My little grow space

Grow-Report Nr. 2 Stammgrower biobizz organisch Mein können unter Beweis stellen und aus den Fehlern lernen die im Growreport Nr.1 stattgefunden haben. Location: Indoor, Anzucht: Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP60… Phase 3: Grow-Grundlagen aneignen. Hat man einmal das gesamte Grow-Equipment zusammen, könnte man natürlich einfach sofort loslegen. Doch jedem Anfänger empfehlen wir erstmal sich einen kleinen Satz an Basiswissen anzueignen. Damit kann man bei möglichen Problemen besser reagieren und der Pflanze auf die Sprünge helfen. Grow-Together In dieser Kategorie könnt ihr eure Grow-Together’s als eigenes Thema mit der Community teilen. Grow-Togethers sind Growreports, die von zwei oder mehr Growern „veranstaltet“ werden. Het GROW-model is een beproefd vierstappenplan waarmee op een echte coachende manier met een ander een gesprek kan blijven gevoerd. Dit model laat bovendien zien welke vragen gesteld kunnen worden en hoe een coachend gesprek concreet wordt afgerond met resultaten. De kracht van dit model is dat het leidt tot een duidelijk eindresultaat. In dieser Kategorie geht es um allgemeine Diskussionen um Nährstoff-Versorgung, Blumenerde, Dünger, Bewässerung etc. Dieses Unterforum ist NICHT für neue Themen bei Grow-Problemen. Dazu ist die Kategorie # grow-probleme da. Grow Community von Alles rund um Leidenschaft von Cannabis Anbau Grow Location: Indoor Stadium der Pflanze: 30 Tage seit Keimung Wo an der Pflanze: Obere Blätter Problem-Beschreibung Hallöchen, Ich hab so ein dauerhaftes Problem mit hängenden Blättern seit Anfang an. Zuerst habe ich „zu viel Wasser“ ausgeschlossen. Ich habe genau nach der 1/3 Regel gegossen und das etwa jede 3 Tage (also sobald das Gewicht des Topfes wieder bei ungefähr der Hälfte ... Grow Location: Indoor Stadium der Pflanze: VT29 Wo an der Pflanze: Obere Blätter Problem-Beschreibung Hallo. Im Laufe dieser Woche habe ich festgestellt, dass zwei meiner Pflanzen, im Vergleich zum normalen Zustand, immer mehr die Blätter hängen lassen und sich die Blattspitzen der oberen Blätter um teils 180 Grad verdrehen. Auf dem ersten Blick sieht es aus wie verbrannte Blattspitzen ... Grow Location: Indoor Stadium der Pflanze: ~BW 2 Wo an der Pflanze: Erde oder Wurzeln Problem-Beschreibung Hi, ich habe aktuell eine Dame in einem Recht kleinen 40x40 Zelt stehen. Heute ist mir aufgefallen, dass an dem Stofftopf scheinbar eine Pilz schicht entsteht. Erde: Biobizz Light Mix (zweiter Durchgang im selben Topf keine Pilze beim ersten Durchgang) Dünger: Biobizz Linie Luftfeuchte ... Problembeschreibung : Hallo zusammen. Bin in meinem ersten Grow und habe diverse Fragen. Zunächst verfärben sich bei meinen beiden White Widows von Nirvana die Blattspitzen der neuen Blätter leicht gelblich bzw werden heller. (Foto1) Eines der neuen Blätter entwickelt eine gelbe Flecken auf der Blattoberseite. (Foto2) Bei der selben Pflanze hängen auch einige wenige Blattspitzen herunter ...

2025.01.22 18:00 Psychological_Web837 My little grow space

My little grow space Will add 3 50w LED bulbs and a fan at the top. Also a few holes at the bottom for airflow
submitted by Psychological_Web837 to IndianEnts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:00 Sufficient_Treat1486 Enjoi 100% for sale lmk

submitted by Sufficient_Treat1486 to bearbrick [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:00 hablandolealaluna A long lasting foundation for oily skin that isn’t drying?

