Forum Cinemas | Filmas, seansu laiki, kino biļetes, biļešu cenas, treileri un jaunākās kino ziņas. OSGB文件如何打开? - 知乎 我原本把C4D安装在D盘,但是AE“合成设置”中点击“CINEMA 4D”没有作用(点击不了),后来把C4D移动(把整个软件文件夹剪切)到默认安装路径"C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D R25"就解决问题了,现在在AE中可以使用C4D渲染、创建C4D文件。 前言. 买电脑,不是难事,只是需要了解的东西,会比较多。 但不论如何,请以实际需求和钱包为准,别乱花钱。
2025.01.22 19:21 ImpressiveHabit99 VIP Cinema at Brentwood
I was just curious what time we can enter since we can order & munch in there.
If the movie is at 6, should we go at 5? I was trying to look for a better set of "What to expect" after purchasing the tickets, but no such luck!
Any tips and info would be appreciated, thank you!!
submitted by ImpressiveHabit99 to askvan [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 poganetsuzhasenya Why so much profanity?
Disclamer: I'm from Russia and I watch Amercan comedy shows almost exclusively. My favorites of all times are Frasier, Seinfeld and Modern Family.
I'm at season 2 of Shrinking and love it so far, except for 1 thing: so much profanity. Even at the lecture in front of kids! I feel like 90% of it is not justified by the plot. Is this normal or done for comedic effect? May be its a cultural thing, that I don't understand. I'm lost.
submitted by poganetsuzhasenya to shrinking [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Aware_Oil_9138 Tips for NROTC/waiver
Good afternoon everyone. I was recently awarded a 4 year national scholarship that I plan to use at SUNY Maritime. Although I’m still in a waiver pending status, I don’t want to give up on something I’ve worked so hard for.
Right now I’m working towards registering for NSI and was hoping if this sub could give me a few tips for what NSI is like and what to expect at my unit.
Last thing, has anyone gotten a waiver approved for a history of mental health? I’ve talked to officers and even had someone else comment on another post I made and they’ve said that as long as you perform well and do everything you need to without symptoms or mediation, the waiver will most likely be approved, is this true? By my sophomore (3/C) year, it will be 3 years without symptoms or medication. Surely a waiver would be approved considering this right? All responses are appreciated!!
submitted by Aware_Oil_9138 to NROTC [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Famous-Strawberry-54 Beautiful, young Catahoula mix Pepper #A5674302 is out of time at Palmdale Acc in SoCal. Pending euthanasia 1/23 if no one steps up for her. Beautiful girl was an owner surrender, let’s help save her! Please pledge to help attract rescue
submitted by Famous-Strawberry-54 to shelterpets [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 ilovepanzy2 Este problema es raro.
Hola, creen que este problema sea algo serio? O es algo grave... Pero es que les diré que soy menor de edad, pero desde hace tiempo me ha estado pasando algo, yo a veces he querido tener relaciones con chicas de mi edad, pero al final nunca resultan, pero... Desde hace tiempo me está pasando últimamente que las cabras chicas (Osea ñiñas menores de 12 años) les atraigo de una manera pero demasiado, osea es como si se enamorada de mi rápido, y es algo que últimamente me tiene cansado, prke hasta a veces ya me han llegado acosar, tengo una amiga que tiene una hermana, de 12, a veces voy a verla a ella prke ella tiene mi edad y piscina, pero su hermana a veces suele como acercarse ami, quiere intentar tocar mis partes privadas, intenta como querer ser algo mío, como novios, lo digo prke a veces quiere agarrarme la mano, pero me incómoda eso, en instagram, me suelen seguir chicas y cuando les pregunto mi edad suelen tener 10 y aveces has menos, me doy cuenta por el simple hecho de que a veces escriben mal, y es algo que me ha pasado, pero con chicas de mi edad, nunca me pasa algo serio, no me dicen que estoy feo, pero es como que no les atraigo, y la verdad no sé por qué, y por ese problema desde hace tiempo no he tenido alguna persona que ame verdaderamente.
