国内有哪些Rapper是高学历的? - 知乎 rap是指说唱,hiphop指嘻哈,嘻哈是一种文化,其艺术表达形式大概分为四类,分别是Graffiti(涂鸦)、Dance(街舞)、DJ(打碟) 和MC(说唱)嘻哈的文化中包含rap。 因为群里好多人自称“rapper”,但没作品,而且他们的学历,确实是中专. 以后我对“中专”两个字都不怎么说了,因为确实会没想到就扎进了谁的心. 再问如何评价网络中专说唱梗. 我只能说,梗的培育,确实有一定的土壤 编曲都是制作人的活(有的rapper也自己编曲)。 他们用的app五花八门,而且都能做出好东西。常用的: Fl Studio. Logic. Scratch. Garageband. 最后一个ios自带,入门的话可以自己学。 Rapper可以把已经完成的beat导到这些app里来录。 你也是个rapper. 他也是个rapper. 你们都是rapper. 我可不是一个rapper. 你也是个rapper. 他也是个rapper. 我说唱的时候. 妈妈的怀里抱着Capper. 你也是个rapper. 他也是个rapper. 你们都是rapper. 我可不是一个rapper. 曾经差点在你手里栽了. 如果我不上电视. 哥们你还在家里呆着 ... 《你也是个rapper》的歌词如下: 师傅领进门,但是修行在个人,劝你说唱之前先去学学做人,代表东北,我代表长春代表吾人,拜托出去混的时候,别说认识我们,你忘恩负义,在背后告密,让中文说唱,成了如今这种风气,都不讲道义,都互相攀比,他如果门票卖不出去,就预告你,很能打是吧 ... 喊麦歌词大全100首,1、十年戎马心孤单 演唱:mc张凯 十年戎马心孤单歌曲 十年戎马心孤单 隐退江湖归深山 如果有天你难堪 挂帅出征再扬帆 既然疆场你已输 我还怎能继续哭 召集三千勇者夫 血洗 2001年以《我的年龄13岁》一曲,出众的RAP实力,引起关注。被称为“天才RAPPER”的他加入了YG娱乐公司,接受了严格的训练。[4] 2001年到2006年在YG公司练习,多次作为YG Family的成员登台表演,其中14岁时出演了“帅绅士”。 2009-03-22 raper和rapper哪个才正确? 51 2014-06-28 MC和raper的区别是什么? 6 2021-04-07 rapper和vocal的区别是什么? 2 2021-07-21 说唱歌手是raper还是rapper 2014-08-02 rapper和rap担当有区别吗? 33 2017-09-21 rapper跟rappa什么区别 6 2006-04-21 rapper和mc有何区别? 17 2015-10-10 Rapper是什么意思 12 其实mc是一些rapper的自称,早期一些rapper在自己名字前面加上mc二字,mc就这么由来了。 国外从来没有喊麦这个叫法,MC的工作就是RAP,而MC就是RAPPER。 喊麦虽然开始以自称嘻哈歌手兴起,但已经发展为近乎独立于传统意义的说唱(rap)的风格,成为中国一种新兴的表演形式。
2025.01.22 13:56 Realchasinbank Producer X Rapper beef
It ain’t looking good for buddy submitted by Realchasinbank to TheCapitalLink [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 King_Hobbes This Moreno good or is it just me?
submitted by King_Hobbes to EAFC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 DrDr0sselbart w or l ? simple crafts ftw imo
submitted by DrDr0sselbart to ohnePixel [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 Ilovecolonoscopy Italian versions of the Dollars Trilogy
Hello friends, Italian Amazon has a good deal on these classics but no mention of languages, is this purely in Italian or is there english dub included? submitted by Ilovecolonoscopy to 4kbluray [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 s0mi_5 LVEF or LFEV
I really can't understand for a long time whether the 2nd place should be willpower or physics. Apart from that, I am sure about 1L and 3E, but how can I clearly understand whether the 2nd and 4th place should be physics or willpower😔
submitted by s0mi_5 to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 Future-Worker4429 Challenge 6 - Concern can just phase through
Boring ik, but atleast it works for her submitted by Future-Worker4429 to Brunos_Island [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 Frequent_Jelly_8256 Area 51 coffee?
Hello! I’m pretty new to the area still and my bf and I are looking to try a good coffee shop. One that you can go in and drink coffee/ lattes and chill at. Not a Starbucks but we were wondering about Area 51. I wasn’t sure if you could go in and order or if it was dt only. Anyone been? What would you recommend?
submitted by Frequent_Jelly_8256 to QuadCities [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 dkkdnfkdkf Cleveland slut thatgirljah
submitted by dkkdnfkdkf to thelitsidev2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 Intrepid-Lawyer508 Drk il chat
submitted by Intrepid-Lawyer508 to balkanhornystuff [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 Davy13666 Is it okay to paint Death Korps of Krieg with black trench coats and red pants?
