Scalping setup fast in fast out

2025.01.22 10:51 Big_Street3537 Scalping setup fast in fast out

Scalping setup fast in fast out submitted by Big_Street3537 to Forex [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Ultra243 đŸŸ BabyDogeArmy, let's raid this post on X!

đŸŸ BabyDogeArmy, let's raid this post on X! submitted by Ultra243 to BabyDogeCoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 mantizshrimp24 Information about opponent squad

Hey all,
Quick question, am I allowed to have a list of all available movements per ship that my opponent is flying.
Eg- see the options they have for movement before I set my dials during planning?
submitted by mantizshrimp24 to XWingTMG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Fun_Rise9938 Osborn Wave (J Wave)??? Brugada syndrome?pls help

Osborn Wave (J Wave)??? Brugada syndrome?pls help Hi, l've always wondered what this is? Is it normal? I tried looking it up on Google and the closest thing I found was”j Wave” which mentioned it can be concerning on an EKG.” (Full graph on 2nd slide.)
submitted by Fun_Rise9938 to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Careless_Client5761 I buy screenshots of their bank account balances

I’ve always been fascinated by how much money the top onlyfans girls make so when I found out about findom, I was sucked right in.
I want to buy the screenshots of the top girls but they’re asking for $500+ and I can’t afford that in one go.
I’ve even tried to ask the onlyfans girls to sell me screenshots, but they’re not as keen as the findom girls. I also kind of assume they don’t make as much as the ones that will openly post their earnings.
On top of the money, I like how I can barely keep 1k in my own account. So far I’ve spent around 5k and don’t really want to stop but I am seeing how it can become a problem if I keep going, or go harder.
submitted by Careless_Client5761 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 LandscapeEmergency17 Urgent bearded dragon advice needed. What am i doing wrong?

Urgent bearded dragon advice needed. What am i doing wrong? Hi, urgent advise needed please
Im really worried about My Beardie, he is wanting to sleep alot more & hasnt eaten for almost 2 weeks now! He is only 6 months so i know he isnt brumating.
I have taken him to the vet who examined him & says he is perfectly healthy so i feel like it must be something i am getting wrong. He seems alot happier when i get him out & quite often turns dark in colour when i put him back in his viv like something is making him feel unhappy/stressed.
4ft viv basking temp is 106 cool end 81 Humidity is 36%. I monitor these with probes and also an infared thermometer.
Arcadia D3 UVB Lamp - 24W - Desert 22"
I have never owned a reptile before, I'm driving myself mad trying to work out what i could be doing wrong.
i would be so grateful for any advice!
Thanks in advance
submitted by LandscapeEmergency17 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 HueKoko Least favorite bosses

Everyone is always asking for favorite bosses, but I am now asking for you're least favorite bosses. Not the worst bosses, just the ones you disliked the most.
submitted by HueKoko to fromsoftware [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 bpdnugget Looking for a Beta reader

Hey there!
After a long break, I want to get back into writing, so I dug up the fanfiction I wrote back in the day and started working on it. Since I'm not a native speaker and have grown a little rusty, I would love to find one or two Beta readers to help me out.
It follows the story as known from the POV of an OC a year below Harry, and therefore will be quite long. I've finished the first "book" and want to get feedback on that. The atmosphere for that part is basically like the first HP books, it's still cozy, teasing plot points that will be revealed later, establish characters etc. What I want for readers is to be able to reread Harry Potter with new story elements but with the same feeling.
It doesn't have to be a literary masterpiece, but I do want to get feedback that actually helps me get better again, both languagewise and plotwise. My main goal is to create something people actually want to read and feel good about.
If anybody has any interest in honing their skills as an editor and proofreader, I'd be super happy!
submitted by bpdnugget to harrypotterfanfiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 _Lehsun Hum ladke hai humare saath aisa hi hota hai 😞

Hum ladke hai humare saath aisa hi hota hai 😞 submitted by _Lehsun to TMKOC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 some-kind-of-no-name Fighting game quirk

Whenever the user attacks someone or gets attacked, the two of them are locked in a "duel" with several rules. Can also be used to lock other people in duels.