submitted by ilovepanzy2 to Desahogo [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Hairy_Carob3741 What happened to
I was on some video or post when I found out about this site.
submitted by Hairy_Carob3741 to touhou [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 monadaddy889 M4F
Any F for Hookups
gifting travelling is my thing up for it any F intrested?
submitted by monadaddy889 to Bhubaneswar [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 AgreeableDivide7484 ORKT heavily shorted in the last 3 days
$ORKT last three trading days the number of shares traded was 10.4 million and the total shares shorted was 5.8 million. This could easily pop causing a massive short squeeze. Stock is on the anti short sell list today. Perfect opportunity for a squeeze forcing short sellers to have to cover submitted by AgreeableDivide7484 to StockMarket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:21 GladSheepherder9058 Looking for people to join my Group/Band
So i already asked this here once a long time ago but it was kinda a flop because no one actually did anything. It doesnt matter what type of music you make as long as youre active, open to collab and open to try out new stuff (It would be nice if youre into Rap stuff tho). Please dont join if youre not gonna be active!!! It would be cool if 4 people joined and wed be a group of 5 (Including me) It doesnt matter where youre from, when you started or what your skill level is as long as youre willing to improve and be active (I am not the best myself). Just lmk if youre interested in joining by writing your Bandlab name in the comments. My Bandlab:
submitted by GladSheepherder9058 to Bandlab [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Personal-Rough741 idont know why that doesnt work
letters = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","r","s","t","u","v","y","z","w","x","q"} word = {"error"} word_choosen = word[love.math.random(1,1)] word_numb = {love.math.random(1,26),love.math.random(1,26),love.math.random(1,26),love.math.random(1,26),love.math.random(1,26)} word_letter_find = {"","","","",""} didwordisequal = 0 function wordletterfinder() letters[word_numb[1]] = word_letter_find[1] letters[word_numb[2]] = word_letter_find[2] letters[word_numb[3]] = word_letter_find[3] letters[word_numb[4]] = word_letter_find[4] letters[word_numb[5]] = word_letter_find[5] if word_letter_find[1]..word_letter_find[2]..word_letter_find[3]..word_letter_find[4]..word_letter_find[5] == word_choosen then didwordisequal = 1 end end function love.update(dt) wordletterfinder() if word_letter_find[5] ~= "" then if didwordisequal == 0 then word_letter_find = {"","","","",""} end end end function love.draw() if didwordisequal == 1 then"error") end end
submitted by Personal-Rough741 to love2d [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Frosting_Future Struggling with body image/beauty standards
Hey all, I (F20) am dealing with something that feels embarrassing to talk about, but I really need to vent. For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with feeling ugly and fat. Logically, I know that my BMI, weight, and everything else are either underweight or at a normal range at the highest, so I know I’m okay in terms of health. But despite this, I still can’t shake these insecurities.
It’s gotten worse, especially now that I’m in a relationship with the most amazing guy who I truly think is the most gorgeous person ever. He gives me compliments, but no matter how many times he reassures me, I can’t seem to believe it. This is something that’s been going on since I was really young, and I’m honestly tired of it consuming my thoughts.
On a daily basis, probably around 80% of my thoughts are negative about my appearance or my body. I know comparing myself to people on Instagram is part of the problem, but I can’t stop doing it. I know it’s not healthy, but it’s like a mental block I can’t break through.
