2025.01.22 18:13 Sea_Package_471 Rivian Works to Counter Loss of Tax Credit
There are some loopholes and limitations, but this is a smart move.
submitted by Sea_Package_471 to RIVN [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 That-Lead4274 Waking up every night around 5 or 6 A.M
So since 2 weeks I’m waking up every night around 5 or 6 A.M. Even if I have to get out of bed at 8 or 9. It’s getting really frustrating. I work early (7), day (9) and evening (14) shifts so I cant always have the same sleep ritm. How can I prevent this? When I wake early my mind and body are restless and I feel wide awake. Because of this I feel really tired during the day. I have this problem when I go to sleep at 22:00 or 23:30, does not matter….
submitted by That-Lead4274 to sleep [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 FunCharge8535 Deoxys raid on me :)
submitted by FunCharge8535 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 KinderBueno696 Mike Shinoda's white tee from concert
This might be tricky, but this shirt does not look like from a dollar store. https://preview.redd.it/hpwff1696lee1.png?width=1392&format=png&auto=webp&s=56dfd97a92af5c378251dfb165fe47e67441c9a5 Link to video: https://youtu.be/ebLsXMAqDoM?t=16 submitted by KinderBueno696 to findfashion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 joveice 2FA is forced off when you deactivate your Twitter account leaving it more vulnerable for 30 days until it's deleted
submitted by joveice to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 mttkauffman Least favorite episode?
So currently watching S3E13: Neighborhood Watch and realize it's one of my least favorite episodes. The whole vibe of the episode just seems off to me and doesn't seem to move the main plot forward much. Curious what other episodes you don't like.
submitted by mttkauffman to whitecollar [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 count__2_10 Your Phone Is Dead - fauxdeep
from the 2024 album called Then You’ll Go Home submitted by count__2_10 to shoegaze [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 Jayodit What old version of an fnf song makes you say to yourself "The newer version is retrospectively better, but I personally prefer listening to the old version sometimes"
submitted by Jayodit to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 Remarkable-Race9307 Reposting to add photos of the wall AC unitsI'm inquiring about- A dumb question/s - Sorry, I need someone with great knowledge to educate me about air conditioners
We are affected by the Los Angeles Fires and live a mile from the burn zone. It was windy that night and ash, dust, soot were being blown everywhere. We did notice some ash got through our shut windows. And we have kept our windows closed since the beginning. And we haven't turned on the wall AC units at all. I am now discovering, after a week, that I feel breeze through our wall air conditioning units when it is windy/breezy outside and just noticed some soot or dush or ash on the table 3 feet below our living room AC. Which must have been from the initial night of the windstorm and fires. May someone confirm that: ACs do allow wind to come in? We tested our AC unit in the bedroom, we covered it in plastic and painters tape all around - the plastic exhales and inhales depending on the wind movement outside. May you let me know if there is something wrong with the AC or is this normal? May you also share what steps I have to do moving forward and kind of cleaning needs to be done as I'm particularly concerned about chemicals (vocs) from everything that burned inside all those houses? Should we have them professionally cleaned? But just wrap all of the units with plastic and painter's tape until we get cleaning? Help pls, im concerned about my health. Thank you! submitted by Remarkable-Race9307 to AirConditioners [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 Independent_Knee9339 Airpods Cnfans
Link: CNF26592052953339 submitted by Independent_Knee9339 to CNfans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 Striyd AMAS and FAA
Im currently moving forward my a case of mine so that I can submit to the FAA and make sure I can hold a medical before flying.
Long story short- I spoke with AMAS and they’re charging $1200 for a full run through of my documents and submitting them. Also I found an AME near me who specializes in these medical cases and it was just $275 for a consult.
Im assuming it would be cheaper to go through AMAS than to stick with this AME. He didn’t give me a fixed price which was concerning but also understandable because everyone’s medical is different in terms of time and backnforth.
Im sorting my files together and will go to him and see how much he will charge first, if he cant make a price- its safe to say I can go through AMAS directly and be taken care of the same right?
submitted by Striyd to flying [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 Euphoric_Run8957 To the guy that stole my 280z in 1991
You stole my 280z, in the parking lot across from Delharts in Ceres. You destroyed my life!
submitted by Euphoric_Run8957 to Modesto [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 ajava8548 NYC License suspended due to medical review form not submitted on time
My brother's license suspended due to delay in filling the medical review form. His doctor took forever to complete and send it to them. Now they suspended his license. He is unable to reach out to the dmv medical review unit since it's all automated and no agent directly to reach out. Is there anyone who he can reach out to regarding this. He drives for work and unable to work due to this and needs it back ASAP. Kindly help if you have dealt with this issue. Thanks
submitted by ajava8548 to DMV [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 restinpeace120 Nitropress with no nitro?
