Цитата из Льва Толстого про Петра I, черновик к статье "Николай Палкин", конце 1880-х. Толстой начал писать ее после встречи с 95-летним солдатом, который рассказал ему, как били палками в строю во времена Николая I, и что солдаты прозвали царя Николай Палкин (вместо Павлыч).

2025.01.22 13:04 Fragrant_Ad_1604 Цитата из Льва Толстого про Петра I, черновик к статье "Николай Палкин", конце 1880-х. Толстой начал писать ее после встречи с 95-летним солдатом, который рассказал ему, как били палками в строю во времена Николая I, и что солдаты прозвали царя Николай Палкин (вместо Павлыч).

Льва Толстой, в конце 1880-х:
Зачем поминать старое? говорим мы. Но если уж не поминать, то и не поминали бы. Но это говорят только для того, чтобы, не поминая ужасы старого, продолжать ужасы настоящего в других формах. Они говорят не поминать, но не поминают только злодейств, а с тем большим усердием поминают выдуманные ими прелести старого времени и выдуманные доблести тех людей, которые производили эти ужасы -- только за тем, чтобы, закрасив ужасы прошедшего, закрасить ужасы и настоящего и убедить людей в их необходимости.
И несчастные молодые поколения вырастают под ложным представлением о том, что про все прежние ужасы поминать нечего, что они все выкуплены теми выдуманными благами, которые принесли ихе совершители, и делают заключение о том, что то же будет и с теперешними злодействами, что все это как-то выкупится, как выкупилось прежнее.
С Петра I начинаются особенно поразительные и особенно близкие и понятные нам ужасы русской истории.
Беснующийся, пьяный, сгнивший от сифилиса зверь 1/4 столетия губит людей, казнит, жжет, закапывает живых в землю, заточает жену, распутничает, мужеложствует, пьянствует, сам забавляясь рубит головы, кощунствует, ездит с подобием креста из чубуков в виде детородных членов и подобиями Евангелий — ящиком с водкой славить Христа, т. е. ругаться над верою, коронует блядь свою и своего любовника, разоряет Россию и казнит сына и умирает от сифилиса, и не только не поминают его злодейств, но до сих пор не перестают восхваления доблестей этого чудовища, и нет конца всякого рода памятников ему.
После него начинается ряд ужасов и безобразий, подобных его царствованию, одна блудница за другой бесчинствуют на престоле -- мучает и губит народ и заставляет одних мучать других, и воцаряется без всяких прав на престол, мужеубийца, ужасающая своим развратом блудница, дающая полный простор зверства своим переменяющимся любовникам, и все ужасы — казни, убийство мужа, мучения и убийство законного наследника, закрепощение половины России, войны, развращение и разорение народа, все забывается и до сих пор восхваляется какое-то величие, мудрость, чуть не нравственная высота этой мерзкой бляди. Мало того, что восхваляют ее, восхваляют ее зверей-любовников. То же с отцеубийцей Александром. То же с Палкиным. Все забыто. И выдуманы несуществующие доблести и заслуги для отечества.
submitted by Fragrant_Ad_1604 to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 I_Have_No_Name_00 Favorite/least Favorite episodes

Just wanted to throw this out here.
Which episodes do you most like/most dislike?
My favorite episode was Silence is Golden because it dealt with the subject of child abuse in a serious manner.
submitted by I_Have_No_Name_00 to fullhouse [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Rauffenburg INC believes Felix Manalo is God's Messenger based on a misinterpretation of "ends of the earth" (Isaiah 41:9, 43:6)

INC believes Felix Manalo is God's Messenger based on a misinterpretation of submitted by Rauffenburg to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Sea_Kick_9786 What niche should be chosen in freelancing for a short time period?

