Anyone know what's happening?

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2025.01.22 18:12 DocumentWorldly5694 Anyone know what's happening?

submitted by DocumentWorldly5694 to ottawa [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 denishu27 ETW kaufen: Verhandeln oder nicht? Eure Erfahrungen?

Servus zusammen!
Meine Frau und ich haben eine Eigentumswohnung (Baujahr 1970) mit 82 m² ins Auge gefasst. Die Lage ist in Ordnung, und von den Bildern her passt alles bisher ganz gut. Wir haben am Sonntag einen Besichtigungstermin und sind glücklicherweise die Ersten.
Die Verkäuferin hat allerdings gesagt, dass sie alle geplanten Besichtigungstermine wahrnehmen möchte, bevor sie eine Entscheidung trifft. Der Kaufpreis liegt bei 179.000 €. Finanziell sieht es bei uns gut aus: Wir verdienen zusammen über 6.000 € netto und haben Eigenkapital in Höhe von 50.000 €.
Ich habe schon gesehen, dass über 20 andere Interessenten die Verkäuferin kontaktiert haben. Jetzt bin ich unsicher, wie ich mich verhalten soll. Wenn uns die Wohnung gefällt, sollte ich direkt ohne Verhandlung zusagen? Oder wäre es sinnvoll, zumindest mit 5 % bis 10 % Preisnachlass zu verhandeln? Was meint ihr, wie stehen die Chancen in so einer Situation?
Für jeden Tipp oder jede Meinung wäre ich sehr dankbar!
submitted by denishu27 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Trimtoaster Cool ROR mod i found
it has quite a few abilities/weapons already and the models are sick, theres more info on the mod page but its pretty cool and i think its underrated if anyone wants to try it
submitted by Trimtoaster to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 xxxlizoy More than likely a fake tracklist will start popping up soon so here it is early

More than likely a fake tracklist will start popping up soon so here it is early u are funny asf
submitted by xxxlizoy to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 EmptySpaceForAHeart Maria? By VanessaSan7201

Maria? By VanessaSan7201 Art Sauce
submitted by EmptySpaceForAHeart to GlitchProductions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 ghdffgvddf AITAH Why do so many want a perfect wedding?

I have been to so many weddings and I gotta be honest that a lot of them became kind of a blur in my memory.
The main ones I remember are often those that had a bit of a funny moment in them, for example:
At my cousins wedding she threw the bouquet so far that at first it just basically landed in the other end of the room where no one was standing, so my other cousin who was near by gave it back to her and we tried again.
At a friends wedding the priest did repeatedly forget her name during the ceremony, so you had a whole church whisper it, trying to help him out.
I mean I get that you want it to be a good day and not a total disaster, but really little mishaps can make it way more charming.
submitted by ghdffgvddf to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 No-Worker7387 Pixel Watch 3 45mm Google Metal Links Band

Pixel Watch 3 45mm Google Metal Links Band My first smartwatch!
submitted by No-Worker7387 to PixelWatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 LegendValyrion He the urinated the towel just the bean

I persuassive the star not grey yesterday. Aaah why the hack the rolling stones of tomorrow. 
submitted by LegendValyrion to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 kc_______ Solo les recuerdo que Trump acaba de perdonar al fundador del Silk Road (facilitadores de drogas) pero al mismo tiempo declara terroristas a los narcos

Hipocresía y pago de favores en campaña, compraron a Trump y es la perra de los oligarcas.
Si los narcos hubieran dado suficiente dinero primero seguro los hacían ciudadanos americanos el primer día de su mandato.
Ese tipo hace lo que sea por dinero.
submitted by kc_______ to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 MaintenanceMobile159 Japan Suica via Apple Pay

Japan Suica via Apple Pay Has anyone tried topping up their Suica cards using a UB CC? I noticed there's a promo for it as seen in UB's recent email. To my knowledge, apple pay does not work with locally-issued credit cards. Is this still true?
submitted by MaintenanceMobile159 to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Tiny_Parsley_5253 Why did Ace block the bone? Is he horny?

Why did Ace block the bone? Is he horny? submitted by Tiny_Parsley_5253 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 vanshngrce How do I make the face framing curls/edges/idk what their called/help look better?

How do I make the face framing curls/edges/idk what their called/help look better? Idk what these are called, especially the ones on like the face? I tried making them look like edges or whatever their called (I don’t have curly hair anymore bc of how damaged mine is so I don’t know what their called sorry) and they look off to me.
Theres this guy on YouTube who does these pigeon doll masks and he paints them like this so I tried doing something like that but obviously my own style (to get an idea of it since I’m trying out some tips from my last post) and idk how to make them look less off or better.
submitted by vanshngrce to arthelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Odd_Help5724 Algorand 🥩 vs Ethereum 🥩

In a hypothetical scenario where the prices of ETH and ALGO remain constant for a year, what would $10,000 invested in each yield after 12 months?
submitted by Odd_Help5724 to AlgorandOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 DarkSentence Shure MV6 + Shure Gator Boom Arm cable is a joke?

