[Arts] - Acting or harassment? Stars at odds over out-takes | BBC

2025.01.22 11:37 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Arts] - Acting or harassment? Stars at odds over out-takes | BBC

[Arts] - Acting or harassment? Stars at odds over out-takes | BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 After_Ad_878 KK for Koga!

My boy! Congratulations!
submitted by After_Ad_878 to Sumo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 ryogadan Norris admits he could have won the drivers’ championship last year | Formula 1

Norris admits he could have won the drivers’ championship last year | Formula 1 submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 Odd-Marsupial-633 I miss her

بس فضفضة ب3 كلمات
submitted by Odd-Marsupial-633 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 Embarrassed-Goal-225 Hova tovább anglisztika alapszak után?

Tavasszal fogok lediplomázni ELTE-n anglisztika alapszakon és szeretnék utána mesterre jelentkezni. Viszont nem szeretnék anglisztikával kapcsolatos mesterre menni, ugyanis már az alap elvégzése közben rájöttem, hogy ez nem teljesen nekem való. Izgalmas volt és sok tudást adott, de sajnos nem igazán hasznosítható így önmagában.
Ha már elkezdtem, szerettem volna befejezni és nem volt jobb ötletem. Így legalább lesz egy diplomám, és egy nagyon erős angolom. Emellett pedig elvégeztem a skandinavisztika minort, így C1-es szinten tudok svédül is beszélni. Sajnos a fordító és tolmács mesterképzésre skandináv nyelvekkel nem lehet jelentkezni. Erről sem tájékozódtam eléggé, anno 17 évesen, amikor leadtam a jelentkezésemet az egyetemre. Tehát az is ki van zárva.
Egy mester segítségével szeretném kihozni a legtöbbet a szakból. Értelemszerűen az anglisztika nem igazán a hasznos a piacon, így olyan szakkal szeretném kiegészíteni, amivel könnyen el tudok helyezkedni és nem kell belőle a legjobbnak lennem, ahhoz hogy érjen is valamit. Jelenleg egy nagy könyvelő cégnél végzek adminisztratív munkát, ahol nagyon jól belelátok a különböző munkakörökbe. Számomra a marketing és a HR érdekesebb, mert azok kevésbé monotonok talán. Az ELTE-n van is egy HR mesterképzés, viszont elég szigorú a felvétel. Sok btk-s alapszakot elfogadnak, de az anglisztikát pont nem. Esetleg kredit elismerési eljáráson keresztül elfogadják pár kreditem, de kevés esélyt látok benne.
Még a nemzetközi tanulmányokra fogadják el az alapszakom, és az érdekelne is, de attól tartok hogy annak az elvégzése után sem tudnék elhelyezkedni.
Azon is gondolkodtam hogy Svédországban végeznék el egy mestert, ugyanis ott ingyenesen tanulhatnak az európai unió diákjai. Viszont nem tudom, hogy ha esetleg úgy döntenék, hogy visszaköltözök Magyarországra, akkor egy svéd diploma mennyire lenne felhasználható nálunk. Illetve ott is fen áll a kérdés hogy de mégis mit tanuljak?
Szeretnék jó döntést hozni és ezúttal alaposan átgondolni mindent.
A lényeg a lényeg, hogy a segítségeteket szeretném kérni. Azokhoz is szólok, akik szintén elvégezték a szakot. Ti hol helyezkedtetek el?
Ha bárkinek van esetleg bármilyen ötlete, kérem írja meg! Nyitott vagyok képzésekre is, vagy esetleg szakirányú továbbképzésekre. Szeretném nem teljesen haszontalannak érezni ezt a 3,5 év tanulást!
submitted by Embarrassed-Goal-225 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 JDSpam1 Bullet chess is bad for (most of) you

Bullet chess is bad for (most of) you This is a 1400 rated game, which would technically place it around the 95th percentile. I played as black this round, but make no mistake that I’ve definitely been in white’s viewpoint before.
Bullet chess encourages quick thinking and memorization for openings, but you will never truly enjoy the point of chess imo. Beautiful tactics, opening variations, calculation, and methodical thinking are all thrown out the door for cheap tricks and traps.
If you are a beginner (even more so than me) stick to rapid (and some blitz if you REALLY want to develop quicker thinking). Brilliancies and stronger chess (even in bullet) are built in longer time controls, not shorter.
If bullet is fun to you, nobody’s gonna stop you, but you’re trading in time that you could really develop yourself with. I’m definitely guilty of this as well and thought I’d share my 2 cents on this.
submitted by JDSpam1 to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 ArtLover369 Global Zine Project | Artists, Writers, Designers, Creatives needed.

Global Zine Project | Artists, Writers, Designers, Creatives needed. submitted by ArtLover369 to artstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 Last-Socratic Twitter/X.com links now banned on r/Banksy

After discussion with the mods Banksy will now be banning all links to content from TwitteX.com. Going forward posts and comments linking to that site will be removed no matter how relevant it is to the subreddit. The mods do not actively read every comment, so if you see a link to X.com in a comment please report it. If you wish to post news that would come from that site relevant to this subreddit and can not find it anywhere else, a screen capture of the relevant material will suffice.
submitted by Last-Socratic to Banksy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 Sensitive_Kitchen765 Late-night broadcast of "PreCure" begins! Popular voice actress Saori Hayami talks about her efforts in "voice expression"

Late-night broadcast of submitted by Sensitive_Kitchen765 to SaoriHayami [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 PlantPetCodeEat Fresh clothing brand

Anyone who has recently started selling clothing in ecommerce in India or ship outside India ?
We are just in the beginning phase and would like to know you experience so far on the marketing and growth front.
submitted by PlantPetCodeEat to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 Brave-Elk-3792 What do you think is the most traumatizing movie that you have ever seen? Bad boys 1983 with Sean Penn anyone?

submitted by Brave-Elk-3792 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 I_hate_bones Completeing old battle passes

I feal like fortnite og should let you complete battlw passes from prior seasons IF you owned them when they came out and if you already have it all maxed out maybe some new edit styles
submitted by I_hate_bones to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 22-January-2025 11:37:04

Image Post Title 22-January-2025 11:37:04 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 Buffvamporigfan Slumdog Millionaire(2009) is obviously made by a British Man who shows India in the worst possible way. It’s because he’s kinda right. Nearly 30% of our country is in poverty.