Came across a sponsored ad for Nitropress. A nitro cold brew canister that doesn’t use single-use nitrogen cartridges.
I would love to see James do a review on it. But I’m curious if anyone here has used one and had good results? I know it’s more consumer focused rather than use in a shop but we currently don’t have the room for a full nitro keg fridge so thinking about getting this if it works how it says it does.
submitted by restinpeace120 to JamesHoffmann [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 56
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 Ill_Ad_1363 Update, I have received the leather!
https://preview.redd.it/wmk62w1p5lee1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=82e826fd91ea3be6dce864dfed787333185e948c Today was a whirlwind of emotion. Started off getting another hydra tail, and an eye 5 kills later. I then got the jar, which was closely followed by my 3rd hydra pet. Finally got the leather at 2176. This grind wouldn't be bad if it was not locked behind Konar. Ty reddit for the luck. submitted by Ill_Ad_1363 to ironscape [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 BlueberryDry2623 Is fapping really that bad? genuine question
Hi all, I want to be part of nofap and would like to stop watching so much porn and jacking off so much. But at the same time, I feel like my addiction is manageable. I have gotten into really kinky porn that does not reflect who I am or what sexual things I am into irl, but it also doesn't to affect my personal life beyond occassional feelings of post-nut shame. (and occasionally porn can be a distraction/method of procrastination). Just curious what people think.
submitted by BlueberryDry2623 to NoFap [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 AcrobaticCase2072 ⚔️🧠Fallbeispiel: 2019.07.29, Frankfurt, 41-jähriger Eritreer Habte A. // Weitere Kindestötung durch staatliche Tatprovokation; diesmal: die Geheimagenten in der Rolle als Synchronsprecher des Teufels // Werfen eines Kindes vor einfahrenden ICE im Auftrag des "Teufels" (Teufel= "die" Geheimagenten)
Chronologische Ereignisrekonstruktion und Tathergang Am Morgen des 29. Juli 2019 suchte Habte A., ein 41-jähriger Eritreer, der seit 2006 in der Schweiz lebte, den Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof auf. Zeugen beobachteten, wie er stundenlang ziellos durch den Bahnhof schlenderte, ehe er sich auffällig hinter einem Pfeiler an Gleis 7 versteckte. Als der ICE 529 nach München gegen 9:59 Uhr einfuhr, stieß er eine 39-jährige Mutter und ihren 8-jährigen Sohn Leo auf die Gleise. Während die Mutter sich durch einen Reflex retten konnte, wurde der Junge vom Zug erfasst und starb sofort. Im Anschluss versuchte Habte A., eine 78-jährige Frau vor den Zug zu stoßen, die jedoch nur auf den Bahnsteig fiel und Verletzungen erlitt. Schließlich floh er über die Gleise und wurde kurze Zeit später von Passanten und einem Polizisten gestellt.
Der Vorfall löste bundesweit Entsetzen aus und lenkte die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen an Bahnhöfen. Blumen, Kuscheltiere und Kerzen wurden wochenlang am Tatort niedergelegt, und zahlreiche Menschen fanden sich zu öffentlichen Trauergebeten ein.
Täterprofil Habte A. wurde in Eritrea geboren, wo er eine weitgehend unauffällige Kindheit verbrachte. Als Jugendlicher wurde er zwangsweise zum Militärdienst eingezogen und desertierte später. 2006 floh er in die Schweiz, wo er Asyl erhielt und sich als Familienvater von drei Kindern erfolgreich integrierte. Seine Nachbarn und Arbeitgeber beschrieben ihn als freundlich und zuverlässig.
2018 zeigten sich erste psychische Auffälligkeiten. Er entwickelte Kopfschmerzen, begann Stimmen zu hören und glaubte, verfolgt zu werden. Trotz ambulanter Behandlung verschlimmerten sich seine Symptome, da er Medikamente eigenmächtig absetzte. Vier Tage vor der Tat bedrohte er in der Schweiz seine Nachbarin und sperrte sie sowie seine Familie in einer Wohnung ein. Daraufhin wurde er von der Schweizer Polizei gesucht, setzte sich jedoch nach Deutschland ab.
