2025.01.22 13:55 Upstairs_Barracuda67 Meta forcing people to follow JD Vance and Trump
submitted by Upstairs_Barracuda67 to h3h3productions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 Narrow-Most-8256 قصة تعارفكم على صديقكم الإلكتروني ؟
لما أسمع بالصداقات الإلكترونية أتساءل شلون تصير، لأني ما عندي حياة وأقضي وقت كثير على السوشال ميديا ومع ذلك ولا مره تعرفت على شخص وصرنا "أصدقاء"، ومرات أسمع بصداقات إلكترونية قوووية يعني يعرفون كل شيء عن بعض ويسافرون عشان يقابلون بعض، ليه ذا الشيء ما يصير لي وجع
من تحليلي أظن السبب يكون إنهم يحبون شيء معين، مثلًا أنمي، لعبة، فن معين ثم يصيرون صدق أصحاب ؟ مدري، أنا ما عندي شيء أحبه ولا أنتمي لمجموعة معينة ممكن هذا هو السبب
عمومًا عطونا قصصكم :)
submitted by Narrow-Most-8256 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 G0_0NIE When you encounter a complex tower stage with only Helena + B.V Morphea and a few scraps
Sometimes you have to lock in submitted by G0_0NIE to BrownDust2Official [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 jamieisthebad Got this from a 4 star lucky box
submitted by jamieisthebad to ClashRoyale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 tadisc Griddle Recommendations
Hi folks - I am doing a remodel of my kitchen, and something I have dreamed about is having a built in griddle that can be used with metal utensils. However, there are a few cons I see to this:
- Costly - Takes up space that's not always used - Dirty without a hood over it
So I'm considering just buying something portable - however I would rather avoid something non-stick that I can't use metal spatulas on. I'd also like something large that can do a lot of things at once. Does anyone have any suggestions for something that might fit that bill?
submitted by tadisc to Appliances [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 SnooMemesjellies5967 How serious could these symptoms be?
My (46F) close friend S (49M) has felt very ill for over 9 weeks (since before Thanksgiving). He has opted to "wait it out" rather than "waste money and time" on seeing a doctor. I am extremely concerned and am posting here in the hope that a medical expert can weigh in on what his symptoms may indicate. If S's assessment seems reasonable I would be ausaged, if not then your responses may provide us more information or encourage him to seek medical attention.
Since late November he has felt sick to his stomach daily. We live together and spend nearly every evening together after work. He has mentioned frequent or near constant nausea, occasional vomiting, and occasional blood in the stool since before November. His right shoulder, right low and mid back, and right ankle began to exhibit moderate to severe pain, which he initially attributed to sleeping on his side and tweaking his ankle at work, respectively.
He constantly looks gravely ill. So much so that most friends have begun to ask after his health regularly. He has called out sick or gone home early from work frequently; this is very unusual as his work ethic is usually so strong that he makes it a point of pride to power through any discomfort. When massaging his shoulder I noticed there is less muscle mass there than there was a year ago: I can feel easily straight to his bone. He has always been well muscled, particularly in the chest and arms. Recently there have been days when he has needed the bathroom almost every hour. He has told me of waking up with abdominal pain and nausea. He began using a heating pad and said it was the only thing that offered relief to his back. His abdomen is occasionally tender (most times I've leaned against him when we are watching tv he avoids my placing any pressure there), I have not noticed any fever but also have not yet looked for one. I have not noticed any jaundice, although his natural skin tone leans towards native american.
A few weeks ago, based on internet searching, he assessed that his symptoms indicated an ulcer and he began to limit his intake of greasy foods and increase salad. He also began to taper off his 1 pack a day cigarette intake to half (he has smoked most of his life, having quit for a period of 3 years in the 2000s). He doesn't take any medications or supplements; dislikes any other than OTC pain killers.