  1. Each fighter can only move backwards, foward and jump like traditional 2d fighters.
  2. They play to 2 round wins, with all damage getting negated except for last round. 90 seconds per round.
  3. Quitting the duel makes you auto lose.
  4. All gear and quirks are adapted as fighting game normals and specials. For example, Stain's attacks with a sword would be his normals, but his quirk would be a combo extending special move, while knife toss is a projectile move.
  5. Characters' powers levels are somewhat carried over (All Might and AFO are top tiers, Invisible girl is bottom tier), but due fighting game logic they are more or less equalised so strong can lose to much weaker characters. For example, all of All Might's named smashes can be blocked and are unsafe on block, AFO's quirk steal only lasts a few seconds and then has to be done again etc.
  6. Sice fighting games are relatively niche, most people lose just cause they don't know how to play them properly. Endeavor will lose Kaminari despite being massively better just cause he has too little experience.
submitted by some-kind-of-no-name to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Odd_Examination4329 Teambuilding and Dungeon Help

Teambuilding and Dungeon Help submitted by Odd_Examination4329 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 DapperFox1922 OHSV1 Disclosures?

I haven't really seen many Ohsv1 disclosures. If you have had one before, what was it like and how did the person react? Did you tell them that the cold sore is caused by herpes?
submitted by DapperFox1922 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Jo-fuji Ce CPU est-il compatible avec la carte mĂšre ?

Bonjour Ă  tous !
PremiĂšrement, je suis trĂšs mauvais dans tout ce qui est composants d’un pc, j’essaye de m’amĂ©liorer et de m’informer, c’est pour cela que je viens vers vous !
J’ai un pc que j’avais achetĂ© simplement pour le gaming en 1080p sur des jeux peu gourmand (rocket league, cs go et r6 siĂšge, tout en low)
Hors derniĂšrement, mon CPU commence Ă  rendre l’ñme j’ai l’impression, c’était un i7 4790 3,60 GHz.
J’ai donc achetĂ© un Ryzen 5600 pour upgrade un peu mon setup, mais comme un novice, je n’ai pas penser Ă  regarder si ma carte mĂšre Ă©tait compatible..
Ma carte mĂšre est un Dell 06x1tj version a01.
Je n’y connais rien en carte mĂšre, est ce que ce processeur est compatible avec la carte mĂšre ? Si non, auriez vous des modĂšles compatible avec un bon rapport qualitĂ©/prix, je n’ai pas besoin d’une machine de guerre, juste de quoi faire tourner en low 1080p Ă  165fps, ma carte graphique est une RX 6600
submitted by Jo-fuji to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 ErekJaeger [PC] W: ltos of Runes H: Karma, Ask

Hey there Tarnished Ones!
I really could use quite some Runes for completing my build for my next DLC run, would be awesome if anyone is willing to help out!:)
submitted by ErekJaeger to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 lssqa3433 Mark spoiler crosspost test for 22/1/2025 10:50:41

submitted by lssqa3433 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Appropriate-Duty5852 Red box binance

Red box binance submitted by Appropriate-Duty5852 to BinanceRedBoxCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Short_Algo $AMCR Awaiting Buy Signal based off 4 signals $2,222 net profit 5 profit factor 75% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money

$AMCR Awaiting Buy Signal based off 4 signals $2,222 net profit 5 profit factor 75% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Baby_Thanos_3 Manmeet Kaur

Manmeet Kaur submitted by Baby_Thanos_3 to BollywoodInBikinis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Affectionate-Disk812 Parrying

I don’t know if it’s me but partying doesn’t seem to block the enemy attacks at all. I’ll press the parry button when the enemy does a normal attack, and the shield will be out and everything yet it won’t parry, much less block and they’re just goes through, causing me to lose fights.
submitted by Affectionate-Disk812 to GodofWarRagnarok [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Jasbaer Reihenhausgarten braucht Zuwendung - Plan?