Wahnsystem und psychotische Symptomatik Habte A. litt an einer paranoid-halluzinatorischen Schizophrenie. Sein Verfolgungswahn war ausgeprägt: Er glaubte, dass Menschen um ihn herum Nachrichten über ihn auf Smartphones erhielten, dass eine dunkle Organisation ihn und seine Familie töten wollte und dass er von elektromagnetischen Wellen gesteuert werde. Besonders dominierend waren die Stimmen in seinem Kopf, die ihn beschimpften, bedrohten und schließlich zu der Tat anleiteten. Nach eigenen Aussagen fühlte er sich wie in einem Traum, unfähig, seine Gedanken zu kontrollieren, von außen gesteuert und versuchte, den Menschen zu entkommen.
Eine detaillierte psychopathologische Analyse zeigt, dass Habte A. an einer akuten paranoiden Schizophrenie litt. Seine Symptome umfassten:
2025.01.22 18:13 Live-Use1035 Conflitto di interessi, si o no?
Ciao a tutti, Io e un mio collega attualmente lavoriamo come dipendenti per un impianto di recupero rifiuti (unica attività della Srl ). Noi due, insieme ad uno dei soci (non amministratore) della Srl stiamo pensando di aprire una nuova società. La società in questione si occuperebbe di consulenza tecnica in campo ambientale e presterebbe la propria attività ad alcuni dei clienti della Srl, non andando in alcun modo a “rubare clienti”. Quello che vogliamo capire è la sussistenza del conflitto di interessi tra le due società e la posizione: del socio di entrambe le società nostra, quindi dei dipendenti della Srl. Ringrazio in anticipo e se qualcosa non fosse chiaro fate domande
submitted by Live-Use1035 to commercialisti [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 Tricky-Exercise7183 Look at her innocently stretching donut like a toy :3
submitted by Tricky-Exercise7183 to PillowBFDI [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 PIPOPIPS123 Confirmación de baja de vehiculo en la DGT
Buenas noches! Ta vez alguien que sepa pueda aclararme una duda. Me he dado de baja del seguro que pago anualmente por que no usaré mi moto un tiempo y le he dado baja temporal. Sin embargo me han terminado cobrando la prima igual por que al momento de hacer la baja por la web de la DGT el sistema me dió solo un "justificante".
Sin embargo en la Aseguradora (REALE) me dicen y me repiten que ese justificante no es más que una solicitud y que la DGT deberia enviarme al correo una confirmación de esa baja temporal. Sin embargo en la app Midgt y en mi area personal de la web, mi moto ya figura como "Baja temporal" desde el primer día. Van 2 meses sin que me llegue la dichosa confirmación y no encuentro ningun correo ni numero (excepto el inutil 060) donde pueda hablar con nadie de la DGT para si quiera preguntar si existe o no ese documento o es un invent del seguro para no darme de baja.
Muchas gracias y espero que alguien que haya tenido experiencia en esto pueda ayudarme
submitted by PIPOPIPS123 to ESLegal [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 Wind4Droid Bypass MDM (Remote Management) iPad Pro 11‑inch 2nd gen
iPad Pro 11‑inch 2nd gen MDM lock bypass Service Remotely
We definitely have the solution to bypass MDM (Remote Management)
Very important notes
- This process is just to bypass not to remove MDM lock
- You need a PC running Windows
- The device must be charged well to avoid problems
- Stable internet connection
- Work will be done remotely
Supported devices for Bypass Remote Management iPad Pro 11‑inch 2nd gen
Supported Countries: All countries are supported
Supported ios: We support all ios version
Success Rate: 100%
Delivery time: 1-60 minute
Bypass MDM iPad Pro 11‑inch 2nd gen
Bypass Remote Management iPad Pro 11‑inch 2nd gen
submitted by Wind4Droid to androidservice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 Killjovian Aight , run this with me
submitted by Killjovian to PrizePicks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 18:13 ADHD_MAN Wish the best for Zoil & his family in the current time of grief [ALL ZOIL BULLYING & HATE MUST BE HALTED TILL HE RETURNS!!!] - THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
submitted by ADHD_MAN to Mizkif [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 18:13 boy02201 Csni.ki
submitted by boy02201 to beautiee_girlss [link] [comments] |