Guys, is this Minimax? The amount of stuff happening suggests pure prompting, but if it's just a prompt, how do you maintain the composition and the character consistency? Also, transitions in one scene from character to character...

2025.01.22 20:03 Dudoid2 Guys, is this Minimax? The amount of stuff happening suggests pure prompting, but if it's just a prompt, how do you maintain the composition and the character consistency? Also, transitions in one scene from character to character...

Guys, is this Minimax? The amount of stuff happening suggests pure prompting, but if it's just a prompt, how do you maintain the composition and the character consistency? Also, transitions in one scene from character to character... submitted by Dudoid2 to HailuoAiOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Historical_Cover8920 Our dawg is coming to the rescue, get in early

submitted by Historical_Cover8920 to Moonshotcoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Previous_Car7995 My attempt at a horror movie fighting game roster. (+DLC)

My attempt at a horror movie fighting game roster. (+DLC) submitted by Previous_Car7995 to makeafighter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 driftersemuitobom Pergunta aos universitários

Pergunta aos universitários Minha mãe achou esse HD guardado. Era do meu antigo pc, tiramos pra colocar um SSD no lugar. O HD já veio no pc e comprei por volta de 2019/20. Se precisarem de mais informações, peçam nos comentários 🫂
Pela aparência, tá prestando ainda? Se sim, quanto vale?
Não tenho mais pc pra testar se funfa, e não tô afim de pagar pra testarem.
Obs.: minha dúvida sobre ainda funcionar é porque tem um risco ali no meio.
submitted by driftersemuitobom to gamesEcultura [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Zestyclose_Cat_8807 looking for Minecraft players, at least 18+ :) Thanks.

Bedrock realm, no griefing, no stealing, no hacking allowed. Join or create a town with other players to make new friends and work together to build some amazing stuff, or go out solo. Sell extra ores at spawn to earn money, which can be used to buy extra hearts, speed buffs, and other benefits to aid in survival, think of it as a mobile beacon so you don't have to pack everything up and re place it. There are events and VC both of which are optional but are fun regardless! Discor* is required to play, comment or DM me and I'll send you an invite to it. See you in.
submitted by Zestyclose_Cat_8807 to MineCraftRealms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 shriyabd getting back into reading comics! recs?

I recently graduated and finally passed my board exam so I have some time freed up. It's been a while since I've been able to stay up-to-date with anything. What are some current ongoings that you would recommend?
submitted by shriyabd to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Valuable-Ad8456 Very anxious about TC?

Hey all. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping up with study, best of luck everyone. I have 3 exams left which I am sitting this sitting and I’m fairly confident as I passed my other 5 with 60%+. That’s not the issue, the issue is that I’ve applied 3 years in a row for internships and have gotten nothing. Have a high 2.1 from DCU in LLB and a LLM from Trinity which I’ve gotten a 1.1 in. My biggest worry is that I will finish my exams now, this sitting, pass them all; then do I have 5 or 7 years to find a TC? I am super worried I won’t find one within the following 5 years. I literally had to start therapy because I have had so many nightmares because of it, I’m super anxious and I’m unsure what to do. I’m 24 and feel like I’m failing. I would like to go into corporate but WILL take a TC for anything at this stage. Any internship too.
Here’s my question. I f’ed up and didn’t apply for anything last year; so I have no internships for 2025 lined up. I didn’t even try; as I was scared of getting rejected again. But now that I will soon have all my 8 exams passed, I am hopeful that it will be easier for me to secure one ( praying) what’s my best option? I never volunteered or enrolled in any societies in college. I don’t have hobbies except for traveling and I’ve been to 40 countries solo ( took me 3 years) but I doubt they care? So do I try apply for internships again? Is anything open right now? Do I try apply for grad jobs? What do I do? I am super confused, and feeling miserable. I do have 3 months of unpaid work in a criminal law firm 3 years ago. I have had 3 retail jobs, so that’s all my skills. Haven’t worked in 2 years so not sure how they’ll feel about that…? I have heard that everything for 2027 is full?! So that’ll only give me 3 years to find one?
If you’ve bothered to read all that, thank you so much, any advice is welcome.
From a very miserable FE1 student.
submitted by Valuable-Ad8456 to FE1_Exams [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 SandDune79 Extra 0.5% interest rate for opening up a new account on Wealthfront

Hey everyone,
Use this link to open a Wealthfront Cash Account. Once you fund it, you'll get a 0.50% APY boost! As of Jan 2025, Wealthfront is sitting at interest rate of 4%. You would be able to get 4.5% with this link!
submitted by SandDune79 to wealthfront [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 FaZe_poopy When their own research/experiments are what killed them… and they couldn’t be happier

When their own research/experiments are what killed them… and they couldn’t be happier submitted by FaZe_poopy to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 CapAccomplished8072 Kingdom Hearts x FFVII. Sora's parents are Cloud and Aerith by hu_manbee_ing

Kingdom Hearts x FFVII. Sora's parents are Cloud and Aerith by hu_manbee_ing submitted by CapAccomplished8072 to FF7Rebirth [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 BalearicVibesRecords Freedom - Hidden Love

Freedom - Hidden Love hey community... here my new production. hope you like and share it... much love
submitted by BalearicVibesRecords to PromoteYourMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Zestyclose_Cat_8807 looking for Minecraft players, at least 18+ :) Thanks.

