2025.01.22 20:52 avocado_cow Future Grad Advice
Hi everyone! I am graduating with a major in Creative Writing (emphasis in Nonfiction) this summer and am wondering if anyone has any advice on getting experience for copyediting/publishing. I do have experience working on my school's literary magazine, though I know publishing houses and magazines will want more than that. I have made profiles on a few freelance sites and am perusing books to buy (mostly because my school is lacking in editing & technical writing courses), lol, but would love to hear from y'all!
submitted by avocado_cow to Copyediting [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 xKurty AD account - important question
I have tried multiple dropshipping stores. Do I have to use a different ad account for every store? At this point all i do is create a new pixel for each store obviously. But since I have increased limits on my mostly used ad account I always use it in all my new stores. Is this affecting my poor ad performance? Should I create a new ad account for each new dropshipping store?
submitted by xKurty to FacebookAds [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 choronaco69 Correr de noche les genera insomnio?
Hola amigos. Cuando corro muy tarde me da insomnio (despues de las 20 hrs). A alguien le ocurre? Algun tip para manejarlo o la solucion solo es correr mas temprano?
submitted by choronaco69 to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 Much-Reserve8872 Dificuldade em lidar com rejeição
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Go to introvert introvert 1 hr. ago Much-Reserve8872
Amizades, rejeição Question Fiz 2 amizades recentes no trabalho e saímos algumas vezes (elas moram no meu bairro). Quando saímos, nos divertimos e conversamos muito. Diante disso, fiz um grupo no wpp para combinarmos algumas saídas, já que moramos perto e estávamos gostando da companhia umas das outras. Mandei mensagem na última sexta de manhã pra combinar um rolê e só uma amiga me respondeu (no dia seguinte à tardinha) pedindo desculpas por estar desatenta no wpp esses dias e que não ia dar porque ia passar uns dias com o pai. Tranquilo, achei estranha a demora e só uma (das 2) responder, mas ok, essas coisas acontecem, as pessoas não ficam o tempo todo vendo mensagem. Nesse mesmo dia, respondi e sugeri uma outra opção, outro dia, enfim, falei que poderíamos sair ainda esse mês se elas quisessem, era só me falaram o dia que podiam. Hoje é quarta e nada. Nenhuma "visualizou" nem respondeu, sendo que uma delas está constantemente postando no Instagram. Provavelmente só fui ignorada mesmo. Fiquei bem triste, mas também não vou cobrar nada. Elas me tratam bem pessoalmente e são bem legais comigo, mas acho que não querem criar uma relação de amizade pelo visto. O que acham que eu deveria fazer? Seria nonsense se eu saísse do grupo (que eu mesma criei)? Senti que me humilhei demais e queria apagar essa vergonha, porque vira e mexe eu olho achando que alguém vai responder ainda, sei lá. Enfim, me veio um sentimento de rejeição que estou com dificuldade de lidar por ter me iludido. Eu sou muito fechada e tenho poucas amizades, esse tipo de situação me fez me sentir muito mal.
submitted by Much-Reserve8872 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 phishflies cancelled free trial and got billed over $800
I signed up for a free trial and canceled it that same day (not my first rodeo). I just realized I have eight charges over the last 8 months totaling over $800. Of course, I can't find any record of anything in my inbox, and logging into their site just tells me my plan has expired and and I need to pick a new one to renew-I can't see any history, etc. - super helpful. I submitted a help ticket after hitting a wall on their automated phone system, where they made it clear they "do not offer refunds". sounds like I'm in for a dogfight, ugh. anyone else ever deal with this?
submitted by phishflies to fuboTV [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 crowned289 Almost passing out each time. Thoughts??
So, I have given blood 4 times. And each time, my symptoms have gotten worse. Any ideas as to why? 18F, 135 lbs, 5"9. On days I donate, I eat breakfast, drink water throughout the day, and eat a PB&J with Gatorade or apple juice right before. I don't vape or smoke and am not on any medications that affect my heart/BP. I ride horses once a week and occasionally work out.
The first time (16 yrs, May 2023) went great! No negative side effects or anything. Left the bus like 10-15 mins after they unstuck me.