Hi! I’ve oily skin and seborrheic dermatitis, which means that my skin can appear dry and flaky and then extremely oily. I’ve used several drugstore foundations (there’s not a lot to choose from in my country) and they either melt on my skin or make my skin look stiff.
I’ll be traveling to the US in July and want to splurge on a food long lasting foundation for oily skin that isn’t drying. Any suggestions?
submitted by hablandolealaluna to beauty [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 Own_Cow1156 I think they're putting stuff in for T-1000 already.

I've been using Ghostface and you all know how her says I see something red after a normal kill or green after reptile. Now they're all mixed up. I've been getting red for reptile and green for others. They've also said now I see something sliver. I'm assuming that's the T-1000
submitted by Own_Cow1156 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 Antique-Trouble6555 The Machine Revolver

The Machine Revolver -10 walk speed -20 hand durability per mag
+50 recoil +5 accuracy +30 damage per shot
disclaimer: it will break your hands if you shoot it for more than 20 seconds straight.
submitted by Antique-Trouble6555 to ItemShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 hiilovedogs Amazon vs Salesforce (Summer Intern 2025)

Amazon - AWS, NYC - 62/hr
Salesforce - Data Cloud, Seattle - 50/hr
Last internship before I graduate. Pay is roughly the same after taxes, both provide relocation and the full-time pay is similar. Amazon is terrible WLB from what I've heard and Salesforce sounds like amazing WLB, I've also visited the office at Salesforce and it was really nice. However, NYC is my top location and I wanted to new grad recruit for NYC full-time anyway. Plus I'm not sure how much FAANG adds to the resume but if it's significantly higher than Salesforce then I'd have to consider that as well. I wanted to push Amazon to Fall but it looks like the recruiters aren't letting people this year.
I'm really stuck between the two and would love some more insight :(
submitted by hiilovedogs to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 themoonismyboo Freezer Spell for Abusive Ex (but I don’t want to freeze divorce proceedings)

I want to do a freezer spell for my ex/child’s father. He moved to another state but still harasses me via social media and sometimes even law enforcement. He is not safe to be around my kid so I want to freeze him out but I do not wish to freeze our divorce proceedings.
He hasn’t cooperated at all with moving the divorce forward so I’m just going to have to deal with putting it in default anyways…the question is:
Is the freezer spell going to freeze us in almost divorced land? I want him far away, uninvolved (mostly as he is now until he gets mad) and ideally still silently sending child support. In any case I would rather he left us alone than take his money but he hates “losing” so trying to be realistic about what’s possible. He often threatens signing over his rights but won’t actually do it for whatever reason.
He has anger issues so the freezer spells seems best to me but again I don’t want to freeze myself in this situation.
Any advice helps! TIA
submitted by themoonismyboo to Spells [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 nin4119 can't decide between two flip phones

I saw videos about more modern flip phones so not a dumb phone per se lol, i saw the Mive Style Folder which seems pretty nice since it has almost the same specs as my current phone only less battery and camera which doesnt really bother me, but ive recently also seen stuff about the Freetel Mode 1 Retro II, which i think only has more storage, slightly better android and such, but i cant decide. I want a phone i can use long term as my main one, i use youtube, whatsapp, maybe some social media but not that much, and just small games like sudoku, i want to see which one is better for those things and longevity.
submitted by nin4119 to flipphones [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 Middle_Photo_9223 What makes user of CBD overdose?

submitted by Middle_Photo_9223 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 agrobah Looking for ceruledge, offering 2016 pokemon

Looking for ceruledge, offering 2016 pokemon submitted by agrobah to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Politics] - Afghans who risked their lives to help American troops, blocked by Trump administration from resettling in U.S. | PBS

[Politics] - Afghans who risked their lives to help American troops, blocked by Trump administration from resettling in U.S. | PBS submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 IcyAd9778 still no freaking no reg fixes

New patch came out and i have to say im very disappointed ill still be no reging on panther and dying regularly.
submitted by IcyAd9778 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 TheFuuZ A Mod on the Last Epoch sub now bans all related links to "We don't want to generate revenue for a nazi platform"

A Mod on the Last Epoch sub now bans all related links to submitted by TheFuuZ to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 UndeadZack 22 [M4F] help me with my first bingo card please? It's getting nice and filled up!

