What scribes should I be using?

2025.01.22 11:51 ph-8 What scribes should I be using?

Hey guys, I'm really wanting to really customise my gunpla and I'm tossing up between the Ray Studio and the Dspiae ones.
Your experiences with them or any other suggestions are greatly appreciated!
submitted by ph-8 to advancedGunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 CriticalClyro Jodie Comer

Jodie Comer submitted by CriticalClyro to CelebThighs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 aplleshadewarrior Struggling to Make Money Online from Algeria

Hi everyone,
I’m a Master’s graduate from Algeria, jobless, and feeling completely stuck. I’ve been trying to make money online, but nothing works here – most platforms block my country, and I’m running out of hope.
I’m really depressed and desperate to find something that works. I just need to start earning, even a little, as soon as possible.
Please, if anyone has ideas or advice, I’d be so grateful
submitted by aplleshadewarrior to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Hottythotty15 CUM $EE ME

submitted by Hottythotty15 to sexnsanantonio [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Ok-Driver7647 👌 yeh. I’m ok..

👌 yeh. I’m ok.. submitted by Ok-Driver7647 to dank_meme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Accomplished-Car6193 Oracle Aktien nicht kaufbar?

Wollte heute Oracle kaufen aber meine Bank (Consorsbank) meldet Fehler. Das ginge nicht, weil ich nicht US Steuerrichtlinien unterliegen würde oder so. Kann das jemand erklären. Ich hab auch Amazon, Apple usw problemlos gekauft.
Danke für eure Hilfe
submitted by Accomplished-Car6193 to Aktien [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 ausbob The famous statue of Smokey

The famous statue of Smokey submitted by ausbob to BorderCollie [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Exile4444 Here in Ireland we are forecast to get a pretty bad storm on Friday. What can you tell me about it?

submitted by Exile4444 to meteorology [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 LaFlameHTX Emoji Keyboard is totally broken.

Emoji Keyboard is totally broken. I just wanted to point out and give a heads up to those that care about it: the emoji keyboard is broken since 18.1, the sticker emoji and sticker “off/on” toggle button doesn’t work on the Messages app, whether it’s on or off, you stickers will still show. Also if you search for a specific emoji and use it, it does not show on your “recently used” tab on any third party app you use your keyboard, like Reddit.
submitted by LaFlameHTX to ios [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 lasanhawithpizza Good morning everyone!

Good morning everyone! submitted by lasanhawithpizza to dankvideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 _May_Flower Count Dracula himself

Count Dracula himself submitted by _May_Flower to Catculations [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 _felipemazza Chrono Trigger DS. Legit?

Chrono Trigger DS. Legit? It does seem legit to me and it has a completed save file inside. Could you help me verifying?
submitted by _felipemazza to gameverifying [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 TouchAshamed5770 Somatic Anxiety (Portugal) - Glass Prison (EP 2025)

Debut release by this insidious, Black Metal-tinged Punk band.
Scornful hymns of primitive degradation, in the veins of gritty Anarcho and Garage Punk bands such as Rudimentary Peni, Bad Breeding Total Abuse, with some influence of BM's most unhinged negativity.
Songs of irreverent hate against modern alienation and numbness. For fans of the bands mentioned above, as well as acts like Bone Awl, Invunche, Falsa Luz etc.
Released on tape and digital via Croux Records.
Croux Records: https://crouxrecords.bandcamp.com/
submitted by TouchAshamed5770 to hardcorepunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 MsMeadows14 Trizeptide compound what dose did you start losing on ?

I should be getting mine in the mail in a week. Starting at 2.2 the first week then can try 4.4 if the week goes well. Will I notice the effects right away? What dose did you start losing on ? I was on Wegovy for two months and felt nothing so very excited to feel effects on this
submitted by MsMeadows14 to JoinMochiHealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 snooki4l Is $999/ month for a windowless room in Wampus worth it?

Hey guys, i signed a lease at the legacy on Rio in November for a windowless room, but now I’m hearing windowless is a bad idea. Rent is at a discounted rate for $999/ month in a 3x3 unit. It’s now listed at $1325/ month. Is it worth it not to have a window for $326/ month discount?
submitted by snooki4l to UTAustin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 AdventurousDrive4435 Movie 3

Movie 3 They’re now gonna be talking more about the progression in movie 3 finally.
submitted by AdventurousDrive4435 to RELLseas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Ok-Disaster-3963 Type of PLS Donate players which need to be talked about.