Slumdog Millionaire(2009) is obviously made by a British Man who shows India in the worst possible way. It’s because he’s kinda right. Nearly 30% of our country is in poverty. Yeah guys I am Indian too…
submitted by Buffvamporigfan to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 xhasa_2004 Do you need to preprocess data fetched from APIs? CleanTweet makes it super simple!

Hey everyone,
If you've ever worked with text data fetched from APIs, you know it can be messy—filled with unnecessary symbols, emojis, or inconsistent formatting.
I recently came across this awesome library called CleanTweet that simplifies preprocessing textual data fetched from APIs. If you’ve ever struggled with cleaning messy text data (like tweets, for example), this might be a game-changer for you.
With just two lines of code, you can transform raw, noisy text (Image 1) into clean, usable data (Image 2). It’s perfect for anyone working with social media data, NLP projects, or just about any text-based analysis.
Check out the linkedln page for more updates
submitted by xhasa_2004 to nlp_knowledge_sharing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 LordJim11 It starts with the leaves, then the cartels move in.

It starts with the leaves, then the cartels move in. https://preview.redd.it/13mstuto5jee1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=41bceb700a6de8be0ffcd2b3227727942bf59e14
submitted by LordJim11 to Snorkblot [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 GiftedConfidant Gay🎉irl

Gay🎉irl submitted by GiftedConfidant to gay_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 mateushkush a very frustrating issue with Technics EAH-A800

Hello everyone,
For almost a year, I was a very happy user of the Technics EAH-A800 headphones—I had never owned headphones this good before. However, about two months ago, problems started to appear.
The first issue occurred when I ran to catch a bus: the headphones suddenly turned off with a very loud crashing noise. They disconnected and either powered off or restarted. Since then, this problem happens randomly. Sometimes it occurs while I’m moving, like climbing stairs, or even when I lift the headphones from my neck to my ears.
Another issue is that the left earcup occasionally makes a loud cracking noise, even when the headphones are turned off. This usually happens when I handle them, like when I’m taking them out of their case or turning the earcup around.
I have a warranty, so I sent the headphones in for repair—twice. Both times, the technicians said they couldn’t find any issues. I didn’t have access to the headphones for over 7 weeks, which was frustrating. When I got them back, the problems reappeared within the first few hours of use. However, the issues seem to happen intermittently, so I understand why they might not have detected them during testing.
Does anyone know what might be causing these issues or have any advice? I'm from the EU.
submitted by mateushkush to Technics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 MerelyABassist Gimme attention 🥺

i like drums
submitted by MerelyABassist to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 WorldExplorer-910 Best Parody

Best Parody Personally, my favorite parody series growing up was Robot Chicken. And in comparison to this list. My top three would go.
1) Robot Chicken 2) Spaceballs 3) Blue Harvet
submitted by WorldExplorer-910 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 Dense_Command363 I feel like I'm standing in my own way all the time. Is this reflected in my chart?

I feel like I'm standing in my own way all the time. Is this reflected in my chart? I'm super social, yet always feel disconnected from the world around me. Often get anxious and heart palpitations in public. Being perceived makes me trip over myself or drop stuff and I can feel it hurting me inside. I don't know how to properly make friends. I'm often objectified and people act as if they know me better than I know myself, which scares me because it's not true, but I also don't know how to deal with it.
submitted by Dense_Command363 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 AppropriateCream4205 Who voted their favorite/least favorite BFDI so far (Updated once AGAIN)

Who voted their favorite/least favorite BFDI so far (Updated once AGAIN) submitted by AppropriateCream4205 to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 AntiRogue69 Smash or pass with s.d. T

Smash or pass with s.d. T submitted by AntiRogue69 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 1994_Supreme .

. submitted by 1994_Supreme to Simplyyneida [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:37 WhalesEntertainment UPDATE NOTIFICATION

We'll be performing server maintenance on January 22nd from 11:40 to 13:40 (UTC) to improve game balance and address known issues, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. Please note that the maintenance may end earlier or take longer than expected, so plan your gameplay accordingly. We appreciate your patience and continued support!
Update details include:
New feature: Arena
  1. Plunder Arena&Training Arena
  2. Requirement for entering the Plunder Arena: the total number of remaining times of all AI cards in the current deck must be no less than 70 times. After the battle ends, the winner will receive 1-4 random cards from the defeated player based on the battle result.
  3. In Training Arena, the times of AI cards will not be consumed, no rewards or penalties for winning or losing. You can create or join a room at will to enjoy the fun of the battle.
New monthly VIP privileges:
Premium and ultimate monthly VIPs have new privileges related to the arena. Players who have purchased these two monthly cards will automatically activate the privileges.
Optimization & Fixes:
  1. Optimized card skill descriptions.
  2. Optimized AI card integration mechanism.
  3. Resolved other known bugs.
**For more details, please enter the game to experience.
submitted by WhalesEntertainment to CascadingStars [link] [comments]