I have 0 knowledge of this so apologies if i say something wrong or use the wrong statement
So I'm majoring in Psychology and my future goal is to choose clinical field but rn my family won't allow me to practice, so I'm thinking of freelancing to earn some money and after that i can move out or away from here and carry on with my further studies, I've been told to either choose ux/ui design or content writing as both would help me somehow in my field too but I'm looking for an expert opinion on anyone who can guide me in this.
submitted by Sea_Kick_9786 to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 ExploreTheChateau Bordeaux Wines

Can you give me some honest feedback on my first virtual winery visit? It’s a hiking journey in Bordeaux, pinnacle is the Chateau Puyfromage 🤩🇫🇷🍷
submitted by ExploreTheChateau to wine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 slowgo321 Need help!!

Need help!! Having owning this car for about 6 months now I notice the coolant reservoir keeps dropping, when I first bought the car it was half of full and min, currently when cold from over night it’s just above minimum mark. It’s Honda blue coolant, am planning to do a coolant drain because not sure if the coolant was ever changed in Japan and the vehicle currently has 101,xxx KM, so am planning to fill with Preston 50/50 You guys have any idea what may cause that Please note that I live in a tropical country with temperatures ranging from 26c to 35c
submitted by slowgo321 to hondafit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 vilomstren Dental Plans Promo Code for January 2025

Check out the link for Dental Plans Promo Code for January 2025. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by vilomstren to MementoOffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Proper_Mine5635 part 2!!! im ready for alll this piping hot tea 🫖 (backstory: Maris former horse trainer is exposing her on tiktok) 😂💀

part 2!!! im ready for alll this piping hot tea 🫖 (backstory: Maris former horse trainer is exposing her on tiktok) 😂💀 submitted by Proper_Mine5635 to MariLlewellynSnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 ficvasepi Jurlique Promo Code for January 2025

Check out the link for Jurlique Promo Code for January 2025. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by ficvasepi to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Ilovehmradio #TodayinMetal • Jan 22nd 2021 • #Therion unleashed “Leviathan”! 🎸💿 Our Pick: “Tuonela” — what’s yours? Pass or Play? 🤘 #SymphonicMetal #ILoveHeavyMetalRadio

#TodayinMetal • Jan 22nd 2021 • #Therion unleashed “Leviathan”! 🎸💿 Our Pick: “Tuonela” — what’s yours? Pass or Play? 🤘 #SymphonicMetal #ILoveHeavyMetalRadio submitted by Ilovehmradio to ILoveHeavyMetalRadio [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 phxees Trump administration orders all federal DEI staff be put on leave

Trump administration orders all federal DEI staff be put on leave submitted by phxees to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 RogueBalt Advice regarding Bowers & Wilkins sound system for Volvo V90

Hello! I bought my 2017 Volvo V90 used and it was equipped with a Bowers & Wilkins audio system, and sadly, today, one of the passenger side tweeters blew out weirdly enough, and I'd like to fix this issue.
From what I could find, a "used" B&W replacement tweeter costs around 300 EUR, which is costly for just one tweeter.
I also found a DLS front system for the Volvo V90, which in total costs around as much, as one B&W tweeter, and they even promise an upgrade from the B&W system.
Could someone, please, advise me on the best course of fixing this issue as cheap as possible, while still (hopefully) maintaining the sound quality in my car?
submitted by RogueBalt to Volvo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 hernankukal Bajo el Gobierno de Milei, el repelente vale la mitad que en 2024 y no hay mosquitos

Bajo el Gobierno de Milei, el repelente vale la mitad que en 2024 y no hay mosquitos submitted by hernankukal to argentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Proper-Chemical-4106 NFLX short 20x

15:30 werden die Amis bestimmt ihre Gewinne auszahlen
submitted by Proper-Chemical-4106 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 ferry_barbam Oh Genius

Oh Genius https://preview.redd.it/9943htg5njee1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2c3d1aa859ae22175d7a9ea4feedb18487d44a0
submitted by ferry_barbam to BlackCountryNewRoad [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Any_Arachnid5016 Just improvising with my male clothes :3

