
2025.01.22 19:56 Lumpy-Speaker1640 Question

Hello, new to this game. As a beginner anyine have any tips? I made around 500k thru real estate and currently have 127k and market and taxi business with 5 cars making me total 7k per hour with boosts
submitted by Lumpy-Speaker1640 to BusinessEmpireRichman [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 No_Masterpiece5945 Unsure about long term intimacy

Long story short, he is everything I want, loving , mature, committed and hard working. Marriage and a family is definitely on the way.
Where the worry comes in, he is quite vanilla when it comes to his past experiences, preferences and not always into physical touch for too long.(He knows how to properly “pump” in regular positions until satisfaction tho) I, on the other hand like to spice things up once in a while and had fun in past long term experiences. Would love to explore, with him and him only, as he is very attractive and it triggers naughty thoughts, but pretty sure they would definitely be off the table to try (he has never even eaten me out yet). Idk, some examples; swallowing cum turns him off, breast play is always so short, sneaky spontaneous moments in the car makes him paranoid and holding my throat even as I place it there is always removed in a second. Are they extreme really?
if we stay together as a married couple, is there a way to just let the desire die down? Or always feel like there are things not explored…
submitted by No_Masterpiece5945 to Kenya [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 aresmalltiddiesstil Meet Jeffrey. Senior cats are the best because they are full of love and this 12-year-old Siamese is as sweet as can be

Meet Jeffrey. Senior cats are the best because they are full of love and this 12-year-old Siamese is as sweet as can be submitted by aresmalltiddiesstil to SeniorCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Ashamed_At_Life What do I add in these two areas?

What do I add in these two areas? (going to be a gothic castle so anything relating to that style will be very helpful)
submitted by Ashamed_At_Life to Bloxburg [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 EnvironmentalNoise Florida Snow

Florida Snow Loretta Lynn says “hell naw.”
submitted by EnvironmentalNoise to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 blushinskies customer help

i got mildly coached at for letting a man help me put his groceries into HIS car and i understand its policy but it actually boggles my mind how much my ATC cared. it’s literally their vehicles why does it matter?? if i was a customer i’d be more uncomfortable if the associate didn’t want my help lmao
submitted by blushinskies to walmartogp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Impressive_Flow_6803 Nancy Calderón - Noti7 Guatemala

Nancy Calderón - Noti7 Guatemala submitted by Impressive_Flow_6803 to hotnewsanchors [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 No_Career4154 Deoxys raid please help - 611549730893

submitted by No_Career4154 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Independent-Craft712 Game keeps crashing

My steam updated yesterday and whenever i use steam link to open b&s, it crashes on startup or has low res (eventually a crash). what do i do about this?
submitted by Independent-Craft712 to BladeAndSorcery [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 PatagoniaHat Skincare products & After Shave Balm order of application

Hi Guys,
Long time lurker here, I've been DE shaving with a 1964 Gillette Slim Adjustable that I found in my grandfather's stuff 10 years ago.
I always just used can Barbasol applied to my face with my hands, and took a shower after and done my skincare routine (vitamin C serum, moisturizer, SPF). After this my face feels itchy/irritated for the rest of the day in the area that I shaved. I want to start shaving every day and realized I should do this the right way but I have a question about order.
After some research I purchased Proraso white shaving cream, Proraso white aftershave balm, and a stirling badger brush.
My questions is, If I shave after I shower and apply the aftershave balm, should I still apply the skincare products over that area? Or just apply it to the top half of my face? Or does anyone apply moisturizer and other products first after the shower, shave, then apply the aftershave balm after? Some insight would be great. Thanks!
submitted by PatagoniaHat to wicked_edge [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Working-Box-4858 Urgent requirement - it's about life 🥲

I was traveling and at airport I got to know I have a travel ban and need to go CID, they told me I have something with Mashreq, same like many others mashreq did duplicate credit to my account and at that time even my accounts credentials were changed and it was being used I don't know by whom and to change my number and revert it as before mashreq took a month and now they are claiming anyhow it's my account so I'm responsible.
I missed my brother wedding just to now pay this unfair amount and I'll go to the court because as of now my case is with CID only I'm ok with courts.
Please tell if someone could lend me 4968.44 AED for a month because I need to reach to my country by tomorrow at any cost as now my mother is seriously sick and even I can pay infinite for her but right now I have nothing as I took new room after returning from airport and going to Dubai, mashreq, cid, court, etc on daily basis.
Please provide me any loan shark link or anything that can lend me this amount 🙏
May God bless you.
submitted by Working-Box-4858 to LoansPaydayOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 asa_my_iso Astoria Column

Astoria Column Kentmere 35mm in Rodinal. Nikon N80 + 28mm 1.8g and 85mm 1.8g
submitted by asa_my_iso to Nikon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Informal_Score_5979 Who can grow up my teen and post-teen fbd?

submitted by Informal_Score_5979 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 DallasCCRN Executive Order