As of a few days ago S has self-diagnosed gallstones. His family has a history of gallstones and the descriptions he found online describe the abdominal pain accurately to his experience, and mention the accompanying symptom of right shoulder and right ankle pain due to common or related nerves. He also mentioned that finding relief from use of a heating pad can support this diagnosis. He has assessed that using a heating pad, eliminating greasy food, and eating a healthier diet will allow the cause of his symptoms to resolve themselves. He knows that his body will continue to produce gallstones.
S has told me that seeing a doctor would be a waste of money because he is already doing his own treatment (heating pad, small diet changes, rest). He has also told me several times that one family member, of the several who have had gallbladder surgery, nearly died due to a complication that pierced the lung. He is also uninsured and is reticent to enduring the cost of insurance to receive a diagnosis and prognosis he has already determined for himself. He is over the income level for free health insurance. We live in Washington state.
submitted by SnooMemesjellies5967 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 LoudJournalist1452 Some advice
Boys, with this current team and the coins I’ve saved any pack recommendations that are worth it, or even players? submitted by LoudJournalist1452 to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 IMakeBaconAtHome A sample of things I blow or cough out
submitted by IMakeBaconAtHome to boogers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 chiefcomplaintRN Coming from GA to Denver for 5 days next week. Need suggestions!
My wife has a work conference in Denver Jan 29-Feb 3 in Denver. I’ll be coming along too and 2 of my friends will be coming too. We’re coming from Georgia. My wife will be doing work stuff during most of the days so it’ll just be me and my 2 friends left to explore Denver.
I’ve never been to Colorado before or even west of the Mississippi River before! Looking for suggestions for good restaurants, bars, and generally fun stuff to do. We’re renting a car so we’ll be able to drive.
Any suggestions, recommendations, or tips would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by chiefcomplaintRN to denverfood [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 suggabunny Random thing I’ve noticed ab Luigi
This just popped in my head but despite being a frat boy & being involved in so many student activities, organizations etc I’m surprised he doesn’t have more photos/videos of him at parties, bars or nightclubs(aside from the video of him shot gunning the beer), he must’ve really not been too into partying even in his college days and that just stuck out to me.
Idk if Penn state is a party school or not but I went to UF & the fraternities there have a pretty damning digital footprint of them wilding out at parties. I use to see this one frat guy on my mutual’s ig story damn near every weekend partying lol. Anyhoot, I know it’s super random & off topic but it’s just something I’ve noticed about him, I wonder if he’s like me & just learned to really dislike alcohol & didn’t care for going out to party.
submitted by suggabunny to LuigiLore [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 arunsdas Got myself a discontinued vibrator, what customizations?
Same as title submitted by arunsdas to indianbikes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 NELSONS-Mom Should I get iron infusion
Need some help deciding what to do.
43 yo heavy menstrual bleeding for years esp after kids. Like insane can’t leave the house bleeding. Checked numerous occasions by gyn deemed normal for age.
Endurance athlete. Last april hit the wall. Winded going up stairs, tinnitus, vertigo- history of complicated migraines figured it was just those. Neurologist diagnosed ferritin of 6 and hgb 11.2. Vitamin D 27. US labs. (Side bar GP and gyn had only checked CBC and chem and T4 all “normal” it’s in your head, hormones of perimenopause causing anxiety, depression, tingling feet etc. here’s some Zoloft and Buspirone let us know how it goes. Ugh.)
Started oral iron supplement as I could tolerate and vitamin D high dose. Mirena stopped bleeding. Met with hematologist in June. Ferritin up to 26 ish hgb around 11.5 I think. Continued the oral iron more aggressively. September got my ferritin up to 56 hemoglobin a little bit higher. D at 55! I couldn’t tolerate the oral iron so I stopped completely. December ferritin 36, but hemoglobin up two points looking great per hematology. D back to 29 because winter and only doing 2000/day.
Now insurance approved me for one iron infusion. I am not sure the brand and I’m worried about the one that causes phosphorus issues leading to more issues and setting me back.
I’m supposed to start bike training again. Overall, I feel a lot better than I did last April but I am fixated on the fluctuating ferritin and worried that it’s gonna drop again once I start exercising more heavily. I’m trying to take a combination of different oral supplements doing every other day because from what I read going too high every day can actually work against you.
