Issues with contacting CC customer service

2025.01.22 22:05 Fragrant_Ad_5297 Issues with contacting CC customer service

Trying to talk to a regular human after, my first late payment, to discuss settlement options. Every number I call is the same automated robot which then redirects me to a "representative." The phone will ring twice and then I get an answering service that says the office is closed and hours are Mon - Fri from 7a to 10pm CST. I live in EST so I know they aren't closed - this has happened with five numbers. Even the one the company left in the voicemail asking me to call them.
I haven't seen anyone with this particular issue when I searched for it. Anyone have any ideas or experience the same thing?
submitted by Fragrant_Ad_5297 to citibank [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 manzin82 Anyone running a Stillen rear strut bar? Heard these are rare I got it for cheap

Anyone running a Stillen rear strut bar? Heard these are rare I got it for cheap submitted by manzin82 to 350z [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Mari_caca Can I call myself mixed?

I’m half Irish and half polish, can I call myself mixed or do I need a black parent to be able to call myself mixed?
submitted by Mari_caca to starterpack [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 leah-leah Are my teeth roots okay?

Are my teeth roots okay? Hi all this is my most recent X-ray from 2 months post op. I’m wondering if anyone in here can tell me if my teeth roots look okay? I’m slightly worried about my upper front teeth as they seem quite short to me :/
submitted by leah-leah to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 audiodevcon The Audio Developer Conference is at NAMM!

Headed to u/NAMMShow? Drop by booth 15111 to learn how you can sponsor and participate in the 10th anniversary u/audiodevcon.The Audio Developer Conference returns to Bristol UK and online 10-12 Nov. Join us! #developer #programmer #programming
submitted by audiodevcon to audiodevcon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Crazy_Bug7450 W: pepper H: Most things, open for suggestions

I'd like to buy 100-1000 pepper, for mods, caps, recourses or other
submitted by Crazy_Bug7450 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 boundfortrees Trump’s Gender Order Won't Affect Existing Passports — Unless They’re Renewed

Trump’s Gender Order Won't Affect Existing Passports — Unless They’re Renewed submitted by boundfortrees to transgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 artsii-ghost What are some of the more commonly-known or stereotypical traits of autism that you don't relate to?

I've suspected that I have autism for years now... and after getting an ADHD and anxiety diagnosis, along with getting on meds, it's basically made me realise how many autistic traits I didn't know I had.
But here are some more common traits that I don't relate to:
1. "Avoiding eye contact"... sure, it seems difficult sometimes (especially with teachers I'm not comfortable with or strangers). But otherwise I'm pretty good at eye contact! My eye contact doesn't feel forced at all and it feels natural to meet someone else's eyes.
2. "Hating touch"... I'm basically the opposite. Around my family I've always hugged and snuggled and all that, I used to be obsessed and always wanted to be up in their personal space. But that's been a lot less lately... possibly due to masking and holding myself back a lot more because they feel uncomfortable? I'm not totally sure.
3. "Delayed speech"... I didn't have delayed speech when I was younger. I guess I didn't know how to say my R's until later, but I think that's mostly because my parents didn't realize it was something they needed to teach me, instead they just thought "oh that's cute" and moved on (they figured it out eventually and helped me talk correctly)
4. "Speaking in a monotone voice". If anything, I talk the opposite! I tend to over-exaggerate my speech based on the emotion I'm feeling. I also have echolalia, so the mixture of really a bubbly voice and repeating what someone else is saying tends to get annoying xD Which is why I only do it at home. Doing it in public would be hella embarrassing.
submitted by artsii-ghost to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 ScentAdvice HEARTSTRINGS (2025) • SKYLAR

HEARTSTRINGS (2025) • SKYLAR submitted by ScentAdvice to newfragrances [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 NerdySanda Are you guys optimistic about our future?

This may get a little political but I am actually kinda interested how optimistic you guys currently see and look on everything that will eventually lie ahead of us :)
submitted by NerdySanda to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Humble-Size5723 MARTYN 3024 Feb 8th

Just announced Saturday February 8th Martyn
Tickets live
submitted by Humble-Size5723 to TorontoRaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 worldnewsbot Science has a reproducibility crisis on its hands, and biomedical researchers believe the infamous “publish or perish” research culture is behind it. Over 70% could not reproduce another scientist’s experiment. More than 62% attributed irreproducibility in science to “publish or perish” culture.

Science has a reproducibility crisis on its hands, and biomedical researchers believe the infamous “publish or perish” research culture is behind it. Over 70% could not reproduce another scientist’s experiment. More than 62% attributed irreproducibility in science to “publish or perish” culture. submitted by worldnewsbot to theworldnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Canuckulhead Nominees pack error.

I bought 1. It charged my coins twice, and sent a 2nd pack to my inbox.
And to make it worse, I got 2/3 the same, and were females.
Fuck me.
submitted by Canuckulhead to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Sharp_Base_4666 W Circuit vs Salkantay Trek

How does the Salkantay trek compare to the W?
I did the W last year, Chalten day hikes the prior year, and the Inca trail decades ago.
I am considering a Salkantay lodge to lodge trip this year (I need wifi at night to be accessible due to some family issues) - but I'm concerned about the level of difficulty.
How much more difficult is the Salkantay trek than the W? Is it doable?
I'm 67 and would be in reasonable condition prior to the trek, but some of the reviews I've read concern me. If I go, I will probably book through Mountain Lodges of Peru and would only need to carry a day pack while hiking. The W was not a problem for me. I only carried a day pack on the trail and stayed in refugios.
submitted by Sharp_Base_4666 to Patagonia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Anmol-DIT-INDIA Wanna live year 2025 to the fullest under 15k monthly budget

