Connie and Wyatt didn't expect my cunning

2025.01.22 23:55 Adventurous-Long-673 Connie and Wyatt didn't expect my cunning

Connie and Wyatt didn't expect my cunning submitted by Adventurous-Long-673 to TXChainSawGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Cautious_Security_68 You want the veil Gone? you want the matrix ended? you have to command it so.

like it or not there is a principality that steals our power of belief to keep the veil of ignorance and deception over our eyes so that our minds engage in a false matrix of this is life on earth. there is no authority on this earth other than the authority God source , the power of manifestation is in us. and the only source of power for this false reality come from it deceiving us into false beliefs.
that principality is consumption of energy to its core and cannot invoke any powers other than it steals from us in false things, you want it gone? youre going to have to realize the power you give it and take it back as well as the authority you lent it via deception. in christ or as one in our ascended being as one on God or the power of manifestation that all things are manifest of.
you want it? take it back, if you command its surrender, it must, that is divine law for the true station we hold in creation.
submitted by Cautious_Security_68 to awakened [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Disastrous_Ant3479 Feeling awful (sorry this is long)

Newly diagnosed
Im feeling absolutely terrible right now. I’ve mainly been on a bland diet since last Thursday to help because over Thursday and Friday I went to the toilet well over 40 times with blood.
My doctor told me to get a blood test at A&E on the Friday to check for an infection because he seems to think it’s that rather than a flare up. They haven’t returned yet so I’m stressed about that.
I had a pizza Sunday night to celebrate my birthday (as much as I could lol) felt pretty good the Monday and Tuesday but my baby symptoms have returned again today.
I return to university on Monday and I have to do a presentation so I really need to be in but I’m not sure I’m going to feeling like this.
I’m struggling a lot coming to terms with all of this, constantly worrying I’ll get kicked out for all the time I have taken off albeit it’s not my fault. I love my uni course, it’s one of the only things keeping me occupied and getting me out of the house. I’m worried work will get fed up with me and sack me. I’m not eating much at all because I’m scared of upsetting my body and I’m probably losing weight despite being pretty skinny as it is at 58kg and being 5”11.
I’m quite lucky to say this at 22 but I feel like I’m at rock bottom for the first time in my life, no motivation and no idea what to do.
Any advice and support will help massively
submitted by Disastrous_Ant3479 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Soronya Yeah the UR suits are cool I guess but have you seen the new Styling Competition suit because IT'S GORGEOUS

Yeah the UR suits are cool I guess but have you seen the new Styling Competition suit because IT'S GORGEOUS
submitted by Soronya to Shining_Nikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 mike3run Liquid mycorrhizae, would recommend :)

Liquid mycorrhizae, would recommend :) submitted by mike3run to microgrowery [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Man_B3ar_Pig Sorry to sound like a broken record, NY? NJ?

Hey all, sorry to sound like a broken record but it’s hard to follow all these different posts and comments. Has anyone in the NYC / NJ area seen blackberry yet?
(I’m in Tom’s River (right off the 9) but I travel to Clifton for work, and I go to Staten Island almost every week)
submitted by Man_B3ar_Pig to DrPepper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Adventurous-Nose-183 Pirates of the Caribbean Online collection: update

Pirates of the Caribbean Online collection: update I have aquired a fine addition to my Pirates of The Caribbean Online collection.
An E3 coin! Given out at the 2006 E3 event which was when POTCO was shown off in a small area!
submitted by Adventurous-Nose-183 to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Bedrockuser If you could only choose one of these games to get a remaster which one would you pick.

If you could only choose one of these games to get a remaster which one would you pick. submitted by Bedrockuser to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Hopeful_Yogurt_7206 Road to masters on Apex legends

Road to masters on Apex legends My friend and I are looking for a solid third to squad up with in Apex. We’re both experienced players—he’s in Platinum 1 and I’m in Diamond 4—and we’re both based in Austin, TX, playing on PS5. We prefer to stay in party chat for communication and need someone who knows how to communicate effectively during pushes and rotations. Ultimately, we’re just looking for a teammate with good game sense and solid decision-making. If you’re down for some serious games, hit us up
submitted by Hopeful_Yogurt_7206 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Artur0905 Why did Batman and Gordon just leave Oz “free”?

So I’ve been rewatching some Batman movies. The Batman (2022) is my favourite. But I came across this scene and it bugs me a little bit.
You know, Oz was at a shootout, he causes GREAT damage on a car chase, but ultimatly both Gordon and Batman decide to leave him handcuffed and free. Why?
Now, here’s what I always thought happened: first, there was no concrete proof Oz did anything, so they might not be able to prosecute him. Second, Oz is a known guy on the GCPD, so he would probably just me set free instantly with a pat on the back by the corrupt cops and the blame would be tossed to Batman. So it would have been a waste of time. Because of that, both Gordon and Batman decided to make him pay a little bit in the way they could make him pay.
Am I wrong? Am I right? Do any of you have any other explanation? Just to make sure. Still love the movie, I’m just bugged over this simple detail and the fact that it isn’t really brought up ever again in the film. Though there were more serious situations going on, like the Serial Killer, Wayne Tower exploding, the constant uncertainty over Batman and of he’s a good guy ir a bad guy. Could have just been shown offscreen. And maybe Oz made his way to hide the situation. What do you guys think?
submitted by Artur0905 to TheBatmanFilm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 burtzev The Tesla Bubble and Casino Capitalism