The second time (16, Aug 2023) went the same way, but I was a little weak the rest of the day. I had to go outside (in May heat) to do some work and felt very faint. Came inside, ate a PB&J with some Gatorade and was fine.
The third time (17, May 2024) was when it went downhill, but the nurses were great. About halfway through the bag, I started getting hot all of a sudden. Ended up getting nauseous soon after, and then started breathing heavy. Got dizzy and such. They pulled the needle out when the bag was almost full, but not quite. I started struggling to keep my eyes open and the nurses kept telling me to tap my toes together, but I couldn't do it longer than a few seconds. After a few minutes (I think) I was fine. They gave me apple juice and peanut butter crackers and then about 20-30 mins later, I was able to leave.
But the fourth time (17, Sept 2024) was the worst, which was odd. I'd been taking iron supplements and eating lots of iron-rich food, and my levels were fine when they got checked. I told them that I almost fainted last time. Then when I got hot, I told the nurses and they immediately took action. This time, I kept trying to talk to the nurses because they kept asking me questions, but I literally couldn't open my eyes. I wanted to just take a nap and I almost started begging them to let me sleep. After like 5 mins (maybe??) I was finally okay. But it took me so long to FEEL okay again. I couldn't stand for more than a minute without getting dizzy again, and then I had to transfer to the other bus. Ended up having to get a donor chair to lay in after a nurse noticed that I was breathing heavily (and probably pale) and my eyes were closing. Stayed there for like 45 minutes after I was unstuck and my dad had to come pick me up because I couldn't drive myself. Took a nap when I got home and was tired the rest of the day.
Any ideas as to why I'm having more extreme reactions to donations? I've read that it's rare for repeat donors to faint, especially when they didn't on their first time. I'm also much healthier than I was the first three times I donated. I got an EKG and an echocardiogram last summer (2024) and everything was perfect. No murmurs, valve issues or anything of the sort. My BP has also always been very good, never too high or too low.
submitted by crowned289 to Blooddonors [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 NewSwim4014 17/F looking for friendship!!! preferably in my age range
hiihiii!! i lovee playing roblox and would want to find someone to play with me!! aslong as playing on my Nintendo switch! i also love reading and bakingg. dont be afraid to dm me! if u prefer to chat on another app im down!
submitted by NewSwim4014 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 aden0907 get to the chopper mod
i have a UH-1 Huey but i do not know how to use it, it has gas i can put stuff in it just cant get it to launch (Sorry if you hard to read i don't have a lot of time to do this be for work)
submitted by aden0907 to RimWorld [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 TheReal_Unkn0wn_289 Why are posts being deleted?
Even when posts are fine and completely related to the sub they get removed for no real reason on the christian page? Does anyone have any experience with that happening here as well?
submitted by TheReal_Unkn0wn_289 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 Scared-Philosophy29 Can preorders on the S25 series sell out?
I am going to be able to get the phone on Friday, but wondering if it can sell out before that?
submitted by Scared-Philosophy29 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 CR7_GOATT First time applying - Essay Question
Hi everyone,
This is my first time applying for the SHPEP program, and I’m feeling a bit unsure about what to write my essay on. I don’t have any “cool” or standout medical experiences that pushed me toward a medical career. I’ve always just had a genuine interest in the medical field and a strong desire to help people.
Any advice on how I can structure my essay or what key points to focus on would be really appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by CR7_GOATT to SHPEP2025 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 CamelKey1293 Hey m 19 from Germany Here im really h!gh,does any F wanna make me their bitch? Session:05d68c0d32c854689ad3999d12d22c099d85f97029652d5e9d7f691bbc47aaad1e
05d68c0d32c854689ad3999d12d22c099d85f97029652d5e9d7f691bbc47aaad1e submitted by CamelKey1293 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:52 Annual-Tale9598 Heather Graham
submitted by Annual-Tale9598 to Celebritybellybutton [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:52 real_professional601 وين أجد كتب في مختارات الشعر النبطي؟
وين أجد كتب في مختارات الشعر النبطي؟
submitted by real_professional601 to SaudiReaders [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 unassuming_bat What shape nose do I have?
submitted by unassuming_bat to Noses [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:52 Material_Weight_7954 Why are people this petty?