The city of Odessa, TX has a 1989 ordinance that made it “unlawful for any person to knowingly and intentionally enter any public restroom designated for the exclusive use of the sex opposite to his or her own.”
Considering the new executive order by Trump makes everyone’s sex designated at conception and not at the 6 week period when the Y chromosome develops, does that mean all males are now females?
Does that also mean males must use the female bathrooms in Odessa?
Lastly, if one got arrested in Odessa, could one appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court?
submitted by DallasCCRN to legal [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Guilty_Calendar7575 SOME FREE SILVA METHOD VIDEOS

There are explainers on Three Fingers Technique, Mental Screen Technique etc -
submitted by Guilty_Calendar7575 to silvaultramindsystem [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Interesting_guy54 Give this a go if you want some cheap meals

I know money's tight for a lot of people right now so I thought I'd share this deal I just found. is one of those subscription meal businesses like HelloFresh that sends out weekly meal kits. They're good if you can't be bothered shopping or want make something new without researching recipes.
Anyway long story short they're running a deal right now where you can get a meal box with 4 meals for just £1.00. That includes delivery too and you can just cancel the subscription afterwards if you want. It's a pretty sweet deal, I did it and I got my girlfriend to do it too after we used the first box. There's 149 meals to choose from, if you want my opinion the tandoori chicken and chicken gyros were the best out of the ones I tried.
submitted by Interesting_guy54 to wakefield [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Pleasant_Aide8912 In what version is Metro coming? [wrong answers only]

A. 2.2
B. 2.5
C. 2.9.1
D. 2.6
submitted by Pleasant_Aide8912 to stepfordcountyrailway [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Jsplus Did anybody else catch the fact that he literally gave his SSN out on one of his recorded calls?

Taking bets on how long it takes before someone steals his identity and runs up credit cards….
submitted by Jsplus to AndrewDitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 oops_cannon_5953 First time posting my collection:)

First time posting my collection:) Started collecting last summer around 7 months ago. Got into this hobby at 25 at it has opened up literally entire worlds for me. Couple things to note: I desperately need more shelf space lol, and I have berserk volume 3 its just being borrowed by my brother and deluxe volume 8 is behind me because I need to finish reading it. I plan on finishing collecting berserk in both forms because I love it and I’m bad with money :)
submitted by oops_cannon_5953 to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Ambitious-Driver-69 Taking 30kg suitcase in the tube Vs Uber

Guys, I have this throw away post question.
As the title says, I'd need to take this large suitcase weighing around 30-35 kg with me in the evening of working day next week from location A to Z. The thing is, the tube travel is direct without changes and there're lifts on both stations.
Uber will take longer due to traffic and I've never carried larger suitcases so not sure what Uber driver's car should be for it.
What's your experience carrying a larger suitcase in the tube? Or should I just take Uber and forget the tube? Sorry if it's a bizarre question, I just don't want to inconvenience anyone in the tube or maybe I'm overthinking this?
submitted by Ambitious-Driver-69 to london [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Impossible_Current67 Ep 3: LGBTQ+ Pop The Balloon Or Find Love

Ep 3: LGBTQ+ Pop The Balloon Or Find Love submitted by Impossible_Current67 to WLW_PH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Positive_straberry77 Is it safe to move to Ireland without a job ?

Hey everyone, I wanted to know some helpful things about moving to Ireland.
I have save alot of money, to find a place to stay, while I look for a job. I'm a bit scared, but it really is needed. I have junior experience in administration and as an accountant. I also would like to know if there is some kind of support for people with severe adhd.
I gladly take suggestions
Thank you very much
submitted by Positive_straberry77 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 PangolinCynique Si deux chefs d'états en activité et célibataires se mettent ensemble, on fusionne les deux pays?

Admettons que deux chefs d'etats en activité, célibataires, se plaisent, se mettent ensemble, voire se marient... Que se passe-t-il ? On rassemble les deux pays ( je pense notamment a l'histoire ou un mariage permettait de récupérer des terres)? Ils démissionnent ? Est-ce que c'est au moins prévu dans les différentes constitutions?
submitted by PangolinCynique to PasDeQuestionIdiote [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Willing-Lie5514 Who can proxy for meee

I can pay good money if anyone can<2 dm!!
submitted by Willing-Lie5514 to 2hollis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:56 Wonderful_Wind_01 Ärzte wissen trotz Abklärungen nicht, was ich habe - Ratschlag?

Hallo zusammen,
Es gab 20 Jahre, in denen ich jeden Tag Gluten-Produkte gegessen habe, manchmal in großen Mengen (Cornflakes, Brot, Fast-Food usw.). Als ich 20 Jahre alt war, begann sich etwas zu verändern und ich reagierte sehr schlecht auf die Produkte:

Ich habe auch eine Pollenallergie, eine Sojaallergie und eine Nussallergie. Alles seit meiner frühen Kindheit.
Weiß jemand, was ich habe und ob das normal ist?
Ich konnte bis heute die Darmbiopsie leider nicht machen, da ich ja davor Brot essen muss was nicht möglich ist. Jedoch habe ich eine Prädisposition für Zöliakie. Ich habe seit dem 2. Vorfall häufig Angstzustände beim Essen und vermeide sehr viel Nahrungsmittel.
submitted by Wonderful_Wind_01 to glutenfrei [link] [comments]