Descartes bullied by 4channer

Hi @cytokin It is not rude as written, but if you want to sound more polite consider: If you are not the correct person would you please direct me to someone who is able to help me? 虐める の類義語 虐める=「いじめる」とも読みますが、「しいたげる」のほうがよく使います。 あるいは「虐待」もよく使われます。 「いじめる」と読む場合は単純に「ことさら厳しく扱う様子」と辞書にはあります。 「苛める」は学校のいじめ等にあてる漢字です。 辞書には「弱いものを ...

2025.01.22 20:48 b1t5 Descartes bullied by 4channer

Descartes bullied by 4channer submitted by b1t5 to SpeedOfLobsters [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 HoJSimpson953 [Swatch] First ever watch vs Latest Watch

[Swatch] First ever watch vs Latest Watch So I found my first ever watch at my parents place. I bought a new battery, popped it in and it just worked. After nearly 28 years. Funnily, I also realized that my daily driver and my first watch are both Swatch. Let's see if the Moonswatch holds on as long lol
submitted by HoJSimpson953 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 EveningLibrarian5040 26 who wants to play elden ring or gta?

hi im 26 looking for people around my age to game with. i can help u with elden ring(or any souls game) or we can do heists on gta. i have a mic btw
submitted by EveningLibrarian5040 to PSNFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 BarbieandAriellover Do you feel guilty when you sell a doll sometimes?

Sooo since November I decided to start selling some of the dolls that I wasn't 100% attached to... in order to declutter but also to save some money for some of my grail dolls. But I notice sometimes I feel guilty when I am selling a doll.... almost like I am betraying them in a way?
In an ideal world I think I'd have a huge house and unlimited cash so I'd never have to part with a doll.
I wonder if anyone else ever felt this way too? Let me know of your experiences!
submitted by BarbieandAriellover to Dolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 moreissuesthanvoguex Alison Brie Style Highlights

Alison Brie Style Highlights submitted by moreissuesthanvoguex to whatthefrockk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Round_Scene5607 Peritonsillar Abscesses

Hello all, i am needing some advice so about 3 weeks ago I got an upper respiratory infection i went to the doctor and got antibiotics and cough syrup which cleaned everything up or so I thought. About a week of not being sick anymore i started to develop tonsillitis, i went to the doctor again got tested for mono, strep, covid and the flu all negative and got diagnosed with viral tonsillitis. It was about a week later and I noticed my symptoms becoming worse long story short i ended up in the hospital because i felt like my throat was closing. I got admitted into the hospital because the ct scan showed a Pea size Peritonsillar Abscesses. Therefore it was to small for surgery. So the doctors decided on iv antibiotics and steriods. I was in there for a week and the meds seemed to be working and also continued oral antibiotics for another 8 days after being released, i have had 0 issues until this morning my left tonsil is swollen again! And painful and overall not a pretty sight. There is a white patch but more looks like a bubble? Well it looks like a pea! Anywoo i have never had issues with my tonsils before and I'm 26 year old female. I go back to the doctor on Monday but my question is. Should I just ask the ENT doc to just take them out completely?? I am so tired of going through this and I'm tired of the antibiotics. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Round_Scene5607 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 raincloudrex 4⭐️ trades have vs LF

4⭐️ trades have vs LF submitted by raincloudrex to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 vordaze I cant believe those dirty Bidenists stole it again! [Schizo]

I cant believe those dirty Bidenists stole it again! [Schizo] submitted by vordaze to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 PieProfessional8270 Parking permits for lots near California veteran's affairs?

I'm interested in a position in the same vicinity as veteran's affairs. I notice a lot of the parking is permit only (some specific to calvet, some not), but how do you get said permits? Assuming I land a job there, do I get put on a waiting list? How much are the permits?
submitted by PieProfessional8270 to CAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Ambitious_Cover_3343 To whoever owned their defender for 5+ years: what has it been like?

To whoever owned their defender for 5+ years: what has it been like? I’ve always been allured to having a Defender. I have a 4Runner and this is probably the only off road SUV I’d get other than the 4R.
To those that have owned one for multiple years, please do tell me about what it’s been like! What do you like, dislike? What should new and proespective owners look out for?
(I took this image when I last visited the Netherlands)
submitted by Ambitious_Cover_3343 to LandroverDefender [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Hi2248 Recent events

Hi there,
Due to recent political events, I'm sure that many will find themselves under increased pressure -- both socially and legally. This will have an effect on many people's mental health, and I'm worried that it will affect many people on this sub. Please, if any of you find yourselves in such a situation, reach out, whether that's to someone you know, or the Welfare Defence Front that's recently been set up.
Just remember that you aren't alone, and that people do care about you.
submitted by Hi2248 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 primosupplyco Is this Montcler kids jacket legit?

submitted by primosupplyco to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 DaBoiLolXD Is this valid?

