上两条评论直接来源于字典解释,我以自己的理解来阐述一下其中的逻辑: 上两个回答,字典定义中提到的Henry Harrison Suplee 就是在他关于汽轮机的设计制造中提出的这一概念,这其中有一定的必然性: Out of Memory的意思是电脑内存不足。这是一个常见的计算机错误提示,表明系统或程序在尝试使用更多内存时,发现可用的内存 ... SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容comments是问你对期刊或编辑有何建议。范围很广,可以表明自己投文章的立场,如本论文是作者花费了足够时间和精力完成的,从未发表过,在申请贵期刊间,不会考虑别的期刊等等。 other ,the other,others,the others,another五个的区别other ,the other,others,the others,another五个的区别是:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同1、other的含义是:另外;其他;(指两个人或 Survival Evolved跟Survival Of The Fittest有什么区别?一、载体不同1、Survival Evolved:《方舟:生存进化(Ark: Survival Evolved)》是一款开放世界的以恐龙为主题的游戏,游戏采用虚幻4引擎打造,画面出彩,题 本文旨在解析与case相关的四个短语:in case、in the case、in case of和in the case of,在论文写作中的准确应用。 C# ,报错Index was outside the bounds of the array如何解决数组下标越界了,比如,int[] a=new int[5],然后你写a[5]=10,因为a数组最后一个是a[4],下标超出范围了,就报错。 编辑的意思是看到你的标题(包括空格)已经超过70个字符,感觉有一点长,影响文章标题的易读性,建议你取一个running title,也就是短标题,能够让读者快速的了解文章的主要内容,这只是一个建议,是否修改原标题以及是否取一个短标题看你自己的决定。 last but not least 这是惯用法,least 前不加the,但是在口语中经常会出现加the的现象,这说明严谨的用法(不加the)常用于书面体,而非严谨的用法(加the)常用于口语。 正在写SCI的小伙伴看到这篇回答有福了!作为一个在硕士阶段发表了4篇SCI(一区×2,二区×2)的人,本回答就好好给你唠唠究竟该如何撰写Declaration of interest利益声明部分。
2025.01.22 13:46 tempjoshtemp [OC] The Leviathan 🎣
Drawing the DT2 bosses to celebrate getting my blood Torva. Who should I do next?
submitted by tempjoshtemp to 2007scape [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 ArgumentFrequent1423 Highlights of BITE Data screening list updates from the past 7 days
Tuesday, January 21st, 2025: Highlights of BITE Data screening list updates from the past 7 days. Check out the latest screening list updates in our app and summarized on our website for: - Product and Commodity Control list updates - Restricted Party Screening List updates - High Risk & Cyber Entities from around the world Additional detail on our data set updates is available at :https://www.bitedata.io/ For access to the full records and additional trade intelligence, start a 14 day free trial whenever you want at: https://app.bitedata.io https://preview.redd.it/xzwjodguujee1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=36c482dd650503db3582044395fcecf09a7c58d7 submitted by ArgumentFrequent1423 to BITE_RegTech [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 Any-Sock5274 nCore meghívó
Szép jó napot kívánok mindenkinek!
Egy kis kéréssel fordulok hozzátok, remélve, hogy akad itt valaki, aki segíteni tud. Ha esetleg valakinek van egy szabad nCore meghívója, amelyet megosztana velem, azt igazán hálásan fogadnám. Tudom, hogy az ilyen meghívók értékesek és nagy bizalmat igényelnek, ezért biztosíthatlak, hogy a legnagyobb tisztelettel és felelősséggel használnám.
submitted by Any-Sock5274 to hungary [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 louied91 ONAR Announces ONAR LABS and Commercialization of Proprietary AI Marketing Platform Already Generating Results Across $200M+ in Cumulative Client Revenue
News Link: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/onar-announces-onar-labs-and-commercialization-of-proprietary-ai-marketing-platform-already-generating-results-across-200m-in-cumulative-client-revenue-302356835.html
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 22, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- ONAR (OTCQB: RELT) today announced the launch of ONAR Labs, the company's pioneering technology incubator, and unveiled its first product offering - Cortex, an AI-powered marketing intelligence platform that has been powering the company's agency network, was developed by Storia, and will become available to companies via subscription.
ONAR Labs, established as the company's dedicated innovation hub, will focus on developing and commercializing proprietary marketing technology solutions that have been battle-tested across ONAR's network of agencies. The launch of Cortex marks the first of several planned technology releases aimed at transforming how businesses leverage AI for marketing success.