Just improvising with my male clothes :3 submitted by Any_Arachnid5016 to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 OkContribution2574 First Round Interview Test

Hello guys, I got shortlisted for the first round of an interview in ZS Associates. I received an email from HR this Monday(20/01/2025) that I will be receiving the test link with a deadline to finish it before 22/01/2025 but I didn't get any email until now. I have checked my spam folder as well, there are no emails. I tried connecting with the HR on LinkedIn but they are not responding. Any ideas on how to proceed? Can anyone from this sub help me?
submitted by OkContribution2574 to zs_associates [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Hot_Process_6678 Need more romantic films with Dulquer Salmaan

Dulquer Salmaan is undoubtedly the best actor currently capable of pulling off romantic films in Malayalam, and there is a serious scarcity of romantic films in Malayalam cinema. I wish he does a romantic film in Malayalam in the near future
submitted by Hot_Process_6678 to InsideMollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 MaliTNWOK hi im high 21f

submitted by MaliTNWOK to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 2nick101 Do you think people underestimate similarities between these two countries?

Do you think people underestimate similarities between these two countries? submitted by 2nick101 to AskMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Plus_Caterpillar3731 Why doesn’t it work

I'm having the game for more than a year and I can't unlock moccas home or town hall. I tried to talk to them many times but I don't know what am I doing not wright
submitted by Plus_Caterpillar3731 to TsukiOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 xander170309 Guys this ain't funny

Guys this ain't funny submitted by xander170309 to speedbattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 peligronordic Failure again

I relapsed again. I couldn’t hold back and I have disappointed myself. All the commitments i had made before now make no sense. I look like an idiot right now. But jeez, I will surely get better and overcome this really bad addiction of mine.
submitted by peligronordic to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 ciomi9 (QC) Yeezy 350 V1 PB & TD (lin777.ph from shopee)

hi. can someone comment on these pirate black & turtle dove? Seller (lin777.ph from shopee) said that these are a LW batch. kindly check the url below. thanks!
submitted by ciomi9 to RepsneakersDogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:04 Cryptwood Your Elegant Designs?

Do you have some element of your game that you think is especially elegant that you would like to share? Or talk about some design in a game you've read/run that you think is particularly elegant?
What do I mean by elegant design? For me elegant design is when a rule or mechanic is relatively simple, easy to remember, and serves multiple purposes simultaneously.
Example from my WIP
I have something I'm calling the Stakes Pool. My WIP is a pulp action adventure and I wanted a way to have that moment where a character doesn't realize they've been hurt until after the action is over ("Oh...it appears I've been shot"). So, the GM takes any damage dice from Threats the PCs don't avoid and add it to the Stakes pool, which is rolled when the scene is over. But I also wanted there to be a way for a character to be knocked out during a scene, so the Stakes pool has a limit of how many dice can be added to it. When it reaches the limit it gets rolled immediately and reset.
Separately I wanted a way to limit how severely PCs could be injured. I'm trying to emulate action movie and the main character doesn't die in the first 20 minutes of a movie, but it could be possible to die in the climactic final scene. I then realized that the Stakes pool having a limit on how many dice can be added means the Stakes pool has a limit on how severely PCs can be injured. By starting the limit low it makes it so that PCs can only receive inconveniencing injuries to start, and as the limit increases it literally increases the stakes for the players, until the limit is high enough for death to be a possibility.
Now I'm playing around with the idea of the players interacting directly with the Stakes. Maybe if they escalate a scene by using lethal force it raises the Stakes. Or they can deliberately expose their character to danger, raising the Stakes, in order to get a bigger reward.

"The villain jumped out of the plane with the relic? I jump out after them! I'll try to reduce my air resistance so I can catch up, and then I'll try to wrestle both the relic and the parachute away from the villain."
submitted by Cryptwood to RPGdesign [link] [comments]