The Tesla Bubble and Casino Capitalism submitted by burtzev to LeftWithoutEdge [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 campmatt A reminder…you won’t be quietly respected.

submitted by campmatt to CanadianIdiots [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 themodrooflady VV6 - Frog if Pyramid

How do I find the right spot to drop the x3 master spiritualist to pray away the from. I'm at a complete loss
Thx in advance
submitted by themodrooflady to VirtualVillagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Head_Huckleberry936 H-1B approved with I94 (COS) despite visa waiver program status at time I-129 was filed

I have a weird situation. My company sponsored my H-1B extension while I was doing some business meetings for another unrelated company (unpaid of course) in the States and it was approved in premium processing. The I-797 notice has an I94 number on it with duration of stay for the entire H-1B validity period. I am still in the U.S. on ESTA (which does not allow change of status). I plan to return to my home country for visa stamping before original admission period ends, BUT:
Does this mean that I am already on H-1B status and that I could theoretically just stay in the U.S. without stamping as long as I don’t travel?
Will this lead to any confusion at the Consulate or POE ?
Interestingly, the I94 number on the I-797 is the same as on my online I94 number on the CBP website.
Please advise
submitted by Head_Huckleberry936 to askimmigration [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Regular_Bee_5605 LEOs: what are your thoughts in general on correctional officers and the rigor or lack thereof for becoming one compared to LE?

I don’t know how to put it delicately, but when I browse police subeddits I’m impressed with the maturity and professionalism of the users. I checked out a major CO subreddit, and it was… quite different in that regard. It made me wonder if perhaps law enforcement has a higher bar and more rigorous selection process than the CO profession.
submitted by Regular_Bee_5605 to police [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Normal-Elephant1268 Somebody got the link to this stone island coat or similar

Somebody got the link to this stone island coat or similar submitted by Normal-Elephant1268 to CNfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Red_Crystal_Lizard Im new and looking for help.

Im new and looking for help. I’m looking to build my first army as a Dark Angel successor chapter(hence no named characters) id really love to hear some advice from my brothers
submitted by Red_Crystal_Lizard to DarkAngels40k [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Distinct-Cod2652 Aubrey Plaza

Aubrey Plaza submitted by Distinct-Cod2652 to CelebLBDs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Pinoy-Cya1234 Deal breaker? Maharlika Fund demanding up to 4 board seats for 20% stake in NGCP

Deal breaker? Maharlika Fund demanding up to 4 board seats for 20% stake in NGCP Sino Kaya ang mga shareholders ng NGCP?
submitted by Pinoy-Cya1234 to newsPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 omiranhaazul I'm trying to put a external receiver on a meteor 75 pro erls

I am from a country that's really herd to get drone parts so I actually only have the option to buy a erls because of the price and now I need to change to frisky do you guys have any tips or a tutorial how can I do it? (Sorry for the bad English i am learning)
submitted by omiranhaazul to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 SaltChange0 Am I doing something wrong??

Am I doing something wrong?? I’m on level 41 and feel like my wildlife should be getting me farther in harvesting. I’ve noticed that no matter how long it’s been since I’ve been in the game, it always says I have like 20 rested and 8 active. There’s no timer under the birdhouse to signify anyone is still resting and yet it says I have over a hundred still resting. Do I need more houses??
submitted by SaltChange0 to MergeGardens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 sinocommas H: Rare Displayable Misc W: Leader Offers

submitted by sinocommas to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 PalpitationNo6202 Qui est le nouveau secrétaire d’Etat pour la défense Marco Rubio ? Conséquences pour l’Europe