In the past few months, I've seen many people tall about bots and how much of a problem they are inside of the game. However, there is one type of player which have scammed way more robux than bots have.
This type of player are Rich Hunters.
Rich Hunters are a type of PLS Donate player who everyone should be careful about, as they can come in any type of raised amount (even 1,000,000+). They aim to use kind donator out of all of their robux by faking a friendship with the person just to scam them. They do this because of the live donation leaderboard ingame, making all big donatord an easy target for them sadly. In total, there has probably been over 50,000,000 robux scammed across all Rich Hunters inside of the game.
To spot a Rich Hunter, it's quite easy to notice. Here are some tips to notice a Rich hunter:

  1. How do they act? Did they enter the server after someone donated 1,000 to someone and is trying to talk to the donator?
  2. Gamepass Prices. Rich Hunters always use gamepass prices such as "1,999", "10,999" and other numbers around that type of price as their lowest pass.
These type of players are so easy to notice inside of the game, but sadly so many people have lost thousands of real life money by these slammers, even with one person who I heard about being banned from Roblox by their parents because of their spending. Thankfully, rich hunting can get you banned from the game and mods do work to get all rich hunters banned. You can help report rich hunters inside of the Hazem discord server inside of player-reports.
Have any of you noticed these type of players ingame before? Or had any of you have an experience with one of these players. If you want you can share your story.
submitted by Ok-Disaster-3963 to plsdonategame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Independent_Mess_ Best "Go" digital game for (offline and online), free/paid(0 ads) or websites.

Greetings Fellow Go Players. I am new to "Go" and also here.
I am Looking for best "Go" application (free or paid) and websites where I can play and watch some games and also can review games for understanding.
Cast your suggestions and knowledge here😌
submitted by Independent_Mess_ to baduk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 ViolaSmarty What’s a little thing you do to make your day feel special?

I’ve been trying this new thing where I light a candle every morning while I drink my coffee. It’s such a small habit, but it makes my mornings feel a little calmer and more intentional, even if I’m just sitting there scrolling through my phone. It got me thinking—what small rituals or habits do you have that make an ordinary day feel just a little more special? It can be anything—like playing your favorite song while getting ready or treating yourself to your favorite snack. I’d love to hear what works for you!
submitted by ViolaSmarty to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 legrandleon Costco MSI Aegis and RGB control

To those of you who got the MSI Aegis, can you change the RGB settings for the tower and keyboard that is comes with? I downloaded MSI Center and Mystic Light, but the software doesn't do anything at all. Am I doing something wrong or does this software simply not work for this prebuilt? Thanks for any help!
submitted by legrandleon to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Appropriate_Block822 No 4014 union pacific (big boy), or the good old 4468 mallard?

No 4014 union pacific (big boy), or the good old 4468 mallard? submitted by Appropriate_Block822 to trains [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 True_Cashier1 Guys i packed him. What are the odds?

Guys i packed him. What are the odds? submitted by True_Cashier1 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 FirstOil3672 Aclat interview

I feel soo stupid rn😭 I messed up the easiest interview possible. Soo what happened was I was asked the question why law to which I responded something along the lines of making an impact and then she proceeded to ask me which sector am I into and why. So I chose criminal and spoke about justice and fairness to which she asked whether I’d do pro bono and I agreed. This is the point from where everything went downhill… she asked how will I make money if I do pro bono, now the logical answer to this would be that I will do pro bono only for those in need whilst also taking up other cases to earn money. But instead of that my idiotic brain decided to say the most nonsensical thing.. ‘I’d earn through freelance’ as soon as it came out of my mouth I knew I fucked up. The thing is I DONT EVEN DO FREELANCE, it just sounds like I live in my own world thinking that haan kuch nai toh freelance karlenge criminal law ke side mein. After which the interviewer too looked confused and just ended the interview. I feel just feel sooo dumb 😭
submitted by FirstOil3672 to clat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 p_LoKi Feeling proud of my performance in this 5+0 game!

Feeling proud of my performance in this 5+0 game! Got 97% accuracy! Seeing how they was down on material, my opponent tried to look for tactics, threatening checkmates 2 times... but i kept everything solid and, ultimately, i calculated beforehand that with my Rb6+ (restraining the king) they couldn't advance on the 5th rank. Spot the only inaccuracy i did!
submitted by p_LoKi to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:51 Garbage_Cat3026 What is your True North?

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What values do you live by? No matter how simple or big of a commitment it is, share them with us below and how you maintain living with this values in mind.
submitted by Garbage_Cat3026 to selfdiscoverycompass [link] [comments]
