广袤的银河系,已经被名为巴里萨利斯(弗拉·菲 Fra Fee 饰)的暴君所统治,并建立起庞大而残酷的帝国。位于银河系边缘的一座殖民星球,人们过着拮据贫苦的生活。这一天,帝国军舰突然出现在星球上空,狂暴... 印第安人的一支欧塞奇族,从祖先的土地上被驱逐到了美国俄克拉何马州一块贫瘠之地,谁曾想这里居然发现了石油。欧塞奇人借此一跃成为时尚新贵的同时,也给自身带来了杀机。在此之后,许多白人涌入这片流淌着黑金的土... 豆瓣电影提供最新的电影介绍及评论包括上映影片的影讯查询及购票服务。你可以记录想看、在看和看过的电影电视剧,顺便 ... yo!欢迎准时来到《月光骑士》系列的大结局! 此前第5集做得脑洞预测基本大方向都对了,甚至连彩蛋都八九不离十,或许因为是大结局,预算嘛也增加了亿点点,所以40多分钟的第6集,一半基本就是打呗。 这篇影评可能有剧透 “你第一次坐牢是什么时候?” “很早了,二十几岁吧。“ 2017,小女儿问出这话的时候,他已经六十多了,至少三进三出了,女儿们近三十年的成长时光里,他出现在进进出出监狱的间隙里,每一次都像台风过境,在女孩心里留下满地狼藉,还有微弱的爱 科学家观测发现一个震惊世人的现象,一颗巨大的小行星正向地球袭来,人类即将遭遇灭顶之灾。为了挽救这场危机,人类提出了大胆的“月盾计划”。独孤月(沈腾 饰)是该计划的一名中级维修工,遥远的月球上,他偷偷暗... 为了解救被魔神澹台烬(罗云熙 饰)统治折磨的世界,衡阳宗掌门之女黎苏苏(白鹿 饰)孤注一掷,回到五百年前,化身叶家小女儿叶夕雾,阻止彼时尚未被邪念彻底侵蚀的景国质子澹台烬成为魔神。未料澹台烬竟是叶夕雾... 苦月亮是一部电影,提供了影片简介、剧情介绍、影评、图片、预告片和在线购票服务。 昨晚,看了电影《moon》,很受震动。故事其实很简单,就是讲地球上某个公司,在月球上开发了一个能源公司,专门开采“氦3”。而那个月球基地中有一个专门的人,准确的说是一个克隆人为这个基地工作。 《暮光之城:新月》(The Twilight Saga: New Moon),简单来说,吸血鬼 + 狼人 + Teenage Love + 琼瑶 = 暮光之城:新月。 (Twilight的粉丝看到这里可以点击关闭页面了,否则你会恨我的) 我觉得看1的时候,这片没那么纠结的啊,唉呀妈呀,看完New Moon,我顿悟:美国人肯...
2025.01.22 11:55 Hot_Drummer_7144 staged moon landing (obviously)
submitted by Hot_Drummer_7144 to shitposting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 Hot_Drummer_7144 staged moon landing (obviously)
submitted by Hot_Drummer_7144 to shitposting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 Short_Algo $GEN Awaiting Short Signal based off 5 signals $4,333 net profit 4.25 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money
submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 blueeyesbandit If the date goes badly you can blame the shirt
submitted by blueeyesbandit to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 Jaded-Rated Hat trick free gift 77108235
Help me get my free gifts and I'll do your code just leave you're username
submitted by Jaded-Rated to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 android_tests_pac Cant edit crosspost test for 22/1/2025 11:54:27
submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 Delicious-Leg1772 who has offers and could any of this get me godly sukuna or tsih skin
submitted by Delicious-Leg1772 to AUniversalTime [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 jetfolds Cruising at Mach 4... If only it were real...
submitted by jetfolds to acecombat [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 New_Age2024 People who learnt a language on their own, how did you do it? What strategies did you use?
submitted by New_Age2024 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 BlossomBuddy1 Rockwool or coco coir against fungus gnats
Does it matter which medium I use to avoid fungus gnats? As rockwool is not an organic material, will it still attract fungus gnats like coco coir? Anyone has experience with these two mediums?
submitted by BlossomBuddy1 to Hydroponics [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 udraihall Esse anime merecia uma segunda temporada
submitted by udraihall to japan_insoul [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 Old-Choice1726 How to approach her? She F19 is kinda introvert
Am 19M ..she is from another department. But her class room is next to my class room so we often see eachother . We had few eye contacts but She seems to be nervous in my presence ..How to approach her without being creepy... she is kinda introvert so I don't want to make her nervous etcetc
submitted by Old-Choice1726 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 NoFudge6905 zaynies stay winning
i just wanted to post and say that zayne girlies are getting FED in the new main story, as if it were a part of his. They go out and eat together, they aren't awkward around each other and Zayne literally says sth like "you need to think about what you want to eat w me" like a date. that tbh made me so happy to read just how domestic they are and how in-sync their interactions are.