Anyone else been through something similar? How did you work through it? I just want to feel okay in my own skin.
submitted by Frosting_Future to girls [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Horror_Atmosphere814 Im so fat i wanna drop out of uni
Well so i guess the title gets to the point. Ive always been the chubby kid. Since i was little. Always alittle taller and wider compared to other kids my age. My parents did what they could. Ive gone to every sport class under the sun since i can remember...swimming basketball vollyball crossfit weightlifting boxing different dance classes and so on....i even had to watch my saturday cartoons on the treadmill. I went on my first diet when i was 5 and from then till now that im 26 ive tried every diet out there for different durations but i never even got near my goal weight. I have a nice face so everytime i was out with friends or relatives or even strangers like store clerks they would say i have such a nice face only of it wasnt for my body id be pretty. Shopping for any occasion was always a nigbtmare as i could never find anything i liked in my size. Eventually i became a total social outcast in school and poured my life into studying. It was a really stressful and bumpy ride through the years but i finally made it to a dream uni with my dream course in a country i dreamed of going like all the effort had paid off. But i still cant live with my weight. Its like a curse that hangs above my head constantly and it almost always holds me back from life. It even cost me a relationship. I feel ugly and not feminine because of it. It got to a point that i didnt even have the confidence to step out of my apartment to the grocery store because of it let alone attend my classes (Lots of panic attacks) When i finally gathered the courage to ask for professional help my depression ranking was so high it went way beyond the maximum of what they had on their scale. I put my mental and physical health first and went intense therapy for about a year and putting everything i possibly had every single day towards becoming a better version of myself. Working out at least 4 times a week the whole time while eating healthy and balanced diet. But now i barely look any different than when i started. Im already a few years behind on my study due to all this and i feel like im failing at everything me and my parents are investing in. i still wanna try to solve it. I just wanna feel normal for once. I wanna feel beautiful date around and go to my classes and make friends. Im not sure what to do anymore. I feel like a failure.
submitted by Horror_Atmosphere814 to Student [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 darealwan01 Myron wants to go on Piers Morgan
submitted by darealwan01 to LengfOrGirf [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Al3x04267 Bida weil ich mit 17 alleine in Urlaub fahren möchte
Hallo, ich bin 17 (M) und will eigentlich mit ein paar Kollegen in den nächsten Pfingstferien oder Sommerferien in Urlaub fahren. Also so 200-300km weg. Ein Kollege ist 19 und hat bereits ein Auto. Meine Mutter jedoch sagt dass wir zu jung sind. Mein Vater hat uns verlassen als ich knapp 10 war, deshalb hat meine Mutter ziemliche Verlustängste entwickelt. Das verstehe ich zwar, aber wenn ich anspreche, mit meinen Kollegen in Urlaub fahren zu wollen, wird sie sehr laut und redet dann meistens ne Zeit lang nicht mehr mit mir. Sie wirft mir dann auch vor dass ich die Familie zerstöre weil ich nicht lockerlasse. Ich habe sie schon oft nach den Gründen und Sorgen gefragt, worauf ich jedoch keine Antwort bekommen habe, außer dass wie zu jung seien und dass solange sie es blockieren kann sie das auch wird... Ich weiß, dass ich rechtlich gesehen keine Chance habe, aber ich wollte mal eure Meinung hören. Ist man mit 17,5 (werd ich Pfingsten sein) nicht weit genug? BIDA weil ich da nicht locker lasse, weil das mir echt wichtig ist? Danke im vorraus 😊 bda?
submitted by Al3x04267 to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 paulyd191 Captain Blizzard Final Drop PSA
HoF Pedro Martinez should get progress for 4/7 (all of the pitching) missions for anyone who hasn’t already completed them.
submitted by paulyd191 to MLBTheShow [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 sVggRk bbq farm
submitted by sVggRk to unioncircle [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Know-Anything44 Nanites and Units from Scanning
u/Stoyvescent just posted a thread about getting extra nanites from registering when traveler funds all fauna on a planet. Check it out.
My question is how Scanner Upgrades and anything else affects units received immediately from scanning flora, fauna or minerals … and whether nanites can be increased by any of these things from scanning and uploading.
If anyone knows of an explanatory reddit thread or spreadsheet podcast YT etc, please link.
I have 2,000+ hrs on NMS but still learning detailed stuff. I presently play almost exclusively on Custom Survival with most of the settings turned up to max difficulty, so my understanding may be skewed a bit.