Is this valid? Reasoning:
Armoury and TV Station are really dense with loot and typically are more rewarding than any other maps. They also create some of the best PvP I have ever experienced with every lobby feeling alive with or without quick kits(unless TV turned into rat station)
Farm has... okay loot at best but aside from that there is little reason to invest in the map as you are typically greeted with naked mosins/sj16 or t6 squads with thermals and due to the recent patch the map feels more empty and raids are more boring and even if you do find some players say in motel they are most likely quick kits/ timmys. Also quite a few spawns are really poorly designed
Valley is just so bad I have a total of 2 games on that map, loot isn't worth it and PvP is entirely thermal dependant 💀💀
I'll probably update this when Northridge comes out, this is all just off my personal experience though
Farm deserves more justice 🙏🏿🙏🏿
submitted by DaBoiLolXD to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Icy-Pomegranate-4389 I finally did it..GC3 :D

This reddit really helped me a lot on this. I have managed to reach GC3 for the first time ever.. glad i've reached this. What should i be expecting on my journey to SSL?
submitted by Icy-Pomegranate-4389 to RocketLeagueSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 foxhruby_aka_Ruby Looking for offers/swaps! If you need more info or you are interested in one comment below!

Looking for offers/swaps! If you need more info or you are interested in one comment below!
submitted by foxhruby_aka_Ruby to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Bretzelking Need help with components (building new gaming Pc)

I am theory crafting on a PC I want to build. I intended not to spend more than a 1k € while still being able to play all the modern games for the next 10 years.
This is what I cam up with:
I am really new to this and don't know whether the different components will interfere with one another or cause compatibility issues. Trying to use chatgpt for general guidance but then its not always the most accurate.
If anyone can see any obvious mistakes or maybe knows similar reliant opinions for less money please let me know. It would help me greatly.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Bretzelking to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Aadi9116 M26, Right hand Dominant, any general readings or predictions? Would love to know about my career and love life :) thanks

M26, Right hand Dominant, any general readings or predictions? Would love to know about my career and love life :) thanks submitted by Aadi9116 to palmistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Wooden_Principle_844 Trabalhar no banco laranja

Participei de um processo para desenvolvedor back-end no ITAU(banco laranja) e acabei passando, o aumento de salario não é gigante mas tem, mas minha duvida é, algum dos senhores ja trabalhou ou trabalha la? Como é o dia a dia mesmo? Pergunto isso pq papinho de recruiter falando que é tudo lindo e maravilho é difícil de comprar.
ps: Eu ja estou ciente quanto a burocracia em geral que existe em banco. Minha duvida é mais na questão do dia a dia.
submitted by Wooden_Principle_844 to brdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Famous-Studio-4886 Need a new hairstyle

Need a new hairstyle submitted by Famous-Studio-4886 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Bulacano Oh no my queen?!

Oh no my queen?! submitted by Bulacano to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Kennediiiie SHEIN for SHEIN, do mine and I’ll do yours thank youuuu🥰

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by Kennediiiie to sheincodeshares [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Nate_Doge XRP Futures Expected to Go Live on CME Feb 10

“CME just added XRP and SOL futures page to their staging subdomain. Page says XRP and SOL futures are going live on Feb 10 pending regulatory review. Looks like they are preparing for the official announcement. Brace for paradise.”
submitted by Nate_Doge to XRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 NevWeezy Had to ask a HF worker for them to look in the back but package secured. Let’s compare them to the snap on now…

Had to ask a HF worker for them to look in the back but package secured. Let’s compare them to the snap on now… submitted by NevWeezy to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Overtone99 15 februari - Middag van het Fantastische Boek. Ervaringen?

Over 3,5 weken is in de bibliotheek van Utrecht de Middag van het Fantastische Boek. Ik leerde er zelf over door mijn deelname aan de Harland verhalenwedstrijd, maar ik twijfel of ik ernaartoe ga (iets met een drukke agenda).
Wat zijn jullie ervaringen van voorgaande edities? Hoe groot is de boekenmarkt? Hoe verhoudt het zich (bijvoorbeeld) tot Fantastic Reads in Tilburg? En hoe zal de anderhalf uur durende uitreiking van de Harland Award eruit zien? Mis ik iets als ik als deelnemer niet ernaartoe ga? Ik maak me in ieder geval geen illusies dat ik win met mijn eerste deelname.
submitted by Overtone99 to fantasyNederland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Gatlingun123 A Guide to Builds

Please take this with a grain of salt, as I’m making this short guide based on my experiences with the game..
There are 3 main kinds of monsters, each with their strengths and weaknesses.
Glass Cannons: these monsters have low health, but high agility and accuracy, with medium to high damage. These are best used to either snipe a KOTH position for easy coin, or in the daily challenge where damage matters more. For these monsters, invest into the eyestones for higher accuracy, and a secondary attack with high accuracy, such as the weekly daggers or the weekly special orbs. Avoid using the heart stones as the health rise is extremely negligible at that low of a health level.
Balanced monsters have more health than the glass cannons, but less power, agility and accuracy. These are best used as jack of all trades, due to their level of customization. You can invest in damage to have a monster that is capable of taking on glass cannons and walls, or invest in health to use them as guardians of a KOTH slot.
Tanks are monsters with high health, and low agility, damage and accuracy. These are best used to hold spots at KOTH, as their high health gives them the durability to land their less accurate attacks. Invest in their health with heart stones for more durability, and also have a high accuracy secondary attack that monsters are commonly weak to. The damage might be low, but it gives them more consistency in longer battle, especially against glass cannons. An eyestone might also be nice.
Also, when thinking about the secondary attack, keep in mind this game is not like Pokemon. The monsters are AI generated and therefore it’s impossible to account for everything at once. Instead, look at the trends in your KOTH lobbies and go from there. It’s nigh impossible to maintain a slot the entire game, so just have fun with it. I hope this helps.
submitted by Gatlingun123 to warcodes [link] [comments]