Bedrock realm, no griefing, no stealing, no hacking allowed. Join or create a town with other players to make new friends and work together to build some amazing stuff, or go out solo. Sell extra ores at spawn to earn money, which can be used to buy extra hearts, speed buffs, and other benefits to aid in survival, think of it as a mobile beacon so you don't have to pack everything up and re place it. There are events and VC both of which are optional but are fun regardless! Discor* is required to play, comment or DM me and I'll send you an invite to it. See you in.
submitted by Zestyclose_Cat_8807 to MineCraftRealms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Dismal-House-5734 Perfekter Wanderschuh

Ich habe vor kurzem eine ganze Stange Geld geerbt und mich jetzt entschlossen mir die perfekte Ausrüstung zu kaufen und einfach mal loszuwandern. Wahrscheinlich erstmal durch Europa aber vielleicht später auch durch Asien oder Amerika. Dafür suche ich jetzt nach den perfekten Schuhen. Der Preis ist eigentlich egal die müssten halt nur zu jeder Situation passen. Ich werde jetzt nicht bergsteigen, aber halt extrem viel laufen und das bei kaltem so wie warmen Wetter und sowohl auf straßen als auch im Gelände. Vor allem regenfestigkeit also Gore Tex oder ähnliches wäre mir wichtig. Hat irgendwer Ideen welche Schuhe man da nehmen könnte?
submitted by Dismal-House-5734 to wandern [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Used-Investment-4411 Are we getting Jumpout Friday?

View Poll
submitted by Used-Investment-4411 to osamason [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 anneloesams Selling Naya Paperie HP Mini cover (in EU)

Hope this is allowed! I ordered a custom Happy Planner mini cover from Naya Paperie but immediately upon opening the package I sadly enough saw it is not for me. Would anyone like to buy it from me? I am in Europe so shipping is cheapest within the EU.
The inside and outside is in their Dark Leopard leather, with a custom full-width back pocket and gold button closure. I paid €102 excl shipping.
My HP mini is pretty compact with the smallest rings, and this planner has room for a thick planner. It feels way too big on mine, both around the rings and at the clasp. It would fit better with bigger rings or a thicker planner I think. I also realised I much prefer the stiffer covers (eg Moterm) over these really soft floppy ones. Especially the back pocket is very loose and soft.
submitted by anneloesams to planners [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 BirdsWithScales Diagnosed with chronic EBV and told there's nothing I can do- should I get a second opinion?

I've been stalking this reddit ever since my dr brought up CAEBV (scary!). They referred me to an oncology office where, after review of my bloodwork, diagnosed me with chronic EBV and told me that I'm essentially going to have to deal with the fatigue and whatever else this disease brings. Honestly, id be fine with that if "whatever else" didn't include this chronic cough! I get sick from anything and suddenly I'm coughing till my lungs are quite literally sore for 2 to 4 weeks. It's ruining my life- dishes pile up and I dont leave the house for days, and i've failed classes several times because of it now. Genuinely, I do not know how I can have any semblance of a life with this virus. I've been struggling with it for years. Is that seriously all EBV? could the illnesses that last forever or the cough be something else? Thanks in advance.
submitted by BirdsWithScales to EBV [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Funnysonic125 My recently finished commissions! Which is your personal favorite?

My recently finished commissions! Which is your personal favorite? submitted by Funnysonic125 to fightsticks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Suspicious_Health_64 Whisky for Cranachan

Hi, I am away to make a cranachan for burns because why not and was wondering what whisky would ge the best as I am not a whisky drinker
Any Suggestions?
submitted by Suspicious_Health_64 to Scotland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 RubPublic3359 Anyone knows where the game's saves are located?

I downloaded a pirate version to check the game out (because its expensive) and played it for 50+ hours in 2 weeks. Now I bought the game but cant get the file to the steam version, anyone knows what I could do? Thanks in advance
submitted by RubPublic3359 to thebindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 MIhnea_Paun Is there anywhere i can find this chrome part in black

Is there anywhere i can find this chrome part in black submitted by MIhnea_Paun to skoda [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Nildric Put Wand Tome on Waist while wearing Bow

Put Wand Tome on Waist while wearing Bow
Putting Wand Tome on Waist while wearing Bow would avoid this Issue with Skins and also look cooler, not to have two weapons on the same place overlapping each other, same thing is already done with daggers.
submitted by Nildric to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 Embarrassed-Put9191 Is it okay to still have plushies

I turned 16 recently and still have quite a few plushies and I was wondering if it was okay to still have them at my age
submitted by Embarrassed-Put9191 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 smileypotatoeseater the loaf and the claw

the loaf and the claw submitted by smileypotatoeseater to Catloaf [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 LaceyGurlPgh Girls Got Legs

Hopefully these legs are sexy enough for you
submitted by LaceyGurlPgh to Guys_w_Girls_LegsCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:03 The_bat_king03 Is all new venom worth it?

I’m debating reading it, but I know little to nothing about it other than the basics of venom war, is this new run any good?
submitted by The_bat_king03 to Spiderman [link] [comments]