"Cortex represents years of development and refinement across our agency portfolio," said Claude Zdanow, CEO of ONAR. "What began as an internal tool that drove exceptional results for our clients is now evolving into a commercial platform that will help enterprises remove marketing uncertainty and drive measurable growth through AI-powered intelligence."
Cortex's capabilities include:
2025.01.22 13:46 Think_Success_4049 Locknar - Club Hellfire
submitted by Think_Success_4049 to TrollCoping [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 c206endeavour Can you use ion engines for landers/hoppers?
Like to throttle down to land and power up for ascent.
submitted by c206endeavour to rocketry [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 Ted_Bundtcake Stabilised footage of the Bigfoot film from 1967.
submitted by Ted_Bundtcake to interestingasfuck [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 Dizzy_Improvement861 Purchase order automation shopify
How do I automatically upload my invoice to shopify so the purchase order is automatically filled out, without me adding the items one by one? For the Purchase order I need the SKU, the quantity and costs to be uploaded automatically. Unfortunatly Stocky app is not an option as our current plan doesnt cover this.
submitted by Dizzy_Improvement861 to ShopifySEO [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 hn122 Move back in with parents or try life on my own ?
Recently my (27F) husband (26M) decided he would like a divorce. As much as I love him, we have tried and if this is really what he wants then I won’t fight it anymore. However, he is the breadwinner, so divorcing will uproot my life as I cannot afford most things by myself with the job I have but if I was determined, I could make it work.
We have agreed to just continue living together in our 2Bedroom Apartment until our lease is up at the end of August, just each taking a separate bedroom and bathroom , and figuring things out from there.
I’m currently trying to figure out some kind of plan for myself after that. I could move back in with my parents for a bit, to save up some more money, and keep my same job, just working in their corporate office instead of the branch I work at ( they live 2 hours away). I think I could handle having to live with my family again for awhile, especially because I wouldn’t need to worry about rent or food while trying to figure out the next steps of my life and what I really want. The big issue is how much I hate working in that office. I do my job well and have never gotten any negative feedback while working in the branch I’m currently at, but working in the other office is just a culture i don’t enjoy, constantly feeling like my boss is looking over my shoulder , having to wear business casual again since it’s a little more professional up there, and the drive there from my parents house is on the longer side but I’ve done it before years ago so I could handle all of this if I really needed to. It’s just not my preference because I like my life in the city I live now and it’s just another thing that would be changing with this divorce. However, I feel like it might be the smartest decision with saving money and taking stress off my shoulders for a bit .
But another option is I could just find a really cheap 1 bedroom, probably wouldn’t be in the best area, but it would be my own place for once. I might have to pick up a part time job to cover more of rent depending on what I can find, and I’m not against doing this if I really have to. It might be nice to do this by myself , to have that sense of accomplishment and having my own space, as I have never lived by myself and at 27 , I feel like I might need to do this , grow up a little more and figure my stuff out. But I know it probably wouldn’t be the smartest decision for my finances, I obviously wouldn’t have $ for extras & like I said, I might even need to get a part time job on the side.
If this was a movie , it would be me being by myself for the first time, finding myself etc etc, but this is real life and in those movies, it’s not really about survival.
Obviously this is my own choice and I have some time before I need to figure it out. But I’m curious what other people would do in my spot ? I’m lucky to have options like this as I know not a lot of people do. Is it dumb for me to not want to have to go back to my parents and be broke by myself ? Or should I suck it up and live with them for awhile ? Or a secret 3rd option ? I could try living with a roommate as well , honestly just not sure what the right move is here
submitted by hn122 to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 Affectionate-Log-367 [XBOX] [RIVEN] [PRICE CHECK]
submitted by Affectionate-Log-367 to wartrade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 WorkWallisWorkValais MITARBEITER/IN SUPPORT E-COMMERCE
submitted by WorkWallisWorkValais to work_im_wallis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 Responsible_Expert92 Aerox 3 firmware update
My aerox 3 does not glide on my black mousepad after i updated it’s firmware and i i don’t know how to use the older firmware I tried older version of steelseries gg but it’s still the same
submitted by Responsible_Expert92 to steelseries [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 bilgesem Nbase En Kaliteli Marka Merck Premium Ürün Çeşitleri
submitted by bilgesem to goldenkimyacom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 mrwryt Nostalgic on a Wednesday michaelpwright.com
submitted by mrwryt to MichaelPWright [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 Own_Elk4947 Unable to Create a Facebook Page for Ads
I opened a Facebook account for my business 1 week ago to manage and run ad campaigns (mainly on Instagram) through Facebook Manager. However, I can’t create ads because it says I need to create a Facebook page, add a payment method, and verify my phone number. I’ve already verified my phone number and added a payment method, but I’m unable to create a Facebook page, and I can’t figure out why. I keep getting the message: "There was a problem creating your Page. Please try creating your Page again." If anyone has experienced this issue or knows how to solve it, please let me know. Thank you!