I’m the charge RN on an intermediate-level care unit. We are a very small, very niche unit and always have a long queue of people awaiting a bed. Yesterday my colleague sent a stable downgrade to the telemetry unit; report was called and transport was arranged. The patient was ok to be off the monitor so no nurse was required for transport. The transporter dropped the patient off and 15, maybe 20 minutes later I noticed that the patient was still showing up in our census despite having been moved. No biggie; I just hit the “transfer out” tab and that automatically updates the patient’s location and flags our room to be cleaned. (Again, I have a very long queue of people waiting for beds).
Probably 45 minutes later I get an angry call from the tele charge claiming that we just dumped the patient without saying anything and I’m dumbfounded. I remind her that report was called and it is on transport to announce the patient’s arrival when they drop off. She then berates me for “adding the patient into their census for my own convenience because I wanted the room cleaned”. Um, no…I just updated the location on my end so the room on my unit would not show up as occupied.
Today my manager emails me that he doesn’t understand the incident report that the charge wrote up about me. And honestly, I don’t either. How the hell is it my fault that they didn’t notice the patient they took report on and were expecting was dropped off?
My manager is awesome and listened to my rant and then advised me not to check my email on my day off because he feels bad that I’m in a shitty mood now. I feel fortunate that he has my back but honestly this petty bullshit is why I want to leave the profession so badly.
submitted by Material_Weight_7954 to nursing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 EmbersCat Frage zu Kryptowährungsgewinnen: Minderjährig, Gewinne über Freund ausgecasht
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe eine komplizierte Situation und hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich bin unter 18 Jahre alt und habe mit Memecoins etwa 668 € Gewinn gemacht. Da ich keinen eigenen Coinbase-Account habe, habe ich meinem Freund Solana (SOL) gesendet, den er dann auf seinem Coinbase-Account ausgezahlt hat.
Das Problem: Mein Freund ist über 18 und handelt regelmäßig größere Mengen an Kryptowährungen. Der Gewinn aus den Memecoins gehört jedoch komplett mir, und ich möchte diesen korrekt in meiner Steuererklärung angeben.
Meine Fragen:
2025.01.22 20:52 Riick-Sanchez Does the center of the world look like a skull? or am I crazy?
submitted by Riick-Sanchez to Worldbox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:52 fleurr1 grofvuil in de regen?
Morgen komt hier het grofvuil. Het gaat om elektrische apparatuur (lamp en een keukenmachine), en in Breda mag je dat vanaf 21:00 uur buitenzetten. Het voelt alleen een beetje raar om apparatuur buiten in de regen neer te zetten (ondanks dat het al kapot is). Ik kan er niks over vinden online, en vind het prima om morgen wat vroeger m'n wekker te zetten en het buiten neer te zetten. Maar toch was ik benieuwd of hier regels voor zijn?
submitted by fleurr1 to Breda [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 Standard_Schedule_20 What is happening to this monstera leave?
Only happening to the back of the leave not the front submitted by Standard_Schedule_20 to Monstera [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:52 Sweaty_Minimum_7126 Exploring Windows 7: Media Center, Task Manager Tricks & 3D Text Effects!
submitted by Sweaty_Minimum_7126 to PS4Dreams [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:52 TyrinsKrisp I bought a sealed 30th Anniversary Countdown and got these!
Bought a bunch of sealed SLs from a friend and was super happy! 10/10 worth the money.
submitted by TyrinsKrisp to mtg [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 chancho34 Anyone have experience importing a classic from Mexico, by driving up through the border?
I bought a 1959 Cadillac mm hearse and will be having it towed from the Culiacán area up to tijuana ,then we will drive the car through the border crossing, get it passed through. and then tow it back from San diego to Orange County. I guess my question would be what to expect, because I have no Mexican title for the vehicle
submitted by chancho34 to classiccars [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 209
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:52 C_Moose_J BGC to Cubao
Hi! May sakayan po ba pa-cubao sa market market?
submitted by C_Moose_J to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]