Reihenhausgarten braucht Zuwendung - Plan? Hallo Gartenfreunde,
meine Frau und ich haben im FrĂŒhsommer 2024 ein Reihenmittelhaus erworben und seitdem erfolgreich saniert. Nun sind wir eingezogen und so langsam können wir uns dem Garten zuwenden. Insbesondere fĂŒr grĂ¶ĂŸere RĂŒckschnitte tickt ja bekanntlich im Februar die Uhr, ich möchte aber auch nicht ĂŒberstĂŒrzt den Garten roden. Ich brauche also eine Zielvorstellung - wo will ich mit dem Garten mal hin? FĂŒr mich ist es der erste eigene Garten. Ich brauche also ein bisschen UnterstĂŒtzung... Könnt Ihr mir bei der Planung helfen?
Zuerst mal eine Skizze und Bilder damit ihr euch einen Eindruck verschaffen könnt:
Bemaßte Skizze, im Norden das Reihenmittelhaus mit 3,5m breitem Faltfenster
Blick von Terrasse in den Garten (ca. Okt/Nov 2024)
Blick vom OG in den Garten (NachbargÀrten geschwÀrzt)
Blick von innen in den Garten (Ende November)
Wer sind wir?
Junge Familie mit einem 3 jÀhrigen Kind. Eventuell ab Sommer mit einem zweiten Kind.
Was ist uns wichtig, was wĂŒnschen wir uns?
  • PrivatsphĂ€re, aber auch keine vollstĂ€ndige Abschottung / Einfriedung
  • Naturfreundlich - Insekten und Vögel sollen sich wohl fĂŒhlen
  • Pflegeleicht - lieber klein anfangen und steigern als ĂŒberfordert sein...
  • Sommerwohnzimmer - die GrundflĂ€che im Erdgeschoss ist klein, wir haben nur eine kleine TV Ecke, dafĂŒr einen großen Essplatz direkt am Fenster. Deshalb möchten wir auf der Terrasse keinen zweiten Tisch mit StĂŒhlen, sondern eine kleine "Lounge" - gerne mit einer kleinen Feuerstelle
  • Sonnenschutz / Überdachung die Terrasse sollte vielleicht ĂŒberdacht werden, zumindest braucht es aber einen Sonnenschutz, auch wegen der SĂŒdausrichtung des großen Fensters
  • Kinderfreundlich - nichts giftiges und ein bisschen Platz fĂŒr eine (1er) Schaukel und zum Spielen. Kein Sandkasten
  • Gartenschuppen zur Aufbewahrung von GartengerĂ€ten und ein Durchgang zum rĂŒckwĂ€rtigen Weg
  • KĂŒchengarten mit KrĂ€utern, vielleicht 2 Tomatenpflanzen, eine Gurke - ggf. ein Mini-GewĂ€chshaus?
  • Ein Komposthaufen oder Schnellkomposter fĂŒr das was so in der KĂŒche anfĂ€llt - GrĂŒnschnitt wird anderweitig entsorgt
  • Ein Platz fĂŒr den Grill
Was glaubt ihr, ist das machbar oder ist die Wunschliste zu groß? Ich befĂŒrchte dass man sich bei dem "kleinen" Garten schon frĂŒh ĂŒberlegen muss was wohin kommen soll um den Platz gut auszunutzen...
Habt ihr Ideen wie man den Garten aufteilen könnte?
submitted by Jasbaer to Garten [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Johnnyappleseed84 Farfel

Farfel submitted by Johnnyappleseed84 to lookatmydog [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 cool_boy1111122 Abomination

Abomination submitted by cool_boy1111122 to TrevorHenderson [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Paxgard Remexian 14/1 White Widow

Remexian 14/1 White Widow Hab mir jetzt mal das gĂŒnstigste Cannabis geordert bei 3.25 € das Gramm. Bei der Cannabis Prime Apotheke, Etwas zu trocken Geruch sehr schwach vorhanden hab es jetzt seit einem Tag im Glas mit Boveda ist schon besser geruchlich. Leider sehr verseucht mit kleinen Seeds Microseeds kann man das schon nicht mehr nennen die sind halb so groß wie ein Pinnenadelkopf, nach dem aussortieren geht es aber mit dem Rauchen. Naja wĂŒrde ich mir nicht mehr holen die Wirkung ist zwar vorhanden aber erst nach 4 Ladungen im Vaporizer so wie ich es Brauch. Geschmacklich leider auch echt nicht gut. FĂŒr den Preis kann man es machen aber da geb ich lieber 2-3€ das Gramm mehr aus und hab was womit ich wirklich zufrieden bin. Ich wĂŒrde es nicht empfehlen hab auch schon 2 richtige Seeds in 3 Gramm drin gehabt zu den kleinen, vielleicht ist es ja aber nur die Charge von mir. Denke ich verbacke den Rest, Rauchen Werd ich es nicht
submitted by Paxgard to Cannabis_Apotheken [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 mevin_ Which festival was you favorite and why?

submitted by mevin_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 JerSucks 250111 Winter

submitted by JerSucks to kimminjeong [link] [comments]