cherish the tree forever….” I was so confused if this meant they want to keep the tree by crediting me a portion of daycare tuition, without asking if I was even selling it.
If i had made the same tree like I did last year, I would have just gifted it to the school like i did to the teacher, bc it didn’t cost much to make. But the one this year costed more than the daycare credit. The tree alone was expensive, not including the accessories, and my time making it (1.5 hours). And I have no problem selling it for the right price. I asked the office, “did you want to buy the tree and use it every year?” The director came out and said they are willing to pay whatever the amount i spent on it. I just told them straight out that the tree costed the most and that i could sell it for $20 more.
At this point, in hindsight, it felt very awkward bc it seemed like i was asking for more money after the school had already paid me as a kind gesture. My husband laughed and made fun of me, mocking me “hey i can sell it to you, pay me $20 dollars pleasee!” And saying I am so clueless, that i lack understanding social cues, and that i just embarrased myself with the school. He said what i just did was asking the school more money on top of them being nice to me by crediting me money as a token for making the tree. I feel like such an idiot and such an embarrassment. I suck social interactions. Is he right?
submitted by annonymous7547 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:01 AutoModerator Literature of Egypt: January 2025

'ahlaan bik readers,
This is our weekly discussion of the literature of the world! Every Wednesday, we'll post a new country or culture for you to recommend literature from, with the caveat that it must have been written by someone from that country (i.e. Shogun by James Clavell is a great book but wouldn't be included in Japanese literature).
January 25 is Revolution Day and, in honor, we're discussing Egyptian literature! Please use this thread to discuss your favorite Egyptian books and authors.
If you'd like to read our previous discussions of the literature of the world please visit the literature of the world section of our wiki.
Shukraan lakum and enjoy!
submitted by AutoModerator to books [link] [comments]