Trump signs executive order removing EO 11246, that was signed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965 and has protected employees of businesses seeking federal contracts from discrimination ever since. You can tell that the oligarchy has really gotten their hold time, if Trump didnt touch it term 1 and now....

2025.01.22 13:44 FrontBench5406 Trump signs executive order removing EO 11246, that was signed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965 and has protected employees of businesses seeking federal contracts from discrimination ever since. You can tell that the oligarchy has really gotten their hold time, if Trump didnt touch it term 1 and now....

Trump signs executive order removing EO 11246, that was signed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965 and has protected employees of businesses seeking federal contracts from discrimination ever since. You can tell that the oligarchy has really gotten their hold time, if Trump didnt touch it term 1 and now.... submitted by FrontBench5406 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Humble_Hat_2062 UnnamedMemory

Ok, so I had forgotten I read this series a while back, but with season 2 it made me do some digging. Is After the end have a physical English copy?
submitted by Humble_Hat_2062 to UnnamedMemory [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 trevor25 Hubble tension is now in our cosmic backyard, sending cosmology into crisis

Hubble tension is now in our cosmic backyard, sending cosmology into crisis submitted by trevor25 to space [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 _crazyboyhere_ Elon and his weird obsession with her.

Elon and his weird obsession with her. submitted by _crazyboyhere_ to facepalm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 TheAquafinaWater Do I have possible pssd or just stressed?

So I took 5mg for two days and decided I did not want to take it anymore
Anyway it’s been 3 days and I still have insane insomnia I can only sleep for like an hour and my genitals are numb and I lose my erection really fast which use to never happen
Are the meds just still cycling out of my body or am I looking at long term effects?
submitted by TheAquafinaWater to lexapro [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Dependent_Level_8489 Found in my terrarium

Found in my terrarium Found this little bug on my terrarium was really tiny but just wondering what it is
submitted by Dependent_Level_8489 to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 ChoiceAffectionate72 Business Management HL paper 3 November 2024

Does anyone have access to November 2024 Paper 3 or any feedback about it please it would be really helpful
submitted by ChoiceAffectionate72 to IBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Lost-Professor5074 Samsung Galaxy S25

Hallo Freunde, heute Abend um 19 Ihr ist es ja auch bei Samsung mal wieder soweit und die neuen Smartphones werden vorgestellt. Da es wie bei Apple ja mittlerweile auch kaum noch spektakuläre Änderungen gibt, eher ignorieren oder trotzdem mit nem kleinen Hebel reingehen und mitnehmen was kommt? Weil solange das jetzt nicht schlechter wird als das 24, wird der Kurs ja wohl kaum stark fallen, da mit ner großen Änderung sowieso keiner rechnet oder?
submitted by Lost-Professor5074 to Aktien [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Prior_Priority_325 Mothers Who feel overwhelmed

I Will try here. Im a coach but I want to help mothers or women Who feel: tired, depressed, overwhelmed or just alone. I Will be one to just listen, give advice if needed. I will just be here for YOU!
As a mother of 5 children its something I wished I had when I dealt with difficult time where I felt so alone.
I will be available in text in WhatsApp, email or telegram. Whatever suits you best.
I will just be a virtual/online friend and coach.
I use paypal and take 10$ each Day (so we can write as much you need that day), if the price is too high send me DM and we can lower it. Most important is to support YOU ❤️
submitted by Prior_Priority_325 to selfcare [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 PositiveSong2293 From Artificial to Extraterrestrial: Scientists Reveal the Fundamental Limits of Life

submitted by PositiveSong2293 to Alien_Theory [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Otritet Always Susan.

Always Susan. submitted by Otritet to MemeVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 JoreDoor First look on the New Map !

First look on the New Map ! submitted by JoreDoor to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 R3N1GM4 Upcoming Chat Pile collaborator Hayden Pedigo featured in 2021 doc

Upcoming Chat Pile collaborator Hayden Pedigo featured in 2021 doc Not sure where this is available to watch, but it debuted at SXSW a few years back, and seems like a really interesting watch. If any of you Chat Rats find it, let me know what you think!
submitted by R3N1GM4 to ChatPile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 TinyPinkElefants I know you guys hate refunds but I sold jewelry that tarnished/turned black

So I sell jewelry on marketplace, and I have a few people I get it from (local stores with too much stock). I always ask for stainless steel. I then raise the price a little and sell it.
I have this one lady who bought from me 6 times in a month. Now she is claiming the jewelry is turning black and is not steel.
It does appear that it may not be steel now that I have photos of the tarnish. And now I am doubting the person I got it from. They said it was steel, but anyone can say anything. To me it didn't seem cheap alloy, but it also isn't expensive stuff. I sell for $10 or less per piece. Lots of steel is pretty cheap where I live so I never thought much of it because it isn't gold or something.
However I don't know if this is a case where a refund IS valid?
Because honestly the provider sells it as steel so I sell it as steel. End of story. I do not have a metal-testing lab. Some of it comes marked with a little tag saying steel. Not all of it does though.
I asked the person who sold me it and they said its steel (this is how it comes labelled to them) and that there are different qualities to steel and these items have gold plating and are affordable/costume jewelry and not precious metals and that my buyer shouldn't expect lifelong wear.
But the buyer says her steel jewelry lasts for years and years and this did not. And it isn't the first time I have heard that steel should last for years.
I'm conflicted. She has bought a lot from me so I don't want to lose business but also...I don't want to refund a bunch of stuff when I didn't purposefully sell an alloy (but may have).
Now I am concerned people will start coming to complain as the items tarnish or change colour.
I cannot guarantee the item's material but almost everyone asks for steel and that's why I say steel and buy steel. So if I say "maybe steel maybe alloy" I won't have any business. This whole thing worked because people want steel.
I did a quick look online and found lots of websites reselling junk from Shein as their own or as steel. I also found multiple items listed on one page as steel, another as zinc, another as at that rate how is the provider going to know and how am I going to know?
Help with any ideas please.
submitted by TinyPinkElefants to FacebookMarketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Psimo- What dates for mid and late Game if you have more than x1 costs?