submitted by Own_Elk4947 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 BIGEPH3 Some pictures in beacon hill I took on my Olympus
submitted by BIGEPH3 to loughborough [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 Mahjester Thoughts on my [[Captain N'ghathrod]] deck?
More specifically: - [[Uchuulon]] vs [[Syr Konrad, the grim]] - Basic land adjustment (11-9 currently) - Utility lands adjustment
In general, I have the cards from the Mindflayarrrs commander deck. Potentially looking into getting [[Maddening Cacophany]], [[Grindstone]], [[Altar of the Brood]], [[The Mindskinner]], [[Ancient Cellarspawn]], [[Silent Hallcreeper]], and [[Ruin Crab]]. But not sure how urgent/what to replace.
submitted by Mahjester to BudgetBrews [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 Rainerless Completed Skyrim
Got all of the achievements in Skyrim submitted by Rainerless to skyrim [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 Unit-00 Premature and Call in chaos turbo
I'm a little surprised these cards aren't run at all in any lists. I understand the anti synergy with the chaos monsters removing the graveyard but you can also reborn those if the opponent ever kills them.
I'm sure people have done the work and figured out that it's not worth it to run them but it still doesn't sit right with me. They're like the only 2 powerhouse cards the deck doesn't run and special summoning is so powerful in goat. Idk I'm probably going to have to test this myself
submitted by Unit-00 to Goat_Format [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:46 surveycircle_bot Communication Skills
submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 isacore What pest is this? 😭
I noticed a few spots on my Epiphyllum but thought it was just sun damage as it's on my balcony and we're in the middle of the summer. Cut to today and the whole thing is infested. Can it be saved? submitted by isacore to houseplants [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 ReyMadrileno Eva Murati
submitted by ReyMadrileno to BalkanBeauty [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 Hopeful_Ad7376 Tam olarak 31000 karma şerefine galerinizi boşaltın
submitted by Hopeful_Ad7376 to vlandiya [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 Ram_Anupoju Ex89..🔥❤️
submitted by Ram_Anupoju to asics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:46 arg0NNY Arcane is a perfect setup for Timebomb-centric narrative as a whole, S2E7 is just a fuse
Many fans interpret S2E7 as a setup for Timebomb, but in reality, it’s Arcane as a whole that lays the groundwork. Jinx and Ekko have barely shared two scenes focused solely on them across both seasons. These moments, though brief, were absolutely essential, as they carried some of the most significant weight in the narrative—they simply couldn’t have been omitted. Yet, both scenes were deliberately cut to the bare minimum. S2 confirmed this intentional approach by revealing a missing piece from the bridge fight scene, offering a glimpse into the state of their relationship at the time. This was crucial for understanding the dynamic between MU Ekko and AU Jinx that was about to happen. But even then, the creators held back, leaving much more to interpretation, as suggested by a highly plausible theory about Ekko’s actions following the bridge fight. The creators have been deliberate in withholding other interactions between Jinx and Ekko. We don’t know how close they truly were or what moments they shared throughout their journey—from their childhood to where they ended up in the finale. S2E9 reinforces this intentional ambiguity. The showrunners were willing to omit one of Jinx’s most significant character transformations just to avoid revealing details about her relationship with Ekko. This level of restraint wasn’t applied to her relationship with Silco or Isha. As it wasn't applied with any other relationships between the main characters in the story. And now, here we are. We have two intricately connected, beautifully crafted characters whose stories feel complete, yet remain shrouded in mystery. If a Timebomb-centric narrative is the direction they’re heading, then the setup has been executed flawlessly. They allowed themselves to lean into the events that we have already seen, yet showing it from a whole new perspective, even by simply extending the existing scenes, deliberately left incomplete in the first place. S2E7 serves as the perfect fuse for the bomb they’ve planted, ignited by the large fanbase it has inspired, now timed to explode. The rest is in their hands. submitted by arg0NNY to TimeBomb [link] [comments] |