I still get dizzy, sometimes migraine, auras tinnitus, semi-winded with heavy exertion (but I’m somewhat out of shape given the last year) but overall feel much better and hair has started to grow back! I’m not sure how much is migraines versus clinical ferritin at 36 ish.
I’m not sure what to do. I’ve read that too much ferritin can be dangerous for you and cause insulin resistance about it contributing to heart disease, etc. do you guys have any experience with this? What would you do? Continue the long game?
Also if they want to do the injectafer phos issue one will it be dangerous to do it once or is it a repeated infusion issue?
submitted by NELSONS-Mom to Anemic [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 budgetFAQ 661 (3): Bottom center used to be a fashionable sabermetric HOF candidate
I don't think he is anymore, because too many guys from that era are in already. But he probably should have been one of them.
submitted by budgetFAQ to immaculategrid [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 Hot-Squash-1631 Sono depresso, psicofarmaci si o no?
Cercherò di essere breve, è una cosa che mi porto dentro fin da bambino direi. Nasciamo e siamo piccoli angeli tutti ci amano e ci supportano, poi cresciamo e diventiamo dei mostri schifosi e dobbiamo solo arrangiarci in un mondo che ci prende a calci nel culo. Mi sento spesso molto solo, forse ho un solo amico che si possa definire tale e che mi è rimasto accanto anche nei momenti difficili e non ha mai provato ad approfittare di me. Non ho mai avuto una ragazza, e come se le facessi schifo, una madre totalmente anaffettiva e negligente di quelle che son sempre al lavoro e 'non ti fanno mancare niente', mio padre idem ma no. Mi ha neanche mai dato un euro, solo critiche e battutine quando gli parlo dei miei sogni, e ho finito per litigarci e non ci parlo da mesi.
Da quando sono adolescente procrastino tutto, mia madre mi comprava i videogioxhi perche stessi buono, intere giornate in casa da solo totalmente anestetizzato, ora lo stesso con il cellulare, poi alcool e droghe e ho finito anche per avere dei periodi davvero brutti, in cui molti amici e parenti mi hanno voltato le spalle. Per miracolo sono riuscito a finire la scuola a 24 anni e ora mi trovo in una realtà lavorativa, in cui devi essere sempre grato e sorridente, avere le spalle larghe sopportare le peggio angherie da capo e colleghi più esperti, che si vendicano di quelle subite. ed essere anche grato per il tozzo di pane che ricevi.
Poi ho scoperto di essere autistico e di avere dei grossi problemi di ansia sociale e ansia che però ho imparato a mascherare bene e tuttora faccio molta fatica ad accettare questa diagnosi, non ne parlo a nessuno perché sembro vittimista, ma mi rendo conto che la società ci fa fare dei percorsi totalmente inadeguati a certe persone e se rimani indietro non frega niente a nessuno. Infatti mi riconosceranno una disabilità ma mi ha detto la dottoressa di non aspettarmi niente più di qualche mediazione sul lavoro ma niente di che, al massimi possono darmi degli antidepressivi, venlafaxina.
Ho già preso quella roba in passato, all inizio mi ha aiutato, ma poi mi ha portato a delle bruttissime crisi, forse era il momento di alzare le dosi ma lo psichiatra riuscivo a vederlo una volta in 6 mesi se andava bene, la psicologa me la devo pagare di tasca mia e ora che non lavoro è una spesa insostenibile, mi secca chiedere soldi a mia madre che non la ritiene una spesa utile. Ora l'idea di riprendere farmaci mi spaventa, anche se per un po mi sentivo meglio mi ricordo quando ho iniziato a sentirmi malissimo e dare di matto e anche fisicamente e penso che vorrei cavarmela da solo, ma ho 0 motivazione per i miei scopi, trovare un altro lavoro che mi deprima ancora di più? No grazie. Vorrei andare all università ma temo che anche li non sia ambiente per me e cosi procrastino, passo intere giornate chiuso nella mia stanza a scrivere stronzate su reddit e aggiornare costantemente per vedere se qualcuno mi risponde. Non ho più voglia di uscire e neanche di fare sport.