22 [M4F] help me with my first bingo card please? It's getting nice and filled up! submitted by UndeadZack to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 yunayanx headphone reccs please?

so i’ve been hunting for headphones and, not gonna lie, i’m terrible at it.
i just need something decent for music and noise cancellation—nothing over the top. i’m a student, so obviously can’t splurge too much. budget’s around 3k-4k max. honestly, i don’t even know what to look for at this point, so if anyone has solidrecommendations please save me from this mess. bonus points if it’s durable because knowing me, it’ll probably take a beating. thanks<3
submitted by yunayanx to headphonesindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 irrelative_irregular i fell off so hard😧

imagine that one jaw dropped emoji here, im too lazy to find it and repostsleuthbot will probably take it away😔
submitted by irrelative_irregular to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 NinjaWithAPegLeg Slowly dialing it in

I finally got into trying out pour over about a month or so ago, I'd avoided it for years because I assumed it was time consuming and more effort than it was really worth. Then I got my girlfriend a Nespresso machine because she's wanted one for a bit and just loves their expresso pods. Now that I didn't need to make enough coffee for both of us I started looking at what options were out there, and settled on finally trying pour over after doing some reading on prep times.
I settled on starting simple and seeing where I took it, a Bodum carafe and stainless steel filter, Bodum Bistro grinder (the cheaper one), Bodum electric gooseneck kettle and a Greater Goods scale. After some trial and error I was able to make a decent cup using James Hoffman's better V60 recipe, then I tripped and fell down the rabbit hole. I tend to like to take deeper dives on stuff that interests me, and I will hyper fixate on new subjects/hobbies if they grab me. I've learned to enjoy the ride and to hold off on buying stuff at least some of the time.
Fast forward to today and I'm still using the same scale, but I've just gotten a Planetary Designs Ethoz flat bottom dripper that I absolutely love, makes a tasty cup with next to no sediment. Feel like it is a great upgrade to what I was using and I got their carafe so I can try the regular V60 with a paper filter that I've ordered as well. I figure the next eventual upgrade will be my grinder and a temperature control kettle, but I'm really enjoying what I'm making now so I'm in no rush, or at least I'm trying not to be.
Reading through the posts here and a couple of other subreddits has been incredibly helpful so I thank all of you that have put tips and tricks out there for us newbs to lean on. It has been a lot of fun so far and damn tasty trying out some local roasters, I look forward to experiencing more interesting brews in the future.
submitted by NinjaWithAPegLeg to pourover [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 Successful_Try602 Help

submitted by Successful_Try602 to Autoflowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Afghans who risked their lives to help American troops, blocked by Trump administration from resettling in U.S. | PBS

[World] - Afghans who risked their lives to help American troops, blocked by Trump administration from resettling in U.S. | PBS submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 Moo-Dog420 Just one more reason why I feel Stargate is real.

submitted by Moo-Dog420 to Stargate [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 B3ar__sapatao FSW/FT (i dont like appy,qh,ph,andy and fjords!)

FSW/FT (i dont like appy,qh,ph,andy and fjords!) submitted by B3ar__sapatao to WildHorsesIslandsRbx [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 maowmaownaowmaow very vague 🙁

a female sorcerer and a male king go on an expedition and at some point she falls off a cliff or got hurt by something ?? a critical injury is all i really remember
submitted by maowmaownaowmaow to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 malumclaw State anatomy board shut down crematory and took the bodies. What next?

My dad died in December. He was to be cremated in a crematory in Baltimore, MD. After a month with no word after trying to contact them I was told his body was taken by the MD state anatomy board due the crematory being shut down for whatever reason. I called the anatomy board and they say he’s not on the list they have and that they’d call back if another list pops up. I’m completely lost. Why would they shut down the crematory (truly afraid to know) and where the hell is my dad? If anyone knows what I can do next, I’d be happy to hear it.
submitted by malumclaw to askfuneraldirectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 bansheebaby430 Lunch

About to land in San Francisco and will only be here for a few hours. Looking for lunch recs - preferably new the British Consulate General but open to options!
submitted by bansheebaby430 to sanfrancisco [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:59 Illustrious_Fold_610 Has OpenAI lost its way?

submitted by Illustrious_Fold_610 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]