15k - 7k( rent +laundry) = 8k is what I left with in my pockets.
Let me clarify that half of 8k is spent upon food.( 3 times meal. Quality is not so good not so bad).
Considering these facts. What are your suggestions for me so that I can live my installment life to the fullest.
Remaining amount is capped at hardly 3k to 4k/month
Currency is INR.
submitted by Anmol-DIT-INDIA to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 IVAPEBARE App login

App login Is anyone else still having issues logging into the app? I don’t have the right tokens apparently and shit fucking sucks
submitted by IVAPEBARE to FellasPodcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 ThumbWind Camping Near Houghton Lake Mi - 10 Notable and Unique Camping Areas

Camping Near Houghton Lake Mi - 10 Notable and Unique Camping Areas Who doesn’t want to go camping? With summer approaching, camping has become more desired than ever. This is especially the case in the state of Michigan. With natural sites and amazing landmarks, it’s no wonder some people like camping near Houghton Lake Mi.
submitted by ThumbWind to thumbwind [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 nufan99 Bayern may have caught up, but haven't passed us yet

Bayern may have caught up, but haven't passed us yet submitted by nufan99 to borussiadortmund [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 PeteTradez Confidence building win

A teacher once said to me “the hardest time to follow your plan is when you’re on a losing streak”. It is tempting to want to change. To reconsider what you are doing. But this is the time when following your plan matters most. When you really need follow your plan. Keep it as stupid simple and distilled as possible. So simple that even the 12 year old version of yourself could follow.
And once your very best trade is simple and easy to follow - just keep following it. It will work out.
Jack Schwager wrote about this in Market Wizards, and I’ve heard countless other teachers like Lance B, Al Brooks, and Linda Raschke say the same thing. Just stick to the basics.
Now if you’re never put in the work back testing, then you have a different problem. Then you won’t trust your plan. So if you are experienced and have a plan, the first part applies. But if you are new and don’t have a real plan - well then you shouldn’t be trading live at all. Or if you do, you should be trading the smallest size possible till you know what you’re doing.
If you fall into the experienced camp, there is one time when it’s actually acceptable and encourage to change your plan though. This is if you have identified, through a collection of data points, that part of you plan, be it a set up or trade you take, is in fact not a good trade and is impeding your performance. This is when you want to make a tweak. But by and large, if you already have a plan that’s working - just stick to it. Don’t doubt. Don’t reconsider. Just simple. Forget the past. Start with a clear mind, and execute.
Best of luck to you!
submitted by PeteTradez to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Deriv556 Do you think Americans will lose the right to gay marriage in the next 4 years?

I know that was a big thing republicans had been planning :/ now they have majorities in all 3 branches of govt do you think gay marriage will be challenged soon?
submitted by Deriv556 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Slow-Hyena-7361 only one year of difference

only one year of difference
submitted by Slow-Hyena-7361 to setups [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 kinstegi Transfer courses

Admissions always takes multiple days to respond to me so while I'm waiting I'd figured I'd ask around here to see if anyone else knows.
I took and passed calculus in 2023 at a different place and snhu seems determined to apply other courses I've taken above the calculus and make me take pre cal and calculus over again despite the calc course being valid due to "maximum credits being exceeded" even though my program is only showing as being 35% done which I find absolutely ridiculous and want to avoid because who exactly here wants to go through pre cal and calculus AGAIN after already completing it. Are we able to choose which course they prioritize to transfer? I'd rather have to redo some mundane course like English if I really have to.
submitted by kinstegi to SNHU [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 DarkSaber01 Kate & Baphomet Edit By NakedEstusMan

submitted by DarkSaber01 to Helltaker [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 Icy-Box-8561 ALIANÇA DE DESTINO

Assim, já não sois estrangeiros e peregrinos, mas concidadãos dos santos, e sois da família de D'us, edificados sobre o fundamento dos apóstolos e profetas, sendo ele mesmo, Cristo Jesus, a pedra angular; (...) a saber, que os gentios são COERDEIROS, membros do mesmo corpo e COPARTICIPANTES da promessa em Cristo Jesus por meio do evangelho; (Efésios 2:19–20, 3:6)
Moisés se sentia desconectado do seu povo. Ele era judeu por nascimento, mas não sofreu com seu povo. Não cresceu como judeu, não viveu entre judeus. Mesmo assim, ele acreditava que mediante o poder e a graça de D'us, podia participar com o seu povo em seu destino glorioso. Da mesma forma, tementes à Deus dentre as nações são UNIDOS à ESTA ALIANÇA DE DESTINO, ao propósito divino de SER LUZ PARA AS NAÇÕES e benção para todas as famílias da terra. Em Yeshua, não-judeus são feitos filhos de Abraão mediante a fé PARA QUE POSSAM COMPARTILHAR DA HERANÇA PREPARADA PARA ISRAEL, da missão divina de preparar o mundo para vinda do nosso REI e Salvador YESHUA!
submitted by Icy-Box-8561 to cristaos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:05 ThumbWind What Is Michigan Known For? - 41 Unbelievable Trivia Tidbits

What Is Michigan Known For? - 41 Unbelievable Trivia Tidbits We found this set of amazing little tidbits of obscure trivia on what Michigan is known for in the automotive, shipping and transportation area. We are always hunting for others Michigan trivia, so I expect this list to grow well beyond these.\ \
Classroom #Michigan #MichiganFirst #MichiganHistory submitted by ThumbWind to Michigan_History [link] [comments]