My understanding:
1) units are affected by common vs rare for fauna but no common vs rare for flora or minerals
2) Scanner upgrades that increase rewards do not match directly with the % listed in the upgrade … but DO increase rewards according to some pattern that isn’t clear to me.
Eg 1: a lot of flora and mineral earn few units even with the bonuses … but some get higher units than others (up to a few thousand k)
Eg 2: fauna can be worth a lot … 17k on up to several hundred thousand k … and bonuses can drive that up a lot more
3) Nothing affects nanite rewards … 3 nanites for each flora and each mineral … 5 nanites for each fauna … bonuses do NOT apply (except travelers gee good nanite bonuses when registering a complete fauna discovery)
I don’t rename much so I don’t know how that affects nanites
Info on nanites are welcome! I use nanites in gameplay to raise starship classes, so I always need nanites.
Thanks for any input. (yes, I have nanite fungal mold farms and sentinel killing glass farms, but early game I want to get nanites anywhere I can).
submitted by Know-Anything44 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Rei_Pinto Been teaching a friend how to play zomboid irl,
He came over my house a few times and i've been teaching him how to play, hes really liking it so far. Best moment yet was me telling him to open up the map and zoom out. and going "no no, zoom out more. more . more . yes more still. see that ? thats the whole map" and him just being mindblown by the size of the game
submitted by Rei_Pinto to projectzomboid [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 TranscendenceChaser Summer Mixed Animal Externships
Chronic lurker venturing into the light
Does anyone have any mixed animal clinics accepting rising second years for summer externships in the US? Major plus if it’s a paid opportunity OR housing is provided in any way.
P.S. I realize these may be coveted opportunities, but I’m having little luck finding them on my own. If anyone has resources, I’d love those as well!
submitted by TranscendenceChaser to veterinaryschool [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 larrytn Ban Twitter/X links?
Given the recent Musk behavior, can we ban TwitteX links? Alternatively, what are your favorite Bluesky West Ham accounts?
submitted by larrytn to Hammers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 sumshi009 Welcome home Herta
Will definitely be saving my stellar jades after this. I found her f2p team a lot of fun so I pulled for her
submitted by sumshi009 to HertaMains [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 silverGummy23 23/M need to quick rant on Dating
Hi i am 23 male living in a metropolitan city. All i see around myself are couples doing couples shit . And Everywhere i go i think this place serves couples how can i be at peace just being single like WTF.
submitted by silverGummy23 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:21 Inside-Error2640 I guess, it should be enough cozy for you
submitted by Inside-Error2640 to cozy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:21 Necessary_Version791 Elon & the Felon
submitted by Necessary_Version791 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:21 Fantastic_Guest2647 Please, I need dark MLM romance recommendations
So I am looking for some MLM or well gay romance dark romance recommendations. Does anyone have any? I do want to specify that I can’t and won’t read books. With rpe, s.a., sharing and or cheating. So if you have any recommendations for me that don’t contain those things, please let me know! I recently just got into dark Romance. I have read leather and lark, butcher, and blackbird. Also the fabric of our souls and little stranger. Very soon I’m going to buy little liar. I’ve only read one MLM romance, and that was for the fans. And absolutely loved it! Oh when it comes to s.a. Or rpe sometimes I can stomach it if it was briefly mentioned. But only if it’s something that happened in like the past and not between the main characters. And if they do cover that kind of stuff, I kinda want them to do it like properly. Like I don’t want them to just mention it for a bit. And then not even maybe cover the fact that the character is still healing. Or is still kind of going through the trauma. One more thing about sharing, I mean specifically as long as it’s not between like a group of people. And it’s not done without consent. And they are using that person however they please. Then I think I can deal with that like if it’s like a group of people that like one person and they’re all having fun time with each other and it’s consensual then yeah, I’ll read it. Also about cheating if it’s like in the past then, yeah I can do it but again not between the main characters.
submitted by Fantastic_Guest2647 to Booktokreddit [link] [comments]