Hi everyone! I’m working on painting my Death Korps of Krieg, and I’ve been toying with the idea of giving them black trench coats and red pants. I think the colors look striking together, and they give the models a unique ominous vibe that fits the grim dark theme of Warhammer 40K.
However, while researching for inspiration, I came across discussions suggesting that such color schemes could resemble WWII German uniforms, particularly the SS. I know that Death Korps of Krieg draws inspiration from both WWI and WWII German armies and “Krieg” literally is a German word and means “War”, but I never intended to reference or glorify anything from Nazi Germany. As a German myself, I grew up learning about the atrocities of that time (my grandfather served during the Second World War in the Wehrmacht) and would never want my hobby to be associated with that ideology.
To me it’s just about the aesthetics of the two colors black and red. But reading some hobbyists actively discouraging paint jobs that could be interpreted as referencing Nazi uniforms has made me second-guess myself. I’ve even read of examples where people use explicit WWII German symbols or Wehrmacht-inspired tank designs, which I find problematic and not something I’d ever do.
Now, I’m leaning towards sticking with the box art scheme to avoid any misunderstandings, especially since this is also such a sensitive subject here in Germany. But I’d really love to hear the community’s opinions.
2025.01.22 13:56 bigmilkies69 NCT & Tax disc
Hi all, probably a stupid question but does it matter if you have an out of date tax disk on display when going for NCT.
Have an appointment in the coming days and only renewed my tax this afternoon so the new disk probably wont arrive in time but my tax is up to date. Old disk is from December.
submitted by bigmilkies69 to carsireland [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 TheCurseGrows Since this game has changed a lot balance wise over the months I have a request
Can anyone please give me the general changes of what's happened. I just came back from a long break and don't have much time to play but I've seen tons of patch notes over the few months. For reference I stopped playing around when the ultimate weapon changes happened, changing its aura and stuff. Thank you so so much!
submitted by TheCurseGrows to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 Lonely_Grand8076 What should I be prepared for 3rd year
I’m in 2nd yr doing b.com program, I have no idea about internships or cv or any other stuff, so what should I be doing for the future?
submitted by Lonely_Grand8076 to delhiuniversity [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 prettykaii Dear nice girls and guys
After somebody hurts u bad and u cut them off, do you still think whether that person must be feeling bad?
submitted by prettykaii to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 AngryMuffin5660 Storm doll in a Rouge box?
Has anyone else gotten an Xmen Special Collectors Edition with a character in a different ones box? I’ve checked and the box is completely unopened 🤷♂️
submitted by AngryMuffin5660 to xmen [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 shobijatoi19 It is like that
submitted by shobijatoi19 to economicCollapse [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 thatshotnosrsly layers
submitted by thatshotnosrsly to bfdi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 Tuani2018 Gone to soon
Seven years ago a dream came true and Stellaluna joined my life. My smart, beautiful, well-behaved, welcomed everywhere girl proved to be too good for this world. I have missed her every day since she died of kidney failure. It still hurts.
submitted by Tuani2018 to Chihuahua [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 bot_olini pronósticodeltiempo 22 de enero de 2025 8:00h
submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_News [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 Badtimer2004 Juat doxxed this FCKING youtuber. What the f*ck is his IP Address and Home Address
submitted by Badtimer2004 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 averytubesock Least hard photo of a president?
Feels like every week we get some thread asking to see the hardest photo of a president. But I felt like seeing the opposite- some photos where presidents look stupid, pathetic, weird and goofy. Here's my pick submitted by averytubesock to Presidents [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 mysteriousstranger-_ ctd when entering riften
As the title says, everytime i go to enter riften i ctd. ive done the usual checks, sorted with loot gone through every mod that could effect riften and nothing still ctd. wondering if anyone else has had this issue and knows whats causing it
loadorder and plugins
Loadorder.txt: https://pastebin.com/edit/HivbXEgB
Plugins.txt: https://pastebin.com/6A89yXSX
submitted by mysteriousstranger-_ to skyrimmods [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 SquareDragonfruit687 Hello everyone, Im in internationally trained dentist and I was looking for programs that I can take to enhance my profile and make it more competitive, I hope I can get accepted in a residency program!
submitted by SquareDragonfruit687 to CAAPID [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:56 UrU_AnnA Carmen Sandiego
submitted by UrU_AnnA to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:56 ArtistWaves Brian Fallon / TGA Inspired Painting
submitted by ArtistWaves to TheGaslightAnthem [link] [comments] |