submitted by NoFudge6905 to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 epicgamer389 Who from which comic would be most likely to do this?
submitted by epicgamer389 to SakuraSchoolSimulator [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 hydralime Greens WA call for end to forest mining
submitted by hydralime to TheGreensAU [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 vilomstren Bass Pro Promo Code for January 2025
Follow this link for Bass Pro Promo Code for January 2025. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by vilomstren to MementoOffers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 Theseus_The_King FWI: A third party becomes a significant force by the 2028 US elections
Challenge: a third party is a significant political force after the 2028 elections
In this situation, a fairly large coalition of disgruntled progressive leaning democrats and younger democrats led by Bernie Sanders and AOC decide they are no longer associated with the Democratic Party, but instead a new, left wing third party, which I will just call the American Party.
The American Party is backed by labor organizations, and garners popular support by pushing labor rights and wealth redistribution, taking advantage of a court of public opinion that has demonstrably shifted against the very rich. Identity plays a role, but a more muted one, compared to the Democratic Party, and economic challenges are at the forefront. Identity is brought up in the context of economy and the risks of climate change.
The American party runs candidates in the 2026 midterms, and most elections have three candidates. The American party manages to gain support with white working class voters and voters under 45. Rich white voters move towards the Republicans, and rich voters of color stay democrats. This party manages to poach some seats from democrats, but more so republicans, especially in white working class states, and even flip a few republican senate seats. Meanwhile in the house, this party wins a plurality, but not a majority of votes, and no party has a majority. They continue to pick up steam by blocking several Republican bills that would benefit the rich and by managing to pass some laws that created some forms of wealth tax and placed restrictions on medical insurances from denying coverage, which was wildly popular.
By 2028, this party has become legitimized, and they run a presidential candidate who may or may not win. But regardless, after this election, they pick up a few more senate seats and hold a house majority. At the state level, they are quite successful, and they take a governor or two in the rust belt and quite a few state houses and senate.
What happens to US politics now that there is a third party that mounts a significant enough challenge from the left? What will happen to the democrats and republicans as they respond to this new challenge, what happens to MAGA now that Trump is also ineligible to run again and much of the white working class was snatched by this party? How would things change, or not change in the long run, especially as younger generations aging into voting favor this party and older ones that are passing away favor the previous two?
submitted by Theseus_The_King to FutureWhatIf [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 Samizapp Does leif only sell plants i already own?
even when i got him at harvs island he STILL only sells me stuff specifically on my island and i barely have anything
submitted by Samizapp to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 C4-LOD Recommendations when starting IBC
Hello everyone. I am about to start my IBC journey. I feel like I will have a small policy as I have determined that I can only contribute 1k a month to this. I want to be able to utilize the banking aspect of the policy as Ive learned that having the money sit there, while better than being in a checking account, is completely missing the purpose. I just do not see how I will have enough cash value in the first few years to tap into in order to do anything. Should I cash out some of my 401k to front load the policy?
I do not have any credit card debt, all I have is my mortgage and car payment. I am a Realtor and I want to use this as a way to invest in real estate. I recognize that this kind of opportunity target will require me to have access to at least 20-40k in cash value to put towards deals. ( I find many auction/foreclosure deals which often require this much cash, then using hard money to acquire and flip the property)
My question is - do I open the policy with the initial investment of like 10k (I think this is what was quoted) and do the premium/PUA amount of 1k each month and just wait a few years? Or should I front load using money from my 401k?
I have heard it is not advisable to take out a loan to fund policies but that seems like a reasonable way to have a larger cash value to access after year 1. I have not got the details yet as to the policy itself as my IBC agent is working on that with the company. (American United Life I believe)
Open to any suggestions as to what I should be asking or considering. I would like to set this up correctly so that I dont have to open up a second policy later to "fix" things I missed. Id rather open up more policies to fix the problem of having excess cash flow, which is what I think should happen down the road. TIA
submitted by C4-LOD to infinitebanking [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 Zer0-Nebula Can anybody tell me who this person is?😭
submitted by Zer0-Nebula to shayri [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 WaTaTi Daily Discussion: What are we buying today?
Collective Purchasing Options
Not pump N dumps
Not financial advice...
submitted by WaTaTi to Offwallstreetbets [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 ivanovyordan CSV vs. Parquet vs. AVRO: Which is the optimal file format?
submitted by ivanovyordan to dataengineering [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:55 dhfiwdieig Why can't i change captain or make substitutions today?
Did they remove the possibility of doing it mid gameweek? I wanna change captain from salah to raphinha and sub in kehrer
submitted by dhfiwdieig to FantasyCL [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 LankyScientist4723 metal karaoke
does anyone know of some spots in town that tolerate heavy music like death/metalcore karaoke, have been doing vocals for years and would like to step on a stage for the first time in front of a small crowd
submitted by LankyScientist4723 to panamacity [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:55 test_android_feed_2 2025-01-22
This is the post's body
submitted by test_android_feed_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]