Voici une courte analyse (reddit n’étant pas trop adapté pour de longs articles).
Pour celles et ceux qui ne le connaissent pas, il est sénateur Républicain en Floride depuis 2010. Il a été proche du Tea Party à un moment donné dont il s’est éloigné à cause de divergences sur l’immigration en juin 2013. En effet il avait promu et fait voté une loi transpartisane comme la régularisation puis la naturalisation de plus de 11 millions d'immigrés clandestins, avec en même temps le durcissement de la sécurité aux frontières, par exemple !
Sur l’économie et le social, il est très conservateur, il est provie, opposé à la neutralité du net etc. Enfin du grand classique sur lequel je ne vais pas m’étendre.
Pour revenir à sa nomination par Trump au poste stratégique de secrétaire à la défense, ce n’est pas anodin pour différentes raisons : 1- le transatlantisme de Rubio :
En décembre 2023, il a fait voter une loi transpartisane avec le sénateur démocrate Tim Kaines interdisant à un président des usa de pouvoir sortir unilatéralement de l’otan. Désormais toute sortie de l’otan doit obtenir les 2/3 des voix des sénateurs
Et entre 2019 et 2022, il avait déjà œuvré pour multiplier legislativement des gardes fous pour diminuer le risque d’une sortie des États-Unis de l’otan.
Marco Rubio est donc un secrétaire d’état de défense très pro-OTAN et il aura cœur à influencer Trump pour renforcer les liens transatlantiques mais pas comme autrefois !
2- les 3 courants idéologiques s’affrontant aux US sur le rôle des USA dans le monde :
Les restrainers ou isolationnistes prône une politique d’isolationnisme pour ne plus détourner les États-Unis de leurs affaires intérieures et domestiques, il’s’agit de réduireau maximum les dépenses militaires a l’essentiel, assurer la sécurité intérieure et extérieure des usa sans ne plus intervenir dans le monde. Ce courant est très fort au sein du peuple MAGA mais n’est pas majoritaire et partagé par la majorité des citoyens américains.
Le 2eme courant, appelé les « primacists », défend une conception très interventionniste des États-Unis, pour protéger leurs intérêts, et diffuser les valeurs démocratiques dans le monde. Ce courant a fait le plein de sa force jusqu'à la fin de la guerre froide et s’est bcp affaibli depuis la fin de la guerre froide, la population d’origine européenne aux USA étant passé de 60% en 1940 à 40% aujourd'hui, est entre autres un facteur explicatif comme l’est le fait que les Américains n’ont plus un ennemi idéologique clairement identifiable comme les communistes !
Enfin, un 3ème groupe, les « prioritisers » sont pour l’interventionnisme des États-Unis dans les affaires courantes du monde mais en prioritisant les objectifs géopolitiques américains en fonction des intérêts du pays, comme se préparer à un futur conflit (économique et / ou armée) dans le pacifique avec la Chine, en abandonnant l’idée d’intervenir coûte que coûte pour continuer à défendre un ordre international basé sur des valeurs démocratiques.
Barack Obama et Joe Biden font partie de ce courant ainsi que Marco Rubio. Les prioritisers sont transpartisans et dépassent les clivages politiques Démocrate et Républicain. C’est celui qui a le plus d’écho dans la classe politique américaine (hors MAGA) et le mieux accueilli par l’opinion publique américaine.
Ceci explique qu’il aurait été difficile pour Trump de nommer un isolationniste à ce poste clé de secrétaire de la Défense car il n’aura pas pu être adoubé par le Sénat alors que Marco Rubio a été validé et confirmé à son poste à l’unanimité par le Sénat.
3- la doctrine Rubio :
La doctrine de Rubio se résume en 3 phrases qu’il a prononcé au sénat lors du vote de confirmation à son poste :

Cela rend-il l'Amérique plus sûre ? Cela rend-il l'Amérique plus forte ? Cela rend-il l'Amérique plus prospère ?
Que veut dire Rubio par ces 3 phrases. Les interventions des États Unis et son implication dans l’otan ne se justifieront plus par la défense idéologique d’un pays face à un ennemi idéologique comme lors de la guerre froide. Elles se justifieront que si les usa ont un intérêt geostrategique et si celui-ci devient prioritaire par rapport à la Chine.
Et en même temps, Rubio est conscient que l’Europe ne peut pas être abandonnée face à l’alliance militaire Chine / Russie /Iran qui se profile à l’horizon pour imposer un nouvel ordre international au nez et à la barbe des États-Unis.
Cependant, la priorité numéro 1 depuis la première présidence de Barack Obama est de renforcer la protection de la zone Indo-Pacifique en se desengageant du continent européen.
4- Conséquence pour l’europe : ceci explique les coups de semonce de Trump contre les alliés de l’otan.
Derrière Marco Rubio œuvre pour que l’Europe se renforce militairement pour pouvoir désengager une grande partie des ressources militaires américaines (tout en maintenant un minimum pour assurer la coordination de l’otan) afin de la redéployer dans le pacifique où la menace chinoise devient de plus en plus importante militairement.
Donc Rubio pousse l’Europe à renforcer sa puissance militaire pour être capable d’assurer sa sécurité militaire seule et avoir une force de projection armée sur différents theatres (comme l’Afrique ou l’est de l’europe). L’Europe pourra toujours compter sur le parapluie nucléaire des États-Unis, au cas où, mais plus trop sur ses soldats US (qui auront probablement bcp a faire au pacifique) s’il y a à sécuriser militairement des pays comme l’Ukraine.
Tous ces appels à ce que l’Europe passe son budget militaire à 5% du pib pour être prêt à un conflit armée avec la Russie ou l’Iran etc.
submitted by PalpitationNo6202 to SalonDesDroites [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 Weak-Door-5106 John Denver (More Country Acts Please)

John Denver (More Country Acts Please) submitted by Weak-Door-5106 to rockhall [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:55 SaucyPenny In light of recent posts, I'm still OK with 7,50€ per month... But go over that? Won't be renewing 🦀

In light of recent posts, I'm still OK with 7,50€ per month... But go over that? Won't be renewing 🦀 submitted by SaucyPenny to 2007scape [link] [comments]