Good day,
Allow me to preface this by saying I'm new to all of this. I just got a brand new MV6 USB and Boom arm today and much to my surprise, the cable provided is not long enough to even cover the half of the boom arm.
Silly mistake, it was written on the website page that the cable is only 1 meter long, but now I am struggling to find out how to overcome this.
Am I doing something wrong or having an usb-c extender is given for granted in here? If you have any recommendation for products, please do not hesitate. I was browsing the accessories section on the official website without any success, so my only idea for now would be something like:
Sorry for the newbie question, I am just very sad I cannot get to try the microphone after all this anticipation :)
submitted by DarkSentence to Shure [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Still_Suggestion1615 Fairy Fantasies Results ✨

Fairy Fantasies Results ✨ submitted by Still_Suggestion1615 to Dreamsnaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Prith_wish How to stop ULIP?

My mom on the suggestion of bank agent did SBI LIFE INSURANCE FOR 5 lac, she paid the first premium, and was told no need to pay again, but she got notification and showing payment due for this feb.
How can I stop it? I told him not to do, yet she did and that 5 lac value is 4.7 lacs after one year I just checked.
Most annoying part is that even during emergency we can't take out the money, please guide me.
submitted by Prith_wish to mutualfunds [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Haunted_Ocean_Song New CPAP user needing advice

Hello there fellow CPAP users,
I just got my machine yesterday. I got it all set up and used it last night. I had the most horrible night of sleep I've had in a long time. I know it will take some time to get used to it but I think I need some help troubleshooting. The tech that went over everything with me said that if I was waking up with dry mouth to up the humidity level on my machine and if I was waking up with condensation in my mask to turn down the humidity. Well last night I woke up with a dry mouth and throat AND condensation in my mask, so I'm not sure what to do. Is it bad for condensation to collect in the mask? Because I kind of want to up the humidity so I don't wake up so dry, but I don't want to cause any other problems. Or are there any other solutions for the dry mouth?
I woukd really appreciate any suggestions!
submitted by Haunted_Ocean_Song to CPAP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Collez_boi My Mess Menu Review #HealthiestNIT

My Mess Menu Review #HealthiestNIT submitted by Collez_boi to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 zero0_one1 o1 easily wins the Multi-Agent Step Race Benchmark: Assessing LLM Collaboration and Deception Under Pressure

o1 easily wins the Multi-Agent Step Race Benchmark: Assessing LLM Collaboration and Deception Under Pressure submitted by zero0_one1 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Jangofarts Reasons for quitting

I’m struggling with finding a why for quitting I want to but not really sure why. I want to know other people reasons for quitting.
submitted by Jangofarts to leaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 melotoenail getting into new classes

i fucked up and didn't realize that the last day to register for new classes was on the 20th, and already dropped one of my classes. does anyone know if there's ANY way to get into a new class, or am i fucked? would reaching out to the registrar office do any good?
submitted by melotoenail to Dalhousie [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Comfortable_Wash8079 Verbal Noun or Relative Participle?

"Ben de mesela zeytinyağılıların çok bilinmediğini düşünüyorum."
İs this verbal noun or Relative Participle. İ believe it is past participle right?
: according to textbook:
Adalara gitmeği düşünüyordum. = Verbal noun.
İn this example it is verbal noun because gitme = verbal noun.
So how is it possible? Bilinmediğini düşünüyorum= past participle. Gitmeği düşünüyordum= verbal noun.
My brain cannot comprehend. İ guess it just depends on the situation?
submitted by Comfortable_Wash8079 to turkishlearning [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Different-Emu-6473 Cambio de carrera enfermería a ing comercial en santo tomas

Eso, llevo 2 años de enfermería en la Santo ha ido bien pero creo que no es lo mío. Me quiero cambiar a ing vome4cuak q me llama más la atención, todo esto en la misma santo tomas..recomiendan este cambio? Tengo dudas
submitted by Different-Emu-6473 to EducacionChile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Lost-Lu Bought both to compare. Actually prefer the cheaper one.

Bought both to compare. Actually prefer the cheaper one. Ichibansho vs Spiral Studio
submitted by Lost-Lu to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:12 Ashamed_Orange6362 How much can I expect if I leave these chapters for 24th?

How much can I expect if I leave these chapters for 24th? submitted by Ashamed_Orange6362 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]