Talking in another thread, I mentioned that I usually run with x3 tech and tradition costs because I prefer a slower game.
But what dates to use for the mid and late Game? Too early and I get steamrolled by the crisis. Too late and it’s the other way.
But maybe I’m just having a good/bad run?
Anyone else who runs slower games, what dates do you use?
submitted by Psimo- to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 hierosolymam Éxodo 23:5

Éxodo 23:5 Si ves caído bajo la carga el asno del que te aborrece, no rehúses tu ayuda. Acude a ayudarle. Éxodo 23:5 Biblia de Jerusalén
submitted by hierosolymam to hierosolymam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Other_Equal7663 Does Zote die in deepnest if you don't save him?

Hello, I've heard that Zote the Mighty will die if you don't save him the first time you find him. However, when crossing deepnest, I saw him in danger through a wall and never found access to him. It's been 20 more hours of gameplay since, and he has yet to show his pretty little face. Did I lose him to the spuders?
submitted by Other_Equal7663 to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Kind-Cauliflower1692 Demographics, stigma, and knowledge: Their influence on attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help (18+)

Hi everyone! I am a fourth-year Psychology student in Dublin City University and I’m looking to invite people to participate in my research study. I am examining the influence that demographics, stigma, and knowledge can have on attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Your participation in this survey will be anonymous, and all responses will be kept confidential.
Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Aged 18+
  2. You are not currently diagnosed with a mental health condition
  3. You are not currently receiving professional psychological support
Duration: Approximately 15-20 minutes
Participation is completely voluntary. If you’re interested in taking part, please click the link below to complete the survey:
Thank you so much!
submitted by Kind-Cauliflower1692 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 BLACK_JALIM India, US in talks to schedule Modi-Trump meeting next month: Sources - CNBC TV18

India, US in talks to schedule Modi-Trump meeting next month: Sources - CNBC TV18 submitted by BLACK_JALIM to geopolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Didydi I did a thing

I did a thing submitted by Didydi to CrabChampions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Purple_Doughnut4279 250122 BOYNEXTDOOR on TikTok

250122 BOYNEXTDOOR on TikTok submitted by Purple_Doughnut4279 to BOYNEXTDOOR_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Outrageous-Team8241 Guys, I need help on re-growing my long hair back. Last haircut messed up my hair.

Hello everyone,
so I had long hair for last couple of years and eventually got bored with it and wanted a change, had it cut short after the new year. It's currently about 1 inch on top with faded sides. That would not be a problem, I grew my hair out from such a short cut before too. BUT this time the barber didn't do a very good job and 'touched up' the hair with thinning scissors on the top and the tips of the hair feel rough and not nice. That could be a problem if it's a damage. So I'm wondering what to do with it. Wait for half a year or so and then get it slightly trimmed or let it just be? I'd like to go back to my shoulders length hair I was rocking before. It took me roughly 2 years to grow out last time with no trims. But if my ends are messed up by the thinning scissors, then it would probably good to get it trimmed in between?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Outrageous-Team8241 to FierceFlow [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 Flashy_Handle_8376 22 s1 paper

22 s1 paper submitted by Flashy_Handle_8376 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 PrinceIgwe Proper offset tracking on RabbitMQ Stream using Pika package.

Hello everyone. I'm working on a project made up of a set of microservices, each with the Django framework, and I have an issue with tracking offset from a specific point.
So recently, and delved into the messaging tool, and I learnt that a stream has retention policies you can apply, and messages published are stored in stream segment files created in the stream as you publish.
I learnt about offset tracking too which helps a consumer consume messages that it missed during its downtime, and you can also provide the offset number you want the consumer to resume from on startup, you just have to find a way to store the offset number for the consumer to work with. This is where my issue comes in... I'm able to set my offset for each consumer, based on the number of messages already published to the stream. And with the max-length-bytes retention policy, you can set the maximum amount of bytes you want your stream to hold.
x-stream-max-segment-size-bytes allows you to set the max number of bytes you want each segment file to hold. The consumer offset number is to sync with the number of messages in the stream. In the case where the stream reaches its max byte amount and the oldest segment file is removed from it, how can the consumer take note of this? Example: 1 stream can hold 10 segment files. I segment file can hold about 3 messages Therefore a stream can hold a max of 30 messages.
Then we have a consumer that increases its offset number for each message it acks, this number is stored in its database. For each new message publisher, the number of messages in the stream increases, the consumer consumes and acks it and increases it own number as well. This way, whenever the consumer restarts new messages that were not acked will be consumed.
In the case where a stream file is deleted because of the stream max policy, the number of messages in the stream now becomes 7, but the offset number stored by the consumer is still 10. Because of this, when a new message is published, the consumer won't recognise that there is a new message to work with.
Whenever the oldest stream file is deleted and there is a change in the number of messages in the stream, how does the consumer notices this and resets its offset to 7?
I hope you the reader understands. I really took out time to explain it well.🫠
submitted by PrinceIgwe to learnpython [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:44 xxxz23zxxx My photos: from the Top of the WTC, 1999.

My photos: from the Top of the WTC, 1999. 8th grade class field trip, May 1999.
submitted by xxxz23zxxx to TwinTowersInPhotos [link] [comments]