Scusate lo sfogo, grazie se lo vorrete leggere e sprecare qualche parola o consiglio. Grazie
submitted by Hot-Squash-1631 to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 Most-Maintenance9338 Rate my Portfolio for Long term (newbie)
Absolute noob and just starting out with Investing in stock markets. Want to invest a significant portion of my salary for the next few months. These are what I’d call “tik tok” stocks that I’ve bought after hearing from influencers. How would you guys rate these for long term? submitted by Most-Maintenance9338 to NSEbets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 TheSnippetMaster Real Boston Richey - “Boise Boo” (2025 Unreleased Snippet)
Real Boston Richey - “Boise Boo” (2025 Unreleased Snippet)
submitted by TheSnippetMaster to FloridaRap [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 JagatShahi "Conspiracy to Target Acharya Prashant Through Fake Posters Exposed" ~ Sangri Today
➖✨➖✨➖ "This conspiracy, executed during a sacred event like the Mahakumbh, is not just tragic—it’s an attack on the very core of religiosity. Acharya Prashant’s work, which aims to reconnect people with the spiritual truths of Sanatan Dharma, was clearly targeted in an attempt to derail his efforts. By focusing on reforming society through spiritual knowledge and wisdom, Acharya Prashant has become a beacon of hope for many who seek authenticity in their religious practices." ➖✨➖✨➖ 🔍 Read the full article on Sangri Today’s website: https://www.sangritoday.com/conspiracy-to-target-acharya-prashant-through-fake-poster-exposed submitted by JagatShahi to AcharyaPrashant_AP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 meojiko i almost did it!!
it almost happened, i was in the vibrational stage and i wasn’t scared (finally), i was trying to exit my body but i was woken up by my mom. im disappointed but tomorrow i’ll try again. super proud of myself for staying calm
submitted by meojiko to AstralProjection [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 ecamamini Drop reasons to LOVE Manjaro Sway ❤️
submitted by ecamamini to ManjaroLinux [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 ReasonableBook2241 Cheap saw milling again after top end rebuild. Can you ID what kind of Alder this is?
submitted by ReasonableBook2241 to ChainsawMilling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 Tiger_lavender How to complete this quest part 2.
How to complete unlimit gear quest? submitted by Tiger_lavender to LineRangers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 Bigmouthprick_nerf Remember that community level named(*kinda lowkey forgot as i can remember*) "free robot and tank no dlc"? Well the creator of the level actually apologised years after and had a different account though. I don't know how if this is true lmao
Btw the pic is from 2023, during the servers are up :( sorry for the bad quality of the pic. Oh well the nostalgia from 7 or 9 years ago thooo :') submitted by Bigmouthprick_nerf to littlebigplanet [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 XFRJL Hi everyone! Here's an animation I created for an internet provider in my country. I'd love to hear your feedback on how I can improve it. I’m already aware that the text in the pop-up boxes is a bit hard to read. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
submitted by XFRJL to AfterEffects [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:55 mamal0ves WOW This game is intense
Im relatively new, started a few weeks ago. I've rebirthed to 8 and am finally getting the hang of enchants and potions and upping luck, etc.... I'm currently playing the event and afk trying to craft a huge (would be my 1st). Can I get any tips on how to up my luck and basic need to know tricks and tips?! How do you get more diamonds? Is there a way I'm missing? So much I want to do but definitely don't have the diamonds for it! I've watched some YouTube videos and get pretty intimidated when I realize how much i still don't know about this game! It's like a puzzle with no picture to reference to figure out how to put it together! Thanks for any help!!
submitted by mamal0ves to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:55 Ritesh210384 Is it Glitch or intentionally?
I am playing Restaurant Race from morning, I was chasing opponents and as soon as I reached on top, now no opponent showing in my list, and price reduced from 600 diamonds to 300 diamonds. I restarted game, restarted phone also, even I sent mail to system but no response from them. submitted by Ritesh210384 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments] |